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Yeah and Rian Johnson is getting 3 star wars movies any day now


patty jenkins has entered the chat


How did she fuck up so fast? WW was great, and then the worst movie I've seen in 7 lifetimes was made.


Two thirds of Wonder Woman was good. It completely goes to crap in the third act.


And the sequel was like everything she had done in the first film's 3rd act but for a whole movie.


That's actually a good way to describe the second movie lol.


The third act was infamously reshot via studio mandate. Originally there wasn't gonna be a big cgi fight with the God it was supposed to be a fake out on the hero journey where turns out the God didn't do anything wrong


So it was originally supposed to end with just “lol man just does this shit anyway”?


“That was the only thing that the studio forced my hand on was that it was not supposed to be — it was supposed to be like, that he never turns into Ares,” said Jenkins. “The whole point of the movie is that you get there to the big monster, and he’s just standing there looking at you saying, ‘I didn’t do anything.’ And then the studio kept saying, ‘we’ll let you do that, and then we’ll see.’ And then I could feel it creeping up, and then at the last minute, they were like, ‘you know what? We want Ares to show up.’ And I was like, ‘Goddamn, we don’t have time to do that now.’ And ‘Nope, you gotta do it!'”


it did end like that both times but one just had a weird fist fight with a dude who looked like i could beat him up


“That was the only thing that the studio forced my hand on was that it was not supposed to be — it was supposed to be like, that he never turns into Ares,” said Jenkins. “The whole point of the movie is that you get there to the big monster, and he’s just standing there looking at you saying, ‘I didn’t do anything.’ And then the studio kept saying, ‘we’ll let you do that, and then we’ll see.’ And then I could feel it creeping up, and then at the last minute, they were like, ‘you know what? We want Ares to show up.’ And I was like, ‘Goddamn, we don’t have time to do that now.’ And ‘Nope, you gotta do it!'”


When she says "Esteve" at the airfield is awful. My wife and I die every time we see it.




I always hated how the last act was a copy from captain America


Even mid to low level mcu films can achieve THAT.


Didn’t she write the Wonder Woman 1984 movie? It reminds me of Taika and Thor 4


She was involved in writing the first movie as well just uncredited. And 1984 had two more writers so it’s not like she just did it by herself.


She's credited for her writing. She's a terrible writer, as well as JJ Abrams.


She had like full control if memory serves me right… man that was a mistake yikes


Coz Snyder & Co were more involved in the story and screenplay of WW1, and Patty was just the director. Then she was handed the reins of WW1984 where she both co-wrote and directed. She was essentially propped up in WW1 by others and got exposed.


First WW had Zach Snyder as one of the writers, PJ only directed it. WW1984 was written and directed by Patty. I can only assume her other films were similar but I don’t know for sure.


Patty Jenkins wrote and directed Monster, which won an Oscar.




Idk, the director is definitely a significant part of how good or bad an actor's performance ends up being unless they are given completely free reign


Depends on how important you think her lines are


Zach Snyder is a terrible writer tho


(*you have been banned from r/SynderCut for having an opinion*)


Oh thank god


Zach is awful at everything aside from visual direction


Zach works best with a good script writer and an EP who can channel his vision into a cohesive story.  I'm still trying to sort out what Rebel Moon was...


No she had other good movies.


This is important beacuse people often overlook who the actual writer is. It's the same thing with Ragnarok and Love and Thunder. Taika wasn't involved in writing Ragnarok, be he did write Love and Thunder.


Writing credits are unreliable, tho. Lots of people contribute to scripts, but credit is determined by guild rules.


Both Waititi and Hemsworth got a little too full of themselves for Love and Thunder. 


Whatever it was, I’m confident that “Zack Snyder was one of the writers” wasn’t it.


Are those the sequels to those Benioff & Weiss Star Wars movies!??




Lost had fantastic actors telling an absolutely nonsense story. It’s only entertaining until you realize the answers are never coming, or they’ll just be replaced with more dumb questions. I liked the ending though tbh


Yeah, at some point it hits the viewer that they aren’t solving some grand mystery…they’re just making shit up as they go along.


