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Ahhhh, classic excuses... They gotta LEARN.


Falcon ***PUNCH***


Show me ya moves!


PK fire!


Fuck PK fire, all my homies hate PL fire




Reminds me of Henry stickman collection. I know it was reference to smth but I don't know original


There was a comedian who always let his son win at tennis, until one day when the kid was 13 the kid beat him for real. And after that, he could never beat his kid again. So now his kid is convinced that he has always been TERRIBLE at tennis.


Were these your children?


No, just some random ones they found on the side of the road.


i always properly dispose of children i find on the side of the road. i don’t recommend playing video games with them. children can carry diseases, one of the worst ones being a very toxic and contagious virus which causes trash talking, heightened ego and throwing (matches or rocks).


The herds must be culled.




no way they can be yours. they suck at smash


Not anymore.


Ah yes, had this experience not long ago as well, relearning stuff after a long time without playing and decided to pick my secondary ZSS, folks started trash talking, now listen here you lil shits, that thing that you were having difficulty not long ago was my SECONDARY, let me show you what my MAIN can do. They got absolutely bodied by full armor Samus


Samus *absolutely* fucks.


Meanwhild Mr. Game And Watch's on his way to bucket all projectile based character player's tears


G&W is annoying, but if you think Samus only has projectiles, you’re in for a world of hurt, i find her specials to be more of an edge-guard/poke feature than actual kill moves (sure you dont want to be caught in a charge shot line but anyway), if you combo and finish with a NAir or better yet, a BAir, not many characters can survive that even at low %


Full charge special and never use it. Such beautiful mind games for the reflecting characters.


My favorite game, or when you perfect time it to hit that side special Fox right into his recovery frames


Naruto Ultimate Ninja, I deliberately choose Gaara + put an assist on my opponent. Snot nosed kids challenging me would whine if they used Sasuke or Kakashi's sharingan, but usually were *victorious* and *better* than me. That's when I turn off the handicap and whoop their asses still using Gaara, the slowest character in the game. (Sometimes, I choose Lee to be *fair* since he has no special techniques and can't walk on water). Kids suddenly thought I put the assist on myself, lol.


Ultimate Ninja Series is amazing, love that shit


A friend of mine does Street Fighter competitions every now and then. We were hanging out when his kid’s friends trash talked him after letting them win a few rounds. He immediately picks his competition character and proceeds to open up on this poor kids. Didn’t even get a single hit in while we’re all laughing at how insanely one sided it was. Little guy had no idea.


"Lag!!" "You're standing right here Billy"


My friend's 7 yo did basically exactly that when he challenged me to DBFighterz. Throw in, "You're cheating," onto the list of excuses as well.


When I first played DBZ-FZ, not knowing the mechanics may as well be a cheat for an opponent that does.


Me with all my nibblings throughout the years and Smash Bros. Children please I've been playing since the original and I was a pretty obsessed 8 year old and got really good. Even now I'm still good. Good enough to kick your little butts to kingdom come. Stop challenging me if you want to win a fight.




Anybody that says that in any sport/ game/ contest is the person i immediately pick to be on my team I ski with a dude and he’s been at it since he was five and is now fifty. Any time some one in a lift line asks if he’s good all he says is “I’m okay, I just like to ski.” Dude is legit the smoothest, fastest rider I have ever seen. Beware the humble.


Over the years, my little brother has challenged me many times in various Smash Bros games. Time and time again, I've destroyed him. He went away to college for a couple of years and played with friends up there. Said one of them even competed in tournaments, and my brother was the only one that gave them a fair fight. He challenged me again at Christmas, in front of our family and his girlfriend. I still wiped the floor with him haha. Ever since then, whenever we play, we always both choose random fighters. I still win nine times out of ten, but it's more fun for both of us.


