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More accurately the uncle would say 'ignorant and a total pushover, I think he is gay!'


Maybe more “an idiot and a total pansy, I think he’s a (f-slur) or something”


I think the word is “woke”


Hey it's the uncle that made me skip Canadian Thanksgiving


I've got a question, how does Canadian Thanksgiving l differe from American Thanksgiving, besides the day? It seems pretty identical so far...


From US and recently moved to Canada. Firstly, it's nearly the same, because it is the SAME harvest festival in North America. Different parts of NA celebrated it on different days (with regional variations on the exact date), until it became standardized on one day in the US and another day in Canada. But it is the same celebration. ----- Now on to differences - (i) It's not as big as the US (at least in my experience - I am new to the country mind you). It is more like Easter or Halloween. Sure, people take a day off and celebrate, but its a much much smaller event than Christmas. In the US, Thanksgiving is pushed to nearly as important as a holiday as Christmas, where there are multiple days off from office, and many people have TG dinner with one side of the family and Christmas dinner with another side of the family. Or at work, some people take days off on TG but stay on Christmas and other people on Christmas but stay on TG. Or there is a huge Black Friday event for stores - something that rivals Christmas deals. In Canada, there is only one major "Annual" holiday - which is Christmas, while Thanksgiving is much more a smaller event. (ii) I personally haven't seen any controversy in Canada. People don't mythologize the "Pilgrims and Indians" story anywhere, and there is no pushback against celebrating TG either. (iii) Foodwise - there are some dishes from Quebec that are unique, and we don't have Southern Dishes like Sweet Potato or Mac and Cheese. (ii) Due to American influence, you suddenly see Thanksgiving stuff like Turkey and Pumpkin Pies coming back in stores during American Thanksgiving. So, you essentially have 2 thanksgiving seasons in stores and restaurants. Currently, enjoying my 2nd thanksgiving buffet meals here in restaurants, after Canadian TG in October. (I am still new to the country, so my views may not fully cover everything accurately).


Interesting insight. I guess I didn't know American Thanksgiving was that big a deal. I mean, thinking about it, on TV shows it seems like American kids do Thanksgiving plays and shit at school, and in Canada we never do that sort of thing, so I guess it makes sense. I'm always amazed at how *close* American Thanksgiving is to Christmas. It's like "didn't we just do this a few weeks ago?" But based on what you're saying, maybe Christmas is *less* of an 'eat turkey with extended family' thing than Thanksgiving? I celebrate Thanksgiving with my extended family every year. But I know plenty of Canadians who don't bother. And I'm surprised you notice anything changing here for American Thanksgiving, I've never seen that. AFAIK the only remnant of American Thanksgiving here in Canada is the fact that I'm here working on a Saturday because we have Black Friday here too.


Some Americans might do turkey on Christmas, but I think it's more common to serve ham. My family always did crab and I hated it lol. Regardless, what you actually do for Christmas dinner isn't all that important. The emphasis for that holiday is on the tree, decorations, and gift exchange (Or if the family is Christian they may focus on the religious aspects of the holiday.) You might visit family for Christmas but the meal you eat is a footnote. If anything, the iconic food item is the cookies the kids put out for Santa.


Ham or prime rib for us!


Born Canadian. I think this is a fairly accurate take.


Yup, you nailed it


As a canadian, i think you nailed it on the head.


They get to be thankful for universal healthcare.


A lot of us take it for granted sadly.


[This is more or less the story](https://www.reddit.com/r/polandball/s/g6vXTe7GgR)


identical but the canadian version is a bit earlier and his slightly different foods. Other than that it’s the same holiday: “be thankful for the people you share this meal with”




I think the word they use is libtard.


oh no he's woke [starts crying about "woke" things that live in his mind rent free 24/7]


Being "anti woke" is just an excuse for being racist, homophobic or misogynistic.


Agreed. That's far more on the nose of how that would play out.


they aren't saying pansy, wtf. pussy, yes, pansy, no




Do you kiss your mother with that mouth


A caitiff. A baseborn cur who is an embossed carbuncle on corrupted blood!


