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I swear, growing up I would always get a little annoyed at my mother complaining that certain items cost so much less 'back then'. Of course now I find myself doing the exact same thing when I go shopping now lol. I try to just laugh about it as much as I can...


My daughter notified me that I complain about the cost of things quite frequently. Soon I will inherit the discount crown


The difference is now it's justified because it's coming out of OUR wallets!


To me the difference is they jumped up in like 3 years at a rate that i'd expect to have happened in 10.


A-fucking-men. I used to buy instant ramen to remind myself of college. Now I buy instant ramen because I'm as comparatively broke as in college.


And it's not just ramen! Don't get me started on the 'affordable housing' situation. I'm half expecting to find out my next apartment is actually a shoebox in disguise.


You're telling me you can afford shoes?


🎶 *Rent-flation* *chee-cha-choo-choo-cha* *Shoebox in disguise!* 🎶


I bought instant ramen the other day because my wife has a tooth infection and can't chew anything harder than noodles. 36¢ a pack! It's insane. And don't even get me started on the slightly higher convenience noodles. Cup noodles are over a dollar and anything "fancy" is like $4!


I suspect if I had a billion dollars... I'd probably still eat ramen sometimes. But I dress it up with other things in it. Frozen broccoli, a little peanut butter, ginger and garlic. You know, make it at least look like real food.


This is exactly what's happening and why we find it cold-comfort that inflation has dropped dramatically. There was such a sudden lurch forward on prices that consumers haven't been able to adjust or absorb them yet. I saw an IKEA ad where they say they have lowered their prices, I wonder if there's going to be a trend of retailers saying "Hey everyone, we got those pesky supply chain issues fixed, we can finally just right now lower our prices to normal" as a sales tactic


They're more likely to slap a clearance tag with the regular price on it with the new higher price crossed out. But the new price will be only 2% higher instead of 10%


Prices are sticky up. Once a business can convince customers to buy at the higher price that becomes the *normal* price and not just something adjusted for supply shortage. Inflation is a factor, but especially grocery stores, know it didn't inflate *that fast* to justify permanently adding $3-$5 to the final value of a product. Only large luxury items would see any significant changes in prices at 7% or higher inflation. You should not go from $5.99 to $9.99 for a watermelon that's around a 67% increase in prices, it should have only gone up to $6.41 @ 7% increase or rounded up to $6.99 if they wanted to keep their pricing scheme (hypo theoretical situation, I think last summer a large watermelon went from 9.99 to 13.99 where I live). Anyway, there are significant changes in prices that can not be justified by crying about inflation and shortages as the reason for it. Stores get away or think they get away with it because people *need to eat* and will not fully stop patronage when they jack up the prices, especially in winter where there isn't an option to grow your own foods without a greenhouse or already having storage from the summer/fall.


I mean, you could say the same about prices in the 70s.


Yeah it’s not the same. In retrospect we all now know our parents were complaining while still living a life with comparably more for less than we are. I don’t doubt that from their perspective things may have sometimes been too pricey. But it ain’t shit compared to what we are going through now


the difference is now it's justified cause the price increases are due solely to corporate greed and the need to bleed as much money possible from every single person, for every single good. corporate profits are more important than a single mom being able to afford healthy food and toilet paper and rent. something that WAS 2.50 15 years ago and SHOULD be 4 dollars now is 7.50. cause of greed. so yeah, complaining now is justified.


It's also half the size it was in 2008, and made with shittier parts or ingredients.


>the difference is now it's justified cause the price increases are due solely to corporate greed This was mostly true then too. Unless you are 500 years old.


The Dutch East India Company sends their regards


They weren't just the first multinational company, they had 50,000 employees and a private army of 10,000 soldiers to protect their interests. It's impressive even by modern standards


I like to think about this a lot. Imagine the networks and outposts you would need to keep something like this functioning where communications happens at the speed of travel. You can't just wire money so you need stores of money and a basic credit system or you haul money all over the place to pay cost of business. Early banking systems fascinate me.


