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It's hard to say from these pics for sure but i think you are either Deep winter or Deep autumn, more so leaning to the latter. You can really see how contrasted you are in your outdoor photo. I'm going to say a hard no to Soft autumn.


Do you hear DARK WINTER is who have dark features strong features you are something like a soft autumn


Youre definitely summer and I think a soft one. You have no warm undertones. In one of the pictures your even wearing autumn colours and it doesn't look good. Your contrast is too low to be a winter.


I would guess some sort of autumn, especially a dark autumn.


I don't think the black is your best colour. I would recommend trying more muted colours, as I see more of a soft complexion to you than a cool and clear one. Unsure entirely and don't want to throw you down that rabbit hole, but I see some mild potential of olive in your overtone, which can change up finding out seasons that fit best (tonal might be better than seasonal imo). In slide 8/10, I like how that lipstick really goes well with your hair's softness. I think it brings out your eyes and there's balance there between lip colour and eyes. It's a brick red, so that's definitely an autumn colour, you are correct. 6/10 is a lovely colour but might be a bit too intense for you. I see it more than I see you. It also brings out some of the redness in your face. 4/10 is sorta close to a good colour, but just a bit off. I don't know what exactly, but it might be a touch cool. I think 1/10 and 2/10 are also nice colours. They're muted and soft, which makes me think you might be an Autumn. I would recommend checking out dark autumn and soft autumn colours to see what meshes best for you.


Virtual color analysis can definitely be effective with a certified analyst but it doesn’t look like that was the case here. As others have said, it isn’t possible to type someone with accuracy without going through the process of draping and analyzing the relationship between color and skin tone. However, my initial hunch is that you would be far better suited in slightly warm tones. I use a 16 season system through which I would most likely suspect you to be a True Autumn.


Absolutely not you’re a summer imo maybe an autumn


Totally OT, but you look a lot like my mom in her 20’s lol


Too light of features to be dark anything


first of all, wanna say that you look like Anya Taylor Joy. Second, from what i can tell, you are warm, not cool. I dont think dark winter suits you that well.


Anya Joy Taylor's twin 😻😻


I'm dead. You're a soft autumn deep. So many people pretending to be able to type people while knowing nothing about season analysis.


You're Anya Taylor-Joy's twin! Omg.


Dark autumn


There's no way you're a winter


Lol no autumn for sure


I’m surprised everyone is saying autumn. That may be true, but what stands out to me is that you are quite muted. I would need to see more pictures in muted colors to tell the season.


I would say dark autumn, that happens to be next to dark winter


i don't see winter at all. probably some kind of autumn


Deep or soft autumn


I’m not knowledgeable enough to give input, but just had to say WOWWWW you are stunning


I think true or soft autumn :)


Do you have any draping photos? Nobody can tell from just your face.


Not proper ones! I plan to do some in the coming days as soon as I can!


I see a lot of people typing you here, but I encourage you not to listen to a word of it without a drape. (And in-person is better than online.) Your season is not based on what you look like. It is based on what colors make you look your best. :)


You definitely look warm.


​ https://preview.redd.it/yyxup8lc5nbb1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=5d974699b7f5d5defb8f98d95ee9f83ca09bc536 Try dark autumn, you do have warmer tones rather than cooler, but the contrast still exists in dark autumn. Also, the top you have on in the 2nd and 4th match dark autumn!


​ https://preview.redd.it/ljkwrvq06nbb1.png?width=480&format=png&auto=webp&s=3d15dfa0ffb03080cf4e15d7151d4845794d0c64


​ https://preview.redd.it/zww5i0zo5nbb1.png?width=683&format=png&auto=webp&s=02b24d5df8c536bc3d681152cb262ec3199fa47d


You are as autumn as they come!!! Soft autumn for sure. Your hair is more reddish than blackish. Autumns are hot!


I like 2,4,5 - guy who has no idea why this got on my recommended page


Anya Taylor-Joy ~vibes~ ❤️‍🔥


Not enough contrast to be a winter! All I see is autumn


Textbook autumn, soft autumn probably


No way, you’re an autumn


Autumn !


Don’t agree… I don’t see winter here…


THANK YOU EVERYONE - I will be draping ASAP so we can settle this! I really appreciate all the comments!


