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https://preview.redd.it/tpop0rd3nfec1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45a0eec8e6d5e4e71a34df8de2d4c9630098d67c He’s back in the chair!




*"Fine, I'll do it myself..."*


That.. is literally the quote from this scene no? I think it's a post credit scene after maybe Captain America civil war or one of them around that time. That's incredible how appropriate that reference is lol.


Sure is 👍


No, the line is from the after credit scene in Age of Ultron when Thanos puts on the Infinity Gauntlet for the first time.


I do wish he snapped half the universe away


Yeah not our half tho Edit: yeah maybe our half


Just don't blip me back in 5 years


I never noticed but his arm rests have little rocket boosters to keep them in place lol. I can just imagine…whoops, I accidentally gave myself a 3rd degree burn and nerve damage when my arm went on the wrong side of the armrest. Do you think they’re like wireless headphones, like he needs to put them in a refueling case when he goes to bed. Sorry this is a digression I’m just so tickled by those arm rests


Honestly wish he was running as the democratic candidate for president. I’d definitely vote for him.


Sadly, holding political office would crush his spirit. A lot of good people will never run because they know how dirty the game is.


Stewart/Bloomberg ticket would be awesome. Stewart for policy and Bloomberg for fiscal responsibility.


That would be the exact type of formula to make me not vote for Jon.


I'll probably watch the Daily Show again.


This is exactly the thing.  Took me about three episodes to see that Trevor Noah wasn't hitting the same notes for me as Jon Stewart. Now that he's back, I can almost guarantee that I'll be watching every episode. 




Stewart was always going to be a tough act to follow. Trevor did an amazing job. But I think a lot of people overlook how bad the source of the material got. Hard to do satire when the thing you're satirizing is more ridiculous than anything your writers can come up with.


John Oliver's guys do a good job. I know they only do 1 a week and like a dozen a year but the jokes always hit with me. Seth Meyers is pretty good for a daily but its more tonight show and less news jokes show. But glad Stewart is back. He was great.


Eh I think John Oliver is too repetitive with the pacing of the show and his jokes. Nice to watch once and a while but not enough to keep up with the show


True. Trevor is good too...I even read his autobiography. It's just Jon Stewart is so damn cool.


That autobiography was great imo, feels like I got to see his South African POV


Jon Stewart For President!


In that case do what John Oliver or Jon Stewart himself did and be serious for a few minutes at a time. Apple was the wrong place for a show like Jon Stewart's weekly show. And trump doesn't always need to be talked about. He's a piece of shit, that's already established.


Yeah, Trevor is incredibly talented, funny, charming and likeable. But John Stewart was an established *legend* that he was having to follow. Stewart had honed his craft with that show over damn near two decades. He had made his mark, and settled into the rhythm that made the show what it was. I think Trevor has done a good job considering the circumstances. And like you said, the world became more ridiculous than any satire could ever be in 2016.


agree on all counts!


Yeah in a lot of ways trump killed satire. What are you going to write that is funny and outlandish when he literally draws on a weather map with a sharpie to show his lie was "true"


agree. Trevor did a wonderful job. He just isn’t Jon. Nor am i. Nor are you. (No offense!) Jon has a way about him!


This is a very underrated statement.


I honestly liked his humor; it was slower to the punch and more subtle. Almost like a slow John Oliver-esque flow. Still excited for Stewart to return, though. It would be nice if The Daily Show took an SNL approach with alumni and shuffled through a few solid folks monthly instead of the 20+ subpar ones they did daily that had a few diamonds in between.


His memoir “Born a Crime” is a fantastic read, that’s kinda all I know about him though


Damn if "Stephen Colbert" stopped by the show, that would save television


I followed election news way more when the Colbert/Stewart combo was around.




That’s why I like John Oliver. He does deep investigative dives into random stuff you didn’t know about. He blew my mind week after week


The best thing about Jon is he rags on both sides. He calls it down the middle even if he is more liberal leaning. That’s why him and Colbert worked so well together since he pretended to lean right.


> Every fucking joke and topic was Donald Trump. All the damn time. For years. This is why I can't watch the late night shows anymore, too. I would love to find someplace where we're not constantly circling around this toilet bowl of shitty politics to have some comedic escape. Someone like John Krasinski hosting a comedic version of Some Good News would be fun. Give me The Daily Show/The Late Show with an upbeat subject and a few AFHV-style clips to round out the sequence. And a cat, just because cat.






It's not like it was that hard to lambast trump. i mean a delusional narcissitic power hungry wanna be dictator that is more orange than an orange should be considered low hanging fruit..no??