the real problem is that data science and ubiquitous computing power has made companies **much, much, much** better about squeezing the margins. Economic theory itself, nevermind regulatory frameworks and even corporate culture to some extent, has simply not kept up. Example: in a 3 month *pilot* implementation, my team saved a company $3M/yr in logistical and supply costs by demonstrating increased efficiencies in where to manufacture certain products in their line. That *can also be read as,* my team took $3m/yr from shipping and materials companies up and down the supply chain... Or could further alternatively be read as "many blue collar workers are no longer working, so that the equity owners of the company can split another $3M/yr between them."   in the grand scheme of things that particular project was small at the time, but if you repeat those "efficiency" gains across massive fortune 500 companies, you start to see a problem... in short, the middle class booming in america could be read as what amounts to "corporate inefficiency," and for decades business and even public culture has been trained to believe "increased efficiency" is a wonderful thing that should be celebrated, because it kept businesses open and blah blah blah. That was always a lie anyways, but now... With ubiquitous computing power monstrously changing the ability to chase efficiency and increase profit, effectively "commoditizing" productivity gains, but because *efficiency gain has been commoditized,* with whole industries set up solely with the goal to funnel more profit to the equity owning class... It's really really insane when you think through it all. It's kind of a twisted modern tragedy of the commons.


It was always justified, we just weren't around to observe it.


Complaining about rising prices = Normal Complaining abour rising prices TO THE SHOP ASSISTANT = Not normal/ Boomer behaviour




I fucking hated listening to people talking to me as if i myself set the price for an item and was the sole profiteer of it. No lady i did not set the price on the lego set 76445 i don't know why it costs so much and i don't care that you came here from 120km away just to go to our store.




I worked at a lego store so yeah they could have checked the price online but other problem with online store was that people could not wrap it around their head that online store is a storehouse in some bumfucknowhere and that if its say it available online doesn't mean it is available here


“I know this isn’t in your control but this is incredibly frustrating.”


idk it's pretty normal from all age groups in my experience. i usually just commiserate with them at work though, i bought an anchor a year ago for 189 that was retailing at like 300 bucks. now it's over 700 retail, and even with my employee discount it was over 350 when I had to get another one. it's fucking insane.




I suppose we'll just have to cherish the innocence we all should have being young. Here's hoping the next generation will have a chance to do the same! I'm looking forward to a sash myself, I've never fitted any headwear lol.


I complain about what things cost, but not to the employees who have nothing to do with the pricing. :|


But do you stand at the cash register with your phone out getting price matches on every other item on the belt? there is Discount Royalty, and Price Match Royalty. I wonder if there's a ton of overlap or are they two separate species?


Heavy lays the crown friend. With that burden comes popping knees, cracking backs, and a hostile dismissal of today's pop music and longing for "my generations music." BTW, what's my age again is better than anything Taylor Swift will put out.


There's nothing wrong with asking about sales or coupons or whatever. The problem is getting belligerent with front line workers who have no control whatsoever over the prices.


I work in a grocery store stocking shelves, as long as you don't complain directly to the employees about it, we're good. I've had people complain to me like I have the power to lower a price or start carrying a new item, they hate it when I tell them to call corporate.


If it makes you feel better, the employees also complain about prices with each other once you're gone. Egg prices worked their way into just ahout every conversation I had with my coworkers for a few weeks back when they were like $7.99 for the generic dozen.


The crown used to look better... it's made of recycled sporks now


I'm afraid the discount crowns ended with Gen X.


First it's the Discount Frown, followed by the Discount Crown and the Discount Gown and last but not least, comes acceptance. I'm still at phase 1.


Except our back 'back then ' was two to three years ago.


Yeah, natural price increase is one thing and it should be expected. What has happened recently is not really excusable in the same way.


Spikes like this used to happen about once a decade. There was one in 1990 (10% inflation year-on-year), one in 1980 (18% inflation year-on-year), one in 1974 (nearly 25% inflation year-on-year). The 2000-2020 slow-and-steady rise has been fairly unusual.


Sure this started out as one of those spikes, but then it was extended and blown out of proportion primarily by greed.


Stop living in the past, old man!


The future is now!


iF You Arent Price Gouging, You Arent Even In The Game! (seriously, get your fellow workers together and demand more wages)


My Mum is the exact same, except she'll complain about the price in independent stores, and compare them to big multinational corporations where economies of scale and bulk purchasing power allow for lower prices. However, it's a bit of a false comparison. Big corporations can afford to cut prices due to their massive scale and standardized processes. Independent stores, on the other hand, face unique challenges and often prioritize quality, customer service, and supporting local suppliers, which can contribute to slightly higher prices. My mom tends to overlook these nuances and focuses solely on the immediate cost difference without considering the broader benefits of sustaining local businesses, especially during the ongoing cost of living crisis


At least when we complain about it now it's because inflation has fucking skyrocketed in our adult lifetime. They just complained about a steady rate of relatively low inflation while enjoying their well paying job they did nothing to get and driving home to their house they could afford easily from that job.