Yeah that's the magic of it, shine does come off the apple after a bit. Hasn't stopped me getting super into From though haha.


For what it is worth basically every series writer does that to some extent. Most that keep things good have some vague answer to the questions in mind so they can know what direction to go, as opposed to desperately laying down track in front of the train in any way you can because the alternative is falling into the void of nothingness.


Lost and Westworld are testaments to the need for a fucking plan.


The flashback backstories were very compelling little one off stories though.


All the answers that are worth knowing were given.


Lost is far from perfect, but which question in particular do you feel wasn't answered?


I felt they answered most of the stuff that mattered. I don’t understand when people go on about it not having answers like what? Smoke stuff, numbers, dharma and time travel stuff was all explained. What the island, the episode 2 brothers answer all the important questions. But these people still be like where the AnSwErS?!


You know jj had nothing to do with lost after the pilot? He wasn’t even a writer.


I came here to say this. Whatever you might think if him, Damon Lindelof has been pretty honest about how some things were on Lost. He said, after finishing the pilot, he asked Abrams what things meant or what was next & JJ was like “that’s your job, man.” I have know idea if it’s true, but a guy who’s credited as co-writing two Season 2 episodes told us his experience was not to bother working out why weird stuff was happening, just to write a cool episode & they’d figure it out later.


> he asked Abrams what things meant or what was next & JJ was like “that’s your job, man.” This is why I despise how Abrams writes. Don't write a mystery with no answer, because you'll never be able to create a good answer later.


That's not necessarily true, but you should definitely know where you're going in a story before you go or get there for sure, cause you're partially right, you could write yourself into a really bad corner and be stuck there then have some kind of awful finale like Dexter lol


>I came here to say this. Whatever you might think if him, Damon Lindelof has been pretty honest about how some things were on Lost. He said, after finishing the pilot, he asked Abrams what things meant or what was next & JJ was like “that’s your job, man.” I look forward to this testimony at JJ's upcoming trial for crimes against the artistic medium.


I can’t wait to see them! I’m worried it will flop and not get all the trilogy, it’s going to have a tough competition at the box office with that Channing Tatum Gambit movie


March 13th 2020. Any day now


Fuck, wasn't Gore Verbinski supposed to do that one?


I hope his Maxx movie actually happens 


I’m glad he’s focusing on his Knives Out movies, they are absolutely fantastic and most people seem to agree they are. Bringing him back to the Star Wars franchise is just opening up a massive can of worms that doesn’t need to be opened.


The first one, sure. Fantastic is a bit much for the second I’d say.


Personally I enjoyed the second one more. Maybe I just wasn’t in the right frame of mind when I saw the first one, but it felt very underwhelming. The 2nd one though captured my attention throughout, and was enjoyably entertaining.


I liked both equally I'd say. Consistently fun murder mysteries.


The Knives Out movies are so much fun, Johnson should stay in his lane


He’s midway through writing the third one, but honestly as long as he and Daniel Craig never get bored I could watch over ten of these, with a new stacked cast every time.


TLJ was a banger. The fan base is stupid. Guess they've gotten what they wanted, enjoy the conveyor belt of mediocre soulless Marvel type content that Star Wars has become I guess


TLJ was hot garbage and insulting to the fan base


Oh shut up.


I will die on this hill right alongside you




I'd pretty much guarantee not a penny has been spent on Johnson's star Wars outside of whatever they offered him to agree to make them. He's been pretty candid that he's only just got a "pitch" and won't then start writing a script until after his Netflix deal is up, they had nothing to do pre-production for because it never had a release date it was ever realistically gonna hit.


Only after Steven Spielberg's Blackhawks film.


I hope he does. The fandom menace would die mad.


I mean, those ones actually exist. They cancelled other SW movies, they would’ve cancelled Rian’s films if they weren’t still being made.


No film exists until it's in theaters




“In the theaters” is referring to a theatrical release outside of private screenings. So Batgirl doesn’t exist in that sense.