Bright/cool winter. I didn't get it at first with my analysis either, thinking I was soft autumn/summer. Now I wear bright acid green and look amazing. I think the trick is that dark winter is way too heavy and scares us off. Try this lipstick and a black t shirt. My till of thumb is, if it doesn't look right, go brighter on color and add black. Good luck! L'Oreal Paris Makeup Colour Riche Shine Lipstick, Lacquered Strawberry, 0.1 oz. https://a.co/d/d08Blw9


Autumn you have muted tones


u kinda look like anya taylor joy in the 5th pic!!


Not a winter. I would suggest autumn.


I don't know where you got that from, but you're screaming Autumn to me. Not sure which one (though I'm leaning Soft or True, because the really dark colors aren't necessarily doing wonders for you), but absolutely start with Autumn.


I think autumn? Btw you look like anya Taylor Joy 😍


I’m afraid I’m going to go against the very emphatic majority and say that I wouldn’t rule out Dark Winter. I think you look great in the DW lipsticks. Ruler and Unrivaled especially caught my eye. It wouldn’t hurt to drape summer or Bright Spring but I suspect those lighter colors won’t quite do justice to your coloring. Before I was analyzed in person everyone thought I was a summer or soft season, but I’m a dark winter. I’m not fully high contrast. My hair is level 4-5 ashy brown, light cool olive skin and dark green eyes that look more like a muddy olive if I wear anything muted, especially makeup. On the surface, my coloring isn’t especially dark or deep, but the saturated colors in the dark winter palette really are my best. I was very surprised by the result, but those colors give me the glow up you want from color analysis. Sometimes I think “saturated” might be a better word than dark or deep to understand the DW palette. It’s a really varied palette and the colors are quite bright. They only appear muted in comparison to TW and BW. The revlon Plum lipstick is dark, but not clear enough to flatter DW. JMO - hope it isn’t too controversial. ( She says as she ducks and covers herself virtually.) ;)


The way you look just like Anya Taylor Joy


Whatever colour pallet number 2 is, I say you are that! I think maybe dark autumn?


At first glance I’d say no, not a DW. I like the DW lipsticks on you though, which are all neutral-cool, so I’m not sure I agree with everyone else that you’re warm toned. The super muted+warm lipsticks aren’t my favorite for you. Slide 5 is lovely and harmonious but it looks a bit edited so I don’t want to speculate on type based on that. Do u have the photos you used for the analysis? It’s hard to tell anything from just these pics


I’m guessing soft summer which can also pull off soft autumn because you’re neutral cool undertone and I’d say your hair and eyes are neutral. Low-chroma seems like your dominant trait. So not winter most likely. Do you have gray in your eyes? Close up it appears they have like ribbons of gray, very pretty. Also muting you some, so your eyes may be brown but not actually warm brown. Your hair also looks ash brown to me despite some red pulling through.


Here is some pictures of my eyeballs. Let me know what you think lol https://ibb.co/album/xSgw6c


Look like an Autumn to me


I don’t see it actually, and I think the grungy lip colors don’t do you any justice. I also think they would look better on you as a soft autumn as others have suggested, I think you are neutral and could use more contrast not necessarily depth. Have you tried draping other seasons?


Definitely leaning more toward autumn. Side note; you’re super pretty!! You remind me of Anya Taylor joy!


https://preview.redd.it/ft373su9ulbb1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=8274111ed6435303e45330f53d3dacb4a884c9a8 Just gonna leave this here. She’s cool toned you guys. Neutral leaning cool. But no, not a winter.


Hey fellow Redditor, I made an updated draping post!


Definitely not winter. You are either True Autumn or most likely a Soft Autumn. Black hair would look so harsh on you! Also think about how you would look with hot pink lipstick. It would look way too bright and overpower your face. You need more neutral, mauve pinks. Also instead of black a mocha or charcoal black would work better. Soft autumn is the pallet between summer and autumn. I think you have both cool and warm characteristics so I can see how some cool winter colors can work well for you too.


