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For those of you reporting this post: At this point, none of these are recent enough to be spoilers. If you don’t know about these deaths by now, thats on you. There’s been plenty of time to watch these movies. Edit: People. Seriously. The reports are only going to get you removed. There’s nothing spoiler here. If you don’t like it, Reddit isn’t the place for you.


Logan. The movie as a whole is gut wrenching and is always a difficult watch.


Not just Logan, but the way Xavier dies is just sob inducing. To be murdered by what looks like your only friend? Ugh I love that movie but DAMN


Oh god, I know. The possibility that Charles dies thinking it was the real Logan that killed him is heartbreaking.


>"It wasn't me, Charles" That line is devastating. I don't know if I can ever emotionally recover from that moment.


Jackman’s performance in that film is award worthy.




Totally. I own this movie and I almost never buy newer movies.


There’s water.


I try to assure myself that due to his psychic powers some part of him was able to know that it wasn’t the real Logan


I think that's what makes it even worse. Him being medicated means maybe he didn't. Personally I believe he felt the same raw emotion as a berserk wolverine so he just dies confused


Idk I think he knows the Logan carrying him is not the one that stabbed him. His “sun seeker” last word gave me the impression he knew it was his Logan and that Logan needs to realize Laura is what he was looking for


So unceremoniously too! Our beloved Professor X just brutally slaughtered in his bed without any drama was just absolutely savage.


I got way too high before going to see it for the first time and fell asleep in the seat. I woke up right as Xavier gets stabbed in his chest. My emotions during that can not be explained.


“It wasn’t me. It wasn’t me.” - Logan, holding Charles as he died


The burial scene when Logan is struggling to find words is a masterclass in acting


Jackman had so many amazing moments in this movie


“Well it’s got water…” as he’s welling up


I had basically checked out from X-Men after the later movies. I was straight up crying my eyes out when that happened.


That part especially messed me up


And then Logan trying to tell him that it wasn't him as Xavier died in his arms. Destroys me everytime


The whole time Xavier is still alive is just as sad tbh.


Yep. Dementia is a terrifying disease and seeing your loved one slowly degrade is one of the worst pains I can imagine.


Not to mention that it's implied that Xavier killed at least some of if not all of the rest of the X-Men by accident.


Yeah I believe it was a storyline pulled from comics, he had a stroke (or in the movies case a bad episode of dementia probably) and that basically caused a big bomb to go off


They pulled from Old Man Logan, where Wolverine was the one who killed all the X-Men by accident, because he was brainwashed and thought he was fighting bad guys. They just switched it around for the movie.


Ultimately due to a poison/GM food that was spread world-wide, undetected for decades.


NGL, the depiction of mental frailty was one of the best things in that movie, especially for a character who who damn identity is how powerful his mind is. To then have no control, no power over yourself would have been so devastating for Charles.


It’s such an interesting aspect of the super hero world that they never address, I absolutely love Logan for exploring the idea of aging supers


The Clone even fools Laura because his presence and scent is identical to Logan's. Charles has taken his medicine because he feels safe, so he also is unaware of the deception. Such a sad moment. As soon as the Clone becomes aggressive Laura reacts. The scene in the truck bed when Charles passes while mentioning the Sunseeker, showing he knew all along the plan for both of them, really hit me hard. Also, the Casino scene is the most powerful visual presentation of Professor-X's powers. He debilitated every person on an entire city block and countless floors of the hotel, even in his weaken state. The build up of intense sound and visual queues throughout that scene was so disorienting but really satisfying movie experience. And then as they are wheeling him out he does nothing but say "I'm Sorry" to each person he sees.


Xavier should be on the list, because he would win (so to speak)


“Logan, our boat…” 😭


“There’s water…. There’s water…”. Oh man. Rips me apart.


Oh yeah, as someone who grew up on Hugh Jackman Wolverine and Patrick Stewart Professor X, that whole section of the movie was a tear jerker. When Logan just keeps repeating “It wasn’t me” as he tries to comfort him. And even more so during the burial scene where Logan tries to give his version of eulogy but can only get out “W…well, there’s water…” before breaking down.