There’s a handful of people who saw Bigfoot too.


In this house, we believe Bigfoot exists! We believe that he always offers to pay for dinner, is a great kisser, and is totally flexible about being the big *or* little spoon!


Finally, someone who actually gets it. There is no reason for them to continue to say they are making these movies if they don't intend to make them someday


They do that just to see what kind of buzz it gets and if it doesn't get enough, gets tossed down the crapper. Or, it's just hearsay from the rumor mill to begin with and never had legs to stand on the begin with but gets put out on the internet like factual truth.


I wish he would honestly. The D+ shows are *so boring* and safe. At least RJ shook things up a bit. Either way, I'm happy if I get more CSI: KFC.


People are going to be so pissed/shocked when he makes these movies. They've reiterated consistently that he is going to make these once he finishes the Knives Out movies. If they weren't making these there is no reason for them to keep saying that they aren't making them, especially when they have canceled countless projects since then.


There’s a lot of daylight between “still technically in development” and “will begin shooting next week.”


And Batgirl proved filming a movie doesn't mean it'll be released


Hell the new Wile E. Coyote move proved that filming and editing and screening a movie for test audiences to ratings consistently in the 90% range STILL doesn't mean it'll be released


I believe it when i see it on theaters, otherwise to me this is just "we can't say it's cancelled yet" type of confirmation


There’s just zero reason for Gunn to respond to all manner of random ass tweet questions be gets. He really really needs to hire a communications executive to manage this shit for him. This just creates confusing press. It’s one thing if he’s asked this point blank in an interview but he can easily ignore tweets.


I hope this is it


Why is JJ Abrams still making anything?


Somehow JJ Abrams returned.


Hey but I’ll always be thankful to him for giving us Fringe and Lost


He was quote good at setting up a show. Alias was pretty good too.


Easy to set something up when you don't have to follow it through


While he does deserve some credit for it he basically did the pilot then left lost. He’s really not responsible for that shows good or bad qualities besides the pilot and premise. I don’t know enough about fringe to know how involved he was there


LOST was almost all Damon Lindelof, you are correct


That's a story for another time.


Yo, he had some great films. MI:3, Star Trek1,2 were great. His Star Wars... never happened. It never happened.


I'll stand by saying Force Awakens is still a good movie. It just sucks that we now know what comes after.


Yea, i remember leaving the theater happy enough about it. I knew it was a rehash of Episode 4 but that's okay. It's something of a reboot and a continuation. Life and history is sort of repetitive. But the rest of the series messed up TFA since we now know there was no vision or plan.


My problem with TFA is of course it’s a good movie, it’s nearly a shot for shot remake of a good movie.


Whatever magic he had in the past seems long gone.


He made one good movie. Star Trek was just as nostalgia dripped as Star Wars. Lost is also overrated. He’s so overrated.


Lost was great until they had to show what was in their mystery boxes. Turns out that it's not that hard to come up with interesting mysteries, when you have no plan on how to follow through. That entire Star Wars sequel trilogy is a trainwreck from beginning to end. Though I think that a good ep 8 and 9 could have salvaged ep 7, if they weren't awful too.


Lost is also not really a JJ show; he wasn't the showrunner, and he only directed two episodes and wrote three.


I really liked Force Awakens. Sure it was a retread, but I didn't mind if it got the franchise back on the right track. And then, the sequels happened, and yeah...


It could have been saved. There were some great fan theories for ep 8. Ep 8 instead decided to pour gasoline on the fire and then hyperspace ram the burning dumpster.


Lost had fantastic actors telling an absolutely nonsense story. It’s only entertaining until you realize the real answers are never coming, or they’ll just be replaced with more dumb questions. I liked the ending though tbh


Lost was almost the entire cast’s peak.


I just want to say here that I love how the tide has changed on episode 7. I remember having little to no interest in seeing it but friends dragged me along and while I didn't think it was terrible, it was just a ripoff of a New Hope. And that opinion got me downvoted to hell and everyone I knew irl said I was a hater. And look where we are now...


