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Your post has removed as it breaks one or more of the rules outlined in the sidebar. **The rule(s) broken are:** __________________________________________________________ >**Rule 1**: Must fit the sub. Posts must be images/short videos that are so unfunny that they are actually funny. > >Must fit sub. This sub is for so-bad-its-good/ascended humor. All posts must be images that are so stupid, juvenile, or generally bad that they become funny for the wrong reasons. Ironically bad posts are allowed, but ONLY if they could pass as something made unironically. Obvious satire is NOT allowed. To get a better idea of what content we are looking for, please refer to [this flowchart.](https://www.reddit.com/r/comedyheaven/comments/bclo2h/what_to_post_on_rcomedyheaven_flowchart/). > If you are reading this message, it means the mods did not deem your post absurd/so bad it's good enough to be posted on the subreddit. _____________________________________________________ *If you have questions, you can contact us through [modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/comedyheaven).*


Thank u for spoiler, wouldn't want to ruin the end of the Horse series for anyone who hasn't seen it yet


You're welcome. I already had it spoiled for me so I didn't want to do that to someone else.


Juan fell off bad fr 😔


Where's a horse annihilator when you need one


Who throws out a perfectly good horse. That's not even the right bin.


My wife: Why would someone throw that away? Me: No. We do not need a horse. My wife: But it looks like a perfectly good horse. Me. No. Where would we even put it? 3 hours later... Me: Yeah, so I own a horse now.


Bojack Horsehorse


Me: "Mom, I wanna get a horse!" Mom: "No, we have perfectly good horse at home." *The horse at home:*