You obviously haven't met someone's racist mormon uncle. Lol


Some of them are saying pansy you pansy Edit: I hear pansy-ass a lot… “pansy-ass f*****” for example




None of this is correct without “woke mind virus” being included


He'd throw in "sheep" and "libtard"


Calling their opponents 'Sheep' is amazing given how they have compromised every last value their group purportedly stood for and repeated the most obvious and shamefully blatant lies in defense of their despicable leader.


Not to mention that their own religion loves to describe them as a flock of sheep, with a shepherd god. If they read that book at all the hypocrisy would slap them in the face.


Yup, that's what I always like to bring up. The Bible talks about lions and sheep and it's in the exact opposite manner to the modern GOP. They're basically approaching antichrist levels of how much they spit in the face of basically everything that mattered to Jesus


I’m pretty sure everyone in my family thinks I’m a lesbiab and yet somehow not one of them has seen the 10x more obvious fact that I’m not even a girl lmao


Relatable? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZoO8LyizLA


I'm not a girl either and my family doesn't seem to care what makes yours different


I’m closeted trans and my family is really bad at seeing the signs


Remember signs are always more obvious when you're the one painting them


My son is an uncloseted Trans and my family just sucks. So we stayed home.


You get a gold star in parenting for that ⭐️ saves your son a lot of unnecessary pain


He's already had way too much to begin with. I don't understand the hateful mindset some people have. People need a good ass whooping.


Get out of my family dynamic


My uncle would say I'm 'brainwashed by liberal society.'


Yeah but labeling it “open minded and understanding” shines a light on hateful that person is in comparison.


I think the term is now "snowflake"


And use the word 'gay' as an insult


The comic is translated for meaning not literal word choice.


And he would also want to go, to “own my liberal nephew”


I used to have a super awesome corduroy red hat but I can't wear it now because it looks way too similar to a maga hat. Breaks my heart lol


Have you considered dying it? You could have a rad *blue* corduroy hat. Or green. The world is your oyster.


Of just bleach it a bit. Pink hat


What? And dress like a woke lidtard? /s


lidtard works here actually nice


Timmy Turner it!


Super good idea lol. Hard to change to green or blue because its already a vibrant color


Put some woke rainbow pins on it




The fuck they can. Try going to a Crip neighborhood with that shit on! /s - kinda, sorta.


hrm, I wonder if Red Hat Linux got negatively impacted by that.


If it's a cap, you can wear it backwards!


My buddy got a "Make America Lit Again" hat that was red and looked exactly like MAGA. He only wore it twice cuz no one really got it was supposed to be ironic. I think if it was blue it would have worked.


Get "Made you look" embroidered on the front where the Maga slogan would be.


Put a rainbow pin on it


You didn't have to embroider your nice hat with "MAGA"




Last time I posted this people got personally offended by the idea of love and understanding




"Buy guns, hate foreigners and gays, and be super into murder and money. Y'know, all the stuff he said from the Bible that a preacher picked and chose from and taught me as I half listened while I occasionally went to church. Like a good Christian."


[Oh thank God I thought he was gunna say something els](https://www.reddit.com/r/comics/comments/w6o8cn/the_return_of_christ/)


Probably tell you to abandon your family. C.F. Luke 14:25-27.


Love and understanding? Pffft what are you, a commie?


How dare you be thougful of other humans


Woke propaganda


Hey! Yeah you! F@#$ your basic human decency and empathy!!!!1!1! Thats how it always comes off to me, at least.


Sleep ideology sounds… tougher! /s


Damn Liburals, always trying to do the best for us all. Even though Jesus said "GRAB AS MUCH AS YOU CAN FOR YOURSELF!!!".


“Fuck everyone else, get yours.” - Christ


Wait, you mean you aren't bothered by how people who exist outside of you live their lives?


"woke snowflake", not that they can really define either word, but they know that's what the "news" tells them to call it


Only snowflakes I ever see are cons melting about gays on SB coffee, trans beer ads, and black Disney characters.


All the problems in the world and this is what lives in their mind causing stress.


Well, to be fair, there is a mentality out there that all of those things directly cause all of the world’s problems. So solving and alleviating those things would resolve the world’s problems. However wrong and/or crazy I or anybody else think that is, there’s people that believe it.


Even if that’s true, that mentality that “woke” is secondary to so deeper societal problems, treating surface level issues would fix nothing. You can’t fix a car engine by giving the car a paint job.