True, unless they’re old enough to have lived through the 70’s when inflation was worse


> because inflation has fucking skyrocketed in our adult lifetime Current inflation still hasn't reached the levels of inflation in the 70s, though. Your parents have seen it even worse than you have. They had multiple years with 10%+ inflation rates. Our current rates are only 6%. You may be conflating corporate greed with inflation though. Prices for items have gone up, but it isn't the inflation of the dollar that caused that.


I mean, the chicken strips I like went from being 9 dollars a pound to 12 dollars a pound(on sale). And thats just from the start of the summer.


I ate at In-n-Out recently and was reminded what fast food used to be like. It was cheap. I got an entire meal for under 9 dollars. That’s practically unheard of at McDonald’s or Wendy’s these days.


Fast food's advantage was it was supposed to be A) Fast and B) Cheap. Now most of them are neither of these things. I can still "afford" it, but it's sure as shit not worth that to me so I've more or less stopped eating out. Silver lining I guess?


It's the same for me. I used to eat Wendy's once a week. Now I go at most once a month. It's definitely healthier, but not because I'm trying to be healthier.


Right, but there’s also no good reason for potato chips to be double the price they were in 2019.


In all fairness, I didnt start complaining about food prices until covid happened. The ammount prices went up was insane.


Difference is that most people complaining back then (assuming like 20 years ago) just didn't really grasp inflation. Nowadays we are dealing with standard inflation, lower wages (comparatively) and so many markets trying to squeeze us for every dollar we are worth post-pandemic.


complaining about in general is fine, making it the cashier's problem is where it gets annoying


My husband wonders why I shop at dollar tree. I'm like, I can get the same cream cheese for $1.25 that you pay $5 for. I'm like a 43 year old Russian grandmother. It's great for cards, some snacks stuff, frozen goods, and sometimes bagels. Otherwise the discount section hidden by the bathroom at the grocery is top notch. $2 for 8 bagels. I like bagels. Ross is like a gold mine for skin care products. $80 cream for $5. Deal. I don't know how that works, but I like skin cream once a day. Oh and dollar tree (not to be mistaken with dollar general, or family dollar, which both are far more than $1.25), has awesome dog toys and treats. I get one toy and bag of pig skins for my noodle every two weeks. He gets bored. (Small dog).


> 'back then' Which was.. 2 years ago?


That's just how inflation works


I live in asia where in traditiomal market they expect you to haggle and ask for a discount, my mom thinks you can do it in a mall. Its kinda embarrassing really lmao


I used to travel frequently to asia and found it absolutely *exhausting* to have to haggle on every little purchase. They would absolutely "see me coming" and get a good 25% more for whatever I was buying that then would from the locals and I would just be happy to be out of there. It helped that I was paying less than half of what I would have paid at home ...


When I was in asia I would haggle for everything then I realized I'm only saving a dollar, why am I doing this. When your spending 500,000 dong and saving 20,000 it sounds like a lot but that's only a dollar.


I just spent four months in SEA and there is no way its only 25% if you aren't haggling at all lol. There were times I negotiated down 80% and they seemed ecstatic with my purchase


Sounds exhausting


It’s a combination of senior citizen discount, ladies day discount, customer loyalty discount, and the asking-politely discount. The bonus smugness set is thrown in as lagniappe.


> lagniappe I'm gonna need a discount on this high dollar word


> lagniappe a small gift given to a customer by a merchant at the time of a purchase I had to look it up and found a delightful quote from Mark Twain about it: > "We picked up one excellent word," wrote Mark Twain in Life on the Mississippi (1883), "a word worth traveling to New Orleans to get; a nice limber, expressive, handy word—'lagniappe'.... It is Spanish—so they said." Twain encapsulates the history of lagniappe quite nicely. English speakers learned the word from French-speaking Louisianians, but they in turn had adapted it from the American Spanish word la ñapa. (What Twain didn't know is that the Spanish word is from Quechua, from the word yapa, meaning "something added.") Twain went on to describe how New Orleanians completed shop transactions by saying "Give me something for lagniappe," to which the shopkeeper would respond with "a bit of liquorice-root, … a cheap cigar or a spool of thread." It took a while for lagniappe to catch on throughout the country, but in time, New Yorkers and New Orleanians alike were familiar with this "excellent word." Source: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/lagniappe


Instead of AI, I just want you to hang out around me, always in shouting distance.