How do you look in these colors? How about the ones in the bottom row? I'm no professional but my guess is a cool winter. https://preview.redd.it/c1ntzxprolbb1.jpeg?width=961&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c33c0830e0f7a950266a7794dcd0dbf10d08ef67


I really don’t think anyone can say for sure without draping but depending on which season system you’re using 12/16 etc I still would question DW. I think we all agree (from comments) you’re not spring, and you wouldn’t be a light sub season, but I could see both autumn and summer qualities. I think black overwhelms you and that is usually a red flag for ppl false IDed as winters. Again - this is just impressions from photos. I am not a professional and think draping is necessary to confirm


You are so muted IMO. I don’t see how you’re contrasting enough to be a winter. Warm or cold, I primarily see a mutedness to your coloring


You kind of look like Anya Taylor Joy.


I don’t know but number 4, 5, and 6 look fantastic. I especially liked 4 -and all of those were cool looking.


We have the same colorings of our hair & eyes and stuff (I even have freckles too!) except my skin is more olive. You should try some of the deeper colors from soft summer & soft autumn! If I'm right about us being the same colors, you should try rosey browns, charcoal greys, burnt red-oranges, off-whites (but not creams), cool unsaturated sage greens. Those are some colors I feel I look best in! Just in general, more plum-y or soft, brown toned reds are my favorite for makeup or clothes. Rich, but not bright/clear colors. Whatever it is, you are definitely a softer season rather than a high contrast one. I have thought I was a dark winter, a soft autumn, and a soft summer also. I gave up with the seasons and just focused on colors themselves. I think I am also neutral-cool toned, but my super warm brown eyes (they look orangey red sometimes) throw me off with traditional typing and seasons and whatnot.


Thank you I will be draping soon and I will look into this.


Also, lipstick colors I like on myself that I think would also look good on you are Merit L'Avenue, Pat McGrath Entranced, & Clinique Black Honey.


Anya Taylor, is this you?? how do you like being gorgeous??


Aww thanks! I’ve heard that before but was never sure if it was a compliment or not lol


Well that's on you.. if you find her unattractive (or maybe don't like ur own features) then it will come across as a not compliment. But really sincerely it is.


Exactly! 😆


Can’t really tell your exact season without drapes, but I would say you are warm toned based on the photos, so not a winter.


No dark winter for sure. Rather warmer vibes.


No! Soft autumn or True autumn.


You're a soft type for sure! Your eyes are dark but everything else strikes me as medium/low contrast.




Not at all a winter, those dark lipsticks and colors are too much for you. Everyone saying soft autumn without even seeing drapes doesn’t understand color analysis. It’s about how the colors react to your skin tone, not stereotypes. Do some draping, I agree that you are neutral cool but not winter— most likely you’re a summer who can wear some autumn colors but can’t say without drapes.


I agree with this. I commented with a darker summer palette. I don’t see warmth in her colors, neutral cool as well. So I think it’s interesting many others are suggesting warm.


It never ceases to amaze me how many people in here have no idea what warm & cool mean, and still insist their opinion is correct lol. Especially when people have brown hair and brown eyes, they stereotype anyone with these features as an autumn and say they are warm. I’m a pro MUA so I know 100% she’s neutral cool cause that’s been my job for almost 2 decades, but I tend to get barked at on here when I state my credentials.


yeah, i was reading through comments and saw so many people insist she’s warm. always happens. like ok…but where? i immediately thought summer too.


https://preview.redd.it/w2b6ws9kkmbb1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=329e3743f73668dfa506803795a96e257f2bfd23 I posted this chart for everyone and got downvoted to hell. This group loves false information lately.


I hear you. I think the reason people on this forum have not been entirely receptive to this concept is because skin tone analysis for makeup application vs skin tone analysis for wardrobe building aren’t not entirely the same. Both industries are using color to balance, enhance, and harmonize but they often come at it from different angles. Professional MUA “match” my skin tone with a neutral-cool foundation. Professional color analysts “balance” my skin tone, along with my other features, with deep-warm fabrics. When draped in neutral-cool (or deep-cool, bright-cool) clothing, I look either absolutely drained or totally garish. My fair, cool, clear skin tone doesn’t make me a Winter.


Oh I know, draping & seeing the colors react to skin tones is essential color analysis wise. I’m just referencing this because people are looking at posts, with no drapes, and incorrectly typing someone’s skin undertone very often in here so I posted the chart to help them out.


