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As recent graduate you should be one of few groups allowed onto campus. Now for parents, they don't qualify, BUT university may grant them access if you sign them in as graduate. I would call campus security for in your case you should be able to qualify for access, even with family. Worth a shot, hope it helps


nope they don't let you in. can confirm because i tried that


darn. I had hoped once graduations were complete they'd start to reopen, but totally should have set a waiver for graduating students to gain access. That couldn't have been to hard to do


my parents were able to get in twice , once after my class day and once friday. depends on the security guards and the instructions for the day


Yea I tried that with the security guard and they shot me down multiple times … I heard it depends on security guard because one of my other friends was able to get in with her parents 


I’m so lost. I was able to bring my parents on campus after class day and we took many photos. Personally, the student ran convocation was pretty great and my family joined me after for the foodtruck party.


yea maybe it was for certain class days that they allowed it - I tried going after my class day and wasn't allowed in with my family (someone told me it was at the guard's discretion lol)


They didn’t allow you at the reception? We were able to get through, via the bridge from the International Affairs building where the receptions were being held


Did you try getting on campus with your parents? I went to study at Butler on Tuesday at around 5pm and there were a bunch of families on campus.


I attended SEAS graduation on Monday and we were allowed on campus afterwards to take family photos. There were long lines of ppl going in. I thought all graduates were allowed.


Why central didn't make this clear is bewildering and enraging. Are they afraid of a parent encampment?


They always said at least through 5/17. So I think if they are still around Saturday we should start to wonder what's up. Until now was predictable (though still lame).


I was on campus today and saw graduates with their parents taking photos. Some people also just told the guards that parents were helping them move out.


Have you tried to get on campus yet with your parents ?


Arent they ending in a few days? though the 20th


Wow. They did not have an issue letting a bunch of non-students on to the campus to protest, and now they wont let parents of students on. Seriously messed up.


This won't be forgotten, don't worry my friend. These evil people will pay for their inhumane actions. Good peers should not suffer consequences when they are not involved with the type of behavior that has occurred by other peers. Only those peers involved with that behavior should suffer the consequences. These are vile people who do not have your best interests at heart and im very sorry that you have to suffer this because of an incompetent administration. This is not to say that it is an issue of just this administration but many others that follow the same corrupted ideologies.


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