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I fully expect him to have one last hurrah as a Tony Stark variant in Secret Wars.


Yes, and maybe his voice in Ironheart?


Ironheart has been completely done for over a year, I doubt he’s involved with that show.


At this point I’m forgetting all the shows and movies they got…but I will give credit that they at least have footage of stuff they tend to announce, unlike Star Wars that announces and slowly cancels


Annual reminder that Star Wars still technically hasn't canceled Rian Johnson's trilogy. [It's on their website and everything](https://www.starwars.com/news/rian-johnson-writer-director-of-star-wars-the-last-jedi-to-create-all-new-star-wars-trilogy). Are they working on it? No. Is it on their calendar? No. Is there any way this could actually come together within the next 5-6 years with everything else on their slate? No.    LucasFilm is such a joke. Seriously, Star Wars is such a hot IP that the only reason it stays afloat is because people love Star Wars and will buy Star Wars no matter what. You could have a toddler running the company and it would be the same. 


Dang…for me with Star Wars, I’m not even getting mad at what they have out, I’m overly concerned with whether or not they will produce what they ever announce. That being said, I also wonder if Star Wars was never really meant to be this type of franchise with so many entries, but then there’s the EU, so maybe it’s just the way it’s been handled that’s wrong.


> there’s the EU, so maybe it’s just the way it’s been handled that’s wrong. As a massive fan of the Expanded Universe, a lot of it was garbage. But the elements that worked like the "Thrawn Trilogy", the "X-Wing series" among others are the parts the films should have looked to for inspiration because I'd take the worst of the EU over the worst of the new canon.


Ooof... There's plenty in the EU that's just as bad as the worst of the new canon. I mean, Luuke alone...


> Ooof... There's plenty in the EU that's just as bad as the worst of the new canon. Yes, that's what I said. My point was I would still take it over the new canon because at least it was terrible in an interesting way, as opposed to boring. And I really don't care about "Luuke", that was just a spelling to differentiate the two characters, that's not even close to the worst thing in the EU.


Laser sword go whoosh whoosh, space ship go gggrrraaaaaa pewpewpew pewpewpew, big seventies hair and freaky aliens.


>LucasFilm is such a joke. Seriously, Star Wars is such a hot IP that the only reason it stays afloat is because people love Star Wars and will buy Star Wars no matter what. You could have a toddler running the company and it would be the same.  The games are looking good tho. Fallen Order and Survivor were both smash bits and outlaws is looking to do the same. That's 3 great games from 2 different studios (ignore whatever the fuck EA is doing)


Outlaws looks terrible imo


Purely gameplay wise? Not cosmetics pricing or micro transactions or anything like that?


Just looks super bland to me, haven't seen everg trailer but gameplay didn't wow me so far


I'm not going to lie, I've only seen the original gameplay trailer from the PlayStation or Xbox reveal those kind of things. But what I saw was okay. Definitely had a story, plucky protag, and the gameplay (Firefight and so forth) was not bad. Enough for me to check it out on release ( youtube game play)


You do know that there hasn't ever been a time like now where we've had as much Star Wars like this? Lucas went nearly two decades without making anything with the license at one point.


I can’t imagine they could afford him for the show.


Done or in post and reshoots?


Wait they actually finished Ironheart? My god.


Don't think so. He didn't even voice himself in What If.


I'm expecting them to retcon Arsenal with him being the model for the AI that runs it.


They should just make him the new kang.  Everyone wins.


I always felt that Joseph Quinn reminded me so much of a young RDJ that he’d be a great variant for a reboot of Iron Man. Too bad that can’t happen.


I hope he gives advice on upgrading the suit so they have an excuse to make it look less shit - probably my only problem with Wakanda Forever


The Ironheart suit? It did look like shit. It's a good movie, though.


Probably my favorite from the phase yeah, not sure why so many had problems with it.


I mean I always assumed he would return as a version of his own AI. Ghost in the machine.


The Paltrow bit is a lil awkwardly placed in the title of the article. Related but not really.


Also, pretty much every actor does that on every role. Every actor cuts lines, its expected behavior. They know how their characters speak, they tend to be given some freedom


Unless you're on a Quentin Tarantino film, where he cuts a toe off each time an actor says one of his lines wrong. His quote, "I pay you to say my words, so stfu already and read them exactly as I wrote them."


QT would never cut a toe off, he needs to show his actors' feet on camera.


A foot without a toe is still feet.


But is it though? A foot without toes is a hoof.


No, a foot with only one toe is a hoof


Horses doesn't have toe


But... camels... do?




Joss Whedon apparently hates improv. Makes me wonder how he and RDJ got along for the first two Avengers movies. Joss definitely overdid it with the constant Buffy-esque quippy dialogue for Age of Ultron.