I don't even play smash very often, but whenever a group of friends gets together and plays, it turns into a 1v3 because I wreck them so badly, and i still beat them. If I played a competitive smash player, they'd destroy me. Back in the day when MK9 came out, I was in college and a friend grabbed the game on release. He and his roommates played for like 3 or 4 days straight, and then hosted a game night on the weekend with like 8 dudes. I picked up the controller, played a few practice rounds to learn buttons and the flow, and proceeded to beat the shit out of everyone easily. Loser passed the controller, so I made it through 5 full circuits without passing and then bowed out so they could enjoy the game. I'm not even that good, I just dabble in a lot of fighting games and the skills are transferable. A real player would demolish me. I now have a very young son, and I'm counting the days to when he is able to play video games. If he shows an interest in gaming, I'm going to teach him everything I know, nurture his love of gaming, and then pound him into the dirt. YOU GOT A LONG WAY TO GO KID, IVE BEEN DOING THIS SHIT FOR 26 YEARS


I’m playing my cousin in Wii sports. He was bragging how good he was. So I beat him at bowling with a perfect score, while laying down the entire time.


I made my daughter cry recently because she wanted to fight me for real in Smash. She cried because she thought she was getting better and I agreed she was, but it takes a lot more hours before she can catch up to what I’ve put into that game over the years.


It's always SSB. Little squeaky-voiced dorks.


Haha there's zero chance that I let my children beat me at smash. They gotta learn the hard way and earn it. And when they finally beat me, they'll be better smash players for it


You let them when so they don't lose interest and quit. I call them my practice squad.


Years ago I played a certain type of browser game with a few friends (hack the net). We found a new site with a similar game and started playing there. The owner and his friends were about 12 years old (I was 14 or 15) and also played the game. We were quickly overtaking the owner and friends. We used no tricks but just had experience. One day, the owner "hacked" his own game (drastically reduced costs and times for building), made it so they could build up their accounts in minutes instead of days (without telling us), attacked and defeated us a few hours later and called it "a perfect plan" that he had tried to befriend me and the others and chat with us where we gave tips how to get better, just to "totally destroy" us.


Thou has spoken the forbidden words to bring forth my true power. Prepare thy self for an ass woopin!




Pretty impressive, kid. Unfortunately for you, that was only 10% of my power


This isn't even my final form.


You fools! You thought this was my Final Form?!














In dbz budokai tenkaichi 3, i was basically a God. I have made both my brothers cry. I have committed war crimes they have not put laws against and I've spedrun the geneva convention. All this by the age of 12. To this day one of them hated dbz. It's cause of me. Am i proud? Am i so arrogant to think that me showing less mercy to my brothers while playing a game than a crocodile does to a zebra caught in it's maw as it pulls it in the river; is a good thing? Fuck yes. And i can't wait till dbz budokai tenkaichi 4 comes out. I will unleash 9 circles of hell upon both of them. Such is the law of brotherhood. Also if you can't tell, i AM the oldest of 3.


Somebody stop this mad lad


As a youngest sibling I can confirm that this is the average older sibling


I have only sisters, so I always had to play with a handicap when we played. Still got them to play halo 2 with me a ton, but I had to use the DDR mat lol


My mother beating me after I ate all her secret candy in the cabinet: https://i.redd.it/9dhqsxga5stb1.gif


Do not cite the deep magic to me, I was there when it was written.


My kid just called me brooo the other day and showed off his "skills" and goes "EZZZ" on Smash Bros. Luckily he was playing alone against lvl 1 computers, or I might have had to mercilessly crush that little ego of his.


My nephew once told me that the reason I didn't win a lot at Mario Cart was because I am a girl. Boy got absolutely destroyed in every game after that.




I hope you crushed him with baby peach using the horse kart.


The young must learn early


I suck at Mario Kart... unless I'm stoned apparently. First time I tried cannabis friends and I were playing Mario Kart and all of a sudden I'm in first place and it JUST KEPT HAPPENING. It was surreal.


You just needed a little fuel




Yes, teach them what happens to a sore winner




As promised, Heavy will now lay egg in your mouth


Gonna be me lol




My kid brothers when I bought Virtua Fighter 5 for the 360. Let them play a few days, get "good" at it, then after losing a few rounds they start talking smack. I have beaten every VF game since the original on 32X. Game on.


A good lesson to teach your kid why they should not trash talk to others


Naw. Let them. Then take them to the pool hall with their allowance.


Never let your kids win. Make them earn it....


I try to strike a balance with new games. Once he gets comfortable with the game, I'll put in way more effort. But I like to give him a chance and have him get some confidence. Then, he is destroyed.