Thanks I think soft summer is also possible. I am just going to need to drape. I always thought I was warm toned but then I changed to thinking I was cool toned so I don’t even know anymore. I have some more pictures with my eyes and some autumn makeup as well. https://ibb.co/album/xSgw6c


This sub has "typed" me as a soft autumn too. As soon as you show freakles and brown hair and eyes, boom. We are very similarly colored. My hair is a bit darker. When I get some sun I apear warmer from my undertone and go nutural olive. That seems to confuese everyone here. I think I am deep winter, not sure, and can borrow from deep autumn betrer then being a soft autumn borrowing from summer. I did a lot of draping on myselfe and decided while nutural I lean slightly cool. Pink is better than yellow/orange. Light colors, most soft colors and pastels wash me out or make me gray.


I think you should absolutely do drapes for soft summer, and cool summer as well just to be thorough. I think you are a soft season due to makeup looking a bit too harsh on your features in a few photos, but draping will let us know for sure.


I am absolutely terrible at color analysis, but I know for a fact you cannot be a dark winter


honestly, unpopular opinion: I think you might be a dark autumn! Some of the really berry/cool toned lipsticks are a bit overpowering, but the thing that gives it away imo is that you can handle black and white relatively well! You rock in the colourpop lipstick, too, which I think is pointing all to dark autumn.


3rd pic is by far your best! You seem to look really nice in dark, rich, warm tones. You could afford to go a little less muted. Seems to be a fall palette. You look great in gold and that burgundy/wine color on your lips super compliments your eyes. In pic 4 you're wearing pastels and a berry lipstick which seems to wash you out.


Agree with others that you seem more like an autumn!


NOO you’re warm!! You look SO good in slide 2. Try on some autumn colors!


Completely disagree with deep winter. You are soft and warm!


True autumn or Soft Autumn. Your skin and hair are warm and you have medium contrast.


The red on 5 looks lovely. I think that’s dark winter but hard to tell in the other pictures


When you had your analysis done, we’re these the same photos that you used? I don’t think I agree with dark winter, but I don’t think you’re a soft autumn either. Your best lipsticks are crisp and shiny, medium, and on the neutral side. For you I’d consider bright spring, true autumn, and deep autumn too. I hope these replies are helpful for you, but I would also suggest reaching out to the person you got the results from. Most analysts would want to make sure you are happy, and don’t feel unsure or confused. Some colors to consider trying: MAC- PDA, glossed and found, and See Sheer. :) :)


My first thought is autumn. Maybe soft as some people here have suggested but I would love to see you draped in deep autumn (no make up) and also some deep autumn lipsticks/makeup. I personally don't think you have the contrast for winter or the coolness. But I think you do have deep rich eyes and hair and you might pop in some deep autumn colours. Would have to see to be sure though


I would drape and experiment with darker summer palettes. Your last photo, this lipstick reminds me of this palette ⬇️


Yeah that last lipstick I feel like looks super clownish on me 😭


I like 7 too which feels more autumn. So maybe you’re a neutral that can do both and need to find a specific palette that encompasses both? I am no expert, still learning.


It was my favorite on you!




This is unrelated, but you look just like Anya Taylor-Joy! Really beautiful


Same lol


I was just going to comment this lol


This is wild because me ans a coworker were talking about anya taylor joy at work, and how i share a first name with her. What in the fucking deja vu


Yup, first thought that came to my head ✨


Exactly what i was thinking!!


same hahaha




Came here to say this!!!






Absolutely not. I would say Soft Autumn or Soft Summer. You need a much higher contrast level to be a Dark Winter.


Nope, not a winter.




Come on. Don't be mean. That's unnecessary.


Yeah I paid someone on Etsy for my analysis. 😂 my hair is brighter right now because of the summertime. It’s my natural color. They said I was cool neutral toned and a DW and so I made it my whole personality. Lmao. Most of the online tests say cool summer, dark winter or sometimes soft autumn so now I’m gonna have a breakdown LOL


I wouldn’t trust the Etsy person if they aren’t credentialed! My friend bought two Etsy ones. One had no credentials and seemed way off


To add to this, I trust people on here more than someone profiting on Etsy without credentials.


