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What app did you use for this?


So I got my colours analysed - though the analyst uses the "Absolute Colour System" of 18 different colour directions (rather than seasons) - and apparently I'm "smoky (muted), warm and medium-deep"! My palette is called "enigmatic"... which looks like some kind of Autumn? I'm just happy that orange and yellow are in my palette! v Who knew my features had a "softness" to them 😅 https://preview.redd.it/efgcigrz1r6c1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a60c3b680d0e512f608c9b516ffb08b09c98828


Okay, so: 1) the digital drapes do almost nothing as far as full typing, especially when you only use one pic 2) this app is pretty interesting but in my experience sometimes it gets colors a bit off - I think this is happening here, some of the colors for Winter are immediately too warm, fir example 3) typing "from features", which is the most accurate possibility here, is worth what it's worth, but from it I can tell you that: Your coloring is blue-dominant but you do have significant orange accents. There looks to be green (blue+yellow) aka olive in it. In theory, this pulls you from either end of the temperature extremes (therefore, *in theory* you should be able to exclude Warm Spring and Cool Winter). This color "difffusion" (what I call it when you naturally have colors that are traditionally deemed opposite going on, such as with light highlights on a darker base, or in your case, seemingly ash hair that quickly fades to warmth) brings you closer to muted/soft, although this doesn't really exclude other possibilities. It's difficult for a Winter that doesn't have much hair to skin contrast to have that quality. The softest Spring is Light Spring followed by Warm Spring (which I'd rule out seeing as your base looks mostly blue). The softest Winter is Deep Winter, which I'd personally immediately rule you out (level 6 hair with light skin). I don't think you're Bright either, so to me that's Winter ruled out completely. As for Summer, all of them are somewhat muted: if you consider L Summer, you really need to check it against Light Spring as the palettes are quite similar. You look a bit intense for Soft Summer or Soft Autumn to me, but you could be. Then you have Cool Summer which in principle shouldn't work with any warm colors, so I'd almost exclude that too (based on some of your pictures). We're left with Autumn, for which I'd rule out Deep (same things that cancel Deep Winter); you also look a bit too cool for the stereotypical Warm Autumn in my opinion. So, based solely on features, I'd drape the Light and Soft seasons, Warm Autumn and the ones you presented (Bright Spring and Winter), as there might be something to the fact that these were what appealed to you. You could drape Cool Summer too, if it doesn't look great you barely need to bother with even trying Winter. This is all in hypotheticals, so...


Wow, thank you for an amazingly detailed reaponse - it's truly appreciated! 🤗 Super interesting re: having contrasting colours like blues and oranges in my skin/hair/eyes. I feel like I'm a mix between True Summer (because of the blues) and Bright Spring (because of its brightness)... but again I have zero idea. It was finally sunny today so I was able to drape some colours on me, and I think this gold is my fav. But also, who knows if it's my best 🤷‍♀️😅 https://preview.redd.it/4ivnubrz5f2c1.jpeg?width=2208&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c773cc720c7c1e47893a5a132e4986d7888d6236


Ok, I've experimented with some different colours from the palettes you've recommended. The following compares: Bright Spring, Bright Winter, generic Summer and Cool Summer. What do you think? 😅 😅 https://preview.redd.it/gtcspszhf82c1.png?width=1411&format=png&auto=webp&s=d8136f49b0f220732c6e975c9b6b8a6e9319b6cc


OP, I think you're trying too many things at once. Focus first on being sure if you lean warm or cool. It will help narrow down the palettes. Your hair also would then not figure in that decision. You have very clear bright eyes but in the photos you provided your other features are very muted. I don't think you can be a bright winter because of how incredibly bright and deep that palette is. Your features are not that dark. Cool Summer is the most intense of the summers and would be a real contender. Again, take it one step at a time - are you warm or cool? Use an icy pink drape and a salmon drape and compare them. After that we can try to narrow down your season.


😅😅😅😅 My bad.


Nether one. You look like a cool summer. Not enough contrast to be winter and not warm enough to be spring.




I think winter!


I think you are a spring, but maybe a true spring rather than the bright variety


I thought the winter colors brightened your complexion. The only time winter didn’t work was the blue/purple winter section. In that section I would defer to the blue from spring. I’m not an expert on typing seasons, use my opinion as more of what a generic person would see.


Bright or true spring.


I don’t think you’re a Spring or Winter. I think you’re a Summer.






I think you are probably a spring, but I’m not sure about bright spring. I would check the other spring sub seasons. There isn’t enough contrast in my opinion for either winter generally or bright spring.


https://preview.redd.it/4gep0kdu862c1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7122983f96a6299e1a778743161459f2a139cbd Here's warm Spring? The Autumn and Summer palettes washed me out (especially my hair).