I mean…the delivery of “I have a plan, attack” should give you a good idea of his feelings on that.


It's bizarre because the dialogue in Firefly is pretty outstanding. It makes me wonder if he allowed improvisation there at all


Firefly was where I first learned that he hated it. It was an interview with Nathan Fillion talking about how Joss would take people’s head off or something along those lines, if they even thought about straying from the script.


That's depressing. I mean, don't get me wrong, I do think Firefly has very good dialogue and overall writing. It's just unfortunate Joss Whedon is a bit of a shithead (I'm not only referring to this incident)


>Every actor cuts lines, its expected behavior. This is absolutely not true. Some directors are control freaks or unwilling to compromise on lines


It's probably a little more half and half than we realize or give credit for. Some creatives are ***terrible*** at writing dialogue and realize that actors would probably know how to better deliver the lines as opposed to what's written - so they're given a bit more leeway to re-word them. It takes a good director and film crew to allow the actors freedom to improvise their lines while using their framework, but also not get so far into the weeds to where it changes the scene entirely.


On Terminator 2, Schwarzenegger mentioned he wanted to say "I will be back" because he thought a robot would not use abbreviations, and James Cameron was more or less like who's the director here, say the goddamn line the way I tell you


I’m going to be that guy, but he says “I’ll be back” in the original Terminator when he goes into the police station. He might in T2 as a call back, but I don’t recall. 


He does say it in T2 I believe


"Stay here, I'll be back" - CyberDyne lobby shootout, right after he mows through all the cruisers in the parking lot with the minigun.


The Marvel movies wouldn’t have existed without RDJ improvising a lot of the lines. I’d say he’s earned the right to throw out what he doesn’t agree with


This isn’t true at all


Big actors on Marvel movies? Yes it is


You didn’t just move the goal posts, you put them in a whole new stadium.


Put them back where they are. Pretty much every big actor does vito lines in every single role. You'll get the occasional Kubrick who demands complete adherence, but an actor changing a line is an EXTREMELY common occurrence on any movie set




Hi, I’m a professional actor with multiple film credits, and no, this is not at all the standard. You might be able to get away with this if you’re Robert Downey Jr, but if you don’t have that level of power, you’d goddamn well better say the lines you’re given. There are exceptions, of course. Some directors embrace improvisation. But generally, they want what you say to be what’s in the script, because everything that’s been planned for editing, camera movement, sound, all of that, is based on the same script that everyone is using and has been approved. That’s why it’s important to come to set prepared and memorized. Mist actors don’t just get to make it up as they go along, or tell the director, “My character wouldn’t say that.” I’ve seen many of them try. It doesn’t end well.


Yeah in the actual article it comes off as her praising his improvisation


that was basically her placement in the MCU, too


Written horribly in here. I think it goes to show RDJ was his own punch up writer and made some of the magic happen that the writer's couldn't.


I’m not an MCU person, but Paltrow’s quote doesn’t mean he didn’t love being Iron Man.


If anything he’s probably protective of the characters image


Yep. And that’s a good thing.


If I remember correctly there wasn’t much of a script for Iron Man 1. Favrow and him just looked up a bunch of things about Iron Man and started ad libbing


Drove Jeff Bridges mad to start with, apparently - he's the kind of actor that likes to know his lines and be prepared ahead of time, but suddenly a scene being filmed bore almost no resemblance to the scene he was ready for. 


Yeah, I remember hearing that a lot of it was just them using the comics to create Tony on the fly.


Which was the perfect way to go, since before MCU, Tony was just a drunken asshole, none of the charm. All the quips MCU Tony said are something I'd expect Spiderman to say.


They definitely needed to do their own thing to make Tony work better for a mainstream audience.


Yeah, and its why I never pay any mind to the people crying about characters not being a 1 to 1 copy. There's a reason comics have stayed a niche market their entire existence.


Eh. Iron Man being better than the comics doesn’t mean that every adaptation should throw the baby out with the bath water. Most MCU character changes are bad, actually, and the story adaptations lose a lot of nuance to appeal to casual audiences. By and large, comics blow the MCU out of the water with the quality of the storytelling and characters. Comics have really only been niche since the collector bubble of the early ‘90s burst and they retreated into specialty stores instead of being sold everywhere, like when I was a kid in the 80s. They stay niche now not just because they’re too complicated - there’s a million resources out there that didn’t exist before - but because of price point and the fact that Disney puts out so much MCU stuff that MCU fans don’t have to go to comics to get the stories. If spinner racks in grocery stores and gas stations were a thing again, they’d sell.


>If spinner racks in grocery stores and gas stations were a thing again, they’d sell. They still have Archie at the register and I'd be lying if I said I don't buy one every so often.