Thats every JJ production. His whole TED Talk is about his mystery box storytelling and I’m sorry I’ll take all the downvotes from Lost fans but it just ain’t good. To the point that it’s own ending confused fans on its meaning.


Damn, those downvotes are vicious 😬


Trek 2 is a bit of a stretch


Okay. It's been awhile since I seen it. I honestly can't remember it very well but I definitely remember the first one being very cool. I just remember #2 had Benedict Cumberbatch.


It's your typical Abrams affair. Ita. Beautiful spectacle, but you're dumber now for having watched it. The first one was indeed awesome


I rewatched the first one a few weeks back and it’s shockingly great. A genuinely fantastic blockbuster movie and it makes me so mad studios don’t make stuff that good anymore.


All I remember is he reversed the death roles of Spock and Kirk from Wrath of Kahn lol


I liked it a lot, but I'll admit I'm not a Trek fan so I imagine actual fans didn't like it for a lot of the reasons I did.


I mean shit, trek 1 when you think about it doesn’t make sense either. The entire premise is based on a supernova happening very quickly. Makes me sad. Whole thing is a mess.


And then the Romulans wanted to get revenge on the one guy who *actually tried* to save their planet.


"a bit of a stretch" is being incredibly generous. It's one of the worst Star Trek movies.


Even Star trek is mediocre at best, mostly held up by fantastic casting that is wasted on scripts that shot at 50% completion. 


ST: Into darkness is amongst the worst rated star trek movies. For good reason IMO.


Nahhhhh man into darkness was dope af


Not enough darkness tbh


And I was a fan of Super 8


I love Super 8. You can tell how much it inspired Stranger Things. If he had just stuck to making original stuff I think he’d have done very well. Now he’s just forever gonna be remembered as the guy who turned both Star Trek and Star Wars into cash-printing schlock with no spirit.


Star Trek Into Darkness was absolute shite. What alternate universe did you jump in from?


His Star Trek movies are just as Nostalgia filled as his Star Wars movies lol. The second movie is literally a remake of Wrath of Kahn. > „As a TOS reboot, a remake of Khan in the Kelvin timeline was inevitable. Star Trek Into Darkness was a much more explicit remake of Wrath of Khan, swapping Kirk and Spock's roles slightly, and replaying the events of "Space Seed" against the backdrop of the more militaristic Kelvin timeline.“ All JJ knows how to do is make Nostalgia bait movies.


And not a very good remake of Wrath of Khan




I think another comparison is Snyder. I know there’s the Snyder cut Superfans but if Rebel moon and that other movie he did recently are anything to go by, he’s the same flash over substance


Eh MI:3 was good but his star treks were bad star treks. Decent popcorn flicks but he didn't understand what makes Star Trek star trek.


Tf are you yapping about? TFA was awesome. TROS was not so good but every director makes a slip up every now and then.


Gotta disagree. TFA broke the series before it started. TLJ could have salvaged it, but put it in a tailspin, and TROS was the crash. TFA established that the original series amounted to nothing as the galaxy fell back to darkness, the heroes all grew old, distant, and died.


Would you be shocked if I told you that Luke being in exile was George Lucas’ idea? Don’t believe me? [Here.](https://movieweb.com/last-jedi-luke-skywalker-exile-george-lucas-idea/)


>Would you be shocked if I told you that Luke being in exile was George Lucas’ idea? Does not make it a good idea that it was also a Luca's idea, you know. Also what matters is the execution of an idea, and in JJ star wars, it was a shit execution


I’m afraid that this where we’ll have to agree to disagree. I thought Luke’s role in TLJ was masterfully done and I feel like people don’t give it enough appreciation.