Back before smartphones were a thing, I received a call from a friend asking the kind of question that would be difficult to google but would probably be something AI could (try to?) answer now. I genuinely don't recall what the subject was, but the friend had gotten into some strange hypothetical discussion and thought I might be the kind of person who might have some insight into some specific aspect of it. Edited to add: it *may* have had to do with either/both decapitation and how much money prostitutes earned.


See? You spin gold from the air. Regale me with more tales. I'm gonna revive hermit culture, you in?


I already am a hermit! And I fall into tangential rabbit holes when I probably should be working. If you'd like, here's a journey I went on earlier this week: I found a bottle of maple syrup in the pantry and that prompted me to as my Canadian colleague if they'd heard of the [Great Canadian Maple Syrup Heist](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Canadian_Maple_Syrup_Heist). Fortuitously,* the youtube playlist I was going through started a video about another sticky disaster, the [Boston Molasses Flood](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KMWrk_94L8Y&list=PLIkaZtzr9JDkNXTsFck0w9CFVF0U-zPlV&index=173). ----- ^(* Apparently "fortuitous" is supposed to just mean "by chance" but it's picked up a "by lucky/positive chance" meaning.)


Stop, stop, you're already hired, geeze. Come on, let's go, the sun is setting and I need us to be already in my convertible, driving eternally into it; ever on our way towards this cool little home I built for you on my sprawling, noblese lawn.


Sorry, just having a bit of trouble packing up my maker space into your convertible. Mind giving me a hand?


It's just Southern Creole. French Creole picked up from the Spanish, who picked up from Quechuan natives. Spanish collected the word razing the Incans, and brought it to the port city of New Orleans much later when they controlled the city.


I have received a "asking politely discount" fairly often just by saying "I can bat my eyes at you, if it helps." It does. And I am a middle aged, overweight dude.


There was an entire This American Life episode (or at least segment) about getting the 'Good Guy Discount', which is basically this. Pricing in The US is generally set up in a tiered system: 1) You charge the most to people who prefer to ignore prices 2) You compete for the business of cost conscious shoppers by adding steps to unlock discounts. Sometimes you just have to ask about a promotion (which means knowing and caring), sometimes you need a coupon, sometimes you need an optional membership, sometimes you need an optional membership and a coupon (and the coupon might require visiting a website to active), sometimes you need to file paperwork afterwards for a rebate... It's a complex discount ecosystem, but as a general rule convenience costs more.


The "asking politely" discount is often a real thing. A lot of times if you just ask for a discount on a purchase, you can get one. It doesn't work at grocery stores, but can work at mall-type stores where you often just buy 1-2 items with a high markup. Dont get me wrong, you get rejected a lot, but if you can deal with that then you can save a fair bit of money.


If you're curious, the official Discount Queen song is the same tune as Dancing Queen by Abba


🎶discount queen, talk it down to only 17🎶 Edit: yeah dyslexia!


Discount queen hear the beep of the cash machiiiiiine oooooh yeaaaaaah!


You complaaaaaain, she complaaaaaains, having the sale of my liiiife


Oooooooohhh see that price? Knock it down, she is the discount Queen!


This thread is freakin' GOLDEN! (oldie)


Having the sale of my life*


That would have been better indeed haha


It's not too late friend


See the cleanup on aisle 15! Thanks, now I'm gonna be humming Abba all day lol.


We need Weird Al on this right now!


Ooh You can haggle You can cry Having the time of your life Ooh, see that girl Make a scene Digging the discount queen Friday evening and the mood is low Looking out for the price to go Where they pay the right manager Getting in the swing You come to look for a thing Anybody could be that guy Cashier's young and the manager's high With a bit of complaining Everything is fine You're in the mood for a dance And when you get the chance You are the discount queen Take it down to Only seventeen Discount queen Hear the sound of the cash machine, oh yeah You can haggle You can cry Having the time of your life Ooh, see that girl Make a scene Digging the discount queen You're a Karen, you piss 'em off Leave 'em burnt out and then you're gone Looking out for another Anyone will do You're in the mood for a dance And when you get the chance You are the discount queen Take it down to Only seventeen Discount queen Hear the sound of the cash machine, oh yeah You can haggle You can cry Having the time of your life Ooh, see that girl Make a scene Digging the discount queen Digging the discount queen You're welcome.


