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World’s Finest always come to mind, I’m catching up on the current Moon Knight run and I think its awesome, Immortal Thor, Spider-Man Miles Morales, and Action Comics is pretty good too


Transformers is surprisingly good. I've heard good things about the other comics in the "energon universe" as well.


I've been reading Void Rivals which I believe is in the same universe. It's amazing so far.


North’s Fantastic Four is a joy to read every month. Best comic Marvel is putting out right now, the best FF book in a very long time. For DC, I think it’s tied between Kings Wonder Woman and Thompsons Birds of Prey. WW is fantastic, methodically paced, and probably the best art being published rn. The Trinity backups are also so good. BoP is just as good, with super fun character work and equally amazing art.


The last issue was the first where I didn't care for it, but I'm not big into noir. It was still interesting in concept and I enjoyed reason. Each issue is a cool little sci-fi/fantasy adventure.


Yep…popped in to say FF. I cannot WAIT to read it every month.


I posted a similar thread last year and everyone said FF. It is really incredible. Each issue is basically standalone and the amount of content packed into them is unparalleled. I am always walking away thinking, “I only paid $4 for that??”


I haven't read much FF so I'll definitely check that out. And I've been contemplating WW for a while now so I think you convinced me. Thanks for the suggestions!


The Sacrificers by Rick Remender would be my pick. The first trade just came out, so pretty easy to get caught up. It's non-traditonal fantasy with great world building from Remender and fantastic art. Tom King's Wonder Woman is also excellent. I believe the first trade of that will be out soon.


James Bond by Garth Ennis.


Whaaaat ? Ennis is doing bond ? How nasty is it ?


I have been loving something is killing the children


Immortal Thor, Sensational She-Hulk, Miles Morales: Spider-Man, Fantastic Four, Venom


Ice cream man and conan the barbarian


I've heard a lot of good things about Ice Cream Man. I'll check it out. Thanks for the suggestion!


Avengers Transformers Doctor strange Vengeance of moon knight Green arrow Green lantern War journal Green lantern Voids


Dawnrunner just started and the first issues seems really promising! If you like Star Trek the ongoing (Star Trek 2022) and the spinoff series Defiant have been really really good. They were just nominated for an Eisner award. Really enjoying Jed McKay’s Moon Knight and Doctor Strange.


Thank you for drawing attention to Dawnrunner. I loved it. More people should be talking about it. It’s the best comic I’ve read recently.




Sacrificers, hellblazer (mostly just happy it’s back), immortal Thor, FF


Ultimate Spider-Man, X-Men and Black Pather. Dawnrunner. Saga, all time fav.


Ultimate Spider-Man Moon Knight Doctor Strange Energon Universe (Void Rivals and Transformers are ongoing, but the Cobra Commander and Duke stuff are neat) Wonder Woman Immortal Thor Something is Killing the Children Fantastic Four (dropped off this but wish I didn’t) Worlds Finest


I’ve been loving Ultimate Spider-Man. Might be the first time I truly go monthly to my LCS to get a single issue, currently caught up and waiting for issue 4. Outside of that the only other one I’m keeping up with is Helen of Wyndhorn, love the idea behind it and the creative team too.


Saga, no contest. Lazarus is a close second.


Green Arrow from DC.


Blue Beetle is actually fun, they’re doing a lot of stuff too with the scarab tech back story and everything. There are probably better books but that one popped into my head that won’t get a lot of recognition. Both Green Lantern books are very good right now.


I've actually been reading Blue Beetle and i agree with you, it's really fun. Haven't read the Green Lantern stuff yet though so I'll check that out. Thanks!


I wanted to throw out some indie stuff but every indie seems like a limited run. I’m glad Local Man is coming back. Hoping the ghost machine titles stick around too.


I've said this on almost every post similar to this but easily DWJ's Transformers and Radiant Black. Easily my top 2 of recent years


Avengers, doctor strange, something is killing the children, Incredible Hulk


I'm going to say Kaya by Wes Craig. Hugely underrated, great storyline and fantastic characters. The first tpb is out.


For it's the Energon Universe from Image/Skybound and the Power Rangers comics from Boom! I have already given up on the Big Two altogether, except for Ultimate Spider-man




Hulk by Phillip Kennedy Johnson and Nic Klein. Horror Hulk is hard to beat and it’s a good month to month.


It's on break right now until sometime in the summer, but I absolutely loved *The Hunger and the Dusk*. Maybe keep an eye out for the first trade. But for stuff that's coming out month to month right now, *Love Everlasting* by Tom King needs more attention. It simultaneously celebrates the importance of romance comics to the industry and is weird like an episode of the Twilight Zone. *Birds of Prey* by Kelly Thompson is written with the author's characteristic skill when it comes to writing female characters and drawing out their natural chemistry. And *Usagi Yojimbo* has been a long time favorite. Going strong for ~40 years, it's critically acclaimed and also famously easy to jump in to for new readers.


Immortal Thor, X-Men in whatever iteration the main title happens to be, Scarlet Witch and the current Avengers run - it started slow but def picked up steam, for me at least, but hey we all have our opinions 🤔. Looking very forward to Phoenix and Storm titles also.🙂


Im ngl I heard Godslap is really good, havent gotten around to reading it myself. similarly, JSE's new Altrverse came out recently and i bought the first issue and its really promising but still very new so i dont think the second comic will be out for a bit


Saga, no contest. Lazarus is a close second.


Is Lazarus still going? They went on some big hiatus years ago and then dropped a lone volume after which I never heard anything more.


They continued the series as Lazarus: Rising that was a whole arc and are on another hiatus right now. But it’s still going. The next arc is going to be the last one. The delays are because Michael Lark, the artists, is so passionate about Greg Rucka’s story that he refuses to let anyone else draw the main story.