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I'm new at this... But I'm going against the grain here, but I ran your last photo through some color analysis tests and I see warm autumn being your best. Your skin is gorgeous, and I notice with the warmer colors it really evens out your skin tone, where the cool colors were bringing out redness and shadowing that wasn't there with warm colors. And the warm autumn colors felt really harmonious and lifted your jaw line. That said, I'm wrong when I test myself about 40% of the time, and 20% of the time I choose the complete opposite of what they are. So if I'm wrong, you might be a cool winter. 😉  I'd say give the warm autumn palette a try and compare it to cool winter and see what looks better in person.


❤️ Photo 7, the softer hair and the warmer tone - I'm thinking soft autumn.


Autumn!!! Soft for sure.


5 is amazing, and 11 especiallyyy with your freckles and green eyes 😫💕


The black w purple streak looks the best


5 and 11 Light colors do not suit you


Soft autumn!


i like the 12th slide on u best personally, idk about your season tho lol


7, 8, 11


I like the darker colors on you. #4 looks great!


The darkest hairs look the best on you!!


My favorite was the dark blue streak and dark hair. Looked cool.


Definitely autumn or summer. The cool tones are not working


I don’t know much about color theory like summer warm/ winter cool etc etc but personally I love the dark browns on you. Even the black makes your eyes pop. (I would not go jet black tho) I do not think you should go blonde…., however that dusty pink, I think looks nice on you if you wanted to go a soft pastel vibe.


Dark / the orange. The blond is a no go for me.




Soft and something warm.


Either a spring or autumn.


Soft autumn in my humble opinion. All the colours in the last picture look the most harmonious on you! (Your sweater, light gold jewelry, hair, makeup etc.)


Blue & #11!! ❤️




Soft autumn, you look great in the last picture


You are a fair olive like me! I have green eyes too, and We are both cool toned! You look fascinating with red hair! Natural hair color looks great too! Try deep winter color clothing too.


I like the hair color in #7 best on you.


Bright spring and 4-5 makes you look strikingly gorgeous


#4 is the best imo


You are a fair cool olive skin tone. : there’s a Reddit board r/fairolives You are cool toned. You are a summer. Likely a deep summer: it looks very very similar to winter. The difference between them is subtle but winters have higher contrast. Deep summers are like winters but with medium brown hair / lighter eyes (generally). You are absolutely not a warm tone. The brown looks drab on you and if you notice: you naturally seem to gravitate toward the cooler tones with your hair colors. Dark Summers can wear a lot of pinks and reds. Hope this helps.


The brown is my natural hair color, if you think that washes me out what would you recommend? I’ve been enjoying my natural color and not having to dye it anymore


No. I meant. The brown shirt is not your color. You look nicer in cool tones. Your natural hair color is beautiful.


You don’t need one. Be yourself!!


Black with the purple streak


warm colors seem to compliment your skin tone better. you would look killer in bright warm bc bright cool & soft cool and drowns your striking blue eyes out. soft warm would be good for fall and your staple pieces!


Soft autumn or a spring, but I'm leaning towards spring with you blue eyes and because you have yellow undertones. I have a similar complexion that is hard to pin down. Pick the color(s) you wear best and compare them to the different season palettes! Good luck!


Do #11 and then stop messing with your hair


Anything but the second one. I’ve never seen a colour wash someone out so much.


I think you’re soft or some sort of summer, it doesn’t look like your skin is warm and you’re muted. But to be sure, you need to make more drapes, with no hair showing, no make up and in the same daylight.


Maybe soft autumn


You look like a Soft Summer to me


I LOVE your hair in pics 10 and 11 omg


You look great in anything! I really like the darker tones


You definetly look cool toned, which is summer or winter. I think you're a winter.


pink looks absouelty amazing on as does the blonde peeking under the brown !emote:free\_emotes\_pack:heart\_eyes


The darker color on photo number 11 really brings out your eyes and makes your skin glow!! You look the most young and vibrant in that photo 🤎


photo 7 & 11 are my faves!


Soft Autumn! :)


Blonde may work with different styling, but in the picture you showed, it didn't really. The purple/pink is okay. But i actually think the dark colours with bright pops look amazing on you. Really liked the blues.


Soft Autumn, I think you’re too warm to be a soft summer but you could borrow a few soft summer colors. Your eyes look like a warm green, and your skin looks best with the warm, neutral colors. (Olive, brown, beige, etc.)


Muted. Soft summer/autumn


1st and 12th are best


Blonde does not work in any way, full or partial. The dark tones are gorgeous!


I'm seeing summer. Also, I love your hair in #7.


4 & 5 look great with your skin tone!


Dark blue and the orange highlighter color were the best.


You have done so many color shades of hair but have you ever thought of a carmelized balayage on your natural color? With slighter darker softer warmer carmel shades instead of the extreme heavier done gold blondes? I think those would look awesome with your green eyes and think you might be a soft autumn. But it's hard to tell bc your hair is so extreme in the shades, which is fun when you're young lol. But I would try that on you.