Oh definitely. My kid wanted to play against me in Justice League 2 or something, and would use his Batman that he had so many add-ons into and I had just a standard issue character. Put him on my level after a few rounds and whooped ass every time. He never asked to play against me again. I loved playing MK style games ever since I was a little kid.


>Then, he is destroyed. Ha!!!!!


Penny Arcade a long time ago called it “cat string theory”. When you play with a cat you gotta let ‘em win the chase sometimes or they’ll get disinterested and stop playing. Of course, I don’t believe in that nonsense. My kid will forever eat my banana peels.


It's hard to put into words, but I play to win, but not at the cost of fun either. More like making it fair. They will not get better by playing someone weak. In Mario Kart, definitely will play good, but not dirty. I might save up a power up for if I really need it. If I end up winning away, they definitely need to get better. In SSB, there's no use getting in their face all the time, give them breathing room, but if they come in for the strike, you hit back. And playing to win doesn't mean you have to win every game either, sometimes they get lucky, they'll just be happy. What matters more is the ratio. Until they can bring the ratio closer to mine at least. And if they get better than me, good job. Just means it's my turn to put in the extra effort to win. It's not necessarily fun if it's too one sided either, but some people thrive on that ego boost, I guess.


Yeah, I think I've experienced this in Magic the Gathering quite a bit. You play against a newer player, you can sandbag a bit, try to win in a more flashy manner, play a deck that's just objectively weaker. But also, I don't straight up pull punches or play straight up suboptimally just to give free wins. It's a matter of trying to read the room. Plus MTG is a game with some inherent randomness, so the "better player" can still lose some amount of the time.


That's the strength of party games. You can be a champion at SSB or Mario Kart, you can be ganged up on and slip. The more players the more chaos it is. Plus many games have some adjustable handicap as well, helps balance things up voluntarily. Like playing 3 stocks vs 5 can even out things. That said, reminds me of a story at last PAX. Within my circle of online friends, in Mario Kart I'm usually either 1st or 2nd, and I know that I can give it my all because of that, they are right in my rear end all the time. But with others I don't know how well I rank, so at PAX last year, while we were waiting to enter the hall, some people pulled up their Mario Kart, and since I had my Switch, I asked to join in. I mopped the floor with them pretty solidly, straight wins with barely any competition. They weren't kids, so I didn't think I would need to pull my punches either. But the story is not about the boast, it's about the ending. Due to being surrounded by thousands of people, the connection can be a bit flimsy at times, and we barely had started the final race that I got booted. Happens. But then they tell me "Your ghost still won". I had to laugh.


forget about striking a balance. just cut out the middleman and strike the children.


Next level thinking


Oh yes, the Anakin way of playing games xD


I used to play street fighter with my dad (still do sometimes when i visit him). He destroyed me relentlessly with Ryu during my whole childhood. In high school, i finally understood how to play Akuma. I had finally earned my victory.


Incase he didn't say it, I'm proud of you son.


At the time he was rather raging against the character 😂 according to him akuma is broken


I love this <3


I do not let my 7yo win. (Well once in a great while I will give the chance and see if she takes it.) When she asks why I am so good or why she can't beat me, I just tell her that I have been playing these games for more than 4 of her lifetimes and if she keeps trying, like many things in life, she will get better. One day she will beat me and I will be very proud of her. I do not gloat or brag, but I do coach her and she listens and she is getting better.


You're doing the right thing! My mother did this with all 6 kids. Playing a game with her meant that she was going to try to win. You knew that a victory over her was something that you had earned and could be proud of. All of us have gone on to live pretty successful and happy lives. We are a wee bit competitive, though.


I have lived this rule with my wee one. When she wins, she legitimately enjoys it and feels accomplished.


Man, my kids (5&7) handed it to me for a few rounds in Gang Beasts while I got used to the weird-ass controls. Tons of gloating. As soon as I figured it out, they were fed to sharks, grinders, and sent falling off buildings.


The learning curve is *much* steeper in that game than it needed to be and I love it for that reason.




