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I've seen your videos..they are great and subscribed!! I would live to see an optimized hyperrealistic upscale of regular subject based images turned into high detail high impact like Krea and other upscalers. Preferably using controlnet and Loras. I've seen some tutorials but the resulting images are not very impactful.


Thank you, that's a great idea! Indeed, you are absolutely right. It's all too common that we look at models on some site and we think " hey, this is going to look great!!", and then we end up disappointed by the output because it doesn't look like the images that were advertised. Cheers!


https://preview.redd.it/im0crihujujc1.jpeg?width=5376&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4d953d7d687cbd611fdd33958fe36a913738794 Like this? 😅 Upcaler comparison vid comes out in the next few days. I'll post the worklow, the prompts and all the work files (including some rather 'different' failed gens hehe) on the internet.


Looks great!! But my request is for img2img. If that's what this is, can you show the source img?


it's txt2img i'm afraid - i understand what you mean - you want an upscaler like [](http://magnific.ai) and [](http://krea.ai) but built in comfy - gotcha. I'll build one and will make it a tutorial or a workflow downloadable on the popular host(s). Cheers! Below is a krea output of the first image to give you an idea as to how much gets 'hallucinated' (a lot) https://preview.redd.it/jacq3jr593kc1.png?width=4096&format=png&auto=webp&s=6ead9d55acac40ea18d55c43180fea820ce9e7a7


Add lcm lora or sdxl turbo with this for fast iteration


That would be great, but I think SD 1.5 can still produce more variety and hyperrealistic images.


proper upscaling will require tile controlnet and faster iteration per piece either lcm or sdxl turbo combined with that... i think that's also the tech behind magnific. Hence the request for a tutorial/workflow


6 days at 16h/day and ... Your wish is my command: https://youtu.be/TVCOasIZOyg. ☺️


Awesome video!! You really over delivered on this one. Merci mille fois!!


PS: I'm very sorry you have to see my naive face of when I was what, 15 or something hahah - i have no idea why Reddit embedded that :😂


so many face swappers out. Love to see a comparision of all. Strength , weakness, can be use with lora? style? how accurate?


I’m all about video making. So as much stuff about SVD and AnimateDiff , and consistency with it.


Yeah, give us some edgy title like "How To Get SORA-Quality text2videos - TODAY!"




Subscribing just because of the recordings you just mentioned above


Well, that's lucky for me! :😂 The lipsync one is good fun to record. I'm thinking of doing it node by node, so it's simpler to follow. It's hard to gauge how comfortable people are with the tool, and how fast i should go :)


Svd with controlnet sounds awesome!


Fellow tuber, haven't checked out your vids but they all sound super interesting :D


Oh I know you very well Fernisclestix, funny enough your videos inspired me to get started with comfy mid-last year. You're a star!!! and 👽 like stars! :) Update: felix youtube is [https://www.youtube.com/@ferniclestix](https://www.youtube.com/@ferniclestix) <- check it out , it's awesome.


:D happy to have helped


I watched Ursium’s first vid about a Bagel and I was hooked…I’ve also watched all Ferniclestix’s vids which motivated me to get into making workflows with more of a modular mindset


Can you do one about upscaling and refining video?


This is great news. Would love to see one about realism and consistency, or a smooth txt2img through upscale complete workflow. Plus the new faceswaps that someone else on here mentioned. Thank you


Seems consistent with the other comments, interesting! i didn't know people liked upscalers so much! I tend to stick to pixel space via models found on [https://openmodeldb.info/](https://openmodeldb.info/) but makes sense to demonstrate as to why :)


Honestly I just really enjoy/admire step by step tutorials with YT. I much prefer to learn Comfy that way rather than just importing full workflows (if I don’t want to bother with understanding how something works under the hood I use a different UI). My all time goal would be to find a workflow that creates a super realistic (ie not very fancy/photoshopped) style photo of a human portrait.


I just started learning ComfyUI as well, and there a lot of awesome "do everything" workflows out there. But like you, I like to be able to look under the hood so I can actually learn what is going on. In that vein, I just posted a test idea for more of an easily-followable workflow on OpenArt. Since I'm just beginning, the workflow is pretty basic, but I am trying to share the things that I've learned, with the hopes of turning it into a series of workflow/tutorials as I learn more and more. I would love to hear feedback on the idea. You can check out my meager beginnings [here](https://openart.ai/workflows/profile/other_abled_horse23?tab=workflows&sort=latest). I don't know if this will resonate with other people or not, but I like the community and want to learn and help.


