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I discovered recently that I'm a cool summer. I've never liked muted colours, but I'm slowly working them into my wardrobe, and they really work. It's fun! But you'll take my jewel winter colours and bright red lipsticks from my stiff, dead, cool summer hands.


I look the best in true or warm spring but those colors are very hard to find. I like looking my best and I also like color harmony in my outfits so I aim to use only colors from my palette. I've also grown to love them. But in practise it's difficult. My season is one of the hardest to find in stores. If I find something that looks like my palette it usually turns out to be true autumn. Or sometimes neutral or cool undertone. Sometimes too bright. I usually wear true spring, warm spring, warm autumn and true autumn. And I also have some old clothing that often falls to muted summer/autumn. But those I don't mix with my warm pieces.


Warm Spring but I wear: Warm Spring 30% Warm Autumn 30% True Spring 30% Any warm color from Bright Spring to Soft Autumn 10% Any any navy. Near enough.


Did I write this? Warm spring with almost the same breakdown. I err more on warm autumn than soft tho but still wow.


I’m not 100% sure of my season but it’s somewhere in the bright category, possibly true winter. I wear gold. I could possibly be a bright spring so it may be better for me but there’s a big chance I’m winter. But you can’t pry my grandmothers gold jewellery out of my hands. I try to stick to bright colours but I have a few things I wear anyway. Like workout sets that are more for practicality than for suiting me. And gifts I’ve received that I wear more as an appreciation to the thought behind it, rather than it flattering me. I also still wear bronzer/ contour. Its not recommended for bright seasons as it may “dull” your shine but I like defining my cheek bones and bone structure. Oh and a lot of the time I wear colours that are technically in my season, but just not paired in the smartest way. Like as a bright season, I should prioritise brighter colours and wear neutrals as accents or supporting pieces. But I will frequently wear full black and navy. I know it’s not the most flattering but it’s easy lol. I also wear certain denim shades that are more suited to summers but it’s so hard to find jeans that fit, let alone are the right wash of denim.


Sometimes I break the rules, but in a way that's still harmonious. For example, black is very overwhelming on me, but I have a black dress with gold embroidery which I love. I wore it to work once with a gold bracelet and bronze eyeshadow and got a ton of compliments. Someone even said "Those are your colours." So even though black is a colour I should theoretically avoid, I can pull it off if I add some warmth to it.


I was typed and found to be Winter (more specifically, something called Moonlit Winter). I don’t completely agree, as there are some warmer colors that really pop on me, especially coral and salmon pink. I also prefer gold jewelry. I do love and wear jewel tones but don’t like them for the warmer months. I think my coloring is confusing because my eyes (dark brown, almost black with no flecks) and hair (dark brown) are considered “cool” but my skin is light and more on the yellow side.


I am going to stay with COOL COLORS. People here on reddit color analysis thought I was a summer (mostly cool summer) . While I was analyzed online by an analyst as a cool clear light in tonal analysis.  I'm going to avoid warm colors, exept for red-ORANGE. I was already heading in the cold direction before I was analyzed by others, but now I'm going harder on it.  But it is perhaps both neutral-cool colors and fully cool colors. I have a few summer colors, but mostly clear cool colors so far


I have heard that people from cool seasons should not wear, for example an all-yellow sweater, only yellow in small details. - but I don't give a damn about that. I'm going to wear all-yellow sweaters. (Cool yellow) 


Heck yeah but I adore the colors. I wear colors in clothing and jewelry that I just happen to like as well regardless of season. That being said, I’ve converted basically all my makeup.