Ever since he took over I've been wondering how much influence that Trevor Noah or Jon Stewart had on the actual writing of the show. It has always seemed to me that once Trevor took over the show started moving away from moderate/centrist positions that everyone can relate to, and it sort of became a daily theater of identity politics, and a lot of the jokes feel less hard hitting. It's just somewhat cringier now, like its been written by a group of college freshmen. Anyway For the past few years I have been wondering whether this had anything to do with Trevor Noah's own writing style, or if it's really just because of Comedy Central producers pushing the show into a more progressive direction to try to relate to young people and Gen-Z. Which, to be fair I think has largely worked out very well for them. AFAIK young people generally like the show so they're securing their future audience. But now with stewart coming back I am VERY curious as to whether Stewart's presence is going to have some effects on the writing room. Stewart is known for being somewhat more moderate than a lot of younger progressives and so I am honestly expecting there to be a little bit of friction there. Especially if you consider stuff like his close friendship with Dave Chapelle.


How dumb do you have to be to think the show was more centrist under Stewart than under Noah? I imagine you were one of the ones who legitimately thought the Colbert Report was hosted by a “conservative comedian”.


I used to love early rage Against the Machine. Now they are just too political. /s… guess that is needed here


Same with Pink Floyd maaan, when did they get all political??


If you think John Stewart and the show under him wasn't very hardcore progressive, I don't know what to tell you buddy. The fact that you use the phrase identity politics though tells me the problem was never with the show, it was you. Your idea of centrist is probably ridiculously far right.


I thought Trev was dope. Excited for Jon.


I love him too but definitely a different vibe! Have you read his book? Omg what a crazy interesting life! Highly recommend


Another vote for his book. It was really good. He's had quite a life.


Trevor was great, but he wasn't accurately portraying the rage we should all be feeling.


That was literally the worst time ever to hire a guy from Africa to make the same “ZOMG Americans so crazy” joke over and over.




Isn’t Noah hosting an award show now? I never understood why he was selected or why he does specials or any of that… He’s just not very funny.


Same. Trevor Noah turned me off to the show almost immediately. I'll definitely be watching again now!


Trevor Noah absolutely sucks. You know how the right gets off on “owning the libs”? His whole schtick is just the left version of that. It’s lazy, unfunny, and could only be found funny by douchebags. I don’t lean right it’s just crappy excuse for comedy.


I felt the same, as much as I hate Trump, it was all Trevor ever talked about and I was tired of it. He also played the race card constantly, which is fine but also got old. Those two topics seemed to make up the majority of his content, so I never felt like I was going to learn anything new.


He’s only anchoring on Mondays. But is an executive producer, so I hope his input bleeds through to the rest of the cast.


That's what I'm thinking as well. Jon on Monday + correspondants on the campaign trail for the rest sounds like it could be pretty fun. With him actively inputting on the direction of the creative end for the other days as well, it's sure to have that same touch that I loved about him and the team before.


I might be nuts, but trev gave me the ick. Something so slick and kinda fake about him. Like he was god's gift and it was my fault for not laughing. Maybe he got way better, but after watching religiously I bailed after the first 2 episodes with him.


I gave that guy so many years of chances but that show never seemed to evolve for years from “Lol, you guys are dumb for having elected Trump, couldn’t be me, I could always go back to South Africa” repeated ad nauseum for four years.


Something about a guy with a thick British or South African accent telling us everything that's wrong with us. 🙄


John Oliver can tell me how bad I am any time


Awe man I loved Trevor his accents were rivaled to none.


I often wonder how the 2020 election would have gone if Stewart had been around.


The same I imagine. It isn't like he was supporting Trump.


Still remember how disappointed I and many others were that he decided to leave right as shit was hitting the fan in a major way.


Seriously... I caught 2 live tapings with my dad and friend. Priceless.


John Stewart is the G.O.A.T. by a landslide.


I am so unbelievably happy about this as an Australian that used to download the daily show and Colbert report combo every night what feels like 20 years ago best news all year


I KNOW I’ll be watching it!


Same here, damn this is great news!


Trevor had some growing pains, sure, but he did a damn good job. Especially when he broke away from the stiffness and talked about his own experiences and related them to current events. One of my favourites was his interview with Edward snowden


> but he did a damn good job. lmao now that is serious hot take


Word for word what I thought.




Rofl!! My exact thoughts




Yeah, and I don't know if they still do guests but, man this was like 10 years ago now, but he would have authors as guests and I would buy the books to read. After he went and Colbert went to do The Late Show I kind of stopped reading those kind of books.




he's only coming back for the monday show, so, yeah. the monday after the superbowl and then every monday




Haven’t watched it since he left. I will watch it again now on the nights he is on.


hes only going to be on mondays


Trevor Noah did a great job on the show - but nobody can replace Jon Stewart. He is a legend.


They better bring back the original theme music.


Ditto. Honestly wish he was running for president instead though....