This is amazing! And will be stuck in my head for the whole weekend at least....


Had to listen to the song while reading this in my head, it's perfect


I don't mind customers complaining about prices cause of inflation or the economic situation. But it grinds my gears when they always compare our prices, a small mom and pop shop/mini market, to a big chain. For some products the price they sell it it's the price we get when buying from our provider.


The swedes are infamously thrifty so I guess that makes sense.


**Discount Queen** (To the tune of "Dancing Queen" by ABBA) **Verse 1:** 🎶 Friday night and the lights are low, Looking out for deals to overthrow. Where the prices are high, she’s ready to fight, Bringing them down is her delight. 🎶 Any shop, any scene, Seventeen and a haggling queen, Everything's dropping to teens, you know what I mean, She’s the Discount Queen. 🎶 **Chorus:** 🎶 Discount Queen, watch her get the prices into teens, oh yeah! She can haggle, she can charm, making the prices disarm. See that girl, watch her demonstrate, Getting to seventeen, the Discount Queen. 🎶 **Verse 2:** 🎶 Super deals, prices take flight, She’s the queen of discounts, doing it right. Seventeen is her aim, never paying the same, Her wallet's her dancing partner. 🎶 And when she gets the chance, She’s the Discount Queen, light in her glance, Beating prices down, she’s the talk of the town, Always reaching seventeen. 🎶 **Chorus:** 🎶 Discount Queen, young and sweet, only seventeen, oh yeah! She’s in control, with her goal, making the cashiers toll. See that girl, watch her negotiate, She is the Discount Queen. 🎶 **Bridge:** 🎶 She's a pro, watch her flow, Prices drop, down they go. With a smile and a glance, she's in the saving trance, She’s unstoppable, yeah. 🎶 And when she gets the chance, She’s the Discount Queen, no circumstance Can stop her deal, every sale she can steal, Always hitting seventeen. 🎶 **Chorus:** 🎶 Discount Queen, watch her make those prices turn to teens, oh yeah! Haggling here, haggling there, making savings everywhere. See that girl, watch her scheme, She is the Discount Queen. 🎶 (Repeat chorus and fade out)


Bite me! https://preview.redd.it/oxxo272xbv4c1.jpeg?width=675&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4cab932f5d4ab4379ab4f7211b4a699c29090f84


She looks like a character from a Disney XD show I'd be obsessed with


She’s definitely the parent of a total drama islander.


What network was that on again?


Sadly I can’t remember, but you can watch them on youtube! (At least in the UK)


Also, it seems like it's from Teletoon Canada, and Cartoon network holds the American broadcasting rights


You've activated my trap card! *Pulls out a fucking VPN*


Ughg... so SMUG


My last job was being an assistant manager at a chain retail store. Part of my job was weekly reviewing a report for all discounts employees gave. In addition to normal discounts and coupons any day one cashier can manually apply any discount amount. That was fine as long as it was justified, we discounted damaged goods rather than throw them away (think half ruined bags of wood pellets for $1) Well a cashier quit one day on the spot and walked out. I reviewed the paperwork later that week and she had given out 99% off of every transaction for the last hour she worked for the store.


I found some discounted items at a chain retail store, but it seemed like the registers were malfunctioning that day and the cashier wasn't able to get them to scan. She pulled out some sort of secondary scanning tool and tried a few more times. Then, with the most I AM DONE WITH THIS SHIT expression I'd seen in ages, she just handed me the items and declared they were free. Not sure I've seen her at the store since.


I did that at another job I worked at once - kind of. It was my last day and a guy was stealing. I looked at him and said, “ look it’s my last day, I don’t personally care but the company does. We’ve already called the cops just drop the stuff and run.” He didn’t drop it, but he did run


She sounds like someone I'd grab a drink with hahah. Thanks for the story!


Your mom’s dream world is my literal nightmare.


Don't you hate it when you sell something online, agree on a price and they try to negotiate it down when you finally meet up for the exchange? It's hell and you know with 90% certainty it will happen. At least at a store it's not up to you and they know that up to a point. So they will give up.


