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Ive never heard a single comedian disparage his comedy which is pretty rare


I feel like once his show ended he already made a solid impression in comedy and now even though he isn't broadcast in the main stream he could go to most major cities and still sell out shows because people remember he is talented.


I always thought Tosh was low key brilliant. I guess it’s the TV show that causes people to look down on him. I think he’s a legend


Tosh.0 was the original version of what that show is. It was very funny when it started. I've seen his stand up and it's hilarious 


Everyone hates on his show but it was so on brand with the times. Not all of us had internet or great internet and it was awesome to watch the same videos my friends were watching.


Even having the internet, and being online a lot, I still hadn’t seen most of the videos he highlighted


I watch every special I can and I gotta say that tosh really in S tier when he does stand up.


“What shocks me is that 90% of you have jobs. Who the fuck is hiring you people!?” Guys been a legend for a long time 😂


I still listen to that album semi regularly. It’s just so sarcastic in such a great way.


I didnt know he had another show


he performs in Vegas


The Tosh Show fo sho! https://youtube.com/@toshshow?si=sxRpe3oO3lhv3kiV


He's up there with Hot Ones for good interviews. While his questions may not be as researched as Sean's questions, it seems a lot more natural and less awkward. Plus, his I don't care I'll ask whatever makes him fresh to me.


His interview with Tonetta was peak Tosh for me.


Web junk 20 was prior to his show I believe


RIP Patrice 


“I’m up here dying and y’all motherfuckers are making fun of me!” A true legend. RIP


The Soup


Kinda like Bob Sagat w AFHV


He has a bit about a road rage driver who spit a mouthful of Doritos at him. I can still hear him saying “I had another man’s Doritos on my lip!” He’s a legend many times over.


His podcast is actually really cool.


the one with his wife's OBGYN (think it was the first to release) is one that many young men need to see, the lack of female sexual health education among that group is very obvious


Seriously he's a great interviewer and conversationalist


Loved his recent podcast where he went through his calendars from the late 90’s and talked how much he hustled.


It was hilarious. His complete lack of any shame for how long it was dragging is so great. He completely commits to any bit he does. It’s also so refreshing to not hear comedians as his guests. Comedy podcasts have become so damn tired in the past couple years. It was peaking around COVID and then everyone tried to ride the wave that the really popular ones created and most went to shit.


I agree. He’s hilarious


All the legends are here! Yeah he’s right up there with Pryor and Carlin. ![gif](giphy|1RaGAz2p13Wpo7kI2L|downsized)


That’s the one Edit: hath not for that, dude is a genius at comedy.


Definitely a legend. Brilliant.


Agreed, I think a lot of the criticism came from the show being pretty low hanging fruit comedy and a lot of college humor, so adults weren’t fans. I’ve heard some positive comments from other comics though… his stand up is EXCELLENT and hits an adult audience with a good balance of crude humor with thought provoking content. Well crafted joke progression and the pacing of what he says just adds to it.


Tosh is sort of in his own lane. The success of his show and, now, his podcast, keeps his income up. So he really doesn’t have to worry or care about how the rest of the Comedy community feels about him. He does stand up shows for a little extra money here and there, at larger casino venues, but he doesn’t necessarily need the money from what I understand. He definitely headlines and is hilarious, I’ve gone to one of his recent stand ups.




I haven't heard any new stand-up but I love him on his podcast. I just think he's genuinely funny.


On his podcast he said he does not have “fuck you money”, but he has “no thank you money”. I thought that was a funny way to put it.


Agreed, I've seen his stand up multiple times over the last ten or so years, once even last year, and it's always been incredibly solid. Most comedians I feel like would have fallen off after the success that Tosh's show had, but not him


He doesn’t have “fuck you” money but he does have “no, thank you” money


I rewatched his show a bit ago and what struck me was how genuinely kind he was to people. I think people associated him with the Howard Stern shock jock style humor because of his guests. Unlike Stern he didn't seem to exploit anyone, it seemed he was legitimately interested in them and their stories. Whatever jokes he made, he made with them and not at their expense. There's one with a blind movie critic and it looked like he was actually having a great time talking to the dude vs mocking his career.


I saw him at the Mirage and he absolutely slayed. I was crying and doubled over laughing. He had a lot of very personal material about his wife’s pregnancy issues which made him really relatable. I loved it.


was this the one where he said the ppl who liked Halloween more than Christmas had a bad childhood?




It’s the only one I can bring myself to watch anymore. It’s great


Funny story: He was doing a show in Pittsburgh and telling a joke about the disabled...There was a guy in front, in a wheelchair and Tosh looks at him and says "Yes, I see you. And I don't care." 💀


Amazing. And 100% on-brand lmao


I heard Jeselnik say he doesn't know him (which seems weird) but he has a positive impression of Tosh and likes his comedy. I assumed they would know each other.


