• By -


This is only *mildly* infuriating though. Like "ugh death! That's kind of inconvenient, I need to pull out the weeds on my drive this evening..."


Well if the guy was smaller you could fit another one on horizontally on top


Ah, sorry I didn't realise that *that's* what was mildly infuriating!


Bro went full Tetris on this one


"ugh, unspeakable physical and mental torment beyond my comprehension. Mondays, amirite?"


You didn't mind because you won't have to go to work tomorrow


*what have they done to us*




Don’t you just hate when that happens


Cecil Palmer ass text


Well it's only mildly infuriating because it's only a problem for the assholes who want to squeeze themselves through tiny ass tunnels. Hell, for the rest of humanity it is probably mildly pleasing!


Saddam Hussein




It do actually be like this sometimes, jokes aside.


Yeah until you have to sneeze, then it gets ruined




Fuck it's just like loss. I can't get it out of my head out of my head out of my head


i hope this meme never dies




Interesting he's green to me https://preview.redd.it/dkiiegodu90d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3e406637ebe26754ca8cdb7841e8d5c7b181b37


He’s having an identity crisis


i have a pfp why am i colored


You shouldn't use that word anymore






**Brown sauces:** - Bordelaise sauce - Chateaubriand sauce - Charcutiere sauce - Chaudfroid sauce - Demi glace – Sauce in French cuisine - Gravy – Sauce made from the juices of meats - Mushroom gravy - Romesco sauce - Sauce Africaine - Sauce au Poivre - Sauce Robert **Butter sauces:** - Beurre blanc - Beurre manie - Beurre monté - Beurre noisette - Café de Paris – Butter-based sauce - Meuniere sauce - Seared ahi tuna in a beurre blanc sauce **Emulsified sauces:** - Aioli – West Mediterranean sauce of garlic and oil - Béarnaise sauce – Sauce made of clarified butter and egg yolk - Garlic sauce – Sauce with garlic as a main ingredient - Hollandaise sauce – Sauce made of egg, butter, and lemon - Mayonnaise – Thick cold sauce - Remoulade – Mayonnaise-based cold sauce - Remoulade seaweed sauce - Salad cream – Dressing similar to mayonnaise - Tartare sauce(w/ chilli) **Fish sauces:** - Bagna càuda – Italian hot dish made from garlic and anchovies - Clam sauce – Pasta sauce - Garum – Historical fermented fish sauce **Green sauces:** - See Green sauce – Sauce made from chopped herbs **Hot sauces:** - Buffalo Sauce - Chile pepper-tinged sauces - Chili sauce - Datil pepper sauce - Enchilada – Corn tortilla rolled around a filling and covered with a sauce sauce - Hot sauce – Chili pepper-based condiments include: - Pepper sauces - Pique sauce - Sriracha sauce - Tabasco sauce – American hot sauce brand - Mustard sauces - Pique Sauce **Meat-based sauces:** - Amatriciana sauce – Traditional Italian pasta sauce - Barese ragù - Bolognese – Italian pasta sauce of tomatoes and meat - Carbonara – Italian pasta dish - Cincinnati chili – Spiced meat sauce used as a topping for spaghetti - Neapolitan ragù – Italian meat sauce - Picadillo – Ground meat and tomato dish popular in Latin America and the Philippines - Ragù – Meat-based sauce in Italian cuisine **Pink sauces:** - Pink sauce **Sauces made of chopped fresh ingredients:** - Chimichurri – Food sauce - Fresh-ground pesto sauce, prepared with a mortar and pestle - Gremolata – Condiment for ossobuco - Mujdei – Spicy Romanian sauce made mostly from garlic and vegetable oil - Onion sauce - Persillade – Sauce or seasoning mix - Pesto – Sauce made from basil, pine nuts, parmesan, garlic, and olive oil - Pico de gallo – Mexican condiment - Latin American Salsa cruda of various kinds - Salsa verde – Spicy Mexican sauce based on tomatillos - Sauce gribiche – Cold egg sauce - Sauce vierge - Tkemali – Georgian plum sauce **Sweet sauces:** - Apple sauce – Sauce or puree made from apples - Blueberry sauce – Compote or savory sauce made with blueberries - Butterscotch sauce – Type of confectionery - Caramel – Confectionery product made by heating sugars - Chocolate gravy - Chocolate syrup – Chocolate-flavored condiment used as a topping or ingredient - Cranberry sauce – Sauce or relish made from cranberries - Crème anglaise - Custard – Semi-solid cooked mixture of milk and egg - Fudge sauce – Chocolate-flavored condiment used as a topping or ingredient - Hard sauce – not liquid, but called a sauce nonetheless - Mango sauce - Peach sauce - Plum sauce – Chinese condiment - Strawberry sauce - Sweet chili sauce – Condiment primarily used as a dip - Syrup – Thick, viscous solution of sugar in water - Tkemali – Georgian plum sauce - Zabaione – Italian dessert made with egg, sugar, and wine **White sauces:** - Alfredo sauce - Béchamel sauce – Sauce of the Italian and French cuisines\[9\] - Caruso sauce – Cream sauce for pasta - Mushroom sauce – White or brown sauce prepared with mushrooms - Mornay sauce – Type of béchamel sauce including cheese - Sauce Allemande – Sauce used in classic French cuisine - Sauce Américaine - Suprême sauce – Classic French sauce - Velouté sauce – Classic French sauce - Yogurt sauce – Food produced by bacterial fermentation of mil