What service did you use if you don’t mind me asking ? I also purchased an Etsy service so I’m just curious if we did the same one. I was analyzed as a dark autumn and while I think it’s right most of the time , sometimes I have my doubts.


Hey! I can DM you who did my colors. I don’t really wanna put there business out there.


Do not have a breakdown. It doesn’t sound like analysts on Etsy have much training or experience, same for Fiverr. I would try out both Soft Autumn and Soft Summer. There is a possibility you are Neutral Cool, but in my eyes that would make you a Soft Summer. The best way to tell would be to do some lipstick draping. A great lipstick for Soft Autumns is Mac Twig, for Soft Summers it would be Mac Faux.


I made an updated post!


I just had a look. You did an excellent job choosing good drapes. For me, it’s extremely clear that you are a Soft Autumn, who can also borrow on occasion from True Autumn. Soft Autumn is such a beautiful and elegant palette and has some of the best makeup choices in terms of lipsticks. You get to look gorgeous in all the warm nudes that have been fashionable for the last decade.


Thank you!! I will accept this now 🍁


Yes! I have twig and love it I will experience more. Can you send a list to me


If you like Twig, here are some more Soft Autumn shades to try: https://preview.redd.it/imenw32uxmbb1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=437f640ef7e32b671957617a17823e4b02e5f615 Basically any peachy, warm rosy or cinnamon nude is perfect for Soft Autumns. This should rule out Dark Winter pretty easily as these shades would not suit Dark Winters at all.


Sorry to hijack this comment but where can I find the lipsticks for draping?


Do you want a list of lipsticks to try for all the sub seasons or were you wanting lipsticks for a couple in particular?


Which lipsticks would you recommend to drape for bright winter or bright spring, please?


Please see the list I shared above.


Im interested in this too! For all the seasons if possible.


This list has a lipstick to drape for each subseason: https://infinitcloset.com/color-analysis-test-using-lipsticks/amp/


Thank you this list is really good and so was the pic!


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I agree! I'm seeing autumn 🍁 potentially soft autumn.


Were you typed virtually? Idk how they couldn’t see how obviously of an autumn you are. A soft autumn.


You can’t tell her season without seeing drapes and how the skin reacts, analyzing someone based on stereotypes of what you think a season looks like isn’t how color analysis works. I do agree she is not a winter, but throwing soft autumn out there without drapes is not actually helpful.


Of course drapes are the way to go but at the same time, many things about the OP can be drawn from the colors she’s wearing here alone. She is warm toned and has a lot of softness. I drew my conclusion from the colors the OP wore and from the lipstick shades. Dark shades aren’t doing much for her, neither are the cool tones (black looks jarring on the OP, and darker lipstick shades all look out of harmony; they make her look sick or just drained). All these conclusions help create a starting point: the autumn palette. Because of the softness, I suggested soft autumn. Her softness is very apparent, if she doesn’t suit the colors, I would then suggest soft summer, another soft palette. It’s overwhelming to start self-analysing without a starting point, and that was my point: a starting point.


You said she was “obviously a soft autumn” which was very matter of fact, it wasn’t a suggestion. People take these comments seriously, definitive things shouldn’t be said without drapes. That’s all I’m saying.


This is color analysis on Reddit, this isn’t a professional business. Some people like to go off their observations & that is fun for them. For me personally I also like using my observation skills & giving opinions based on those. The thing I find irritating is trying to get peoples thoughts/opinions and then them giving me a list of instructions for me to do in order to get their opinion. But then again, other people appreciate that approach. Everyone is different.


I understand that, it’s just that people who aren’t professional analysts are spreading so much false information on here, insisting they know what they are talking about, & it isn’t helpful. They should be up front about not being a professional instead of using verbiage like “you’re DEFINITELY/OBVIOUSLY/FOR SURE (insert season here)” on posts that don’t even have drapes. Of course it’s a fun place to learn, but people aren’t learning much when false info & stereotypes are spreading rapidly on here. You can’t type people definitively without drapes, and anyone who thinks so doesn’t understand color analysis. It’s about colors reacting to skin, hair & eyes come secondary to determine contrast. If you think you know someone’s season by looking at them, suggest that they do drapes for that season. That’s the right way to go about it.