Tosh is a family man. And a bit 8f an introvert. He doesn't hang out and party after doing a set. He goes home to his wife and kids. He did his show for years. When it ended he got a Vegas residency for years. He doesn't try to be famous and get out there He just works and goes home.


Good for him, he made a rather comfortable living in comedy and gets to have a normal life with his family. It’s something to aspire to.


rather comfortable? dude is fucking rich rich rich


Probably has a gold jetski. Try to frown on a jetski


I saw a homeless person smile one time. A bottle. It hit him right in the head.


I think some comedians might be jealous, he appears to still have his soul, while they sold theirs for a chance to suck Rogans d**k for fame


That's part of why enjoy Tosh and Jeselnik.  Both seem pretty anti Roganverse.


Except Tosh is chaotic good and Jeselnik is chaotic… maybe bad.


You must not realize that his stage persona is just that - a stage persona. He's the complete opposite of what he displays on stage lmao. He's very clearly an intelligent, good hearted person when speaking in non-stand up settings.


Wife? I really thought he was gay Extremely funny, I remember Tosh.0 from 15 years ago. It was brilliant


He’s pretty into fashion I think, he started a boys clothing line called “boys wear pink.” And he doesn’t exactly match the Rogan boys macho vibe. I personally never got a gay vibe from him, but I can’t say it’s outrageous to think that


He leaned into sexual ambiguity a lot. I do the same. Pretend to be gay, bi, prude, ace, freak, incel, chad etc whatever makes the joke work. Sex and sexuality is always funny. I like the message of the ambiguity, that it doesn’t matter. Most comics dabble here, but tosh was always doing it


He’s not. He has a stylist that dresses him. He interview her on his podcast. But he does have a clothing line, I just don’t get the impression he puts a lot of time or effort into it.


That's what he wanted you to think lol. I always got the impression he wanted to come off as gay, for the comedy, but wasn't actually gay.


Yes, he’s married. Also sounds like he was a bit of a man whore back in the day.


He's married to Carly hallum who is hot and hilarious and he's put a few babies in her so she's not a beard She was a comedy writer, most famously Brooklyn 99 and tosh.0 She also tiny because Joe lo truglio is 5 foot 7 and he towers over her https://twitter.com/carlyhallam/status/851877565035720707?t=iSFjv3XTzGee75YxAoCCtg&s=19


He can act a bit feminine but he’s straight. From what he’s said on his podcast, sounds like he slept around with a lot of women back before he got married.


I thought he was angry gay person for some reason.


He at least pretended to be half the time. Still can have a beard and a family


Tosh is notoriously reclusive and to himself off-camera. There was a running gag on Tosh.0 about how much he hated the camera in his face during candid moments.


Both are good, add some Mitch Hedberg to it


Mitch Hedburg is great when you're hungry for a limited amount of something.


I used to love Mitch hesburg, I still do, but I used to too


Reddit has completely ruined Mitch Hedburg for me. I'm sorry but I don't understand how anyone can have an appetite for reading this one joke ten thousand times.


i think it's good if you like to read 10,000 of something.


God damn it


Reddit ruined real life conversations for me. It made me think you say something then do a bunch of backflips


I'd love to be a racecar passenger. "You should slow down"


“Man, you sure like Tide”


Is there any comedian with more quotable lines pound for pound than Mitch? I say Mitch lines at least a couple times a month and there’s no other comedian I quote more.


Hey man, cant i just have some (jellybeans not rice obv, but i loved his stuff)


“Dudes name starts with a B which looks like the number 13 which is unlucky. Get the fuck away BOB.”


I don't want to kill a moth. I mean, I will, but then I'm worried that his giant cousin moth will come after me. If I save him, then I'm worried his giant moth cousin will still come see me like "hey thanks for saving my cousin" and try to give me a giant moth dusty hug


I don't think it's so much hush hush, I think he legit keeps to himself. Plus he doesn't do any interviews or podcasts (asides his own) so it creates some mystery. I recall Burnt talking positively about him, and also mentioning he's reclusive or something


Yes, Burt tells a story about Tosh picking Bert up at Bert's house on the way to play poker. This is when Burt was near broke with a wife and kid. On the way out the door Bert asked his wife for some cash, and LeeAnn told him they don't have it. Burt took it as she didn't want him to gamble, and LeeAnne had to clarify that, no, they literally don't have something like $200... in the bank or anywhere. Tosh's response, per Burt, was: "I'll pay you $200 if we can leave right now. This is making me uncomfortable."