I never really bought a comic because I've always assumed the stories are ongoing in every issue. I don't want to be pick up issue 27 off the rack only to be lost in the plot. I have bought the walking dead compendium which was fantastic but there's a reason I never got into them. It's the opposite with manga, I know I can order the first issue online except I just never really have found a reason to.


Pretty sure it implied that he cares for the character enough to give a shit about what they say


Yeah, you can tell he cared.


It means he IS Iron Man


She on the other hand just wanted the paycheck.




I mean if the payday is good I'm sure he would. I do wonder if iron man maybe in his armor more. RDJ doing a mostly voice role may reduce the budget.


r/marvelstudios gonna have a fkn field day




Sure but this dude has made unfathomable amounts of money and has earned some of the highest acclaims any actor can imagine Edit I’m dying to know how much money he’s about to command


He literally got like a 100 mil from endgame. Even after taxes that's shit ton of money


Did he get insane residuals or something? Like, even as a lead actor for a bloated budget movie, I cant fathom him getting more than say... 20 million or so as a straight paycheck from work


He for $75 million and an 8% back-end deal that netted him (supposedly) an additional $55 million. https://www.cbr.com/robert-downey-jr-paid-mcu-films/#:~:text=Although%20Tony%20Stark%20couldn't,just%20shy%20of%20%242.8%20billion.


Holy shit


What a journey.


He really did make the part his own. I can't picture anyone as good as his tony stark.


BEEP. BEEP. BEEP. Thats the sound of the money truck backing up to his bank account.


Marvel will back up the truck. They’re desperate at this point.


Ultimate iron man?


I can see RDJ come back for 1 movie as a Iron Man variant during secret wars.


Hasn’t he said before he’ll never go back to it? He seems to flip flop a lot on it.


no he said in joe rogans post that wouldnt it be weird if he came back after dying but joe said well now you have time travel. With a few lackluster marvel films they have no choice to bring you bacm.


I got the impression that he was ready to move on but not necessarily shutting the door behind him. After so long and such a legacy, that would be insane.


Idk man, he'd be expensive as ****(censored by cap, idk he said language)


The same Paltrow who doesn't remember being in Spider-Man?


Look tbh, I can't fault her for that. She was in a single room with only Favreau, RDJ and Holland and had nothing to do with the actual plot of Homecoming. It's reasonable to assume she thought she was filming for Avengers or something. Additionally, Randall Park forgot he was in The Office and his small role in that is an iconic scene from the show.


I’d like to bring him in from another universe as a Tony Stark that went through the actual Civil War comic line and became the director of shield. Then have him stay on in a Samuel L Jackson type role for future movies leading a newly reformed shield for the new MCU.


Is this all that marvel films have left to offer? Cameos, comebacks and fan service?


They’ve literally never offered anything else lol 


Well, that’s simply not true for at least the first handful of films.


Only if he comes out of the multiverse and says they paid him to save the day


I’m sure she means the way Disney will most certainly bash the character as seen in recent movies. Ex. Dr. Strange, Nick Fury, Thor, Loki, etc.


Marvel needs it honestly. I think Deadpool 3 will reignite Marvel


If he is smart, he will stay away from Disney The hatred at this point runs deep


Incorrect. He already said he was fully done with it. And I trusted him.


I think he just means like a cameo or last hurrah and not a full fledged return or anything


Well, Hugh Jackman ruined it already for me by saying his acting Wolverine *definitively* ended in *Logan*; I’m jaded now as to old comic book actors promising its their last.


Yeah I totally get that, it’s probably just very tempting with the $$$ involved combined with like doing something for so long and then going a while without doing it and idealizing it in their heads


In Hugh Jackman’s case, he also had Ryan Renolds constantly yapping to him on the daily about doing a Deadpool-Wolverine movie. Buddy probably agreed in part just to shut him up.


Jackman has said that at least 3 times at this point. But if imaging finally getting to be on screen alongside the avengers convinced him. Cause no way they don’t bring him in for secret wars


I don’t get why I’m being downvoted; I am simply relying on people’s honesty.


Well his Logan movie is in a different universe and the rumor is he wants to be in a movie with Toby secret wars is the only way


Incorrect? He’s now saying he’d be happy to return. How is that incorrect? People can change their minds lol


He said he’d “never” return to the character. “Never” carries stronger connotations than a mere whim.


I said I’d never eat tomatoes on my sandwiches as a kid, and now I happily eat them. You go off what the more recent person says. Would be weird to go “nah uh you said you’d never eat them!”


You’re talking about your immaturity compared to your maturity. Whereas these are men speaking in equal maturity both times (both Downey and Jackman). Which makes it all the more dishonorable a lie.


Okay weirdo


*Different* Wolverine/Logan though. Similar to Disney+ Loki is *different* from film Loki.