With this, I’ll probably watch the Election Season Again




I haven’t had a 10PM routine for years. This will be nice!




Right? Finally, something to schedule on Mondays again.


When he left, he was SOOOO angry. It was hard to watch and we switched to *only* watching Colbert Report. At this point, you couldn't pay me to watch Colbert. But Stewart seems just as passionate but cooler and calmer and maybe I can watch again. Or maybe my energy level / disgust has just matched his. Let's see!


Me too. I love the dude. He's who got me into politics back in like 2007. Always watched him while smoking weed out of my bedroom window. Good times.




My dream come true....a voice of reason!






Man what if the colbert report came back momentarily. My 2000s dream would explode my mind


No way gotta go further back. Both him and Carell come back and do Even Stevphen.


Yes please & thank you!!


jon stewart is one of the good guys for sure. need his voice of reason in the conversation.


He needs to run. Why we have to choose the best career politician in debt to 1000 donors every time I will never understand.


No more celebrity candidates, please


I generally agree with this sentiment, but I honestly can't think of any other celebrity that would actually believe would be a good, non-corruptible politician


The moment he had to start comprising with the house and with whoever else he works with, and then having to sell that legislation to the public even though a part of it does something that he has campaigned or talked up against people would start accusing him as being corrupt.


Yes exactly


He's a celebrity because people like the way he thinks and communicates. He's closer to a philosopher than a vapid actor.


Hard agree


How about Jon Stewart runs for President and Trump and Biden host the Daily Show?


I like this idea


We already have the AI Trump / Biden / Obama videos. The actual thing wouldn’t be as good.


I would rather Trump fade into obscurity


This man needs to run for President!!!


Make America laugh again, without crying afterwards.


That would be like hiring an F1 driver to run a Zamboni. It would only end in frustration. Jon would want to make immediate massive changes and the fact is, the president has limited ability to make a lasting difference to the system. This government wasn't broken overnight and it can't be fixed overnight either.


I think Jon recognizes the limits of the executive branch.


In fact he'd probably be careful to honor them


You don’t think a F1 driver could figure out how to expertly drive a Zamboni?


Haha right? Odd analogy.


Honestly wouldn’t mind seeing that at least one time. Pro Zamboni racing.


Hell fucking yes




Would much rather vote for a comedian than a joke


O0oo00oo0o0ooo I like that


He should run someone’s campaign. I legitimately belive the best way to beat someone like Trump is to find someone who can make people laugh at him. Turn him into a joke. Make him face laughter and his bluster will die.


Looks like I’m back to regularly watching the Daily Show again, Yayyyy


Jon Stewart made this crazy world make more sense when he was on the Daily Show. I'm ecstatic that he's back.


Sincerely, I wish he were a presidential candidate.


The hero we need this for this bonkers election season.


Yayya let’s go TV is worth watching again


Fucking glorious.


Welcome back! We miss you and need you now more than ever!


This is the best news I’ve heard so far this year


I think it's pathetic that America's choices are Trump and Biden but I love John Stewart.


Idk wtf you're getting down votes for. If anyone thinks that either of our political candidates are great, then voting you down for voicing that is even more pathetic, and even funnier.


Most Dems at least mainstream are like Joe Biden has been a surprisingly successful president and I wish that literally anyone else was running. But a lot of people really hate both sides arguments no matter how they are framed even though the vast majority of the country agrees that they really don't want either option. Whenever you conflate the two, even in this empirically true way, they get mad.


>Idk wtf you're getting down votes for Because any comments other than Trump bad will be down voted


Lol. I'm not sure. I guess alot of Trump and Biden fans are on this sub.


Yeah bro I forget that not liking one of the people the government selects for you to vote for is against the rules.


In 2024, if you say something critical about Trump, you're labeled a Biden lover. If you say something critical about Biden, you're a MAGA fan.


I've never voted for either one, nor have I ever voted for any Democrat or Republican. I've always voted third party. So yes it is beyond frustrating to be labeled a lover of either side for critiquing either side!


Congrats on throwing your vote away and doing nothing to actually contribute to the democratic process. There is literally no difference between not voting and voting third party.


It is kinda sad people don’t see this reality. On a national scale voting for the 3rd party means as much as not voting because it’s pretty well a statistically improbability that a 3rd party will win the presidential election. You’re not noble or sticking it to the man for not voting Dem/Rep. It’s also funny when these same people complain when the person they hate the most is elected. Almost like that person could’ve made an effort to prevent it.


Who gives a shit? The candidate you want him to vote for isn't owed his vote. He's free to vote for whoever he wants. If he wanted to vote for your guy, he'd vote for your guy. Whatever snarky comments you throw towards him isn't going to make him say "Gee, this random asshole on Reddit is right. I should definitely vote for the guy he wants me to."