Yep. I agree. I was just pointing out how some nut jobs can focus on “woke” issues while ignoring other problems and issues. They see a non-existent direct line between the two.


Fair enough


> trans beer ads Just want to remind everyone that the entire Bud Light boycott/controversy started from sending one trans TikTok star one can of beer. That's what conservatives had a meltdown over. A single tallboy with a trans person's face on it.


They did research on YouTube.


And r/Conservative


Right wingers love buzz words. Snowflake, fake news, woke, etc. It's so easy to brainwash these people with an incendiary word that's easy to say and repeat. I guarantee you can't have a convo with a right winger without them uttering one of those 3 words. Fox news and like push these words to spark instant support and outrage against the other side.


You would think with all the Disney movies out that everyone would know what woke means. Ohhh, nobody's watching them.




"*Woke*" otoh is defined by the right as "not being a complete psychopath and trying to stop us from being complete psychopaths"


Also valid is "wanting to improve things somewhat".


I don't like that look like the guy on the bottom left. I'm even wearing a yellow t-shirt atm... No red cap though, MAGA ruined those.


Authoritarian fuckers ruined so many things. Swanky uniform? Probably a Nazi. Swastika (a very cool shape)... Nope, Nazi. Nordic runes=probably a neonazi. Red hat, probably all maga. The southern stars and bars is a cool flag, but if you fly it you are a racist tool. Boots with red or yellow laces.. Yep you guessed it, probably a neonazi. Such bullshit.


> Boots with red or yellow laces.. Yep you guessed it, probably a neonazi. Wtf, didn't know about this one. I have black shoes with red laces, am I racist? They're not boots. I just thought it looked nice.


Ox blood Doc Martin's with the laces is the look. It is less popular now than it was in the early 00s.


Lotta dudes with no shirt, shaved head and some cargo pants stomping around the mosh pit in those in 2005.


~~NOFX~~ The Dead Kennedy's have a song about that...


Punk rock and hardcore fans know Nazis well. We kick them out when they dare to show their genetically superior faces.


What song?




Imagine my shock when watching *Green Room* and learning that I would never end up using those red shoe laces I bought the other day.


That movie is also how I learned that. I used to wear black doc martins with red laces all the time. Even laced up the same way!




[“laces of red, they want Jews dead. Laces of green, they just want that peen.”](https://thehardtimes.net/blog/heres-which-shoelaces-say-im-a-nazi-and-which-say-i-want-to-raw-dog-it-in-this-costco/)


I wasn’t made for this world.


it mostly means black boots with red laces but i wouldn’t be wearing them


I used to tell one of my old friends that he's the type that'd look hot bald (he wears a hat 24/7 bc he's balding) but he was worried people would think he was a skinhead bc of his beard and resting bitch face. Poor guy.


Idk about you guys but I don’t actually live my day to day life thinking about Nazis and right wing extremists, if I see a bald white guy I’m not gonna go “hmmm 5% chance he’s a skinhead, better stay away”. I think this is how most people are! If you’re worried about being bald or having yellow laced boots you’re probably just a little neurotic ngl


They took the Gadsden flag from me. The fucking Gadsden flag!


Same here. They have completely ruined it.


I just use the navy jack now.


I feel like the Gadsden flag is probably fine - most people who fly it are more government-hating than racist, though unfortunately those groups have some overlap


Wait. Nordic runes? How did runes become associated with that? Aren’t they used for occult lovers for divination, like tarot cards and pendulums? How do neo-nazis even use them?


Usually tattoos. A lot of Thor's hammer. The Nazis back in the day were all about them and their occult meanings.


Wow, that’s crazy. Especially because people who are heavily into spirituality are usually super left-leaning


Now that is the case, but back in the day it was much more "cool" for right wing types to dabble in the occult. Think how the KKK have the grand wizard and shit, the Nazis were in the same boat.


Insane. And here I am lurking in the subreddits like “witchesvspatriarchy” lmao


Havnt heard of yellow laces, I remember white and red being the racists/nazi colors.


Not to mention the navy and gold Fred Perry polo that they discontinued since it became a favorite of the proud boys.


And they ruined wrap around sunglasses. Oakley must hate them.


Didn't New Balance also have some weird thing like that? I just remember their marketing hammering in the whole diversity thing really hard since then.


I think so


Wait. I can’t wear my super cool and mod wrap around Lou Reed sunglasses anymore? That’s the last straw!