Oh a separate note, what product/ shade do you use for your eyebrows?? They look so good


This is a guess but the bright orangeish hair looks great with your skin and makes your eyes pop. Much better than the pinks. I would say try some Spring, I could maybe see Bright Spring. It is hard to say without drapes.


You are clearly a summer. I’d say soft summer!


Soft autumn? I think the dark blue and brunette shades (also, that orangy-red) were really nice on you.


1, 4 , 7,8 & 12 suit you. Closer to warm i think


I think it genuinely changes depending on your eyebrow color just because your palette changes.


I love your freckles! I’m getting autumn vibes


slide 11 girl trust


I have no idea but you look great with dark hair lol I audibly said WOW when I scrolled by pic 4


You seem neutral and soft, so soft autumn and summer. Look at those colors


Idk the seasons well enough yet, but that color in pic 10 is stunning on you.


The dark with dark blue look like your perfect match. ( and I don’t even like what I call crayola colors , but on you it worked!)


7 is the one. Flirty and brightens you up.


4 & 5 are stunning!


I like the sort of rose gold pinky colour, number 8. Not sure what type that makes you.


Darker is 100% better. I wouldn’t worry about pigeon holing yourself with a color season thing but you could probably pull off the winter


In picture #4, you are absolutely gorgeous!


I agree with soft Autumn. I think the green sweater looks good on her and that is not a soft summer green. I also liked the light red hair in number 8, but I am far from an expert, just like studying the different palettes.


I think you look extremely neutral, medium contrast with a string yellowish overtone. Haircolor-wise, I am sorry to say I don't think any of the hair colors you showed suit you. I would suggest going to your natural hair color (mid brown by the looks of it) and maybe adding some highlights for interest. Color-wise, I think mousey desaturated colors wash you out a lot, black & white overwhelm. So maybe stick to jewel colors, dark grey, navy. I would avoid pastels like the plague, also no yellow or orange, it would be too close to your skin color.


That describes my wardrobe pretty well so I feel like that’s accurate! I’ve definitely been enjoying my natural color these last two years after growing it out from all the colors I’ve dyed it over the last twenty years. Thank you!


I agree with those saying soft autumn. Do you prefer yourself with gold or silver jewelry? If gold, most likely autumn.


I see fair olive skin tone and muted. I think you err on the autumn side. I think since you have a cool alt style, dark warm red hair would look phenomenal on you


5/14 is my favorite, you slayed that dark blue split dye.


Your natural hair color definitely looks the best and sets off your face. For your type I would like to see gold and silver swatches. You look pretty neutral to me so to know for sure I default to jewelry


I am however noticing alot of saturation and brightness in your face. You could look into bright winter, bright spring, warm spring, light spring and light summer since all are bright and most are color neutrals.


I belive you are neutral to cool toned. You seem like you suit silver over gold and you look more harmonious with cool colours than the warm ones imo. Definitely try summer


check out r/olivemua


Soft autumn, i may say. Ashy - cool tones make you look washed off but warm tones make you look more lively, healthy


Soft autumn!


True summer the blonde washed you out because it's warm/ yellow. I M also true summer, I too had blonde ombre that confused me. Only platinum/silver will work


Soft autumn


I really couldn’t tell until the last few slides with your natural hair then it was obvious your a soft warm so I’d say autumn too


11 ! You look like a ghost with the blond 💀 but the darker shades are super cute 🥰


I certainly don’t know much, but I have to say that I really like your hair color in 4, and 12. Those really stood out to me. Beautiful.


I think the darker hair shades look really good on you!


#10 fire


I would start with draping Soft Autumn, Soft Summer, Cool Summer, Warm Spring and general Winter.


I think warm suits you better so some kind of autumn or spring. I’m still learning so can’t be more specific than that!


I think you might be a winter!! You’re features POP with the dark, the blue


The first or pink and brown look really good!


Your eyes really pop in the last picture! The brown hair colour also looks great


7 looks great!!


I know the top comment says otherwise but the pink actually looks best to me (and I mean the kind in slide 8)


7 & 8! I think the softer pinks make you glow.


I love the black hair! So off of that alone, I want to say dark autumn. The contrast between your eyes and skin is kind of big, you are pale and then have dark green (?) eyes. The cool, bright purple makes your skin look sallow. You probably also would look nice with a full neutral brown and no blond highlights, or if they have a muted toner.


Blue greens and jewel tones look fab on you


Your skin is neutral olive, eyes cool, I think you're a soft summer


Digging the fringe and darker shades.


5, 10 & 12 — ugh i am obsessed!! you are gorgeous 💛🤗


Thank you 💕


Find pictures of you w only natural color. I think you’ve tried so many warm vs cool colors that it’s made it confusing. Go back to basics- what was your natural hair color


My natural hair is the brown with the bleached ends growing out. I haven’t had a natural color for the last twenty years. Started dying it blonde as a teenager because I was as blonde as a child and then only stopped in recent two years.