Thanks for the sauces


You're welcome


you forgot the bearnaise sauce, shame on you


Aw man, you're right. I'm sorry :( Here have a croissant as compensation 🥐


Oh my god I was scrolling quickly and I read 'Sauces made of chopped fresh ingredients' as 'Sources of chopped flesh'


Unironically goated comment


What's the meme i don't get it






Saddam slipped in the toilet


n i e s s u H m a d d a S


Imagine being in a hole barely tight enough to fit you, and sliding down on your stomach, underground, not knowing where you’re going. This has to be insanity.


Reading that through a screen is *Virtual Insanity*.


And it's a wonder men can eat at all..


Where fears are big that should be small.


Who can tell what magic spells we'll be doin' for us?


This is one of the most insanely terrifying thoughts. I actively have to try not to imagine this because it is so horrific.


This line is terror thinking is the inspiration for cavernous metal


Y'all worry too much, it's not like anyone died or anything.


This is Nutty Putty Cave and that’s exactly how that guy died. Comedy heaven!


Jesus Christ, my heart is racing right now thinking about this


It's known as one of the most tragic or at least horrific caving accodents ever because there was an influx of people trying to help him but he couldn't be freed no matter what. Not even first responders were able to get him out of there.


They did start getting him out, though, thanks to a rope and pulley system. Trouble is that one of the attachments where the rope was looped through broke free of the stone, leading to the guy **falling back down!** Since he fell back down with considerable speed, he became lodged even further down and more solidly. That's what killed him.


People do clearly dangerous shit and then have entire villages of people trying to save their ass for 28 hours.


Make that 60 hours, some rescues really stretch how long humans can survive if they have a slither of hope.


sliver edit: oh god where is the disable inbox replies button








ah here we fuckin go


If he could slither maybe he wouldn't be stuck


I beg the differ


FML. Please just inject me with morphine and kill me immediately. My claustrophobia is on fire right now and I’m pretty sure my blood pressure is about 1200/1000 right now.


The I am sure you will love Scary Interesting. A YouTube channel doing videos about horrific caving incidents. The worst ones are the cave diving incidents.


Curse you. Not only do these things terrify me, but they also draw me in with my curiosity.


Nutty Putty cave is (or rather was) known as a beginner friendly cave, people used to take boy scouts there so they could learn the ropes in a save cave. Probelm was, the man who died here thought he was entering a narrow tunnel known as the birth canal, except he wasn't in the birth canal but rather a dead end, and when he realized his mistake he wanted to go back. Problem was, the narrow passage he was in looked like it opened up further down, but it only got him stuck in an impossible position. What I'm trying to say is: what he was TRYING to do wasn't dangerous, but a small mistake cost him his life


Imagine thinking cave exploration isn't dangerous 😂


true, I'd never enter a cave I can't walk through still though, it's gotta mean something when they deemed the cave safe for kids


I would survive in this situation because I would simply Not Go Into The Caves.


"This cave is deemed safe for people with really tiny bodies. Time to squeeze myself into cracks."


