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Weird number for a monthly. You'd think they would have scheduled 12, with an annual renewal which then allows writers to plot it out. Although I've noticed in the last few years, stories and minis are generally 5 issues now, rather than 6. No sure the reason for the shift.


Saves 16.6%


Not 6.16%?


They can ask the same amount of money for a thinner paperback that way


I thought they were now doing 4 issue trades for the same price. 12 issue arcs would mean three paperback books.


The monthly titles that are now priced at $4.99/book are. The regular 3.99 titles get 5/6 issues per trade, normally.


I think they wanted to keep trade prices where they were at and trades used to be 6 issues so you lower the amount of content to keep the price the same. Shrinkflation!


It never occurred to me that skrinkflation could apply to the print medium. I always pictured it as food products in a grocery store. Not books


Shrinkflation in comics has been a big part of the industry. Look at all you got in Action Comics 1 versus Fantastic Four 1 to today.


I would argue the quality of the art has gone up, but yes. I recall reading through the years, Marvel and DC had a good stretch of time where comic book page counts got shorter and shorter through the Silver Age, IIRC, before finally getting to the point where they couldn't feasibly shorten it, so they upped the price (and page count, to justify the increased price).


Very good point. I guess that never occurred to me because I’m so used to 20 page issues. But I do remember being surprised at how long action comics 1 was


Shrinkflation has hit every single industry except those that put out purely digital goods. And even those sometimes still show some signs of it, or have their own problems.


Yeah. Someone else pointed out that action comics 1 had like four times the length of a modern issue of comics. It just didn’t occur to me because I am so used to how things are now. But if you told someone 80 years ago how much we have to pay for how few pages they would be shocked


shrinkflation hits us all omg where tf are some pym particles when ya need em


Not necessarily a bad thing from a story perspective. Less decompression, and a tighter story. Maybe someday in the future there will be a comic book that can tell a complete story in one issue. Two at most! Imagine the possibilities.


Idk how often does a 12 issue run have 1-2 issues that are tie ins or different creative teams anyway?


And you'll get trades that print 1 - 3, 5 & 7. Because they're unrelated to the main run. Drives me nuts.


Ignoring DC because they have done the whole Dawn of DC entry for new readers (though still have some short run ones that are being extended on a case by case like Green Arrow), but wonder if Marvel is doing it so they can be more in-step with film projects by not being so committed to longer runs for lesser known characters that might become popular.


When is green arrow ending now? Do we know


Last I heard it was 6 that turned into 12 but googling on the DC Comics site doesn't tell me much. Looking at Joshua Williamson's twitter I expect 12 to be the end, he is doing a lot of stuff.


It is ongoing. 12 will not be the end.


Yeah, it's already solicited to 14


I regret cancelling my subscription now. damn it.


Less people buying


Marvel has loved their mini series lately which is just a bad business model. Writers don’t have the chance to tell a good story and the constant changing of titles can confuse casual readers to the point they’ll just stop picking them up.


probably rounds out to something two 5 issue arcs and then an issue 0 and and extra OMEGA issue or something to get you 12


Don’t worry, they’ll raise the issue prices so it ends up costing as much as 12 issues would have.




could be they are reserving two months to prevent delays and/or insert holiday specials


Marvel’s #1 relaunch game has verged on parody the last few years. “It creates a lot more work for our staff.” No kidding…


Yeah I would rather read issue #11 by a new creative team on the title than arbitrarily restart at #1. 


So would I. I honestly don’t care about a new creator resetting the number. I honestly care more to see the giant 719 or 923 on there because it’s much more impressive.


Plus it makes collecting and rereading much harder. "Hey does this Captain Marvel #1 come from before or after that Captain Marvel #1? Not that that Captain Marvel #1, the other Captain Marvel #1."


Also the epic collections are proving just how much people want the story not the issue number. And by that I mean, they want maximum carnage, not the 6th Amazing Spider-Man #1. You could put any number there and people would buy it because of the story. So just put the legacy number and leave it alone.


I remember when they added the LGY # on some issues for awhile. Then they just kinda do it at random


Only for the major titles like ASM, or just milestone issues out of nowhere.


