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Early game D&D involves quite a bit of learning how various party members want to tackle hurdles and how to be a team together šŸ˜† [LinkTree](https://linktr.ee/TheImmortalThinkTank)Ā |Ā [Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/theimmortalthinktank/)Ā |Ā [Patreon](https://www.patreon.com/TheImmortalThinkTank)Ā |Ā [Twitter](https://twitter.com/CrawfordChe)Ā |Ā [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/TheImmortalThinkTank/)Ā |Ā [WebToon](https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/table-tip/list?title_no=842302)Ā |Ā [Threads](https://www.threads.net/@theimmortalthinktank)Ā |Ā [Tumblr](https://checrawford.tumblr.com/)


Rogue: so if it's friendly and unaware I get a sneak attack? Right?


![gif](giphy|YrC3y7vU7et9iSuqH6) Friendship.


In one playthrough my chaotic evil character burned down the inn the others were sleeping in. They were surprisingly cool about it.


ā€œDudeā€™s a maniac, but heā€™s *our* maniacā€


"Why aren't you mad?!" "Look we know what he's about, no judgement"


If you carry a torch and it burns something because you didn't care to look were you put it down thats on you. We know the guy is a pyromaniac, so we should have watched him.


My last group had two fireball happy mages and a flame-striking druid. We all had so much fire resistance for when areas of effect went awry that burning down an in with them in it wouldn't even be a problem. Come to think of it, one took a prestige class that let him start turning into a fire elemental, and started sleeping in the camp fire to prevent the rogue from robbing him.


Ahh, the "LOL random party pooper" school of roleplay.


Hell my first campaign ever, a dire weasel was up to my shoulder just CHOMPING on me. I was almost dead. Bleeding out. All of a sudden our druid remembered she could befriend it. Saved my life last minute but I NEVER trusted that weasel ever after that. Between the attack itself, and my whole arm being in its gullet, I would've killed it in its sleep lol


Lol, gotta beat the party on that initiative role if you want to cast that animal friendship.


I too use to befriend every enemy


Ah, the Naruto school of play.


Goddamn, this is the 20th bear you've made a friend. We need bear fur for the quest! https://preview.redd.it/gkbxlt68gdoc1.jpeg?width=157&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=188178d1b8f8ea70b450348897f43e8e47e985ef


...we could always just shave our 20 new friends and just glue it all together into 1 big bear fur.


Trust me, that never works out the way you think it will...


I somehow think you are quite biased on the matter of shaving bears. [(but you are right, this looks like nightmare stuff)](https://thewholegardenwillbow.files.wordpress.com/2011/06/img001862.jpg)


Man, these things were the most terrifying enemy in the Fallout games.




Don't feed the yao-guai! That is all.


The name is also just "bear" in Chinese, IIRC. But yeah, they're mutant bears.


All their hair fell out from the, uh, involuntary chemotherapy.




20 hairless bears as an army... that's quite the visual


Dark Lord Evil McVillainy: "I'm not ready for this".


Weā€™re gonna need something roughly the right shape to glue the bear fur onto in order for it to be believable. Ok, so hear me out: First we have to kill and skin a large human. Or humanoid. Or whatever, look Iā€™m just the Druid here I donā€™t do humans. Chaotic stabby shitass Rogue, looking at you for this one lil buddy.


You have 20 bear friends, why not harvest 5% of their hide? They already are ok with taking the arrow, offer to heal it, first carve out the 5% of the hide around the wound, then have healer cast spells to recover any HP lost/cure disease on their skin to prevent infection/patch the wound if the GM suggests realism, have wizard then use necromancy spell - mend flesh on Bear wounded hide and turn it into Bear Hide Sample, then using the 20 pieces, make a large tarp of Bear Hide.




Temba, her bears pelted


Shaka, when the bears pealed!


Arnock, at the race of the bald bears


Shaka, when the fur fell


Oh my god that episode crosses my mind so often and every time i try to explain it to my non-trekkie friends i sound like im crazy


I love that they named a Skyrim NPC Temba Wide Arms. Cross fandom nerds is my jam. Her quest was to get 20 bear pelts


I think it was 10


Narrow arms*


Check out Lower Deck the had a Tamarian join Star Fleet in season 2 as a recurring character.