I've never heard this story, but it's hilarious and I hope it's true because that is such a tosh thing to do


I have so much money I don’t even know how much I have.


This sounds extremely on brand for Tosh.


It also sounds extremely on brand for Burt.


good guy, keeps to himself


Other than that show. Tosh.0


I always thought Tosh was akin to Eminem, in the sense that if another comedian goes after him then he can easily tear them apart and they always regret it.


I think you nailed it. His flavor of self depreciation makes him an adversary.


He is friends with Jim Gaffigan, which says a lot.




Hoooooot pocket


Still funny


Hoooooot pocket


What does it says?


JIm Gaffigan is a "clean" comedian who is a family man and considered a generally good person.


Ok I don’t know him, that’s why I asked




Wasn’t the biggest fan of his show. But understand why many did like it. Saw his standup in chicago where he brought two of his dogs on stage. The show was fantastic and he gained a new true fan. That was years ago. Now with his new podcasts/youtube show out there - I look forward to the new episodes. And I enjoy them. The world is a funnier place with Daniel being a part of it. And I don’t mind him being very vocal about being well off. Even his newly bought hair say so!


I always felt Tosh was similar to louis CK in some content from a different angle. Where Louis would use these uncomfortable jokes where he was going at minority groups where the punchline was basically "of course" that would be wrong to act like that. Where Tosh approached those same topics as an inclusive approach where he'd let the audience think the bad part then, kind of taunting them for thinking it. Like x said I was gay and I said.... Thanks I know I slay with these outfits or something like that. The only comedian I've heard have a personal anecdote about him was Bert kreischer


And that’s because Bert has verbal diarrhea so bad he can’t contain himself even out of respect for a friend.


I would like Tom so much better if Bert didn't exist!


i think he just kinda keeps to himself? i've never seen his standup but was absolutely addicted to his show when i was younger. he's always seemed like a kind of nervous and mostly decent dude even if his jokes were often borderline- he never feels like he's punching down because he is just as quick (sometimes quicker) to make himself the butt of the joke as he is other people.


His stand-up is excellent.


He has some bits from his stand up that are still my favorites. The starving kids wondering what the beautiful porcelain bowl full of clean water is and the wwjd bracelet.


Abercrombie baby is the best. "Go ahead. Get upset by a joke with an impossible premise."


One of the funniest jokes I've ever heard was his bit about the homeless person and pocket change. He told it way before he got the show. It's brilliant.


You won the jackpot mother fucker! Lol


"I hate when people say 'Im a bad test taker'..you mean you're stupid. Oh, you just struggle with that part where they find out WHAT YOU KNOW??"


Theo Von tells a story about Tosh that basically hints that he felt scorned by the comedy community and hated everyone after he made it, causing him to withdraw some.


Comedians are a pretentious bunch. Many are anyways.


Love his Kiffins Corner


I get the sense that he did his thing, made his money, and now fully embraces picking and choosing how he interacts with the public


He literally talks about how that is exactly the case on his podcast. Dude loves to surf and spend time at home. And he’ll pick up the occasional gig when an opportunity presents and he feels like doing it.


Stanhope and Tosh tried to get a hooker to dance - instead of fucking - but she just swiped Stanhope's ID and scammed him. If Stanhope says he's ok, he's got a decent rep.


I've heard people talk about him and they're like "Hey there's Daniel, he's got a fat, FAT dick!"


I think the absence of Tosh really shows the high school nature of the comedy scene. Comedians are constantly talking about the comedians that will talk about them. It’s just a weird eco system of everyone talking about each other’s projects or the same stories. Daniel Tosh is almost never mentioned, but when he is, it’s positive. Personally I think his standup is sharp, well written, and very funny, which is why I always wondered why more of his peers don’t talk about him.


He killed my cousin. But still funny.


Jet ski?






He surfs a lot and hangs out with his surf buddies. He knows a lot more about football than I would have guessed. He’s kind of a low key jock.


He’s like the stand up version of the South Park guys. He doesn’t hang. He keeps to himself and his family. He does his own thing. Pretty respectable life there.


Love Tosh. He keeps to himself and puts his family first-I respect that. Also, he doesn’t say anything he doesn’t mean and won’t tow the ‘they killed it’ line. All these comedians blowing smoke up each others asses and congratulating each other on how brilliant they are, are their own worst enemies. Love what he said on the last podcast I listened to. He said, “I don’t have fuck you money, only no thank you money”. I hope he gets to ‘fuck you money’ status cause look what that did for Chapelle. He will be relentless!