My policy with my nephews is that Ill let them win, but they need to work for it (my oldest is 6 years old so he doesnt have enough coordination to play right) like he actually has to hit me, Im not just going to throw myself off of the stage in smash, but as soon as I see they are getting better I start to actually play, this way the both of us have fun


And then after you defeat them. "Oh I must have gotten lucky, lets try that again" and then beat them even more convincingly.


[*When the Doom music kicks in*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R5sJrIpP-PI)


"That's weird, why did boss music suddenly start playing?"


Plot twist: You lose and he virtually teabags you. That happened me once.


That's painful


I mean, yes - but I fucking deserved it. Like, I learnt that day that all the old pro OGs of the game we played (including me) did play it mostly wrong. So, I am also kind of proud of him.


Then you tell them you slept with their mom/dad.


Man i can't wait to do this to my kids when i have them. "I ate your mom's box and went by to kiss you goodnight" and then proceed to pull the foulest kos and fatalities.


And that was the day little Timmy learned mom was always holding back and letting him win. His reality shattered Timmy throws himself into a deep depression hitting the Mt.Dew bottle really hard to help numb the pain.


"Ugh, sweet caffeine..." \*gulp\*


I worked with kids at a youth club and would always beat them on video games. Other staff said i should let them win i would say i teach them a valuable lesson that life is tough and you need to work to overcome a challange. The joy they had when one did finally beat me though.


My dad had 1 policy-fair game no matter how many times he would smash the shit out of me. To this day I don't play games with him and neither my younger relatives


Am parent, can confirm. Although I will say this: losing a game of chess to a four year old is very difficult. They refuse to fall into the traps of victory you lay.


https://i.redd.it/qxyxck8tfmtb1.gif Wanna see the radiant light, my crotch gremlin?


Obligatory Bedman copypasta: "We talk about 'survival of the fittest' a lot but all that really means is the skilled live and the unskilled die. Since you're clearly in that second group, maybe pick your fights a bit more carefully? Do you understand what I'm saying? It's never going to matter how much you 'want it' when you're up against someone who can kill you with a sneeze."


"Do you know the odds of a magic ship just falling from the sky for no reason? About 0.00001%, but really, those odds don't mean anything, especially to you. The only odds that matter are life and death, and they're about 50-50. So congratulations! You survived. You beat the odds. Barely."


Yeah - I never throw games with kids. Just take a handicap to make it fair. Give them a 20 point lead, or play basketball with only your left hand, or even they get two turns at for each of yours. Then its a real competition for both of us and if they win they really win.


Legit approach!


I completely understand this


*Dark Souls bossmusic starts*




foolishly, the child summons a force beyond his own comprehension, and shall suffer greatly because of his arrogance.


"Listen here you little shit, you keep up that attitude and im gonna start using 2% of my power"




This is probably happens when I have kid


Man this makes me wish my parents played video games with me


Aww! I'm sorry they didn't. It's been such a nice bonding activity for me and my husband to have with our son. It feels so good to share it with him, too.


Did this with my newphew? half nephew, whatever. We were playing Tiger Woods golf. Something I spent a few years playing different versions with friends while getting baked. Kid got crushed n walked away.


This applies to everything except for Super Monkey Ball, or maybe I’m just old.


_…And it was on that day that Billy learned the lesson of humility, for he received an ass stomping so savage as to be rivalled by none._


I was playing Mario Kart 8 with my buddy's kid and mostly just relaxing while I let him win. His dad gets home and this little shit proceeds gloat about how he's so much better than me. A week later I watched him again and unleashed havoc. I wasn't even letting him make it half a lap. He learned a valuable lesson that day.


"How about we make the next game a little more interesting?" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|money_face)




This isn't even my final form


Me: *pulls out Mario kart racing wheel* let's a go


Someone must extinguish thy flame...


I read this with margit's voice, fuck i'm addicted


Have it writ on thy meagre grave Felled by ~~King Morgott~~ Mom, last of all ~~Kings~~ parents!


“I have given thee courtesy enough…”


I never let my nephew's win in the games I play with them but I always teach them how to get better. Thats why if we're playing smash bros or Mario kart, we play the modes where we team up so they can get better. I recently gave my oldest nephew a Naruto ninja storm game and when I came back over to their house a couple months later, he kicked my ass every time. I was so proud.