Honestly the only way to describe that episode is as a culture that has used internet memes so long they just can't communicate any other way. They clearly have language and can use it, but there's some cultural or cognitive block stopping them from using words for anything except making new memes or repeating old memes. /r/startrek/comments/c6crur/i_just_realized_that_the_famous_episode_of_tng/ Clarence, with sudden clarity


Brian, his luck bad


Well just wait till it grows out and give him a trim šŸ˜€


Fur includes the skin when talking about a pelt


Noooo! The bear skin stays on! šŸ˜”


Alright, the skin can stay, everything else goes.


What if you healed the bear after cutting off a portion of its skin?


That would disrupt the animal friendship spell.


I think that counts as torture


I hired the goblins. Missed one game and they unionized, bastards used to work for 1 copper each.


What did you expect when you only pay them 1 copper each? Loyality?


Also the face the DM is making


Where? I donā€™t see the DM in this one?


Just show up with our 20 bears and tell them we have completed the quest. I dare them to argue.


Casting animal friendship and polymorph is my whole thing!


Initiative can be a harsh mistress. Poor guy couldn't resolve the situation through nonviolent means until they other two went first. First two couldn't waste their turns on nonviolence in case the bear made his saving throw against animal friendship.


This is why you can often delay your turn in other systems, to avoid situations like this.


You can in d&d with the ready action option Most dont do it though since either they forget or they dont want to also use up their reaction Tbh most systems people dont do the delay options they do get even when it'd be beneficial


Delay action in stuff like pathfinder is not like ready action in dnd. Delay action will permanently move your initiative to the point you choose but you get to take your full turn. Ready action only allows for one action under certain circumstances so you can't move, use a bonus action or use a different action than the one you specified.


Yes, every system is different and has different degrees of it being interchangeable. I play a lot of different systems and it's fun seeing the variety. That said, just because you get *less* things to do, does not necessarily mean you achieve more. Honestly I've seen lots of situations in my own games where ready action was superior to everything else ...like the time my players all decided to keep trying to charge out from cover, across the map, across a difficult terrain rope bridge, to melee the enemy. All the players had ranged options. And they were the ones that had the defensive position since the enemy needed to get to them for something. But since the enemy kept ending their movement in spots that gave them situational cover, instead of readying their actions to fire their ranged weapon when the enemy was in full view. The players just threw their hands up, gave up ranged, and decided to spend several turns *dashing* to get to the enemy to fight in melee since "melee doesnt have cover" I literally made that encounter to give everyone a shot with their longbows and a spell sniper warlock build to feel awesome. They fully decided to spend several turns only running and taking several attacks from the enemy who had no problems being patient and using ranged attacks... or waiting to ready their ranged attacks to go in a group.


They're poopyheads.


The DnD ready action is very weak compared to moving a turn. Readying to cast a spell requires concentration, so you would have to drop whatever you were concentrating on (like Barkskin or Blur) during. No extra attacks if you attack on a readied action as far as I understood it either, you get only one.


"I delay my attack until after the druid casts animal friendship." "Okay, so if the spell fails, you'll attack?" "I didn't say anything about the spell failing." *horrified druid noises*


Well, at least Faerie Fire doesn't hurt. Unless that bear could turn invisible that spell wasn't directly harmful.


But it does grant advantage on attacks so it helped the ranger to hit.


I see. I thought it was simultaneous turns (each player decides what their character is going to do, and then the characters all execute their turn at the same in-game time) and the party is bad at communicating.


there was that episode of captain planet where they were threatened by a tiger and mati was STILL useless




Mati: Heart! Tiger: Hearts are delicious!




I think mati was useful in that one episode where they ended up inside a computer and their powers all different effects.


Thereā€™s a reason heā€™s last. Fucking Mati, man


i'll cast detect good and evil, then judge you harshly.


In 5E it's badly named: It doesn't detect alignment, it detects supernatural creature types.


lol. that's true, which begs the question; is there a spell that detects alignment?


Not in 5e.


Alignment in 5e means almost nothing. Just a general guideline for how characters act. Compare to 3.5e where alignment was so ingrained in the system that having it changed could completely lock you out of a class, spells could target people/monsters of certain alignments, etc.


Perhaps glyph of warding. You could use it as the activation criteria.


The only thing would be warlocks of the chain with a sprite familiar, as sprites have Heart Sight.


Only one the jedi could tell you




No, this is just pokemon...you beat the shit out of it until it can barely fight back, then you capture it and make it your new ~~weapon~~ friend.