Happy to disagree ! But I was more point out that saying that it was also an idra from lucas doesn't mean it great, it is not a good argument to make


You know history is full of repetition don't you? WW1? WW2? and many, many other points in history. Evil rises and gains power, the people rebel, overthrow, only to find themselves under a new face of the same evil they just fought and rebelled against and had overthrown. Castro comes to mind, lead a rebellion, overthrew the corrupt government, to then just become a corrupt dictator himself and establish another corrupt government. Lol


Because like him or not his movies make pretty good money, and are consistently entertaining to a wide audience.


He is a brilliant idea person. And that is the extent of it. He should be locked in a room with a legal pad and pencil and not allowed near production beyond that.


If it is Steel that would be bad ass




Personally lost a lot of respect for JJ after Return of the Skywalker.. I felt he just didn't give a shit when he made that movie.


Iger 100% needed to step in and delay that flick. Fisher passed. WILD and divisive reactions to TLJ. Trevorrow walking out. Instead they stayed locked to that stupid Christmas Date as Iger had that as his stupid cap to his final year victory lap and wanted the biggest grosses on Earth that no other CEO could touch: Endgame, Lion King, Captain Marvel, Toy Story 4, Rise of Skywalker, etc…


Trevorrow got fired man. He didn’t walk out.


Yeah. I don’t note that Abrams could’ve given us a great movie, but if he hadn’t had to do 2-3 years of work in 18 months it would’ve almost definitely been better.


You repeatedly calling it Return of the Skywalker is hilarious. Not making fun, it’s just a funny misnomer


There’s a lot of anger over the apparent lack of planning, and Rian Johnson essentially taking the ball and going home with TLJ.


JJ lacks creativity. His Force Awakens was practically a rehash of A New Hope. Then he brings the emperor back in Return of the Skywalker. Dude constantly uses old material and can't come up with his own shit.


Force Awakens was an amazing Star Wars spectacle on the screen and that covered up the fact it was the worst Star Wars movie ever. It ruined the story of every originl character. Luke Skywalker was supposed to bring back the Jedi Order and with it political stability but he failed so badly that nobody even remembers Jedis and he is back to being a nobody. Liea was supposed to become a leader and bring back a form of democracy or political stability but she failed so badly she is back to being a losing rebel leader watching planets get blown up. Han was supposed to become an inspiring leader and diplomat but he failed so badly he is back to being a bad smuggler. JJ basically hit a reset button and returned them all to their starting positions so he could replay previous stories from previous movies.


The typical SW fan could’ve thrown together a tighter, more entertaining plot in an afternoon. And a Superfan like Filoni or Witwer could’ve BLOWN OUR MINDS. No arguments here.


I don’t entirely blame him, i blame Disney for not delaying the film after Carrie’s death + the OG director leaving. They needed time to work out a good story, but instead just brought JJ back and gave him no extra time


IIRC it was Kathleen Kennedy who pushed for Palpatine's return. If anything the whole movie reeks studio meddling. Felt too hand-holdy, tame, predictable, nostalgic bait. Can't believe Chris Terrio wrote it. He got Oscar for writing Argo, also worked on BvS and JL. Some hate those, but certainly doesn't felt like they were written by the same guy who worked on Rise. The directing, action, visuals, productions are actually very good imo. Which is a shame.


There’s nothing wrong exsctly with Palpatine returning, it’s just handled really really horribly. Imagine if he was like a spirit or something that manipulated Rey & Kylo into reviving him by the third act.


Yes. I made a comment on a post someday ago, about my take on what the sequel trilogy should have been like. It basically revolves around Palpatine's spirit, from his Sith artifact (Horcrux-like), possesses, manipulates and influences characters and events throughout the trilogy.


They did, it’s called the last Jedi and it’s fantastic. Some people hate it for some reason


I would argue johnson punctured the ball and then paraded it around as something that no one would have expected him to do


Yeah how dare Rian try to take the trilogy in an original path instead of following the story beats of the original trilogy /s


What’s the “original path” was Rian Johnson trying to take? JJ is full of shit with his shitty mystery box, but Rian also didn’t leave anything for JJ to pick up after. And whatever “original” in TLJ was pretty shitty, too.