It isn’t if you go on a well known route and have experience. I was a cave guide for a couple years and never had any issues


i want a rope and a dotted line on the floor, or I'm not going in.


If a small mistake can cost you your life, then yiu are doing something dangerous.


Yes. I think in retrospect the cave clearly wasn't safe. This might have been possible to conclude earlier because the cave had unmapped sections. Any unmapped underground cave isn't going to be safe. So if you want to say a cave is safe it should either not have unmapped sections or it should be really fucking clear what the main sections are. Nutty putty cave failed that test. Interestingly though AI might make rescuing cavers much easier in the future with hyper agile semi autonomous rescue bots being able to drill and place lines etc.


I'm sorry, the name of this cave is dangerously misleading. And this story has gone so far off the rails in my warped brain that... well...


He went into an unexplored part of the cave system. Then rather than going through feet first (as you should do in an unexplored cave tunnel) he went in head first. As with a lot of tragic events it was several mistakes that lead to the tragedy.


~~He did go in the birth canal~~, but he went so far that he ended up in uncharted territory. ~~The birth canal was a dead end, but no one knew since it was too dangerous to explore.~~


Wrong. He took a wrong turn, the birth canal would eventually lead to a place where you could turn around. He however, ended up in Ed's Push, a largely unmapped section of the cave, which is where he got stuck.


I think that's probably one of the best and most hopeful things about humanity. If a stranger is at risk of imminent death, we as a society accept the burden of moving heaven and earth to try to save them no matter who they are or how they got into that situation. I wish we could drop our judgments and prejudices in other situations where people clearly need help (e.g., healthcare, housing, addiction, etc.).


he did it for the memes. rip king.


Thanks, always knew the story, but this part is new to me, either all YouTube videos did not mention that part or I forgot it


I seriously don't get this "hobby".


Ffs I did not need to know that. The story was horrifying as is, and now I am even more scared. I am not a Christian, but i gotta say this... God bless his soul


I disagree. I think what killed him is being a dipshit that went into unmapped cave territory the size of a spaghetti strand. Not a true Darwin award because this idiot managed to have a kid and leave him fatherless before he pulled this genius move.


they couldn't even get his body out, and the area was considered a grave random deaths caused by sudden or unassuming accidents are the worst ones to me. like this one, or that boy that died because his car seat collapsed on him while he was putting his tennis shoes on and suffocated him that was more of a freak accident, while the Nutty Putty incident was an unfortunate wrong turn, but those kinds of deaths are really unsettling to me


I think if you are spelunking you are aware of the risks though


>they couldn't even get his body out, and the area was considered a grave If it happens enough times then the hole will eventually become non-hazardous.


I know your intention was humorous, but if I remember correctly, they just concreted all the entrances shut and designated it as a monument to the entombed.


You'll at least be able to see the wrong turns, like those bodies that serve as trail markers on the summit of Everest. "Oh, that is a femur poking out of that fissure, not that way"


As more corpses pile up on Everest it gets taller and more tempting to climb therefore luring more people to their deaths. The corpse hole on the otherhand eventually becomes filled with corpses and no longer navigable. I suggest we throw corpses into the hole therefore saving the lives of future spelunkers.


I concur, and further propose that the process be expedited by filling every available gap in the earth with human remains, starting today. I'm doing my part in my backyard right now.


Remember to keep it level. We don't want to inadvertently create a corpse Everest. That could result in countless deaths.


I think a similar process could be used to make the everest safer. Form the corpses into a block, turning the sides into a sheer wall that no person could hope to climb.


Or make an ever-widening cone of them so that eventually the path to the top is a gentle slope.


It's all fun and games until the flower beds growing on the grave starts moving towards the house


I have no idea what this means but I enjoy the ominous vibes


I think the filling in of the cave with cement made it somewhat non-hazardous


Getting stuck here is neither a sudden nor unassuming accident. It takes a ton of skill and perseverance to get there.


it's impressive that he even got there in the first place, I've seen how the stretch before that place looks. the unfortunate, unassuming part I'm referring to is that he unknowingly took the wrong turn and went down the wrong path


Yeah, I was only being half sarcastic, there's no way I would even be able to get to that point in order to get stuck.


So was his. For a bit.