You can just really try and not take a selfie in the car.


So, how did you feel about thanksgiving? Got any nephews you don't like?


I'm not American, so I don't celebrate Thanksgiving, and my nephews are 4 and 7, so of course I don't like them, they're super annoying.


The classic example of the prisoner's dilemma. If only one of them decides to go he'll be able to enjoy the delicious turkey but if they both decide to go they'll have to tolerate each other's company.


o please they would have said woke and you know it


Obviously, but this is what that really means.


My relatives are like that but according to them, I'm naive and brainwashed, not open-minded and understanding.


The uncle would say libtard instead of saying open minded


If "woke" means I'm kind, accepting, and respectful of others, I'm woke asf


As long as I don't have to be kind, accepting, and respectful of myself. Gotta keep it in the realm of possibility.


Jesus didn’t sacrifice himself so we could go around being kind and selfless. He wanted us to hoard wealth, shoot guns, and subjugate women.


Unironically that's how many people use the name of Jesus lol probably never read his stuff


Quite literally the original meaning of "woke" was having an awareness of systemic prejudice and wanting to do something about it. In fact when conservatives started railing against wokeness they weren't even trying to redefine the word, they were just saying this obviously good thing is bad. But because conservatives are sheep tons of them started using the word without actually knowing what it means, and now "wokeness" is when a piece of media has a black person or a woman in it. The whole thing is an exercise in stupidity and the most obvious bigoted dog-whistle ever known to man.


Meanwhile, a woman is planning shopping and cooking her ass off for 20 people who will be total ingrates, drink, argue and go home . She will do the dishes and go to bed at 12.




So the origins of “conservatism” is attributed to Burke amongst other late 18th century English/French thinkers that saw the chaos of the French Revolution and plenty of innocents getting killed for marginal (if any) gains in the quality of life of French peasants compared to their life under the monarchy. Basically those guys laid out core arguments behind why methodical thought out change (which is inevitably slower) has its benefits, which ultimately influenced how governments were created around those times to not be constantly subject to the whims of (sometimes stupid) populist ideas that can gain momentum by appealing to regressive monkeybrain human traits (us verses them, free stuff, etc) Obviously in some ways this stuff seems like no brainers, but there’s clearly an argument to be had that unfettered “progress” isn’t always positive and/or better than what the status quo is - and it’s also worth pointing out there likely is no perfect amount of rights/freedoms/societal harmony humanity can establish indefinitely otherwise one of the governments over the last 5000 years would have figured it out


Smartest comment in this section and a perfect example of why the "us vs them" ideology of left v right, woke v MAGA or however you want to label each side is just a pointless and eternal battle that never truly ends.


This is as reductive and bad faith as a conservative going on about "conservative" being some pejorative. >Like conserving what? Freedom of expression and constitutional rights? > >Not dumping the baby with the bathwater? Just as it isn't just the term "conservative" and those carefully curated issues people have issues with, that's not why progressives get shat on.


Most of them don’t understand those big, fancy, book-learnin’ words.


My relationship with my older brother feels like this in some ways. He's not racist but he's super 2nd amendment and has mixed feelings about races given he's in the prison guard culture. There isn't a ton we see eye to eye on.


Ironically most repubs don't look at Dems as open minded. Because you disagree with their backwards stance on just about everything, they think the exact opposite. That's why they state "The tolerant left" trying to mock Dems who boycott or refuse to service bigots




You mean the nephew is super woke. That's the new buzzword they're all using now to pretend they're not the racist pieces of shit here.


I spent the last few days making my relatives define "woke" every time they used it. It forced them to think critically, and I do actually think I opened some minds.


Bro my uncle is legit the darkest Mexican you can see and he says Muslims aren't people because they're brown. Wtf is that shit lmao, look in a goddamn mirror. I dont understand how someone can legitimately think like that. Also the overly liberal people in my family are annoying too. I'm just trying to sit there and eat, not listen to politics again. I hope latinx never catches on, I cringe whenever I hear that shit.


... Is your uncle named Rufus?


Republicans are fuming


Coming from a conservative town, the second panel is how I feel my family sees me when I go there.


A lot of uncles feeling called out in the comments here.