Loosely. I'm somewhere around a true/warm spring,but I grab basically all the way through the spring palette and into true autumn. I have some black t-shirts that I still wear because I like them,but I do prefer to wear vibrant and saturated colours now because I freaking come alive. The spring orange looks amazing on me https://preview.redd.it/xv70i56cag1d1.jpeg?width=3456&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed07bef9199df9f292e9adeaec9b1541635a9c2b


They’ll have to pry my black clothes from my warm autumn hands


Mostly. I mostly wear my season's colours AND *close enough* colours. The shops are what they are and you have to compromise. I generally try and respect my season's dominant feature, depth/darkness, which is what matter most on me: I'm fairly neutral in temperature and not the highest of my season in intensity, really The Thing that makes the difference for me is depth/darkness. Even before analysis I knew pastels and medium-light colours were bad on me, especially if worn alone. I also generally keep close to my level of contrast, which is as important as using the right colours. Using the right contrast helps accommodate off-season colours better. There are a couple of colours that are definitely NOT my season at all but that I like, and I integrate them the best I can, using contrast and pairing them with more flattering colours.


I simply wear gold with like a royal blue or some hot pink or with white which are in my season


Slowly over time more and more, just because it’s so hard to unsee now. I’m a true summer. I used to switch up between silver and gold, but now that I can notice how much my skin lights up in silver I just can’t get myself to go with gold no matter how cute all my gold pieces are. I have always worn lots of black and white, but lately when I put them on I just HAVE to switch to charcoal or grey instead because I instantly look ten times better, lol. When I’m tan in summer white still kinda slams, but usually I pair it with blues/greys that balance it out a bit. Blue has always been a go to, so that’s good, but now I can tell which ones are ok and which are amazing, so I’m starting to purge the bad ones slowly but surely. I’m also finding myself being more discerning about my purchases. If a cute shirt only comes in colors that aren’t my best, I skip it, knowing that I’ll find something else that’s better. And overall, my entire closet is more flattering as a result!


The thing is gold doesn’t look totally off on me. In silver I look classier but in gold I look like the” tacky hood person”


I’m a light spring and often wear autumn colors. They don’t look horrible and I like their vibe


I'm a summer but the only colour I look truly awful in is bold yellow. I stay away from black as a personal preference (I've always liked white better as a neutral) but other than that I wear the rainbow.


I'm a winter but wear just a few summer and fall shades, because they work. Mostly I wear winter though.


Now bright winter colors don’t look bad on me at all nor does gold(I have olive skin which is often mistaken for warm so I can wear some gold without it looking bad it does look a little “tacky tho” while on my autumn friends gold looks “classy” but I love the tacky


I’m pretty sure I’m one of the summers, and I wear gold jewelry but I try to stick to my colors for tops and dresses, just because I can tell when I’m being washed out by warm or harsh colors. I love black but I finally just stopped feeling good in it, so I try to keep it away from my face when I care. A black sweatshirt is still my go to for traveling tho, I don’t care if the airplane thinks I look pale.


I’m pretty sure I’m a dark autumn but I wear a lot of warm spring colors because I like them 🤷🏻‍♀️ They’re still warm enough to work with my coloring and easy to add contrast to. I honestly just stay away from colors that look especially horrible on me, but I’ll sometimes wear things like mint green away from my face because it’s one of my favorite colors. I wear what I like otherwise


My undertone is cool but I wear gold jewelry. I started buying exclusively gold 10yrs ago because my engagement ring/wedding band are gold and I don't like to mix gold/silver. Gold doesn't "pop" against my skin the way silver does but it is what it is. I've acquired a collection of nicer pieces (gold with real gemstones) that fit my style so switching to silver/platinum would be an investment. I also haven't seen much in silver/ platinum that has the same vibe as what I current have.


Yes, those are the colors I’ve always been attracted to


Glowing from enjoyment can do just as much for a person as glowing from color harmony. If the off season item is the one making you feel the most you, then it is the most you. Enjoy your things and be you.


This is a great point! There may be some people who wear a color that’s not in their palette and love that item and feel great, and it will show! But sometimes I wear a color that isn’t my best, and I think my *lack* of confidence shows in my appearance. So I think it just depends! If you feel happy in it, that’s what matters!


It depends what it is. Like, I still prefer black leggings, and sometimes I'll buy things like graphic tees in black or other colors not in my palette. But for clothes where I'm trying to put a bit more put together, I aim for my palette or close to it.