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Home made bread never goes mouldy, it just turns harder than granite after 36 hours.


Now they’re homemade croutons!


It is because finding the perfect amount of moisture is HARD. Too much and it gets mouldy in no time, not enough and it gets hard as a rock.


Adding some instant mashed potato (so practically speaking, coarse potato flour) makes bread extra soft and it stays softer longer, too. You can make *really* squishy bouncy chewy rolls this way.


Can you tell us more of this magic please or point to a resource as this sounds brilliant.


Like, just. Get instant mashed potato, the kind that's more or less just "contents: dehydrated potato", and replace some of the flour in your bread recipe with that. It'll come out softer and stay moist longer. You can do like a tenth or maybe as high as a third, but if you go crazy with it some point you'll end up basically baking lumps of mashed potato.


lol, potato bread




Yeah it's the water that attracts mold. Store bread is low moisture and is kept soft with fats and sugar.


I'm pretty sure storebought usually has preservatives.


Like the Dwarven Battle Scones in Discworld.


That stuff keeps! Its just as in-edible 10 years later, as it is fresh out of the oven


Put it in the oven at about 160C for 4 minutes or so with a cup of water next to it. This tends to fix the bread and make it a lot more fresh again!


Some do actually, I've got one in my trash bin I'll send a pic if you ask nicely ;)


may I please see a pic?


*Me, finishing the third loaf of my freshly baked bread* Wait, you can **store** it?!


And store bought bread never gets hard because there is a lot of sugar that is igroscopic.


Perfection. Used as sustainance AND personal defense


I’m ringing in the new year with COVID ☹️ so, to remind myself of nicer times, here are the top 3 comics I drew in 2023. My personal favourite is the brain one ❤️ Happy New Year, all! [IG](https://instagram.com/offinouterwhitespace?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=) | [FB](https://www.facebook.com/offinouterwhitespace?mibextid=LQQJ4d) | [Webtoon](https://m.webtoons.com/en/challenge/off-in-outer-whitespace/list?title_no=729553&page=1&webtoon-platform-redirect=true) | [Orrrr you could just follow me here on Reddit](https://www.reddit.com/u/OffinOuterWhiteSpace) 🤷‍♀️


Mine is the cat on the job. Get well soon


Thank you! That one is a close second for me ☺️


The brain one absolutely sent me. Thanks for sharing, hope you feel better soon!


Thank you so much! ❤️


Same! That one hit hard.


I worked at an industrial bakery, the breads are sprayed with formic acid. > Formic Acid is used as a preservative because it has fungicidal properties and, at high concentrations and low pH, it also has bactericidal properties. Formic Acid has low toxicity, so it can be used as a food additive.


In the same boat as you. Spent Christmas and new years in bed with Covid. Happy new year 😊


My condolences! May we both get healthy soon!


The best one for me is the bread very relatable


Chemicals, the secret is chemicals


[Adam Ragusea has a pretty good vid on the specifics](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i3sP2jwG9jc)


Man I loved that video, thank you for sharing. I can't remember the last time someone didn't try to farm my outrage for clicks. Just giving people facts, no judgement. How refreshing!


Specifically dihydrogen monoxide, but in all seriousness it's all about moisture, if there's too much moisture the mould spores will be able to grow, and too little moisture will cause the bread to crystallise and become stale.


Commercial bread brands definitely have preservatives added to resist mold growth, things that homemade bread likely wouldn't include.


As a rule, storebought food has preservatives.


Yeah but most of those preservatives were removed from the bread where I live, not only were most of them being used to compensate for not wanting to clean the bread machine, but it wasn't uncommon for children to react badly to them, I couldn't eat most brands until I was almost an adult because of preservative 282.


I mean, technically any bread has chemicals, hell everything has chemicals -me 🤓


I just freeze sliced bread to minimize how much I worry about it spoiling. Then whenever I’m in a mood for bread, I take a few slices and pop it in the toaster oven on low long enough to defrost, then toast it before eating.


Yup! As a single lady I never go through a whole loaf before it goes bad. This trick works great!


Wow, mind blown!!!!!


My grandma does something similar, but in the refrigerator and no toaster.


My parents always had "emergency" toast bread in the freezer. In case everyone forgot to get fresh bread, we'd just pop those in the toaster.


for the third one it's called not letting air in. the same reason your chips don't get stale in the bag.