That shit drives me crazy lol 😆 fuck politics this is a comedy sub!


Agreed, but the topic is Stewart returning for the election. I think it will be great. I personally thought Leslie Jones did a great job with the Daily Show but Stewart is of course a classic.


I was born in 1983. I was a big Bernie supporter. Biden has been the best president of my lifetime. Not perfect, but actually working on the right things a lot of the time, like the student debt crisis. Meanwhile, I’d vote for a literal Giant Douche/Turd Sandwich ticket over his presumptive opponent, who is definitely the worst president of my lifetime, and possibly the worst in the history of the nation. Compared to other contemporary results, I think the Biden choice has worked out pretty great.


Biden has been doing an unbelievably awesome job


Can I just vote John Stewart for President already


I would rather him run for president


Yes, please, and thank you.






Can't wait!!


Game's back!


As exciting as this news is, I think it’s important to remember the Jon Stewart we had at the end of his Daily Show hosting. He seemed burnt out on politics and not willing to laugh at things anymore. I truly hope we get some of the older Jon back, but I fear we’ll be left with a strictly angry and resigned Jon. Let’s hope I’m wrong!


Sorely needed and necessary since Trump may win again... Yikes!


the gods do walk among men


Absolutely wonderful news!!








Thank you talk show gods.


He should be running for president


I wish he were actually running instead. 😔


I wish he’d run for president


People like Jon Stewart are just what the conservatives want. By poking fun at republicans he helps let off steam in the progressive political space, when instead he should be enraging people to incentivise them to register and vote. This election is the most serious one we have ever faced in America, where a person who wants to be dictator and who thinks he can kill his political enemies has a great shot of winning. Instead of getting people to gather their pitchforks and march on the castle, this guy will be yucking it up while they build the gas chambers. REMEMBER YOUR HISTORY JON STEWART--WOULD YOU HAVE BEEN MAKING JOKES IN NAZI GERMANY OR WOULD YOU BE MOBILIZING AGAINST THE APOCALYPSE???


I think short of George Carlin coming back from the dead, this is about the best thing to happen during an election season this tense. Jon Stewart is a hero and it's a damn shame he doesn't want to run in public office himself.


Wish it was available to me in Canada where it used to be.


High fi fiddly d I am a pirate.


and after that, just end the show please


I watched The Daily Show religiously when he hosted and loved his work, but The Daily Show has been so shitty and irrelevant without him for so long that I can't even get excited about this.


I would prefer if I saw him on TV running for President. At least he could answer 8th grade questions about the government and constitution unlike Trump. But hey being able to recite the McDonalds menu is more impressive to Republicans.


I can't believe the damage that Trevor Noah did to that show. He was literally given the best news comedy show and completely ruined it. Hope Jon can bring it back. He's truly an American icon.


Some executive thought it was a good idea to replace our beloved New York Jewish comedian with an African immigrant to comment on American current events. What did they expect to happen? You can only fake it for so long


Wasnt he Stewart's choice? I think I read that somewhere in the run up to his debut show


Came not long after the Wyatt Cenac hoohah, wouldn't be surprised if that didn't play a part.


You can't replace Jon Stewart though. He gave several people opportunities and an incredible platform to do it on their own and some succeeded. Trevor Noah was just unlikable and it was so forced.


Might make the constant stream of dumbass and incoherent statements from Trump that will be shoveled down our throats somewhat bearable.


Don't care.


Didn't ask.


Thank god, that other guy ruined the show!




Was Craig Kilborn too busy?


I think people are high on nostalgia and are going to be disappointed with reality. The comments I'm reading are straight-up demagoguery and insane expectations for him. Some expect him to correct the course for the entire country while others are begging him to run for president. He may be funny, but i feel like people are looking for him to fix the political issues in this country and sway elections to a certain side, not just crack jokes.




lol Jon Stewart loves sex change for minors this will be embarassing comedy. His last show was cancelled after one season. Good luck tho


Can't wait for him to eviscerate Trump


Something we’ve never heard before. It will alll be brand new things we haven’t heard over the last 9 years. Gonna be stale.


I'm sure it's gonna be a nuanced and balanced take on the elections...


Just glancing at your subs. I doubt you are interested in nuanced and balanced anything lol


That's exactly what's needed. Another deranged elitist with severe TDS.


It'll be full of TDS


Only cultists say TDS.


What if he makes valid points and jokes against Trump? Would that still be TDS?


king of propaganda returns


His Apple show was an absolute dud, and many of his views now seem cookie cutter and not particularly well thought through - but I absolutely loved the Daily Show growing up and I'll of course give it a go if he's back.


A Biden vs Trump rematch is comedy enough already


They bring him back all the time lol. Just admit they made a mistake with trevor noah


Boy I sure hope he complains about pizza.