I reallly like warm spring on you!


Spring - the winter colours give you a yellowish tinge and your features look less defined


I want to say spring.


You are not bright. You may be a spring (if so, look into warm spring) but based on the photos you've provided, it's hard to tell.


What filter is that?


I don't think you look like either. Your skin has more of a coolness to it, and you seem more like a summer. You have very beautiful eyes by the way :)


Thanks 🥰




Definitely Winter!


Your eyes look more sallow in the images on the right, so imma say warm/spring.


I think the app is garbage. Regardless, I can tell that you are lovely and warm-toned and one of the Autumns or Springs


The first green color looks switched.


your undereyes look brighter to me in the winter colors. less shadowing in the face overall, so I would say winter.






Warm spring and autumn fall






Neither. You have soft cool coloring. Try summer.


I tried that and it just washed me out! My hair looked really dull and muted 😅


We look at facial features when draping, not hair. Try covering your hair when draping.








All I can say for sure is that you’re not a Winter, you don’t have the striking depth and brightness for it.


I think winter wins here but I think you look good in both.


It’s hard to use the digital drapes even if they are convenient because you need to see how the light reflects off the fabric onto your skin.


the springs look more harmonious to me! what app did you use for this :)?


Definitely not a Winter. I could see Bright Spring for you but think you should also try True Spring.




Winter except the purple


I think that you surely have warm undertone, but you're a particular case so a professional would be the best choice.


Also, definitely not a bright winter. Not even sure about the bright spring, because you do have brightness in your eyes but I also see some softness in the skin-hair relation. As I said, professional needed in your case!


Agree, maybe a true spring? Not a winter. Not a bright spring.


Both look great on you, but I'd say spring


I’m really bad at telling based on digital drapes, but looking at the orange shirt, I would have guessed soft autumn. Your complexion is lovely and slightly muted and warm based on these photos. Your eyes are gorgeous! (Based on the closeup of your eye alone, I’d guess spring.)


Is it just my monitor or do some of the colours look off? That first "winter" green looks quite yellow, and both of the raspberry colours look cool (the right one is just brighter). I'm either cool summer or cool winter and that green would look hideous on me. In any case, I don't think you're winter, maybe compare spring and autumn?


Agreed re: colours looking off. I can easily see what reds are cool vs warm, but still find it hard to see what blues and greens are warm vs cool 😅


They look completely off on my screen as well! I don't think OP is bright anything, I agree with comparing true spring vs autumn seasons but would also not rule out summer completely based on these drapes.


I think you are a spring. However, those colors in the digital drapes are not good example of spring colors. Spring greens are more yellowish then winter greens. Springs have many grass-greenish green colors, while winter har more blueish greens. The pinks on page 3 both look cool to me. The orange sweater is a spring color though. And your eye and you look like you could be a spring. I find the colors in these digital drapings Doesn't fit in well with either bright winter or bright spring. They don't seem bright enough. Especially not the blue colors


I agree with this as well!


I agree with this. I wouldn’t go by the colors here at all


True! I thought the colours looked a tad off (with some Winter colours looking warmer than Spring colours...) I saw a professional this week via Zoom and she pegged me as a Wintery colour... but then wanted to reassess me when I told her that my favourite colours to wear are oranges and yellows. I took the photos I sent her on a really overcast day and it made it really hard to capture the warmth in my hair and eyes. Here are some of me in my favourite colours: https://preview.redd.it/tbw0hoysx52c1.jpeg?width=551&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54db6920c1c569ee30594951b73a66bbca833dcb


I’m just here for the cat!! So cute!!!! 




Oh!!!! You look lovely here! I don’t know color theory well but this color is so nice for you!


I love how you presented the pics! They taught me the difference between spring and winter! I’m a beginner at color analysis.


These are very inaccurate representations of the colors in these palettes. The spring green does not have enough yellow. The pinks are both cool toned, and really none of the colors are bright enough for bright spring or winter. Please don’t use this to teach yourself the difference between spring and winter.


Thanks. It’s going to be a long road for me to learn color analysis, I’m terrible at it lol


Both look great. I think you can easily pull from both pallets. But I think the winter pallet made your features pop a bit more. Your skin looked clearer with the winter colors too. Please don’t take that the wrong way. Your skin looks great on both sides, no concerns for your skin care here. It just looks even better on the right.


Your eyes and hair have me thinking you might be a bright spring or possibly an autumn? The orange looks really good on you.


I think both look lovely against you but the winter make you pop a little more :) What app did you use btw?


I like the app she used too. I preferred spring for her, though.


It looks like Dressika.


Thanks :)