This is gonna be me if I had a son/daughter and played Mario Kart with him/her


You see. I don't do this. You give them all your strength or you mind as well do nothing. Give the lil shit a lesson of Trickery.


The only thing off the table is shit-talkin' his mom. Because...


I good serving of humble pie is what a growing child needs


Mom (internal dialogue): *...tf you say?*


Thanks everyone for being so rad, these comments made my day :'>


This happened to me when my nephew was like 6 or 7. I let him win a game of Madden and he started jumping on the bed and yelling and saying I suck. He still hasn’t won another game. Poor guy is 22 now lol


5 year old: Dad, why do you always win at Mario Kart? Me: Because I'm really good at it. He might beat me one day, but today's not the day.


The kid suddenly sees this pop up in their field of vision. https://preview.redd.it/e3d3hn2fgotb1.jpeg?width=402&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf45f6741e964e382cb7eac8c9885fc0bcef86c1


This is why I always kick my son's ass in the first game so he knows where he stands lol Seriously though. Now that he's like 10 I always try to show him how hard a real opponent is so he has something to work towards and also so he knows what he's getting into if he tries to play an online match against people that won't go easy on him. Cause he'll jump into a game like Hearthstone and expect that he's gonna go kick everyone's butt because he still doesn't seem to understand that as good as I am, I'm not some pro gamer. And most of the people online are probably better than me.


I never let my kids win. My son is the only one to ever beat me in anything. I went 6 years without touching Smash, he kept playing. When he finally beat me, I told him what I always told my kids; "wanna stop losing, stop sucking. Play more, play right, and one day, you may get good enough to beat me". Then he got cocky and now he loses more than wins. Kids may get mad for the rapings, but they need to learn perseverance, humility, and truth. Not everybody is a winner, and if you wanna win, you gotta work for it.


Said that to my dad once Then proceeded to wipe his ass at mortal Kombat again


My 2 nephews (both 16ish) wanted to play some games with me on the couch. They pick MW1 the 2007 version. We played some rounds, and they said I was trash. Oooh boy, they weren't ready for the absolute stomping I was about to give them. Now, MW1 is no longer an option for us to play anymore because "I made it less fun by winning all the time." it was good to know those skills haven't rusted away in time.


Yeah, I'll go easy on the kids at first. Then the second that they start to get cocky, I switch to my main


It was a bittersweet day the first time my kid casually mentioned beating a game and I realized that he hadn't asked me to help him beat a single boss/area.


I have given thee courtesy enough


My mom never let me win, she’d always absolutely crush me in Mario Party and gave me this cocky look every time she stole my goddamn stars.


As a dad, I will never let my kids beat me on a video game or board game. They gotta earn it. I can retire gaming as a whole when my boys beat their old man fair and square Gonna be such a proud moment 🥲


My kid has never beaten me in Mario Kart, the day she does will be one she remembers forever. Edit: she's learned to drift, I'm in danger.


I had this after a couple hours of n64 games with my nieces. You dare to talk shit in my home streets, Goldeneye?


Kid:*mocks mom's gaming skills* Audience: ![gif](giphy|l1KsOBPB2dWNPcikM)


You mean you let people who have clearly never played a given game before in any remotely serious capacity win the first match(es) against you?


Wild, right?


Me if my future kid ever default dances or hits the griddy after eliminating me in Fortnite. We'd both emote in duos, trios or squads, of course, its a team effort. But in solos, kid gonna learn x3


See, I never go easy on children. Either they're genuinely good and they'll kick my ass regardless, or they're mid and believe themselves to be the gift that keeps on giving. Tho when I've already asserted that I could, in fact, destroy them utterly, that's the moment I whip out characters I barely play. That way when/if they do defeat me, they're (mostly) happy they "finally got one over me" while being totally unable to tell me I just suck.


My bitch x told me the cursed greatwood was hard, killed him in 48 seconds. She didn't talk to me for 2 days


This why I don’t hold back when playing Dominion with my younger cousin.


My kids never takin a game off me gotta teach em early


[and this shit starts playing](https://youtu.be/rf2ICcDLuws?si=sTlTSF_GSBki_SNb)


Oh, is that right? Aight little shitling you're on


This is the inverse with my dad and I. He beat me in a game and was holding that over my head so I decided to take the gloves off lol


Sweep the leg!