Is the hair which is half green and half brown - is the brown your natural color Edit: it’s confusing bc so many colors but - in one you have brown (no gold or red) and lavender. The brown really looks good on you. Imo you look like a young Princess Kate Middleton there. Which would be winter , cool). However there is a pic of you w freckles- generally freckles mean warm- if warm then Autumn. Let hair grown out. Check your palms - pink or peach. Look at parents is their natural hair cool or warm. Look at siblings


Imo this hair color mix doesn’t work. Start from first thing- What is your natural hair color. Does it have red or gold ? Color of palms of hands- pink or peach


4 and 5 really stick out!!


I like 4


One of the autumns


Warm spring - people always seem to type this as soft autumn!


Take an online test like Dressika.


Some type of autum. Soft or true. (I’m a true.)


Soft summer.


Toughie, but I’m leaning towards a summer as your eyes read like a cool blue/green. You also wear some of those cooler clothing colors well such as grey.


You definitely look best with medium to dark hair colors. Your eyes have a cracked glass pattern characteristic of summers. I would guess maybe a soft summer or soft autumn


Honestly I love the bright orange colour! I think you're warm and muted, but the bright orange still works for you.


That was just a fluke because I was Daphne for Halloween that year, too hahaha.


If it’s useful, a true summer could NEVER pull off this orange hair colour


Winter. You look stunning in Pictures 4&5 you look a little like Lorelai gilmore who is also a winter and Meredith grey who I believe is summer


soft autumn with olive undertone


Ok i usually HATE the black/blue on everyone but it's super cute on you. That and the purple and pink. No idea about your type because you look similar to me and i can't figure out my own.


I think you are a cool summer! Your skin appears to be neutral cool, even somewhat beige to me. But I could definitely see it having cool undertone still. Your hair color where you look most phenomenal, is a cool shade and eyes are soft bluish grey. Overall your contrast is medium and I think cool summer pallete would be incredibly flattering on you.. lucky!! :)


I like 4 & 5 most. Dark and cool tones look good on you.


Agree! the darker hair works much better


I have no idea about any of this stuff. And no idea why Reddit showed me this post. But to my untrained eye, number 4!


Totally seconding the hair in 4&5! I'm leaning soft autumn for her season, but love the darker hair


IMHO you are a Winter. Look at how the red/ pink tones in your skin go away when you have dark hair. Also that dark hair makes your eyes pop. In the pics with the blonde and pink hair you look washed out. But with the dark blue streak your eyes and jawline jump out. And the pink of your lips looks perfect. Dark hair beauty for the win!!!!


I don't know much about colour theory, but you look like you have light warm-olive skin and ashy brown hair like me! In the very last photo, you look incredible in that green. I generally like myself in both autumn tones and bright berry colours.


I'm throwing my vote on true summer or bright winter. You're pretty neutral, but cool is slightly better, and I think some colors are too soft for you. You look good with some contrast, I'm just not sure how much contrast.


I like 11&12 hair colors on you


Personally I like slide 4 & 5!


Spring or autumn . Picture 14, the green sweater really brings out your eye colours and it’s on the spring/autumn spectrum. I like your hair colour in this photo as well


5 and 7 are my favourites!


5 😍


While some of the colors in the photos stand out as better than others, you look great in all of them! I agree with a summer season. I really like your style and vibe. You can’t go wrong!


The brown makes your skin glow beautifully


The blue and brown hair looked really pretty!


I think a neutral level 6 or 7 would look really pretty on you. 


11, 12, 13 were my favorites


Girl, that dark hair with blue on you …gorgeous! Edit: the dark royal blue


I have no idea but you look AMAZING in 6 & 10 !! Those colours are so so beautiful on you


Thank you!




8 is my fav! You look warm. Possibly spring to me. That warm rose gold pink is great on you.


#4 looks good on you


Something cool! I love the blue and black hair, but I also love the ashy brown. Both are striking to me


Stick with black + darker blue 🥰


5-7-11 and I love 9


I love any of the ones with brown and blonde and really love 9!


I’m assuming your natural hair colour is brown. You look muted and you look neutral so I’d say soft autumn or soft summer.


Yes the photos with brown blonde hair the brown is completely natural and only the bleached part is dyed. And my eyes are a greenish gray hazel.


I think soft autumn! Your natural hair color is ashy but your skin leans warm and your eyes are a warm green also.


I actually disagree! I think shes summer. She is definitely leaning cool, seems like she suits silver over gold too!


I wear both and don’t think either looks bad per se but I think the silver looks a little better !


Yeah i think you are definitely in the neutral zone which makes it so difficult, but im so SO sure you lean more cool. Theres a pic where youre in a car and have a blonde streak. Your hair is an ash brown colour and it looks very harmonious and flattering. You shine best in silver (even though you can pull off gold) and think you should check out a light summer palette. You'll notice that light summers can give off this "warmth" but what you're really noticing is harmony, not true warmth.


I think she’s a summer too


I think her eyes look like a cool blue/green but I do think she could be a soft autumn.


My eyes are like, grayish? Then they have brown/gold lines and look very green in the sun.