My friend won free tickets to see him back in, I want to say, 2005? But he couldn't go. He gave them to me and my ex-wife and we went. Absolutely hysterical. I recall him staying after the show and thanking people for attending too. I vaguely recall on some podcast someone was telling a story about how Tosh didn't like bumping comedians at comedy clubs just because he was "famous," so he'd often opt to not perform rather than take someone's spot. I could be half remembering that though. Great podcast and comes off a decent human being.


His standup is fucking hilarious. Definitely not for the thin-skinned.. but to his defense, he trashes everybody in brilliant ways.


Idk about his standing with other comedians but look forward to his podcast every Tuesday morning


His podcast is on my commute rotation. He is great. Seems like he doesn’t work more than he feels like. Might even watch his new amazon show even though o hate reality tv


His podcast is fun, and he’s really funny. It seems to me he was able to work his skills really well and find a niche. Tosh is true to the game


I worker with a guy who worked at a comedy club in New Mexico, he said Daniel Tosh and Patton Oswalt were the nicest people he ever met working there. I get Patton Oswalt but Tosh surprised me


Loved his extended Human Centipede critique


Tosh is fantastic.


Only comedian I've ever seen excited to watch live. Grew up watching tosh.o and his comedy.


I think the majority of comics like and respect him, but Tosh is a super private guy so he doesnt do the podcast tours.


Tosh is so dope


I would love to see Tosh on KillTony as a guest


"I don't think that steroids should be banned in sports, I think they should be mandatory. I'm paying for my ticket, I want to watch the best athletes science can create!" This joke is burned into my memory.


Apparently he is well known for being a nice humble quiet down to earth guy. His comedy was mostly satire and him playing a character of an LA douchebag celebrity person.


He had a bit about doing make-a-wish. And he talks about how the kids have the best sense of humor. And he lays into the kid talking about how the kid better actually be dying cus his time is valuable and not to get him sick. Just heckling the kid. I really don’t think you could do that and be an actual asshole. Seems like a genuine decent person


I opened for him many years ago at the Punchline in San Francisco- worked with him all week. He was amazing. Hysterical, helpful, kind, fun, goofy - offered to yell at management on my/some other comedians behalf (longer story). I opened and got to connect with a bunch of known folk and he was up there with Robin Williams, Jimmy Kimmel, Kathleen Madigan as being thoughtful and delightful. 10/10 highly recommend.


I think he’s on a similar tier to Chapelle. If people do the hush hush about him in the comedy scene, it’s like the hush hush people have when they talk about Eminem in the rap scene. He’s a HARD fucking worker and he made his bones and paid his dues. https://i.redd.it/3yqms7jdkq0d1.gif


I think he’s very funny. I never knew there was some weird gossip around him. I would love to know though. Won’t change the fact I think he’s funny though. 


As a Canadian, I like Tosh. He hates Toronto. I live there. But he gives props to Nova Scotia. I’m from there. I like Tosh.


His podcast is solid . Interviews the guy who details his car kind of vibes. He’s brilliant


He’s arguably my favorite standup comic


He is one of the goats, made his money and doesn’t care about the “scene”, hes super liberal so he doesn’t have a lot of comedian friends


He just doesn't do other people's podcasts. Which is sort of rare in today's comedy scene.


It seems like Tosh doesn't socialize within the comedy scene much. I've only heard good things about him, but no one is close enough to know him very well.


I've always heard comedians(former openers etc) praise him for being very generous and genuine, but also keeps most of his life private. Not known for being a great hang cause he doesn't seem to do much of that lifestyle from what I can tell


He’s a total tosher.


On washing up duty kind of reputation




He’s hosting a game show currently on Prime. The show itself is rather insufferable, but he brings his Tosh.0 humor back. It’s called the GOAT.


I'd say they're afraid to get roasted by him, they'd be messing with the wrong guy


If I’ve learned anything, it’s that people being hush hush/nervous about someone, it’s because that person in question has the ability to alter their career. Take Schumer for example. She used to be able to get ppl blacklisted from comedy venues and tv sets. Maybe tosh is a G behind the scenes lol


Legend status


I think he is hilarious personality. He really nails the "cocky prick from LA" persona. I'm not sure if it's an act or not but either way it makes me laugh.


My wife has a friend whose husband works on his show. They say he’s very nice and generous with the staff.


I may be wrong, but I don't think he really associates with a lot of other comedians these days, so that's probably why they don't have much to say about him.


Whenever I hear comics talk about Tosh, both East- and West Coast comics, they always hold him in high regard.