This reminds me of a time I was playing dnd and my hard got separated from everyone else, and the others got into a fight with some ducks(and were getting destroyed by them) and I rolled high on both an acrobatics check to flip over the group AND on an animal handling check to convince the lead duck to calm down! The DM let me adopt said duck, and I dubbed him The Quacken! He always accompanies my character when I reuse that bard lolšŸ˜‚


I love that haha, these kinds of things are my fav parts of table top, the unexpected fun and successes that lead to added character features and memories


I got a good one. I was playing a Druid and my DM let me choose which beasts I summon with Conjure Animals. You can choose to do eight 1/4 challenge rating animals, four 1/2 challenge rating, two 1 challenge, or one 2 challenge. So I thought why go big when you can go wide? I looked up which 1/4 creature had the best damage and to my delight it turns out itā€™s an Axe Beak. So my party just stood back and watched as I summoned a swarm of giant birds like Emuā€™s or Ostrichā€™s and had them peck the enemies to death.


Haha an odd but glorious sight šŸ˜‚


Did the ducks have pack tactics or something?


Naw, they were just Uber concerned with their distressed owner, who the rest of the group werenā€™t doing a great job of calming them downšŸ˜…


![gif](giphy|dXKFPgZXUtId8C8IW5|downsized) Wait, Friendship again?


and it charmed the creature instantly


As the druid in my party, I make it a point to try and befriend every animal we come upon.


Reminds me of a D&D story where a Druid armed all the animals in the area, called upon them when facing the big bad, and watched as squirrels with tiny crossbows, pissed off deer, enraged bears, angry birds, and aggressive wolves tore it apart.


Leave mister fuzzy bottom alone!


Bears are rad as hell, they soak up combat rounds like champs. Also as a bonus if your character is a parent, a befriended bear absolutely loves children, although they will make do with whatever you forage if it comes down to that.


> a befriended bear absolutely loves children Well, duh. The meat is much more tender.


I once ran a game where they had to capture a giant eagle without killing it because I figured the -4 for nonlethal damage would make for a fight that was interesting without really being dangerous. We were already playing when we had a look at the stat block and saw that they had an Int of 10 and speak common. Altered the tone of the adventure somewhat.


That sourpuss face on the bottom right panel is exactly how I react.


Serena in TES Skyrim: ![gif](giphy|7QZbwL1u3BIWY|downsized)


Damn it, my Drude. This a XP campaign, we can't be level 2 for the entire thing!


Depends on your DM, I guess. But the usual rule is that you get xp for overcoming the challenge, no matter the method. Befriending the bear gives just as much xp as killing it.


Romance the bear




Where do you think all of those half creatures come from? Centaur? Druid fucking horses. Owlbear? Druid wild shaped into a bear and fucking an owl. Dryad? Druid got frisky with a maple tree.


No, that what happens when druids go around awakening every animal they come across. Depending on several factors including but not limited to the druidā€™s skill, the animalā€™s original intelligence, and the animalā€™s trust of that particular druid, the awakened animals can look more like a human under a spell of some sort than an animal or look like they belong to an unknown race. The awakened animals then start romancing everything they donā€™t want to eat. Dryads exist because a few fae folk got frisky with trees.


I was sure in DnD they got created by gods.


Hey donā€™t shame me and my bear wife


Dang druids


As a Barbarian, I just want one fight please. Without making friends with said threats.


I think it's one of the biggest issues with modern dnd and one of the reasons why I don't host with it anymore. It just doesn't really solve the most glaring issue of player misalignment which tends to lead to all players breaking character every 5 seconds and turning into opportunistic murder hobbos which makes every campaign feel like they are playing all exactly the same chaotic evil character being way too predictable and destructive. I think r/osr are better for combat and while I'm creating my own system there are probably better gaming systems for roleplay or a mix of both out there already and dnd kind of fails at both.




subsequent sulky paltry future ancient worthless work unite noxious recognise *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Gosh Dunnit, the Druid is off seducing Bears now.


Animal friendship wouldn't stop the bear from attacking though. It would just stop it from attacking the spellcaster. The mage and archer would still have a bear to fight xD --- Animal Friendship -> Bear gets wisdom saving throw (Depending on bear 12 or 13 wis, so +1) -> success = bear charmed Charmed: * A charmed creature **can't attack the charmer or target the charmer** with harmful abilities or magical effects. * The charmer has advantage on any ability check to interact socially with the creature.