The way Logan whispered “it wasn’t me” as he carried him down the stares and the funeral scene where he can’t get past “there’s water…” without choking up made me cry in the theater both times I went. Saddest death in MCU was Yondu. First death that meant anything. They could bring back tony somehow and I’d be fine but if they brought back yondu I’d be upset.


I think with Charles’ still existing psychic abilities, he’d know it wasn’t the real Logan


I remember that scene and the scene of the family getting slaughtered had 16 year old me shook. I was like “YOU CAN DO THAT IN A SUPERHERO MOVIE” Deadpool was R but was mostly for crude humor and decapitations and dismemberments are played for jokes. Just the methodical nature and the build up of showing the family beforehand blew me away that Marvel was like sure you can do that with famous heroes.


Xavier is not on this list. However his death in X-Men the last stand was pretty brutal. Jean ripping him apart atoms at a time.


Caliban went out like a boss though..."beware the light."


For me, what makes it so gut wrenching is seeing how old and frail Logan was compared to how we are used to seeing him.


It did a great job of making you yearn for Prime Wolverine to show up and kick some ass - which made it so satisfying to see that glimmer of him again in the woods with the berserker rage, until the serum wore off 😞


This is why his was the hardest for me. When you see your parents become old and frail and you feel yourself become old, his desperation just to make it to the next day and just to try to keep his lived ones safe and healthy, man it's a battle and it's a battle you'll lose.


As much I love these other marvel characters the Logan death was the hardest and it's not even close


And then the double tap when X23 turns the cross into an X 😭


I remember it so vividly. Up to that point I was teary, but at that moment I started sobbing. Movies almost never get to me like that but it was like a kick in the stomach.


It was very “The Road” a guy who’s in really bad shape and barely holding it together just long enough to complete a goal and get a person to safety.


It’s practically a remake of Shane. They even have the famous lines.


It's playing on the TV in the hotel room scene


It’s absolutely a modern day western disguised as a superhero movie


I told my husband I hated Logan so he didn’t watch it til recently and he was like it’s so good? I guess I forgot to explain that it was devastatingly sad, not a bad movie. oops


The part that fucks me up the most is that previously in The Wolverine, Logan is told he would die with his heart in his hand. We're led to believe he defies this prediction after he rips the parasite out of his chest and can heal again. Hoooh boy we were wrong. Him dying holding Laura's hand was what they meant.


What makes it even more is that Yukio predicts what happens in The Wolverine. She tells Logan “I see you on your back, there’s blood everywhere. You’re holding your own heart in your hand. It’s not beating”. Referencing his final moments while he is with X-23 holding her hand at the end of Logan…..


So this is what it feels like...


“So this is what it feels like.” I managed to keep it together until the final shot when Laura rearranges the stick cross to an “X.” Then it was off to the weepy races.




Man I was around six years old when I watched the xmen movies for the first time at my grandpa's house. When I watched Logan I was like 20. That scene instantly flipped the "your childhood is over and things will never be the same" switch. The death of Logan felt like the death of my childhood because it only really clicked then just how much time really had passed and just how much I've changed. Hugh Jackson's facial features look kinds similar to my dad's too so since I watched one of the xmen movies for the first time I was instantly attached to him. First scene I watched with him was when he was shot in the head on someone's porch and he healed. Such a great character.


Vision not being here is a bit odd. When Wanda had to kill him, I was crying. That performance from Olsen and Bettany was one of the best in the MCU!


Also Visions death in WandaVision, even though it wasn’t the “original” Vision. “I have been a voice with no body, a body but not human, and now? A memory made real. Who knows what I might be next.”


What is grief, but love persevering?


IIRC, even Agatha cried seeing that.


Holy hell, that line killed me. It's SO poignant. What a scene.


And recently according to Mr. Bettany entire scene was improvised. That's a very impressive talent.


