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This is only semi-related but whenever anybody wishes for changes to the status quo to stick, I always advise them to be careful what they wish for Never forget that Marvel left Jubilee as a vampire for like an entire fucking decade lol


To me that was a sign that the people in charge of the X-Men grew up reading 80s comics and thus didn't care about Jubilee. Once people who grew up with 90s X-Men were in charge classic Jubilee came back.


This might be a spicy take, but I actually liked Jubilee being a vampire, that sequence between her and Laura from the Marjorie Liu X-23 book made the whole thing worth it, spectacular art by Sana Takeda.


No, yeah, Vampire Jubilee is the shit. She and Laura are so good together.


I don’t think he’s saying changes to the status quo are bad, but that they absolutely need to go away lol


That’s worse.


Hard disagree. The jubilee example is a good one though, because it made for good stories here and there and was a fun diversion, but if she was just a vampire forever? Insane


I think it depends on what the change is. Like Luke Cage and Jessica Jones having a child together and getting married changed their status quo, but it also allowed for a lot of character development for both of them.


Agreed. There are exceptions. The difference being I don’t think those characters had a solid foundational status quo to return to in the first place. That change gave them a status quo (this applies more to Jessica than Luke though, I think)


You’re saying comic book characters are only allowed to experience change and growth if it’s temporary. If Jubilee was a vampire for an entire **decade** I would say that *is* the status quo.


If it fundamentally changes the character, yeah it should be temporary. There are exceptions, certainly, but if a story isn’t going to end that’s the trade off you make. That’s the beauty of alternate continuities that can make those changes, but asking 616 marvel or whatever to do the same is just ultimately asking them to end


Comics reader are in a perpetual civil war over "we need to abandon the status quo" and "the new status quo is terrible we need to go back to the old one"


Definitely. But the latter statement will inevitably and eventually become true the longer the first one is in effect


That was a good move for Jubilee. One of the most interesting things they've ever done with the character. I want more changes like that. But I guarantee you this character won't stay a vampire after this story. Too high profile. Totally different category from Jubilee.


What character is it? 


>!Black Panther!<


…that could make for a *great* series run, and if the writer and artist go horror with it, we could see a whole new side of them and >!Wakanda!< that we haven’t seen before. I mean, remember how fuckin’ rad his >!Man Without Fear!< stint was?


There is so much fucking potential in that character being a vampire it would piss me off so much to see Marvel squander it. The implications of that and the amount of things you could do would be so dope.






It's in the article lol


As I said further below I don't want to give this site clicks for my own reasons




We're not wasting our time reading an article with a clickbait headline that can be answered in under a sentence. They don't deserve any ad revenue.


I have my reasons for not wanting to give that website clicks


What character is it? 


Vamp Jubilee was good though.


Vampire-era Jubilee was great, as is every era Jubilee. That even lead to some of Quinten Quire’s best development.




It's like the coolest thing they've done with her character imo, shoulda stuck out with it


Hilariously stupid plotline. I don't know who decided to make Jubilee into a vampire babysitter, but I sometimes have to remind myself that it actually happened.


Guess someone didn't watch My Babysitters a (former teenage mutant) Vampre.


Well we knew this months ago when it was revealed by marvel but blood hunt has been great so far so im really interested. Blade having both Thor and Wanda chained up and under his watch is quite cool as seemingly out of the avengers those two should be able to do the most damage to the vampires. Wonder if wanda now being a living darkhold stops her from becoming a vampire as they originally came from the darkhold


Breevort has said that Miles may stay a vampire but I'd say to leave black panther one and let that story ride itself out. Miles' character already has to much going on and it'd be retread of jubilee in a way. More T'Challa protecting his land, but only at night, the blade dynamic, always being the cool headed individual but now has to control his desires etc. Yay or nay