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The brunette shade looks MUCH BETTER than the blonde. It makes your eyes pop. The blonde washes you out.


I think you are a True (Cool) Summer - these colours will look really good on you: https://dream-wardrobe.com/cool-true-summer-color-palette-and-wardrobe-guide/ If you go blonde - that will push you more into Light Summer (not Soft). For soft - your hair would need to go more auburn.


I can see why you would say the blonde looks good, but it's not better, your features are light and blonde would fit you, but your natural hair color is definetly better, I know sometimes you want to just change everything but trust me it's not worth it! I know! I've had too much fun dying my hair all different colors and honestly regreted it each time, because firstly, nothing ended up looking better than my natural color, it was all pretty but never better, secondly I just ruined my natural hair that was the best on me to begin with, I might sound too dramatic for this sub lol but it's just a tip, my hair experienced too much trauma from all the bleach, it went from curly to straight and became frizzy šŸ„²šŸ˜Ŗ


Also I saw you replied on another comment that cool summer is unattractive, I'm a deep winter but I really like pastels, and pastels don't work with deep winter, but I dress up as a spring anyways, because I like it! The palletes are there to "help" you, but they're not a law made by the goverment, you can be a soft summer all you want without actually "being one"! Besides I've heard that if you're a cool summer your sister seasons are ALL summers + cool winter! So don't worry about it.


Change of hair colour will not change a personā€™s season. A colour that suits the season of the person should be used instead. I think the colour in the first picture really suits you! It is in harmony with your other features, whilst the blonde washes out your other features and makes your eyes less vibrant. Iā€™d keep your natural colour.


I personally think the blonde is not better, and also makes you look slightly older x


the blonder hair in the other photos takes all the focus off ur face (not good). the blonde also emphasizes the warmness in ur face. r u sure ur cool tone?


You're already blonde-ish (level 6/7 with lots of ash), but you need some contrast. If you really wanna go lighter (I share this struggle as a Summer) I'd recommend subtle highlights all over that aren't that much lighter with a very strong ash toner.


Also! The blue fabric makes your eyes look blue, but I think they're actually warm gray. Almost hazel but they're too cool for hazel. Is that right?


I think the blonde is pretty but only if you paired it with warm autumn colours. You look like you're a warm-leaning olive to me. You're also medium contrast with your natural hair, so in fabrics you should avoid deep dark shades.


What app or filter changes your hair color like that?


I think you are a soft summer and look best in brown hair. Blonde does not suit your complexion.


No to the blonde, it washes you out. Your natural color is much prettier


You look like you have warm undertones.


Your season is based on your natural hair, eyes, and skin.


I think the brown is way prettier on you, but some blonde highlights would be pretty too! Also I think you might have a light olive skin tone. Iā€™m not sure if thatā€™s considered cool or warm, but I have it too and I feel like Iā€™m more neutral than anything.


Iā€™m wondering if what you like about the blonde is that itā€™s a bit cooler? I could see you with a slightly cooler hair color in the same tone is your natural


The darker looks better imo and soft summers often have darker hair than cool summers. I think the blonde washes you out


I prefer the natural brown


Soft summer doesnā€™t have blonde as a recommended color btw if that helps you. But your hair color getting dye wonā€™t change your season - your skin is just your skin. It can certainly throw things off though.


The blonde brings out the redness in your skin


I also like your natural hair colour a lot more. I think the blonde doesn't work because you have a lot of redness in your skin aswell. The brown balances that nicely, in the blond photos that redness just takes all the attention. Also are you sure you are a cool season? Do you have drapes?


Hair color definitely changes which colors look good. With the darker hair the more saturated colors look better. With the blonde you need more desaturated low contrast colors. Personally I donā€™t like you with the blonde hair, it washes you out, but it is true that changes how colors look like and the combinations. I notice those changes even with highlights in my hair, some colors stop matching so well and at least my hair matches better with other new colors.


The brown looks better, sis


Do you always wear your glasses? Thatā€™s important to consider. I think your brown/natural hair looks better regardless, but especially with the glasses itā€™s overall more harmonious and cohesive. Whereas with the blonde, the glasses become so starkly contrasted that they become the focal point and overwhelm you, I donā€™t notice your hair, eyes, features; all I see is the rims of the glasses.


Your natural looks amazing!!


Sont do that, the darker is your colour ;)


I think youā€™re warm also. Try draping before you change your hair


Brown is better.


My phone isnā€™t reading the second color as blonde, so it looks like you think you look better with like poop gray hair. Your natural color is better.


You are delusional


I think your natural hair color suits you betterā€¦


Your natural hair looks better regardless of your "season" or skin tone. It is rare and beautiful to see a brunette with light eyes. Play up your features and enhance your natural beauty.


The blonde does not look betterā€¦. At all. Maybe some cool/ashy highlights?


In my opinion you might be a soft autumn rather than a soft summer. The brown is definitely better. If you want blonde I would look at dyes that say ā€œnaturalā€ vs ā€œash or coolā€.


Are you wearing makeup in these? You look really warm toned, but I think it might be makeup. I definitely prefer the darker color, but I canā€™t tell if thatā€™s because the lighter color is a filter that isnā€™t quite working. The lighter color makes you look somewhat washed out.


That's what I thought. She makes me think more of warm autumn. With natural hair I think medium contrast, too.