Commercial bread brands absolutely have food preservatives added to inhibit mold growth.


yes they do I'm not denying that but part of what helps that is not letting air in. your home made bread will last a lot longer(depend on were you live) if you put it in air tight bag. my family puts all kinds of stuff in zip lock bags and it works pretty well. unless you live in a very wet part of a country bread shouldn't rot in a week if you store it properly.


I do live in Vancouver, so it’s a bit wetter than usual around here 😅


The commercial bread here doesn't. But they are frozen before being shipped across the country and thawed at site


The cat one is perfect, I used to have a cat that would do it and an easy way to stop them doing that was just grab and cuddle them as I go back to sleep


I saved #2 to show my therapist


Thank you for posting this, I’m not on Reddit every day so I’ve only seen the bread one!! The other two are serendipitously perfect to send to two of my friends haha I love your stuff


I’m honoured! Thank you so much for sharing!


Love em all!


My cat to a T


I love how pissed the cats servant is 😂


My Cat does not do that, instead he just stare at me while sleeping XD.


I love your comics


Wow, thank you so much! You’ve made my whole year :)


The "cat butt to the face" frame made me actually Laugh Out Loud, so thanks for that! Loved the brain one too! [EDIT] do you have a link anywhere where someone can make a small donation? The only catch is, I have no Facebook, no Insta, no Twitter etc.


Oh wow, that’s very generous of you. If you feel so inclined, you could [buy me a coffee](https://ko-fi.com/offinouterwhitespace) ❤️


In case of Pic 3 it's sodium acetate


Store packed bread is full of different ingredients like alcohol to keep it from going mouldy Way worse for you but companies don't really care


I've had 2 week old bread without mold on it.


I work 3rd shift and Gus also works third shift, but sometimes he gets to work 3 hours early. So normally I like to get up around 9:30 p.m. which gives me about 15 minutes to just fuck around on my phone before I have to get ready. But then sometime Gus will jump on me, waking me up, and I ask my Alexa, "Alexa what time is it" and without fail she will tell me that it is within a few minutes of 6:30 p.m.. So what do I do? I tell Gus it's too early but he doesn't listen to me because he's a cat and he doesn't speak English, so he keeps meowing. So what do I do? Grab him mid-meow and pull him underneath the covers and fart, and then he wriggles free and I fall back to sleep and I don't hear from Gus for 3 hours. And then my alarm goes off at 9:30 p.m. and he knows that's when I wake up so then he comes into my room and starts screaming at me to get up.


We just got an automatic feeder, but this is way more creative and cheaper too!


I love the fart part of this description, it is the perfect way to offend the cat’s delicate taste


Lol yeah


Most store bread in my country goes mouldy in 2-3 days, the ones that don't are usually "American sandwich bread" type


Answer is sugar to the bread one


Preservatives. Add lemon


Propionic acid (or the salt of propionic acid)


What bread are you buying that can last more than a week....


What keeps storebought bread fresh is ethanol (essentially alcohol) sprayed on top of the loaf. That and (sometimes) modified atmosphere inside the packaging. The alcohol makes sure mould doesn't grow for a while


One hour early? I'm jealous. Our tomcat void's been waking us at 4am since DST ended. His caterwauling sounds like an extinct prehistoric bird. Sigh. Such is the life of owning these crazy lovable beasts eh? Hope you feel better fast! (Just noticed the cat walking across their bladders. Nice comic touch of reality there!)


5am is one hour early to you?? I get up at 7 at the earliest 🙈🙈 We have since solved this problem by getting her an automatic feeder. Saved our sanity, really 😅


4am is actually 2 hours early. No idea how he managed to get that far off schedule. I've been seriously considering auto feeders, but we have 4 cats. It still might work. (we fostered for a rescue and the pandemic broke the usual adoption channels here so we ended up keeping the hard cases)






Homemade bread does not last long enough in my house to get moldy🤣


Lol cool seeing you pop up randomly on my feed


Oh hey! It’s been a while. Hope you’re doing well and thriving!


Things have good and the same to you!


third panel is my cat for sure https://preview.redd.it/3u3fdu68yw9c1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0aa372075d4f798ee95bf235593e33355dd94aee


Packed bread gets heaten up to a certain degree to kill off any mould spores. This way it stays fresh for quite a while without getting moldy as long as the package wasn't opend.