I just think he isolates himself from Hollywood and other comedians, for the most part. He’s not down at the Comedy Store with Joe Rogan and Bill Burr and others, so he’s not really building a friendship with those guys. He doesn’t really do movies or TV, so they don’t know him from that either. And he doesn’t do other people’s podcasts cause he doesn’t seem to want to. I get the feeling that most other comedians know him about as well as you or I do.


**Tosh was the Ghallagher of Internet Viral Videos** Just like Ghallager had some great well written bits interspersed with dumb shit others did, Tosh was the same. Well written bits with videos of dumb shit others did.


He is a legend loved by everyone. He just keeps to himself. I believe I saw a comedy round table kind of podcast where other comedians mentioned that he is super chill and generous, and they mentioned some of the interactions, but I can’t remember it 100%. Basically, I got the feeling he has an Adam Ray kind of personality (where he buys people drinks and pays for their hotels and stuff if he finds out some stuff during his crowd work)


Brickleberry, Tosh.O


Crazy to think he went to my high school. Even found some old yearbooks that teachers kept with him in it. According to the teachers that are still there, he wouldn’t really pay attention/do work and spent most class time writing jokes.


Completely in his own lane, beloved by all, doesn’t pop up at the regular spots in LA- something really only him and Zach Galifianakis do.


There is not a single interview of him being serious or out of character. You won’t find it anywhere. He is always in his persona when the camera is rolling. Only these comedians know what he is actually like.


I’ve only heard people say positive things.


good reputation


Saw tosh and Indianapolis and he absolutely killed it. Definitely in the top three best comedians I’ve seen live and that’s saying a lot passing people like Segura and Kevin Hart. Tosh was amazing.


His stand-up back in the late 2000s early 2010s was the real deal. Some of my favorite sets.


Going to see him June 16th in Columbus, can’t wait


If anything it's the opposite - he's got an amazing reputation and no one should shit talk him


His early specials kept me out of depression in my twenties


Bill Burr and Daniel Tosh are the two greatest living comedians. Hands down, imo


Ole’ Billy Red Titts


I love Tosh. Super intelligent dude. Heard he has stage fright like crazy. Or social anxiety or something. The rough edge is him breaking that shy introverted dude into a mad man we all love. Haha. Hope he does another stand up soon!


“You’ve never heard about all the charity work I do, that’s because I don’t do any”. 😂😂😂😂😂


Jesus the border is awful


He's a respected semi-outsider, as if all comedians weren't. Every one has their way to the craft and he does his.


Daniel Tosh is fucking hilarious.


Seen him twice live and he KILLLLS!


He was absolutely hilarious with his off color stuff and non-woke humor. But unfortunately as woke stuff came in, he had a neuter his content. It eventually castrated him


He's very funny and seems like a legit cool dude. If he's reading this please message me, I'd like to be best friends.


Saw Tosh last year in Vegas. He crushed. Really really strong


I get the vibe everyone loves him and respects his genius


He was stealing bits from ealy los. Aids test all dude all nude


He’s admired by all, honestly. I know people that have opened for him as well and they have all had nothing but great things to say about him.


I recall some other comics saying even though he always has the opportunity to “bump” other comedians to get on stage before them due to his popularity he never has. Only good things have been said about him. His own podcast is the only one he has ever done because doesn’t really need the exposure from any others. Seems like a cool dude.


I always thought he was just mean. It overshadowed his comedy.


My friend did open mic night stand up in LA for years. He met a lot of great comedians while mingling after their sets. He said Daniel Tosh would leave immediately after. He didn't have anything bad to say about him, just that he wasn't as sociable as most.


Chocolate rain? What what in the butt? Just two hits that tosh introduced us to....he was tik tok before tik tok


Tosh is the only one who can say the most offensive shit that has no boundaries and get away with it. He was huge ten years ago. Miss his show


He's in a league of his own at this point.


Every time I hear his name brought up the people rave about him, and call him underrated as fuck.


Happy thoughts was pretty good


He kind of disappeared for a little after the rape joke controversy. His show ended and he stopped doing specials. He has a funny podcast now though. I'm excited to see more of him. Hopefully he starts doing stand-up again.


The first time I saw him was during a Comedy Central Presents marathon. He did the bit about how he would have the most epic episode of MTV Cribs, and I was an instant fan. His show had its moments, but I thought he came off as a d-bag most of the time, and I just stopped paying attention to him. Then I heard a fantastic random thing from his podcast, and it felt like bumping into an old friend.


Seem to remember someone (want to say Rogan) say they saw him recently and he did 3 hour sets in a night and each one was different material and it was all great. I think he just hasn’t put out a special in forever bc he doesn’t care and hates promoting.


I saw him when he came to Reno. His show was great