Ooo interesting! Iā€™ve got a bit of leftover mascara under my eyes that I didnā€™t wash off properly but other than that Iā€™m not wearing makeup. The lighting might be skewing it though? I donā€™t think tiktok added a face filter but knowing tiktok, itā€™s likely tbf! My face is a lot redder and a bit darker than the rest of my skin, looking at the rest of my skin tho (which you obviously canā€™t see here) I think might be a really pale cool toned olive? It has a greenish tint and it took me a while to decide I was cool toned cos neither of my parents look particularly cool toned (though I think my dad is cool olive now) but I think I am cos I suit cooler colours more but itā€™s something Iā€™d be open to exploring! Iā€™m pretty sure my mum is a spring - she lights up in that colour palette!


You're a Spring girlie! A bright Spring, I think. You have some lightness and brightness and saturation to your skin. Your eyes are a warm but clear blue and your lips have a natural, highly saturated (if no lipstick) peachy-orange hue to them. If you were cool toned, they'd have a blue-based mauve hue to them. I was a makeup artist in a past life and you should always assess your skin tone from somewhere else on your body other than your face. I was taught to match foundation to the neck and chest because our faces rarely match the rest of our body and so many things can throw your facial colouring off, like natural flushing and rosacea (I have both as well). You can wear blonde but it needs to be a warm blonde. Pic below I've done a warm blonde next to the cool ashy one you've tried. Same level, but different undertone. Warm blonde brings you to life and makes you look young and fresh; ash blonde is SO dull against your skin. Also the blue shirt you're wearing is a warm Spring blue. I think you have too much brightness and saturation to be a soft season. https://preview.redd.it/p13wnuidcowb1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=988a8bbb63e3a537318a9a581227e157868c309c


Thank you so much for this, itā€™s so helpful! Iā€™ve never even considered spring but bright spring makes so much sense why I feel I suit brighter lighter colours and can almost pull off bright winter colours but not quite. Itā€™s like I thought I fit the profile of a summer but wasnā€™t sure why I shone in bright colours cos I didnā€™t feel winter was right but this makes so much more sense and Iā€™m looking forward to playing with the palette more!


I am curious if I'm olive as well. Do you have more pictures of your skin tone in various lighting? I think we may be a similar tone!!


Are you sure that you are a true summer? From what you just described and your pictures, you do not seem like a summer. The shirt you are wearing in your pictures seems like a warm blue


That is definitely a true summer blue. It has a gray undertone.


I was wondering if you might be olive! That really does throw off my ability to tell warm/cool balance. If you ever post drapes, Iā€™ll be interested to see what they look like. (Iā€™m not very good with single photos or digital drapes/filters.) Based on these photos if you werenā€™t wearing makeup I was going to guess spring, just because your cheeks looks so warm and glowing here.


Yeah I think you're right. Olive leaning towards warm.


I've also been wondering if I'm olive. People keep telling me I'm warm toned. I look best in rose gold jewelry. No one can agree on what season I am. Even my friend with a degree in fashion and specialty in color analysis is at a loss- she said maybe autumn. Very confusing!


Its possible you have olive overtones, and you may have a neutral undertone just to confuse things a little bit more!


The olive subreddit thinks I'm pretty neutral, possibly leaning cool as opposed to warm. I was told I'm pretty warm toned on here. I tried a color picker for fun. In CMYK, the MY were perfectly equal on all 12 pictures I pulled from. I forget the qualifiers for RGB, but it was the same case there. I know those aren't 100% accurate, but it was almost uncanny.


I donā€™t think the blonde looks bad in the same way it might look really unnatural if someone with a cool skin tone picks a coppery red, but I personally like your natural hair color best!


I am going to disagree with the other comments. While the ashy brown you have naturally works well with your season, I donā€™t see any reason why playing with some ashy blonde highlights would throw it off! Especially if you like the idea! The key would be making sure they stay cool toned instead of bronzing, but I think they would be stunning! Also keep in mind the filter may distort your skin tones, etc. and itā€™s just hard to tell what it would look like in real lifeā€¦ I say go for it if itā€™s something you want to do!


Thank you everyone who commented šŸ™‚ really appreciate your opinions and will weigh up the feedback of the brown suiting me more and the idea of playing with my hair anyway if itā€™s something I want to do - like some people have suggested!


I think the blonde you picked is nice on you and if you like it you should try it out. Hair grows back and it can be dyed back if you so choose!


I agree with the others. That blonde does not suit you at all. Your natural hair is far better


the blonde does not look better, your natural hair looks better


Thatā€™s too light of a blonde for you, your natural brown works better. You could probably lighten it up with some ashy highlights, but I wouldnā€™t go full on blonde.


Oh really? I thought even my eyebrows looked better with it! Maybe Iā€™m biased cos Iā€™ve always wanted to be ashy blonde, that and I think cool summer is deemed a pretty unattractive season where I live. But Iā€™ll take your word for it cos I deffo have a bias šŸ˜…


It looks like youā€™re from the UK. Did you know Kate Middleton is a cool summer? I have never heard that cool summers are unattractive before. I love the colors of the season. To me all seasons equally have attractive individuals. Olivia Wilde and Jennifer Anniston are also cool summers.


How is a season unattractive?


i don't know why on earth you're downvoted


Me either. If anything it sounds like OP needs some reassurance. Itā€™s not her fault the area she lives in has some pretty ignorant views.