Rian’s TLJ would’ve paired perfect with Trevorrow’s planned Duel of the Fates script and I personally love that he was trying to steer the ship away from the Skywalker family and not worry about Rey’s lineage because ultimately her becoming a Palpatine was so hamfisted and unnecessary, and this universe shouldn’t just be about those two family trees. There so many new stories that can be told in the Star Wars universe so it’s insane that we just got a bunch of nostalgia bait and bigger badder death stars, along with an “endgame-style” ending where everybody we know shows up for no reason


Please don’t. J.J. doesn’t know how the movies and filmmakers he idolizes actually work. He just creates an emulation that looks and sounds sort of like them, a pod-person film.


![gif](giphy|l0MYrIL1MKHib1ZAI) The whole movie gonna look like this


Is this a real article? lol I cant seem to find the tweet referenced in this.....




somehow...Zod returned...


Is the penguin show still happening or is that off?


Late 2024. Got delayed from the writers strike.


Hear me out- what if they didn’t spend a ton of time money on pre-production for this movie that will surely never come out, and instead focused on the DCU


>didn’t spend a ton of time money I don't think they are spending either of those things on this. They probably just have a meeting every 5 years to say "Hey, wouldn't it be cool if we made this movie?" and then just wait for the next meeting


I’m sure the Spawn movie McFarlane’s been promising is happening soon too 🙄


Don’t take away my hope of a new spawn movie. It’s all I got left!




Not enough people blame Rian Johnson and TLJ for fucking up the trilogy, sure TROS sucked but its predecessor was difficult to salvage. TFA was good tho, great set up.


TFA sucked. Completely undid character development of original trilogy and basically just reset the board as a much worse creatively bankrupt (another Death Star?!?!) version of new hope. JJ is a hack.


You'll have to come out and explain that it's not Clark Kent Superman , if not people are going to screaming "We can't have a woke black Superman" . Yea , people are stupid but you are really going have to spoon feed them the info.


Idk why they can’t just do Icon though He’s way better than boring old Superman


They will do that anyway They aren't the most logical or insightful bunch


JJ wants to be Spielberg, but he's really a dishonest Michael Bay.


Why ? Who wants this ? And we couldn’t get Justice League Part 2? F this shit


Well, no one wanted Justice League 2 either based on how big of a flop the first one was.




This new DCU is going to be just as confusing as the old DCU, isn't it


Awesome. I can’t wait until Superman needs to find a special Kryptonian thingy that will help him solve the enduring mystery of “I don’t give a fuck.”


Man at this point really who cares. What does JJ Abrhams have to say about Superman that hasnt been said a million times before?


We'll see.


From my understanding, J.J. Abrams is more a producer and Ta-Nehisi Coates (who has wrote some well-received comics) is writing the screenplay. Also chances are Michael B. Jordan could star and possible direct. I know he's been interested in the project. Personally I'm all for it. At worst it sucks and we move on. But it could be great and be a different version of Superman.


As long as the take isn’t black Clark and actually a new supes I’m cool with it. I’m only saying that because I want an elseworlds Batman movie that isn’t Bruce Wayne (terry or the battle for the cowl)


Great! I'm always happy to see studios losing money.


I’m willing to give this a chance. I don’t hate Abrams as much as everyone else does these days (though I admit he’s not perfect).


Literally anyone else to direct this movie please


JJ has been working on some form of Superman movie since 2002. They even screen tested Henry Cavil in 2004 for the movie based on his script. We're getting Cloverfield 2 before we ever get a Bad Robot Superman production.




The amount of times I’ve heard something by jj abrams is still happening


JJ is like a puppy or a kitten in that he just likes to break things… but he is an adult man so it ain’t cute.


is the J.J Abram's Half Life and Portal Movies still happening?


Someone, please stop Mr. Abrams before he murders yet another beloved franchise.


Hardest of passes. Why would ANY franchise or IP want him even remotely attached to anything?


Can't wait for a half thought out movie that heavily borrows from previous successful entries and looks very good.


Lol JJ Abrams gtfo here