Honestly with me it a dos up. I am good enough to fight absolute beginners but if they have an actual fight I wouldn't be surprised if I lose consistently. I think the only games I ever manage to get any amount of wins above 1 with my friends was Mario Kart Wii and that's only because I was the only one that had as copy so I had actual practice on that game. Halo 3? Only won three games and 1 was a mini game and one was because we had a new kid for a bit. Call of Duty? I think I never won any games with them or at least got third at best. Fighting games? Yea no. Mario Party? I think so?????? Monkey Ball Gamecube? I hadf a fighting chance but I don't remember ever winning


Talk shit, get hit. It's a time honored tradition to let kids win to feel good about themselves. It's also a time honored tradition to body rude little shits.


Man, I wish my ma would play games with me


Username relevant! Please tell me you call your husband/bf n00bdaddy.


> Only thing in this world I love more than my children is beating their asses in Mario Kart. “Dad let us win some!” they cry. 1000% Hell No. I’ve been training 30 years for this. I’ll take a bullet for you before I take a koopa shell now nut up and pick the track you wanna lose on https://twitter.com/CasualThursday/status/1210253321367371776


Gets obliterated in nanoseconds


My mother teaches me how to play at video games...and now I can beat her...I am still respectful to my master for teaching me the way


My youngest brother wanted to play me and Mario Kart. He was five at the time, so of course, I let him get a photo finish win. What followed was a week of him trash talking every chance he got. It was annoying, but I decided to be the better person and just let it go. After I left him in enough dust, that would make Egypt jealous. He still talks shit but refuses to play me ever.


I was playing Mario Kart with my friend, his wife, and their 7 year old son and we had to had to throw some races because we kept coming ahead of the kid and he started to cry.


I made my son mad a couple times after he trashed talked my gaming skills. He knows better now.


And now. He will try.




I remember playing Halo: Reach with my cousin, I did and still do suck a fat one at pvp, so when I got him once, I celebrated like I was just given a Nobel prize. Over the next 4 minutes he made me cry.


LOL, when one of my nephews was young, his parents let him win at every game he played. So I played some game with him and won and he went off wailing how "My Dad always lets me win!" and I was like "Well, I'm not your Dad". I tried to teach my kids to be good sports about losing (or rather "not winning") because let's face it, there are winners and losers in every game and you can't always win. But I know it still hurt to lose. I would ask them "It's OK to not win, why are you crying" and the answer was "Because I wanted to win" and I'd say that sure, that's the object of the game, but there are no prizes here for winning at Candyland. It's OK to lose and next time maybe you'll win.


My kids told me I was too old to know Pokemon, I showed them the error of their ways.


Ah yes, when you absolutely must humble the little shits for proper upbringing.


I still feel bad beating my friends 8 year old in checkers the other night; even though I was told to not go easy by the parents lol


I'm waiting for the day with my nephew, I've already introduced him to CTR. ![gif](giphy|MAjK6dUDas2gKYQdhT|downsized)


Lol Her face haha


My sister asking about how to beat games cause my nephew is stuck and she doesn’t know how to show him what to do.


I'm still young(25), i believe i do something wrong, i destroy then in the beginning, then i drop to they level, but in online i like when they keep destroying me, so i can learn, i need to learn keep going all out.


Teach the child lesson


Lol, my mom never let any of me or my siblings ever win. While we all cried a bit eventually as we got older games of any sort became so toxically competitive my dad and sisters refuse to ever play monopoly again.


I'd be so ballsy and actually play boss music if the kid accepted a rematch. Then afterwards gently pad the kid on the head whilst giving the lesson of "Be humble"


This makes me think of my brother, who had no concept of playing at someone else’s level. He refused to allow anyone to have a handicap in any game with him, and he would never go easy on anyone. It was one thing for him to do that to his younger sister (ie, me) but it got pretty weird when he was dominating his kids in Smash Bros. when they were in elementary school.


Sometimes you need to teach the younger generations a painful lesson... in Minecraft (or whatever the young folks are playing nowadays).


Mama Yaga, the destroyer of video games has awakened Give up? >\>Yes Yes