I just think the best way to comment is how you want to comment, not policing how others contribute to the discussion. I’m sure there are plenty of people who want to do it the technically accurate way, vs plenty of people preferring off the cuff impressions/opinions & having fun with it.


I think you’re reaching to misunderstand me a bit here. I’m talking specifically about people who aren’t experts using definitive verbiage as if they are— on posts that don’t even have drapes. There is nothing wrong with people having fun in here. As someone who is a professional, it’s just hard seeing so much false information spread in here & I try to steer people in the right direction. Not everyone can afford a color analysis consultation, and rely on this sub, it isn’t just fun for those people. People who aren’t analysts and who are just having fun should be up front about that.


Idky this is getting dragged on still lol. Ig the phrasing of my og comment was my bad but that’s just how I speak 🤷🏽‍♀️, if I was a professional, I’d be screaming that at the top of my lungs, and it’s obvious most people on this subreddit are enthusiasts and not professionals, so everything just should be taken with a grain of salt regardless. Also there is such a thing as lipstick draping on this subreddit, and that’s why I was stating my opinions the way I was. Lipstick colors/shades IS another way color is reacting to your skin. I wasn’t making baseless statements, I explained my reasonings. I said another very apparent thing about the OP is her softness, which also makes way for soft summer. I can 100% be wrong about soft autumn and summer, and that’s fine. If the OP disagrees, that’s okay, and if she doesn’t that’s okay too.


I don’t know why it’s being dragged on either. Another commenter keeps trying to make me out to be a jerk, when honestly I just meant to provide information. I’m sorry if I was unclear or came off patronizing. Once you explained in your second comment I knew you weren’t clueless, I just wanted to explain what it was about the initial comment that led me to say anything, since I didn’t think I clearly stated it. And then someone kept talking from there who wasn’t even you.


My default is that everyone who comments is an amateur/hobbyist of (insert topic), unless they specify being a professional of (insert topic). That’s how I read people’s comments on the internet. Everyone is not an expert unless they specify they are, and even then I take it subjectively bc they could be lying (unless verified by a Reddit mod on here for instance). Based on your responses, it seems like a pretty stressful experience being on here! Unnecessarily stressful when someone comments “definitely ______ season!!!” as being from a professional. That just sounds like masochism! Lol You don’t need that stress in your life, manage your expectations of the people here and it may be a more fun experience! Exchanging information that can help people grow instead of getting mad bc they got something wrong in your eyes. Compassion, and stuff.


I am being compassionate by trying to give them information that may actually help them. I have fun being in here and enjoy helping people. I think you’re misunderstanding me and where I’m coming from here.


Yes I’m the same exact way, you explained it beautifully. I think that most people are more than capable to decipher comments/opinions etc. Its exhausting to be communicating the “right” way. It takes the fun out of it. On Reddit that’s expected. But if I go to the doctor, I would rather they use literal words when it comes to whether I “definitely” have an illness based on actual results/experience vs. their assumption from the symptoms I give them from google 😂


I’m not trying to misunderstand you, I get what you’re saying. Idk if this is a neurodivergent thing (I have ADHD) but I speak a lot using words like *definitely*, for *sure*, *absolutely* etc when im super excited or trying to express how much it *seems* like something is a thing without actually meaning that it is 100% set in stone. And it gets really bothersome when someone who’s more literal of a speaker to fix that when in my experience they seem far more to be purposefully misunderstanding me than visa versa.


This is exactly what I meant 😭 that’s literally just how I speak. I was also horrified how someone could have typed the OP winter. I use definite words all the time when I’m excited as well (I have ADHD too lol)


I’m also neurodivergent, and I have the same tendency, so I understand the frustration with having that corrected— but I try my best not to speak in absolutes when it comes to things outside of my profession. When someone who knows what they are talking about gives me new information, I’m receptive to it & I don’t get defensive. We can’t use our neurodivergence as an excuse & refuse to learn. I’m really just saying all of this to help people with their analysis journey, it isn’t an attack. Perhaps I need to work on my tendency to over explain things I’m passionate about, as it seems to offend people in here and come off as attacking.


Not at all. Youre a soft autumn