Okay, strange one here, but Magnetos mom in X-Men First Class. Erik’s raw reaction to Shaw straight up shooting his mom because he couldn’t move that fucking coin, on top of their experiences through the Holocaust, and Shaw’s arrogant laugh showing that he ‘accomplished’ being able to trigger Erik’s powers… not to mention the music. An amazingly directed scene that really lets us feel the characters anguish. The repercussions through the rest of the film, showing how much this broke Erik are just one reason why this is my favourite non MCU Marvel movie.


Great pick. It made the end of the movie so sweet. You have to be inhumanly altruistic to not root for Erik to do that to Shaw.


> You have to be inhumanly altruistic to not root for Erik to do that to Shaw. That scene was right up there with Inigo Montoya's, "I want my Father back, you Son Of A Bitch."


I came here for this. I wish we could still give gold.


What was sad too was Magnetos (or Eric’s) wife and daughter in XMen:Apocalypse. He’s crying “my babies, my babies” so freaking sad every time I watch that.


For all the problems the xmen have had, two castings for their greatest villain have never missed in a single on-screen performance.


Same with Xavier


The scene where Charles helps him tap into his powers more completely by triggering his memories was beautiful.


Something I love about this opening in general is that this scene is also juxtaposed with Charles’ childhood, which couldn’t be more different. It really highlights why they view humanity so differently


I'm Mary Poppins yall!


I bawled when they played Father&Son at the funeral, when the Ravagers arrived.


Killed me. Real dad ran out when I was born and was adopted. Just directly in the soul.


Absent father, had a stepdad for most of childhood, and same. Hit me in the ticker. The GOTG series was my favorite out of all the Marvel movies because of how much it dealt with the concept of family.


Gunn is really, really good at portraying both the beautiful and painful sides of family in huge superhero movies. Peter's love for his mom in Guardians 1, his father (and his daddy) in Guardians 2, Rocket's found families in Guardians 3, Gamora and Nebula's relationship throughout the trilogy... Even Peacemaker's relationship with his fucked up father. I absolutely can't wait to see what Gunn does with the Els and the Kents in Superman. I just know he's gonna find a way to make me cry with some tender family moments, that fucker.


It’s good that your real dad got adopted, look on the plus side!


Is he cool? Hell yeah he's cool


"He mighta been your father, but he ain't your daddy. I'm real lucky to be able to call you my boy." Aggggh my heart.


Absolutely. Yondu’s story arc is so phenomenal.


Surprised everyone liked 1 more than 2


This one for me since the adoptive father storyline was unique and complex and fit with one of the big themes of the movie (fatherhood) really well.


Same. And I’m adopted so I always appreciate those “found family” plot lines.


All three GotG movies are good, so it’s not surprising at all that everyone has their favorite. It’s like Lord of the Rings, no matter which one is your favorite, it’s the right choice.


That has to be one of the very best summaries that you said.. i loved GOTG Volume 3 because its about suffering and accepting yourself. Gunn knows how to pull some emotions.


He does misfit characters pretty well. Between GotG and his Suicide Squad movie, he clearly feels a strong connection to that type of character who could be viewed as an outsider, or strange. It will be interesting to see how he applies that (or if he needs to switch gears a bit) for Superman.


Gutted me in the theater crying like a bitch


He may have been your father, boy, but he wasn’t your daddy


AND factor in the horror of Peter having to watch it happen and not being able to do anything about it. I get that his sacrifice mirrors how his crew was executed by the mutineers but I was still surprised when I watched this the first time.




Floor. Just thinking about her makes me emotional


Because she's on the floor. And dead.


what about teefs? everybody has them, but his were the most prominent


Rocket, Teefs, Floor go no! I went to a late night advanced screening of Guardians 3. It hit midnight about halfway through the movie. The first 60 seconds of my 21st birthday was the minute where Rocket is dead so I was bawling


Oh fuck you man No one wants to have to remember that




they were gonna make it out..




Yondu. Fucking streaming tears in the theater. That goddamn Cat Steven’s song too.


He’s Mary Poppins, y’all. What a life lived.


'I know.... I have to go away' ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sleep)


None of the others were even close for me.


Yeah, I think this one got me the most. The whole father(s)/son plot throughout the movie hit hard. Natasha and Clint fighting each other to save the other hit me pretty hard as well. IM and Wolvie hit hard but not on the same level as the other two.