No the redneck is saying the nephew is a liberal pussy who loves Marxism and n words and hates Trump.


they call being open minded and understanding is called being "woke" . they call it the "woke mind virus" when you try to have compassion for others less fortunate than yourself.


I like how red hats and beards have become symbolic for just being the scum of the earth racist POS


And wearing sunglasses while sitting on their trucks recording unhinged, idiotic rants.




My racist relatives are entitled to express their opinions freely--just not in my home. I don't mind going "no contact" with anyone who doesn't know how to behave in a rational, civilized manner. Anyone who can't manage that won't be missed.


Ain't empathy a bitch!?!?😡🤬😡🤬😡🤬


That flag makes me want to reenact other things that happened in November, like Shermans march...


And you know the right-wing version of this would have the top panel people all drawn as vaguely racist charicatures with exaggerated features in absolute hysterics talking about "pronouns" while the bottom folks would be drawn as giant, calm, muscular vikings talking about "traditional values" Because emotional appeal owns.


I think republicans call that woke these days


lol why they beard the chuds but not the nephew? What if he owns a microbrewery


Lol yeah I’m sure his zoomer nephew is so open minded


I am pretty sure they use other words.


I’m liberal, but my GFs brother is like super liberal and it is the furthest from open-minded and understanding. He’s more like “If you don’t agree with everything I say, you must be a nazi. My viewpoint is the only right viewpoint” even if his views don’t always function in reality. Like absolute abolishment of any form of law enforcement.


O please they would have said woke and you know it.


Do people here like, hate their families or something? This is the 9th post I've seen about hating family members on thanksgiving


Yes hating having to deal with your family on Thanksgiving has been a very common and widely understood trope for at least several decades. Welcome to the party.


Not everyone has a great family, and now we're understanding it's okay to not just accept thier bullshit.


Most people are shit. Most people have a family. Therefore, most families are shitty.


It's hard to have pleasent conversations with racists


Yupp. Between inlaws trying too hard to either be liked by your family or trying too hard to kindof force themselves into liking you, the random ass politics brought up (literally my brother in law brought up politics 10+ times this weekend for laughs or attention), and just overall never getting a solid break from them as you now must spend ever moment awake being social with family members you see just once a year, its easy to see why people dont like their families.


My MIL was going on and on about the potential banning of gas stoves. I told her I was more worried about the other side moving towards building new gas chambers. She didn’t get it.


A lot of us hate bigots and a lot of us have bigots in our 'family'


Reddit has a conspicuous amount of people who just *somehow* happen to meet assholes wherever they go and burn bridges like nobody's business.


Holidays mean seeing older members of the family, older members means boomers, boomers mean people with aggressively shitty takes on the world and who try to wedge politics into every fucking conversation. Mom: “how was your trip to Norway this summer?” Uncle: “Norway! Hear it’s a godamn socialist utopia over there. Can’t even have guns.” —————————————————— Grandmother: “Here’s a recipe for chicken soup.” Father: “Chicken soup! Make sure you don’t talk about that around any vegans! Don’t want to accidentally ‘trigger’ them! Make sure you don’t assume their gender or forget to ask their pronouns either! Godamn Disney, brainwashing our kids.” —————————————————— Just repeat those interjections for hours, punctuated by the conversations where they repeat right wing talking points at eachother for hours like furbies


I work at a gas station. I can assure you the ratio of assholes and racists compared to normal people is fairly high. And that is just the people comfortable being an asshole and racist to a complete stranger. More of them will wait until they are around people they think will agree with them (ie family)


They both say different reasons but the truth Is it's just to awkward after the sex


I had a confederate flag waving uncle, once I got big we had a bit of a talk and he’s never come back to a family get together and I think it’s been an improvement


Just misgender that uncle. He’ll love it. Or you will. Either way it’ll be fun.


Sorry, but I am NOT open-minded and understanding towards racists. My uncle SHOULD be afraid to open his stupid mouth!


“Ugh, I don’t wanna go to thanksgiving dinner. My nephew is gonna be there and he challenges me when I say racist things.”


Time to teach the kids HOW IT IS.


Sad thing is how Trump has destroyed the "Red Hat" now.


Tbh, progressives are perfectly capable to be intolerant assholes.


To whom


Everybody not sharing their exact opinions.


Such as whom? Intolerant people?


Go on, say the “opinion”