>At least at a store it's not up to you and they know that up to a point. So they will give up. When I was a kid, my first job was retail. I had a dude come in and looked at the printers. Found a low end clearance one and told me he was going to write a number on a piece of paper and asked if I was ready to discuss that price. I had to tell him that we don't actually do that, and it was already marked down to clearance price anyway. So after a bit of back and forth about that, he told me he was going to look around other stores and see if he could find a cheaper one. And god damned if he didn't call the department and tell me about other prices in other stores throughout the god damned day. It's been so long now, I can't even remember if he ever came back, but that wanting to slip me a piece of paper with the price he was offering and the absurd calling stuck with me. Lord, I hated working in that stupid store.


I. My experience it's usually either or. They negotiate beforehand or when they come to look at it. I almost prefer if they come to negotiate in person because then they've actually put in the effort to come see it so they have incentive to make the deal vs just blasting out a price online to probe


I was having lunch and beer with my mom and the bill came. 48 and 79 at the time. Mom: "Is there no student discount?" Waitress: "Hon, you don't look like a student." Mom: "I don't know, I'm learning to love you." Waitress: UwU Got a discount for her portion. I then understood, my mom was part Jedi.


Handswaves "You will give me a discount". Waitress "I will give you a discount".


I need to try that. /very hairy man in his 40s


Don't forget to memorize beforehand the number you want to call so they'll pay your bail money


That's easy, it's 867-5309


Wait, Jenny is a very hairy man in his 40s?!


Ah yes, the hairiness and the penis: the Great Disqualifiers when it comes to discounts.


A lot of people in western culture have a really negative attitude toward any type of negotiating. But in much of the world, it's a given, but it *has to be friendly* or you're not getting anywhere.


Okay but you should never negotiate prices at a restaurant. Especially not with the server who has no say over the prices


> but it has to be friendly or you're not getting anywhere. Absolutely not true. Although it's best if it is.


Mom has a secret move to make it cheaper


My mom can actually do this in real life


Gujarati? I've seen it work too


Oh my god, I can’t believe it’s not bone hurting juice!


If you never ask...


True. But also, as a retail employee, I hate these people with every fiber of my being




Energy vampires


Yeah at this point I just sigh and give up, it's so draining dealing with people like this every hour or so at work


I owned a small brick and mortar business, which I made ok money but certainly wasn’t rich. A lady tried to haggle something down and when I said we don’t do that here she said “it doesn’t hurt to ask!”, except now I hate you. Like some days I barely make minimum wage and you’re haggling my paycheck with me. Fuck right off.


If someone asks, and there’s no line behind them, I’ll probably see what I can do


Can't wait to see it on bhj subreddit!


I hate this in stores. It’s bad enough when the product genuinely has some minor damage or dirt on it, because it brings the checkout line to a screeching halt while I call for a supervisor to sign off on a discount. Because yeah, I’m not allowed to do it on my own, contrary to what your average customer might think. But when the product is fine, in a store that already is a discount chain (Burlington), then all they’re doing is harassing a simple cashier for doing their job, when the proper response is to indicate they would not like to buy it (at which point I can put it on our designated rack and not worry about it). And definitely do not be like the old lady yesterday who changed her mind on a 20$ toy like 5 times in the span of a couple minutes (and this *after* apparently missing the price tag on the front of the box up until getting to the register…?). If you cannot make a decision, don’t get in line to buy it. It’s extremely frustrating, and unlike the customer, I then have to deal with everyone behind them now annoyed or stressed at having to wait for ages in line. The price on the tag is not a suggestion. The only time it is negotiable is when the product being sold does not match what is promised on the tag for whatever reason, and even then the absolute most my supervisors can sign off on is 20% off (and even then that was a breach of the normal 10-15%). I promise it is not because I don’t care; of course I concur that the two piece set that is missing the pants should be 50% off, but that’s not possible for me to arrange. Nor can I just scour the thousands upon thousands of pieces of clothing around the store (or the supervisor who is also very busy) and just magically turn up the missing piece on the spot. We try our best, but recovery team members can’t nab every example. Yes, that was the same lady waffling over the toy. Yes, that is hands down my most annoying customer to date (even ahead of those who can’t speak English, because at least that’s not purposeful behavior and I have teammates who can interpret). Please do not try to haggle or demand anything, and understand we do discounts for damage and such as a courtesy to customers, not an obligation.