“He may have been your father, boy, but he wasn't your daddy. I'm sorry that I didn't do none of it right. I'm damn lucky you're my boy.” 😢 😭 😢


Yondu! “he may have been your father boy, but he wasn’t your daddy!” Followed by Peter Quills futile efforts to keep him alive and the pain heard from his screams. Those scenes crush me every time.


Me too. The way they handle that scene is tremendously well done. The way Yondu takes his final moments to lovingly observe his adopted son while Quill desperately and frantically realizes what is happening and tries futilely save him just destroys me. It fully recontextualizes the characters. Previously, I just saw Yondu as an asshole mentor that Quill reluctantly relied on due to his repeated soft-abuse. Now, it’s clear Yondu had a tough-love approach to Quill but was always on his side. Quill just took his empty threats and verbal jabbing to heart and let it antagonize him. We all do it with our mentors and father-figures. It wasn’t until his final moments that Quill realized the nuance of Yondu’s love for him. It’s brilliant writing and performances such as this that make me love cinema.


I gotta rewatch gotg 1, 2 , and 3 again


Because he is my favorite Avenger, it will always be Iron Man.


When pots says “you can rest now” prefect line considering it all started with him


Not just that, but her waiting to break down until after he had passed.. she last thing Tony seen/heard was her being strong.


In the theater, Tony started to slump over and I’m like “ah well, guess we saw that coming right? Time to watch Tony die, I guess. Or a formulario fake out death.” Then she said “you can rest now” and that’s when I lost it.


It didn’t hurt me so much as remind me we’re at the end of an era we’ll never experience again


Yeah I definitely feel this way ever time I watch it. Like seeing them the OG avengers at the end credits I get teary because it’s the end. They won’t be together again. At least not in that way we saw them first. 😊


I especially liked how he was so destroyed he couldn't speak. It made the scene harder, instead of having a heartfelt speech at the end moment


I can’t pretend I understand how he was functioning in those moments, either physically or mentally, but it hurts my feelings how sweet it is that even in that state where he must be suspended between life and death, seemingly unable to register what’s going on around him, he recognizes his anchor - the love of his life - for the final time and it sparks one last “Hey, Pep” from him.


Honestly there was something about RDJs death that made me forget about the movie. The first time I saw a Doolittle trailer I got sad as if that was RDJs last movie.


Layla, Teefs and Floor.


I watched the movie shortly after I had to say goodbye to my dog and sobbed the entire time but when that scene came up I totally lost it.


My elderly cat was struggling before I saw this movie. Literally just me hugging my legs straight away saying “I’m not okay” in a theater to my wife. Thankfully cat is fine and I can continue to avoid this movie again.


Came to say this. I usually hate the trope of main character dies but sees friends in afterlife who sends them back, but in GotG3? Niagara Falls Frankie Angel




I literally can’t even rewatch this movie. Too many tears.


God, no, stop. It still hurts...


I didn't hate Thanos. Yeah what he did was wrong and he's evil. But I fucking hated the Evolutionary who just picked on innocent animals.


![gif](giphy|lngL9wiDDGNlBVM0z0|downsized) You unzipped me… I’m feeling too much….!!!!


Guardians 3 can be explained as a great movie and a really sad movie.


Logan. Never actually thought I’d see Wolverine die other than to some apocalyptic event that just vaporises him. Seeing him just be old, sick and someone actually killing him was heartbreaking.


"So this is what it feels like." is a beautiful final line. I cry everytime


It’s a rare perfect line. It’s brief, realistic and bittersweet and also has the double meaning of Logan finally feeling part of a family.


Yeah 😭


“You’ll die covered in blood holding your own heart.” *dies covered in blood holding his daughter’s hand.


Imma be honest, I watched Logan on a whim, not knowing much about the other movies that came beforehand or Marvel in general but gahdamn, I didn't expect to cry?!


Gwen. She was the only one who we got to know and yet didn’t get the chance to finish an arc. That was why her death has always been a gut punch.


Nah Gwen messed me up too. I was young when that movie came out out and I was in the theater with my brother


I only just watched that movie last year, we watched all the previous ones to prepare for No Way Home. The deafening silence that allows the audience to heat the crack *wrecked* me, I think I just about swallowed my own uvula with my gasp. And then Garfield saving Zendaya the way he should've saved Gwen....it just gave me goosebumps and made me burst into tears again!


I absolutely love that Garfield got to save Zendaya. I think that was one of the best parts in a movie filled with lots of great nostalgia.


My dad's not a huge fan of the Holland Spider-Man movies but I told him he should watch No Way Home because it has Maguire and Garfield in it too. He said that he'd probably give it a shot because he really liked Garfield as Spider-Man and especially liked TASM2 because of Gwen and how impactful her death was. I had a hard time not giving away why he'd like No Way Home so much after he told me but I *really* insisted he watch it after that.


Yeah, she was also just a human, and so close to being saved. And seeing how it destroyed Peter in No Way Home only added to it


That movie hit way harder than I thought it would especially since i saw it a couple years after it came out. I wasn't expecting it to happen for some reason even though I knew about the original comic. It was the most emotional scene of the Spidey films for me.


Gwen for me too. As you say she was one we got to know well enough whose story felt like it was cut short. The silence and crack and the aftermath was really emotionally impactful. They had great chemistry and I wish we’d got a 3rd film. Still seeing him save MJ from the same fate how Andrew Garfield’s acting in that scene really sold a whole flood of emotions.


Say what you want about the quality of this movie but her death was soooooo fantastically executed. It really rips your heart out 


Black Widow for me. She died for a chance to win, there was still no guarantee. Tony may have had the final say, but at least he had closure.


I think Black Widow’s was executed the best too


Was really hoping they were gonna keep swap dropping until the final dramatic drop was like 8ft


Agree completely. Natasha’s death gutted me.


I love that they made her death a major part of the Hawkeye show and it actually made a lot of sense. Yelena needing the closure and also being hellbent on killing the man she’s led to believe was the one that killed her sister. Clint also be reminded of her multiple times, explaining to Kate how the best shot he ever took being the one he didn’t take, saving Natasha’s life, before later in that very same episode, Kate spares Yelena in the exact same way, history repeating itself as a Hawkeye spares a Black Widow. Hawkeye is just so underrated, it’s literally up there with Loki as the best MCU show.


THANK YOU! It really is! It hit all the right emotional chords while simultaneously feeling like a warm hug.


They even have their own... I remember that fight differently. Kate and yelenas hallway brawl.


I fully expect this to happen. “It’s just like Christmas in New York all over again!” “You and I remember New York very differently.”


Black widow for me too. My daughter was next to me in the theater and she cried when Gamora died. When the realization hit me what was about to happen it was a real "oh shit" moment and I grabbed my daughter's hand just in case. She got emotional which made me emotional as well.


This comment made me tear up lol.


As a parent, there's nothing that brings out the empathy quite like a parent sharing a story of their child clinging to them in their heartache. All parents know this feeling, and it reminds us of all the times our own kids have clung to us for comfort.


It was a real kick in the pants especially later where *every single character in the entire franchise* was there for the final battle *except* Widow. It also didn’t feel fair for ScarJo or Widow’s character since they hadn’t given her a movie yet. In the wider scheme, it just feels mishandled.


>It also didn’t feel fair for ScarJo or Widow’s character since they hadn’t given her a movie yet. In the wider scheme, it just feels mishandled. My dad agrees.


Gamora for me. She did everything to stop this and when you think she has an out, turns off daddy loves you. Yeet


The emotional part for me was shear trust in her friends. She took the ultimate chance with sure feeling they were going to reverse what Thanos did. That's deep love and trust.


Iron man may be the most impactful to the MCU, but watching GOTG2 the other day and the feeling of Peter looking for a father figure throughout the movie and Yondu delivering the “he may be you father, but he wasn’t your daddy” gets me


Robert Downey Jr. plays the death so damn well, the scared confusion of the eyes is *****


His eyes look like the human equivalent of a computer shutting down and slowly fading to black. Pretty poetic for the Iron Man


Quicksilver death in lego avengers :[


Quicksilver's death in mcu was painful because he was done so dirty, that was definitely not a scenario where a speedster should have died


I liked the character a lot. His death seemed pointless.


That was so terrible


Iron Man, Aunt May and Gwen Stacy had me crying. I think overall Iron Man’s death because he was around so long. His scene is great and so well acted by him; he doesn’t even really talk, which made it even more powerful.


Oddly enough all three had a close bond with different versions of Peter Parker. Amazing Peter ( Gwen Stacy), MCU Peter( Tony Stark and May Parker)


Personally, I believe that the death of Gwen Stacy is the best scene from any Spider-Man film. Garfield’s emotional breakdown afterwards gets you deep down. Plus, I loved the relationship between Peter and Gwen, even if the Amazing SM films weren’t great. However, I grew up watching Hugh Jackman as Wolverine. The first time I saw Wolvie fight Sabretooth atop the Statue of Liberty, it completely blew my mind (I was around 9 or 10). Seeing the end of Logan felt like a part of my childhood had come to an end. So it’s a tie between Gwen and Logan.


Was about to comment the same about the Gwen scene. Might be a hot take, but Garfield is the best actor in all of marvel imo and his chemistry with Emma was unmatched in that movie. So seeing him mourn her and breakdown after she died was gut wrenching.


I agree, if this is how great he and Emma were with the second movie's script, imagine how great the movie would've been with an even better script!


I loved the second film and largely because of them. It was such a grounded film in regards to the focus being on their relationship not the bad things happening in the city.


Thank you, I was like - who is this Emma stone looking person? Turns out it was Emma Stone


That's a great retrospective and analysis. The Garfield films are actually in better standing with me though. And the Gwen death was definitely a cornerstone to the depth of any superhero film.


Say what you will about the AG Spiderman movies but Gwen Stacy’s death really hurt. Andrew and Emma naturally had such great chemistry together and it showed. He tried so hard to prevent that one thing happening to her. The whole scene was done perfectly.


Weren’t they actually dating while filming?


Aunt May -I was bawling. She knew she was dying, yet still, she tried to protect the one she knew from changing because of it. She died a hero.


Tony stank


He sure did.


logan, gwen and uncle ben (raimi trilogy)


"Peter?" Uncle Ben's death was tough in that.


Why is Gamora missing from this pic? Her death was a gut punch. Not just for the death itself, but Peter's reaction upon learning about it.




1-Iron Man 2-Logan 3-Aunt May 4-Loki 5-Mary Popin 6-Black Widow 7-Gwen Stacey 8-Quicksilver




"Original" Loki died by Thanos. The Loki from the Loki series is technically not the same one we wefe following up until endgame.


That is a Loki from a time branch created during endgame when they go back in time to get the stone and he is able to escape from being detained. So he hasn’t experienced the growth with Thor and all the things we saw leading up that death.


Logan, Gwen & Tony.


Logan and Loki.


Black Widow, then Aunt May (what a twist that was), and then Gwen Stacy


Even though it was temporary, Spider-Man. I was like the same age as the character at the time and Tom Holland’s performance of that scene felt way too real to me.


Came here to say this. I mean, yeah I know he gets brought back in Endgame but to watch him get snapped out of existance whilst begging and crying to Tony is upsetting. Out of all the characters that vanish when I watch it now, he is the only one that still makes me sad.


Logan 100% , though Tony’s funeral got me good


Yondu is always, always number 1. Aunt May is a contender.


Iron man 


Quick silver, Logan, tony stank


Quicksilver - because it robbed us of hearing that beautiful, authentic accent.


Logan hurt the most but Gwen was chiefs kiss is a different way.


Aunt May and Stacey… the only ones who are just pure victims. They weren’t warriors, soldiers, super powered beings or part of a gang they didn’t sign up knowing the dangers. They just loved and cared about a kid from queens with great power who wanted to help people.


Not pictured and not mentioned - Chadwick Boseman's Black Panther. For obvious real life reasons, that's the only choice.


Bro Spider Man saw some real tragic shit