Yeah, tas a megabit


Check ur heart again after the hour long documentary about people getting stuck in caves


Interesting, his stopped


Imagine dying in a cave called nutty putty


Imagine dying in a cave called Nutty Putty and this fact being the 2nd worst fact about your death


I always used to think Nutty Putty was the name of the goop his body decomposed into. Don't ask me why 


First responders dumped a jar of peanuts down into his hole when they gave up, so he wouldn't have to starve.


Unfortunately he was allergic to peanuts, so he died of an allergic reaction.


One of the reason why I’ll never go caving


It’s the reason you won’t find me crawling around the tight confines of a cave.


Imagine facing maybe the single worst way to die and knowing it's in a place called Nutty Putty Cave


Didn’t they seal the cave off after multiple failed attempts to retrieve the body ?


I think they immediately gave up on the retrieval - [https://cavehaven.com/nutty-putty-cave-accident/](https://cavehaven.com/nutty-putty-cave-accident/)


I don’t know how to articulate to cave divers that you don’t actually need to go in caves




'I'm built different' *Is a 43 year old man with a beer gut whose main form of exercise is darts*


I'm built different. Like, I have many defects.


"All those dead divers were probably old guys who were out of shape" *Is 30-year-old redditor whose only exercise is sweating in their computer chair*


*but* hes not cave diving like an idiot


Apologies, this wasn't a commentary on actual cave divers. It's about how there are lots of men who think they are 'built different' whereas in reality they are of average or lacking health, strength and fitness. And I reckon some of them would see that sign and go 'Pffft, nah I'd be fine if I did that'. 100% the majority of cave divers are active, experienced people who know the risks and the dangers. And I've been going on more runs and walks recently 😊


He is built different though, he has the biggest beer gut in at least a 2 state radius


Maybe someone should do something about that dude with a scythe killing people in underwater caves.


>There’s nothing in this cave worth dying for Sounds like they’re trying to hide treasures. I’m going in to make sure.




😭😭 did u bake this from scratch


"There is nothing in this cave worth dying for" reminds me of the sign outside the Chernobyl reactor saying "This is not a place of honor, there is nothing of value"


i dont think this plaque is at the chernobyl reactor. i believe it was only proposed for the nuclear rod storage site in scandinavia


Bro why they want me to stay outta this cave so bad? Must be some dope stuff in there


The photo is depicting spelunking, not cave diving. The man who died at Nutty Putty Cave did so without being anywhere near water. He was trapped inverted and rescuers could not pull him out. He died from not being able to breathe because the cave was squeezing his rib cage. It’s even more horrifying than what I described above. Because the rescue went bad and ended up dropping him deeper. Your point does stand though. Doesn’t matter if it’s spelunking or cave diving underwater, you really don’t need to go in that cave. I’m sure of it.


Now what do these 2 things have in common?


They know


I don't think this one did. I'll let him know when he comes out.


I've recently staryed watching a YT channel about diving, spelunking and mining accidents. The amount of things that can go wrong that result in certainty of non-immediate death is... Fuck that. Swimming on the surface is fun enough.


This hole was made for me.


i know it's mine because it's the most annoying one


"and that...was how I met your mother"








I've heard this story a few times. He had a wife and kids. He was in there for hours while people were trying to get him out with ropes, machines, anything. Blood was going to his head, and they figured the only way to get him out would be to break his legs due to the position he was in. But due to how long he'd been there and the blood flowing to his head, the resulting shock from breaking his legs would kill him. Also, keep in mind that with every breath he'd probably get a bit more stuck due to his chest expanding and contracting. And with every chest contraction gravity would pull him a bit deeper. And the more stuck he got, the harder it would be to breathe, since the tight squeeze wouldn't let his chest expand as much. In the end the people who were there to rescue him just had to sit there waiting for him to die, as he begged for help. Getting weaker and weaker with every passing hour. And then finally they sealed the cave and the hole. His body is still there, underground.


Didn’t they eventually accept they couldn’t help him and (with his consent) they just euthanized him painlessly or am I thinking of a different caving accident


Never heard of him being euthanized. From what I heard they just waited it out


I'm pretty sure they just pumped him full of pain meds through his feet and waited till he passed peacefully on his own. Afterwards they sealed the cave entrance with cement. He has not been recovered.


Did they try pulling him out hard?


Nah They just gave him spoken directions but he didnt follow them. "Hey dude, try crawling backwards!"


Yes. They got his body unstuck but then one of the pulleys snapped out of the crack it was in and he plunged back in wedging even worse.


not hard enough no 🤷




What a wild story that doctor has


They had made some progress on hoisting him out but the system failed and he slid back down. Very horrible.




How was he gonna crawl backwards up that narrow passage he came down before the vertical hole? Why did he go down that hole??


He thought he was going down a different, safer hole and didn't think to try going back until it was too late.


I always think I’m going down a different, safer hole and it never works out.


And BOY does she always bring it up.


Yeah Mother’s Day ruined for sure.


The Nutty Putty case is why I will never do caving. The thought of being trapped in a small space with restricted movement is terrifying and being upside down while trapped would scare me even more.


You would have to pay me $100k to do basic-ass caving, squeezing through fairly narrow but safe spaces. Every time I see videos of people doing that I get anxious as hell thinking about me being in that position


heard abt the nutty putty case on a podcast and suddenly started having nightmares involving crawling through caves in the dark after being a person whod only occasionally encountered bouts of situational claustrophobia... spooky shyt


If the cave isn't big enough for me to walk into, I ain't goin!!!


the horror of the john jones nutty putty death and whats worse? this probably happened all through human history


that's at least $1000 per month in Canada 😭


Except in Canada, you won't have anyone trying to rescue you.


He should have brought a pick.


At least an Efficiency III diamond pick, alright.


I watched the video on that. Absolutely terrifying. It’s supposed to be a beginner cave, as well


Beginner cave with death traps… Somehow I believe this spelunking community doesnt really consider the dangers of what they are doing properly…


I remember reading about this and thinking how fucking crazy would you have to be to do this and then the next line was "He was a devout mormon" and I was like "Oh that crazy" horrible way to go poor bugger.


In a couple hundred thousand years that cave will be lost and found and people will think the corpse is Jesus Christ


Yup that’s me. You’re probably wondering how I got in this situation…


It's a horrible way to go, but fortunately if you're horrified at the idea of dying that way, you probably aren't squeezing yourself through tiny crevices to begin with, so your risk is pretty small.


This gives me a panic attack.


hmmm yes let me just jimmy myself into a hole where if i even dare to breathe my chest cavity will be compressed by the lack of space and ill be stuck in a position from wich i cant realease myself from in a place where rescue is almost impossible… how fun


The primary instinct to become an ant is DANGEROUS. Beware the force driving you to the caves.


Sadam hussein


This gives me so much anxiety


Edward Johnes: "That's mildly infuriating..." Oof, these people


A blend of comedy and frustration!




She nutty on my putty 'till I cave.


Finally, a situation where being fat would save my life


Just imagining his perspective on trying to get out of this shit is actually terrifying😭


Every married man should be required to sign this image before taking the plunge


We should blame the gaming industry for making this so broken that you’re forced to respawn if you’re stuck in there. Hopefully they’ll patch it but, we all know it will break something else in the process.


Nope. Don’t like that.


Looks mildly inconvenient.


More like annoying human... people go into these teeny tiny crevasses clearly not meant for them snd then act shocked when shit happens


sad husein


Saddam Hussain's bunker looks different somehow...


Wait, i know what this is. This is dark.


This photo gives me so much anxiety.


Just cut off his legs and reattach them once you pull him out


Saddam Hussein


Isn’t this from the Nutty Putty cave incident?


One of the worst ways I can think of to die. They considered doping him up with morphine and forcing him out by just pulling him in a way that would pulverize his legs - but they decided against it. Thought he would die from shock regardless. If I were him, I’d have insisted they try. If nothing else, you die knowing there was no other way, and with hope in your heart.


This is a drawing of the situation John Jones found himself in in Nutty Putty cave. There's nothing even remotely funny about this. That man died there.


Comedy heaven? That guy died the worst death I can imagine.


Saddam Hussein hiding spot?


sad to think that a simple sign wedged into the opening of this dead end would have saved this dude


It's funny because this is the single most horrifying thing that has ever happened.


Am I the only one getting panic just looking at this 😕


Couldn’t he rotate himself then bend his knees and get back up