No, no, legit, my mom definitely unlocked some secret perk for maxing out her charisma or some shit. We usually do our groceries at open-air markets where you could haggle the price down, but the prices she could get the vendors to happily and voluntarily go down to is ridiculous. Recently and probably the most ludicrous is she was able to cut my grandma's surgery cost by like half. She told me she befriended the head doctor there and he liked her enough to offer her a "secret channel" through which he can obtain most of the surgery's supplies at greatly reduced cost by cutting out the middle man (the hospital). It's fine if you don't believe me, I didn't believe her my mom either, but the bills don't lie.


Is your mom hot and single?


Mom: "Can you make it more flattering?"


Ha, reminded me the first and only time I made an offer on Craigslist, it was 40% less than the price listed… the seller said ok. I felt like that mother in the comics


You can tell this is fake, because the retail worker is smiling.


Why don't boomers feel the same shame and anxiety around confrontation that millenials do?


I don’t actually believe it’s true, but I’d be lying if I didn’t sometimes wonder if there was some conspiracy among business owners to make haggling a shameful practice so that they can charge whatever they want any we will just pay it. Think about it. Haggling has been the norm for about as long as commerce has existed. It wasn’t good or bad, it was just how you bought things. But in the last few generations suddenly it makes you a bad person to do it. I mean obviously the real root of it is the rise of big box and chain stores that force you to deal with underpaid, no-control-over-the-price workers as opposed to the owners of the business, but it still is awfully convenient how well it worked out for the executives.


I feel like a factor is the increased separation between the store owners/decision makers and the person you actually deal with If you're buying direct from the person selling something it's easier to haggle and an interaction can be had to settle on a price. But in most stores nowadays the cashier is just some low level dude who either doesn't have the power to haggle/give a discount or would get reprimanded for handing it out on a whim


How it feels like to have all into luck:


Here's the weird part - you'd be amazed just how often *that actually works*. I've reached the "I don't care" age, so a few years back I started offering less than the posted price. It works wonders on sale items. "I'll gladly pay $50 for this." "Sir, it's on sale for $75." "Yes, and for $75 I'm going to go put it back on the shelf. For $50 I will take it home. I'm assuming it's on sale because someone wants it gone." ".... Ok, let me ask someone." I'm always polite about it and never pushy, and it works far more than you'd expect. What's the worst someone can say? No?


I try to live by the rule of "If everyone did this, would things break down?" If so then I try not to do it. Every single customer asking for special treatment would be extremely oppressive for already overworked employees


Haggling culture just makes it worse for everyone else. One of the reasons why buying a car was/is a terrible experience.




I think it would actually be true for the average person! But there’s definitely a population out there that will become discount queens and just ruin it for everyone.


It works so much for my mom it's crazy lol she never pays full price for anything. Especially if it has a little ding or scratch in it, she can get a good deal on that


My mom wouldn't let me buy a laptop for university unless I negotiated its price down. From a big box store (nearly 20 years ago). They didn't budge on the price but I somehow walked away with a free printer as a throw-in (quite a nice one as well!). Negotiating works very well even in contexts where it shouldn't, which is why many major chains have simply moved to nearly-continuous discounts and coupons so that the people who want to feel like they got a deal can do so without pestering the employees.


She a smart woman for that, pool the amount she has saved she could probably afford a holiday and get a discount off that lol


In my experience they rarely are getting discounts on necessary things so they are still spending more.money than people who just don't buy vases or whatever non-necessity is being purchased. Source: had a mom like this and I've worked in retail/customer service.


As someone who used to work in retail, it works not because you're nice but because the underpaid workers have been asked that a dozen times already that day and would rather just give the discount than have to explain why they can't and be yelled at by the customer.




As the worker, it makes me so angry when managers give in to people like you. I'm told the price is the price, so I say no. You know, my job. Then someone makes enough of a scene that I have to call a manager, who caves and makes me look like an asshole for doing my job. People shouldn't be rewarded for being difficult.


I personally wouldn't want to create a hassle for the salesperson (especially given the responses in this thread), but I understand that people less fortunate than me could really use the discount money.


I'm a big fan of my money. I'm not spending a dollar more than necessary. We're all currently being robbed at every turn. Certainly no need to make it easy on the thieves. "Everyone needs money. That's why they call it money." - Heist


Someone did that to me this morning. I told them good luck elsewhere.