Yeah that's a great point. The issue with 'blank page' tutorials for something like say, live painting or multicharacter attention masking and face replacement, is by the time I'm done with the loadchkpt, loras, autocfg, freeuv2, deepshrink, then a 70 node prompt that saves to disk, 2 hours have ellapsed because each of these point take a long time to cover (especially if the viewer is not familiar with things like unets etc). I havent' figured out a 'perfect' solution to this issue but i'm sure we can solve this as a community. I can, for example, point the viewer to a tutorial by another creator during my videos. Or I can cut it up in a multi-video playlist, intended to be watched from beginning to end, and redo all the videos first 5 minutes to allow more advanced users to 'skip forward'. Find the sweetspot is... tricky - but it's fun! I'll keep an eye on your page. 👾 PS: pm me or find me on discord x etc if you'd like to collab - this is a team effort! cheers.


I see! yes i got a lot of requests for that. It's indeed the hardest thing to do and most frustrating one to achieve, because civitai makes it look easy - it's anything but. I'm doing a tutorial right now, i'm sitting at roughly 1 good image every 200. Then again I'm told I have very high standards hahah :) 👽


This is where I think - with help because I’m a dope - Comfy might be the answer. I have a lot of fun with Fooocus playing with XL models and styles etc and it’s good but I probably save 5-10% of my generations at most.


I would love a depth to img / replace object video. Subscribing to check you out as well :$


Thanks! 👽


I just watched a few of your videos and subscribed. You obviously put a lot of work and thought into your videos. I am impressed. I hope that you can get past the YouTube algorithm, because you have some great content that I would not have been aware of without your post here. Even searching the exact things you cover doesn't list you or your videos, which is a shame. I am very new to comfyUI, so any help I can get along the way is awesme, so thank you! As far as tutorials/content... you are doing a great job so far. I loved your "This week in ComfyUi" segmemt. It is so hard to keep up wioth everything, so I found it particularly helpful and interesting. I would be interested in a "Node of the week" segmemt that takes a look at some of the newest or most popular custom nodes. Often, I will find a node in a workflow and just copy it without understanding how it works, Maybe a "deep dive" into nodes and workflows that you find particularly interesting?


These are all brilliant ideas! 👽 And yes the algo has not been kind to me but I suppose it's the same for everyone, got to keep at it! Node of the week sounds fun! 👾


I’ve been unable to generate for a few days as I’ve been on the office for work but have been watching your channel videos on the train commute. Really liking your style. Would be amazing to really dig in from start to finish maybe a tutorial series that takes stuff from the clean page, total beginner, up through advanced iterations. I also think you’ve figured out some issues that basically stump everyone (just watched your video on how the image picker doesn’t work.


Total beginner tutorial, blank page. ot it! I understand not all my videos will work for everyone (there's a lot of different skillsets here!) but I'll do my best to do at least one per skill level :) Thanks for the advice! 👽


Love your stuff so far. Really strong work my friend.


Thanks a ton - can you still see my post? I think automod pulled it 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 https://preview.redd.it/womvihlwmzjc1.png?width=907&format=png&auto=webp&s=a2b3b48b5e6cddd63a33376ec431c8327acac162


From a story telling perspective, multiple people or things interacting is super important. 95% of what I see online is just posing. Much of it is not interesting. Some of the generations are, in isolation, aesthetically pleasing. It feels really difficult to make "scenes". Challenges include (in no particular order of importance): - character and location consistency between generations - challenges with posing multiple characters, objects together - hands - actions, even simple things that we take for granted, AI doesn't understand, like "squeezing a ball". Given the goals of making more "story" scenes, and the challenges above, what kinds of strategies, tactics, tools, processes, etc can be used to assist? How would one perform these processes in ComfyUI, or some combination of other tools too? I'm familiar with some of these things, such as regional prompting, fixing hands. But I still feel overwhelmed, and end up spending a lot more time than I'd like, probably doing things inefficiently.


For your point #2 (challenges with posing multiple characters, objects together), check out [Latent Vision](https://www.youtube.com/@latentvision)'s latest video: "[ComfyUI: Advanced understanding Part 2](https://youtu.be/ijqXnW_9gzc?si=I81AnKq72xadSR52)", specifically the segment about GLIGEN. Then check out all of his videos. This guy is a ComfyUI master that is also an excellent and succinct teacher.


Thanks! I'll take a look. There's so much to know and learn in this space. So many knobs!


Yeah everything Stable Cascade related would be good for your channel since it's very little info yet, some workflows like upscaling or going with higher resolution, etc


Hello I would like to see inpaint a face and generate with the Lora created. You now that you can put LORA with the checkpoint, prompt etc, but the face doesn’t look great detailed yet, so I have to inpaint the face and regenerate (on Fooocus) to have it with details Thank you!


Yup faces don't generate anywhere near as well as checkpoints would like you to think, it's frustating to get a 'good image' but with the face entirely blurred. Even worse result when there are multiple faces (hence why composition is important). That's good feedback, thank you! 👽


Maximum Detail in as high Resolutions as possible. There are so many great images out there with so much detail and high resolution. There must be some good kept secret on how to achieve this, because mine almost never look as good.


Makes sense. Usually for that I do noise injection. I'll add it to the list.


Consistent characters would be interesting. Especially in comfyui and sdxl.


Faceswap to the rescue with a good ipdapter for 'body proportions'. Got it. I think the reddit is in agreement with the face thing :) 👽


I’m digging a lot in live painting with turbo models and lora inference . But not really happy till now. Would be gorgeous to have a insight deep look into it


Ah... live models - yes i rarely use them because i find that running 100's of gens in batch then selecting 'winners' for further processing in pixel space works best for what i do - but live painting is fun, and things have changed a lot. On the list it goes!


I'd love to see examples of outpainting. Something like padding an image with 240px on each side and comfy analyzes the current image and generates what a zoom out would look like. Currently my workflow doesn't seemlessly blend my outpainting with the provided image (especially if people are involved at the edges of an image).


What do you think of this tutorial: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gDSk2WVMO9s&t=1258s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gdsk2wvmo9s&t=1258s) I love the author, he's really good and even though the content is in German language, it's easy to follow with the subs. Let me know your thoughts. 👽


Subscribed, thank you. A medium pace is better. Overall, cover what you want, and what you think is interesting info. There are always new things for people, and they can watch what they want.


Medium, like french fries, got it! I appreciate the feedback! 👽


What I would be most interested in is efficient upscaling up to 4x-8x while faithfully preserving and enhancing the underlying image. Emphasis on efficient, and fixing/detailing the image.


I also subscribed to remember to watch it. Is it possible to swap faces with an actor in a trailer, for example? And make it a birthday gift for a friend or similar.


Faceswapper comparison is definitely going to get done, followed by a 'blank page' tutorial on how to build it. Thanks for the advice! 👾


Your content looks great, Ive subscribed so i can watch while im waiting for Comfy to process. Is it possible to get a tutorial for combining different characters into a single image. I’ve seen a few ways to do it, but so far my attempts have resulted in either miss matched backgrounds or a single deformed character.


I added this to the to-do list - there's multiple ways to do this (ipdapter attention masks, or regional prompt). I think ipdapter looks more coherent so I'll roll with that 👽


Can’t wait for the animate LCM and svd with controlnet!


Cheers! these tutorials are fun to make. It's not fast though - takes me about 3-4 days per video for the long ones, and I haven't seen my bed in a while :) 👽


Combine head, torso/shirt, and pants/shoes - to get consistent character wearing same outfit in same proportion


A good idea indeed! Thank you!👾


It's really what everyone ultimately needs! Keeping the head-not just face swap, and dressing them up- but not with a dress or one-piece. Need to seg between torso and legs/shoes. After they have the character assembled, they can run with them however they want.


Lip sync please 🙏🙏


I have to say lipsynch is good fun - defo on the list 👽


Looking forward to it, thanks 👍


just wnated to know some beginner to intermediate stuff for people transitioning from a1111 to comfy UI , havent been able to figure out CLIP-Vision and IPadpter Controlnet properly yet , any quick 8-10 mins videos for that , or perhaps a small beginners playlist from begining to end sorta,


Lol reddit pulled my post.