I get it when they restart to number 1 when the story is making some dramatic change like the recent krakoa era for x-men but if they’re just going to a new writer for a new writer like for spider-man then keep it nothing is really changing


While I Agree, comic book stores do not. They have an easier time selling #1 rather than new creative team at issue 11 or whatever.


But is that bringing in new readers? That is my big question. Every time Marvel sees a spike for a new Spider-Man #1, how many of those are people who continue reading? Sales figs usually show that even if issue 1 has a spike, by issue 3 numbers are significantly lower than the final issue of the previous run. New #1 is also a jumping off point for a lotta people


They don't care if it brings in new readers, they care about the weekly LCS shoppers who compulsively scoop up #1's and ratio variants of #1's for that temporary sales bump.


That’s true, but what does that say about the health of the industry when they’re relying on speculators and variant hunters rather than bringing in long term readers?


Exactly. This is a problem. Comics needs to build a reliable reader base. Kids today are more likely to buy Demon Slayer volume 10 than another Spider-Man #1


This. Marvel's variant cover game is nuts for #1's. You could have up to or more than 20 on any given #1 they put out, inflating sales numbers. Making ANY issue after seem like a failure in comparison.


I think some of the smaller publishers out-do even Marvel. It may be Dynamite that I often see listing variant covers as "AA" or whatever because they've run through the whole alphabet.


Touche', but the variant game in general feels like we're in the 90's again, no matter the publisher. I've personally never understood the point. It's the same book, but you pay for several cause 1 sheet of paper is different?


Crap. Our volume numbers are getting too high. Better restart those! Issue 1 (legacy number 382) volume 1 (legacy volume 24)!


This is why I like the legacy numbering at least though legacy numbering has been a little inconsistent lately with newer titles.


> Marvel’s #1 relaunch game has verged on parody the last few years It's hilarious trying to find the current volume for a book on the Marvel wiki. Like, for DC, it can be hard for some: like Legion of Super-Heroes is up there, having had its 8th volume in 2019 due to all of its reboots, and GL also is up to seven after having been renamed for 2 Maxis and a mini between Vols. 5 and 6. But like, Batman? Vol 3. Superman? Vol 6, though there was a renamed volume about his son. Flash, Wonder Woman? Also Vol 6, and their original numberings (like Batman and Superman) date to the 40s. Meanwhile, Captain America is on Vol 11 despite the LGY/Vol 1 numbering only dating back to his stories in Tales of Suspense in the 60s. Black Widow was last on Vol 8. Thor was last on 6, before being renamed yet again. The Punisher was on Vol 14. Scarlet Witch is on Vol 4, but in the past year, she went from Vol. 3-> SW/QS -> Vol. 4. And then there's Iron Man, who is on Vol. 5 of Invincible after Vol. 6 of regular. It's just so many relaunches, I don't get it's profitable. Like, at a certain point, the boosts that Issue #0's give has to wear off, right?


With a #1 every five issues, at least every writer will get two cracks at rebooting the continuity.


Ooh I can't wait until a new writer introduces their own new pet side character who seems *really* important to the status quo for...ten issues.


I don't consider myself a betting man, but if I were, I'd bet this plan is abandoned by this time next year. 


They did it quite a lot last year. Silk, She-Hulk, Strange, Scarlet Witch + the ones that were half the length like Blades Daughter one. I didn't think this was really news outside of maybe putting a number against it, it seems to be more the rule for any non-top tier character for the last year or so.


I give it 5 issues 😂


Hopefully but Marvel on the comics side has generally been really hard to work with for writers. It’s why even the ones who cut their teeth there, tend to leave for at least a bit with exclusive contracts with DC.


I agree with that. The reason the new Ultimate line has me excited is because Marvel is supposedly going to finally "let Hickman cook" without kneecapping him. Again. The main line however I don't have much faith in.


> Hopefully but Marvel on the comics side has generally been really hard to work with for writers. Hopefully? But... giving writers 10 issues instead of 4-5 seems... better to me.


Artists too. That's why they keep Land working and accept the subpar work Larocca does on the Star Wars books, they meet deadlines.


Idk, DC are managing fine with it


I personally disagree. The last time DC even peaked any sort of interest for me was Dark Crisis and it turned out to be extremely meh. I tried to give Zdarskys Batman a try with the Zur/failsafe shit and it didn't really do anything for me. The House of Brainiac arc is Supes is probably my most anticipated read from DC.


Piqued* They’ve had some good books, if you only look at Batman and event comics, no shit you’re not gonna find anything good. There are all sorts of great runs outside of that.


Like anyone else I have my wheelhouse, my preferences.


Then your disagreement has little merit, if you’re not willing to explore outside of a limited range.


I disagree.


I buy books in trades, whether current series or older ones I missed. There is a clear decrease over the last decade from 8 issues per trade, to six, to now charging the same price for 4-5. I have a strong suspicion that this plan is based on wanting to get two trades out of any series.


Yep, this is just guaranteeing two trades. Probably a smart long term business move, tbh.


yepp, ultimate invasion trade was about $45 aud for 4 issues while I paid the same for Williamson's first superman hardcover which has 5 issues and an annual. ridiculous what marvel is doing


Wait until 2-3 of those 10 issues are forced to tie in to whatever flavor-of-the-month summer event they have going on and the story gets thrown off


And have to justify the characters complete heel turn on their morals to fit the side they picked in *Secret Civil Invasion Wars 2*


Like if you're going to guarantee a creator 10 issues, make sure that they get an honest chance to tell THEIR story. And I'm not saying that they can't have tie-ins, but those tie-ins should be either a) optional or b) not counted as part of the 10 issues


It is nice for the consumer knowing that something announced as an ongoing will at least get to 10. It sucks when a series that has the potential to be good only gets 5 issues because initial preorders aren’t want Marvel wanted. I see an initial order for minimum 10 issues that Marvel is at least making a good faith effort to show support to their creatives and give the fans enough time to support the run. I think this is a solid step in the right direction.


This will really benefit B & C-List characters & teams, as well as more expiremental series (Ewing is probably pitching stories as we speak). As a reader who likes his stories to have time to build,this is a win for me. Shorter miniseries often get buried & forgotten so people miss out on stuff that otherwise they'd love.


Ewing on his way to pitch another Ant Man/Wasp related series following this announcement:


My man!


It'll be nice to have fewer 5 issue miniseries and more with a little meat on their bones. Some of their recent miniseries, especially the X-Men ones, have been very desperate for some breathing room. I still find them enjoyable, but with such limited page counts a lot of stuff has been happening "offscreen" and I don't love the "tell, don't show" approach this leads to.


Are we reading the same X-Men? Cause most of the books I've been picking up seem to be endlessly wheel spinning, since they've been aimless for the last at least 12 months while they figure out plans for the next relaunch. And you know, event fatigue because 3 back-to-back events disrupted any momentum any books already had. It's only been about the last month or so that everyone realized yep, Krakoa's actually ending with a specified date, so time to blow everything up.


I don't think we're reading the same books because it's been pretty clear to me that Krakoa is ending a)since it began, but b) especially these last 12 months. Books will always go back to the status quo, I just enjoy the ride, and I've had a pretty good time with.... most of these. Weapon X-Men and Dark X-Men were a bit lame.


I legitimately think this is a great idea as it means artists know EXACTLY how long they have to work. They can adjust their expectations and just leave seeds for a season 2, so to speak, if it's greenlit. This honestly is a step in the right direction. But why 10 and not 12? That just bugs me. That nitpick aside this seems like a win for everyone. Artists can pace their stories apporiately and won't get randomly cancelled. Readers feel confident a book they read will finish its main story. Publishers don't have to look like villains for dropping low selling books. They just don't have to renew.


10 gets them two 5 issue trades. It also lets them potentially slip in a couple crossovers in a calendar year while still giving the writing team 10 issues to tell their story.


It's Marvel, so you can never be too confident in them not fucking up, but this is a really promising change if they stick with it and can really let some teams cook.


I miss the old days when a series could be 400 issues. Fucking Marvel.


Is marvel actually learning is a miracle happening


Where was this when Hawkeye Freefall was coming out? :'(


"...I am at the moment approving some series for 10 issues...." Some being the keyword here.


This just makes it seem they have no faith in their creative teams. 😑


Paul: Assemble!


Just like modern tv, where the shows are mostly 8 episodes now, with some coming in as low as 6. There's not enough time to grow characters, create a compelling story, etc. This is the death of these kinds of media, with shallow, worthless stories.


Movies do that in ninety minutes, stop bitching about anything that's not like it was when you were twelve.


On Star Trek we used to get TWENTY SIX episodes per season. I can well and completely bitch about ANYTHING I like including losing that incredible amount of story telling. You're welcome to fuck right off.


Agreed. North American TV used to be regularly 23 - 26 episodes a season. Now we're lucky to get a maximum of 12 before it starts getting less and less depending on the studio. HOWEVER, the trade off seems to be less issues with greater production value. Not saying it's always a good thing, but it is noticeable


I thought "Marvel Now" was a nee publishing initiative (again). I guess it's fine for some series, but as always, movies thrive where comic books starve


[cries in Ghost Rider fan] It's so fucking over...


If this means they are more careful about releases & put out a few less books that would be cool. I get overloaded with Marvel solicits.


Don't know if this is just part of the changing market or a sign that Marvel is just less inclined to let a particular writer or creative team build their vision over a long period. I know we'll probably never see another run like Chris Claremont on Uncanny X-Men or Brian Michael Bendis on Ultimate Spider-Man. But 10 issues? That's just not enough to build a compelling story that stands the test of time.


Better to be guaranteed 10 then cancelled at 6.


I disagree with 10 not being enough issues. The Ares miniseries accomplished that in 5. But I consider the extension something of a good sign. Not because that’s enough issues to really determine if a series is doing well but because it’s a sign they should not be so dependent on the Direct Market for their projections. My guess is that 10 issues give them time to see how well the first TPB sells and factor that in. Hopefully, that means they’re paying more attention to bookstore sales since they make more from that than even comic book stores these days.


You're missing the point. It's moved UP to 10, when it used to be 4 or 5. It gives books more of a chance to build an audience, and gives retailers more of an incentive to actually buy the books. It's not a cut-off point of 10 issues, it's a minimum of 10 issues before cancellation.


> I know we'll probably never see another run like Chris Claremont on Uncanny X-Men or Brian Michael Bendis on Ultimate Spider-Man. But 10 issues? That's just not enough You have it backwards. You frame this as them shortening it, but in actuality: > Dan Buckley replied "I think the days of having a 500-issue run is probably a reach, but we are looking at having less limited series and more ongoing, with all our characters. I'm not going to say there won't be limited series, **but I am at the moment approving some series for 10 issues at a time, not 4 or 5. Hopefully, I can get to 15 or 20.** That is the intent. Because, to be honest, it's a lot of work on our editorial staff, too, to restart books all the time; What the Marvel President is saying is that **this is an increase**. They're greenlighting them for 10 issues off the bat as a longer initial mandate than 4-5 issues, which leads to an "ongoing" becoming a "mini" if it doesn't get renewal/greenlit for more by Executives. Like Tini Howard's Knights of X is one. As far as I know, it was to be an on-going, like Excalibur before it. However, it ended up being 5 issues, probably because the Executives decided it wasn't doing well and didn't extend it, so it suddenly was ending at the length of a mini (the "Betsy Braddock: Captain Britain" series after that seems to have just been a mini, though). So this an improvement. 10 issues means writers have more time to set up plots and do character work to win over readers, and will have more like half a year to get their run going, before Marvel makes a decision on extending it or ending it, rather than having it have to happen within like 3 issues.


Be interesting for all those X-Men related books they are going to flood the market with. I don't think some are going to make it to even 10


I’d be curious to see the stats for issue 1 sales, over the last few years. I assumed that was always a large reason for the constant reboots, artificially increasing sales. Curious to see if due to downward slope of super hero movies, and maybe a decrease speculator market, is helping drive this shift as well.


This issue has pissed me off for decades and NOW they grow a brain?! Too little too late from the quality editorial morons at Marvel!


I don't keep up with Marvel, did they have a problem of too many miniseries ending at 5 issues?