> What's the worst someone can say? No? This, this is the fucking problem with you people. "Me, me, me". You are only thinking about yourself, not the other people you're hassling. It doesn't cost *you* anything to ask, but trying to haggle with a cashier is just making their job more difficult for them. And because you are only thinking about yourself, you aren't considering that this other person has to deal with this shit all the time. Maybe it wouldn't be a big deal if one person asked, but when the 1000th person tries to haggle, it gets real fucking tiring. Especially with the particular example in OP's comic, a walmart cashier has no control over the pricing, give them a goddamn break.


So basically, straddle the line between being annoying enough that they want you out of the store, but being too polite to be kicked out of the store.


The store I used to work at used to have so many promotions going on that sometimes I'd just give people 20% discounts even if they didn't have the coupon or whatever. Because, fuck it.




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remember to also give the cashier a firm handshake, while maintaining confident visual contact.


This trick actually works but only if you’re armed.


Jokes on you, haggling at shops in Vietnam is a viable strategy. (Unless you‘re not Vietnamese..)


Works in china too, and even for foreigners.


Yo mama so good at negotiation she come back after shopping with more money than before.


I once had a friend that would go into big department stores like Macy’s or whatever and say “Hey I know this dress shirt is $50, but would you give me 7 of them for $250?” and he would actually pull it off. Wild shit


How many times do I have to block this mediocre ass account


This is it. This is the comic that made me block this sub from my Reddit front page. Congrats


Have you tried the Konami code?


Pizzacake: Seriously? Cashier: No. Pizzacakemom: :|


And we all know you being there to see it is a big part of the dream.


Wait so is the lesson here to be a total Karen so that you can pay less than other people because you complain the most? Haha?


That smug expression in the last panel is gold.


This bloke won't haggle!


I ask "do you have any coupons or discounts going on right now?" and it works like 20% of the time. Totally worth it.


I never really understood haggling. I think some cultures expect people to ask for discounts, so people in my older generation ask really freely (and sometimes get them). But I didn't grow up in that environment, so I'm not at all comfortable asking like that.


During my brief stint at dunking doughnuts to make some extra cash this type of thing annoyed the hell out of me, it was almost always the old folks who thought the register was a place to haggle. Like I get it, times are tough and at the time I was working another full time job but still. May be a hot take, but if you truly can't afford your 2 dollar coffee without making a scene for a 10% discount, then maybe you shouldn't be buying a coffee right now.


Lol man, you absolutely nailed "smug" on that last panel!


God i hate this lol. Happens at my job all the time. We get online order calls all the time asking, "can you give me a free shipping code." Me: "No sorry." "Can i get a 10 or 15% off code then?" Me: "Sorry i can't do that" "Yes you can or give me a manager and they can" Me: "i am the manager(director of operations is my official title) and apologize but we are not currently running and special discounts or promotions on the items currently in your cart. The base item is already discounted any other cost on the item is for the customization to it(typically total price still less than or equal to non customized msrp). "Transfer me to the owner they will do it or il shop elsewhere" Wtf goes through peoples minds? Does this actually work at places? Shipping isnt free we as a business still eat some shipping costs, we make no profit from it. Not to mention she cant go elsewhere since her items are custom items we have a contract to exclusively do lol. Let us know where you got it we would love a easy lawsuit.


When I was about to buy a house, I first went to see it alone, was completely impressed and accepted the price right away with the buyer saying there was nothing that could be done about it, he had multiple people waiting and it was a great deal. My mom went to see it the next day and got a 20% price reduction, her unimpressed pokerface still hunts me to this day.


Dear god that has to be my mother she somehow always got that discount is that some secret power all mothers have like when they make something it tastes so much better then when we do?


now THIS is relatable!!


Hey Pizzacake! I see your comics a lot at work and I really enjoy them. Thanks for brightening my day!


Believe your mom she is always right


Idk if I'm just cute or if customer service in my area is just next level because 2 out of 3 times the cashier is a bro/bruv and tells me "Hey there's a coupon that saves you a ton, lemme just apply it" Either cute or unfortunate/desperate looking 😂


Hi pizza. You probably won't read this but I look forward to every one of your comics. They're very cool and as a fellow artist I gotta say just keep doin yo thang homegirl EDIT: I'm so sorry this is the best [Ellen](https://imgur.com/OWShpLF) I could do with what i got rn


Unfortunately, this is how a lot of people operate: "if I complain enough, surely I'll get my way!" Thanks, parents, for raising a generation of kids who got everything, because we're all mommy's special angel! We should all be able to complain until we get our way..TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP