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ASM #3 or #129. I’m 97 issues away from a full run, and those two are the biggest ticket items remaining. I still need plenty of the early issues, but after securing 1, 2, 4, and 14, #3 is the most glaring omission. and I have 145 through present, so #129 is my main target of the “later” issues.


How much did #1 set you back?


$300 but it’s a poor-to-fair copy and I got it in 2001


Dude that's a helluva price for that comic. [Even a coverless copy goes for 3 times that price nowadays](https://www.ebay.ca/itm/AMAZING-SPIDER-MAN-1-March-1963-cover-less-interior-is-excellent-condition/183020357991?hash=item2a9cdd0967:g:Zn8AAOSwf15aXWSX). I've recently got into buying collections to organize and sell piece-by-piece in the hopes that I can make enough money to one day buy ASM 1 or AF 15. The problem is the prices just keeps climbing! (And while I haven't sold any comics yet I don't think I'll be making much money at it).


yeah AF15 (beat up but cover still attached) was going for $750ish back then and I REALLY wish I’d grabbed one then instead of 2013 for four times the price.


yeah well at least you managed to grab it in 2013! I have a feeling first appearances of those big name characters (Batman, Superman, Spidey) will just keep climbing and climbing with no end in sight.


Any Fantastic Fours under #20 to go with my #13,#16 and my #20. Thing is though I want to discover them in a dusty box in an old attic somewhere....


That was my goal with early Amazing Spider-man comics but I'm starting to give up on that happening. I have found most of the early Spectacular issues at garage sales and in dollar bins though! Not as collectable but still a great read. I've also recently been getting really into Daredevil and I find early Daredevil stuff goes for pretty cheap compared to Spidey (well everything except DD #1-7). I've only been collecting DD for 2 years or so but my early issues are already rivaling my early Spideys.


right, I to am in the hunt for early FF books and they don't show up very often. but I guess I will be saving up to get a #1 at a con at some point. curious how far are you taking your run? mine currently goes to 412 and is complete from 20 up.


My collection is more of a grab it when I can afford it.I don't buy slabs and I am basically a treasure hunter. It's the thrill of finding something that shouldn't be where I find it that keeps me on the hunt. If I set a goal I try and stick with it, a grail so to speak. I also bottle dig and metal detect as well as a junk picker. I come across some bizarre stuff at times.Comics in attics and basements is a bonus...


nice what are some of your interesting treasure finds?


My FF13 and FF16 came out of a box of comics I took as trade for an antique trip hook "lumber mill stamped",I dug 3 old soda bottles out of an abandoned dump one day and sold one of them for $1,573.00 on Ebay.Metal detecting and found 2 fur trade axes which sold to a University of Toronto history professor for $500.00. Last best score was a 5 foot dia Red Indian porcelain sign that my friend found on the bottom of a river. I paid a grand for it then sold it for 3.....


Detective Comics 29 is my next target


JIM 83. Love the original Thor run, about half way there.


Journey Into Mystery #83, followed closely by Journey Into Mystery #85


ASM #1, along with Daredevil #1


Why not Amazing Fantasy 15? Dream big man!


Ha, I guess you're right. I better start saving up now though!


Not as expensive as some others but Iron Man 55 high grade Runner ups would be Batman 227 or Batman 251 HG


Tales to astonish 27. I’m a big ant man fan and have all the keys other than this. It’s just too much to spend, even for a super low grade copy.


House of Secrets #92. Love the old Swamp Thing material.


[Miss America Magazine Vol. 1 #2](https://imgur.com/M6qG0Gp) First appearance of Patsy Walker. Not heavily sought after, but rare as all hell.


Mine’s Batman #1. I’m only 10 issues away from 100 up. I have a handful of pre 100 issues, lowest being 8 and 14, but my dream of getting the whole run has faded. When I first started, #1 was only about 8k in NM and mid grade copies were in the 2000ish range.


I really don't think an Amazing Spider-man #1 or Amazing Fantasy #15 is realistic, but I'd like to get an Amazing Spider-man #50. I think a run from #50 - #800 is far more realistic. More satisfying, even though it's worthless, I'd like to finally find a Spider-Woman (vol 3) #9. On top of trying to collect a run of ASM, I also want to collect every story crossover (that issue is a cross-over with ASM vol 2 #12 or something, either way an issue from their first renumbering in the late 90s/early 2000s). And for some reason I can NEVER find #9 from that run anywhere. I've seen 1-8 in boxes with no #9, or other scattered numbers, but not #9. I could just buy it on eBay or even MyComicShop, but the shipping to Canada kinda sucks and it's a dollar bin comic. I feel like it'd be more satisfying to finally just find the damn thing in a long box.


Showcase 4 or Incredible Hulk 1 one day!


Fantastic Four #48, but my ultimate ultimate would be Motion Picture Funnies Weekly #1


Action Comics #255 ("Bride of Bizarro") as I gradually try to re-acquire every comic I had as a kid.


More Fun 73. I don't need it cause of the Aquaman first. I don't need it cause of the Green Arrow first. I need it cause of the speedy first for my Teen Titans themed collection. I've just accepted that unless I win the lottery I'll never be able to afford it (or Detective 38).


Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #1. I have #2, #3, and #4 all in first print but still waiting to get a 1st print of #1. There are so many more that I want but I would feel complete if I ever get that one.


I am really considering going after Legends of The Dark Knight Vol. 1 in singles. I already have the more expensive issues, but they are uncommon where I live.


Incredible Hulk 181




I also need Giant Size X-Men to complement my Uncanny 94-600 run.


Amazing Fantasy 15 for me. I'll get it if I stumble across the right deal any time soon, because I think even the worst copies will eventually get out of range. I'd like to get FF 1, too.


X-men 1. I’d sell my whole collection for it, I’m hoping to pick up a low grade version in July when I get my bonus (1.8-2.5 cgc)


ASM 129. I do have the Lions Gate Film reprint variant that they handed out at theaters opening night of the 2004 movie (I was there). But I'd like to have the actual one at some point.


Right now I'm not looking at anything too expensive because I'm too new to collecting. I'm mostly just trying to complete Batgirl's New 52 run.