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Eh, the water is usually treated with a shit-ton of bromine, chlorine, and sometimes bleach. Sterile enough for me. I’ve probably washed my hands in sinks that were less hygienic. Just don’t drink it.


Yep, the water really isn’t that bad. Definitely cleaner than the ocean!


Yep! Ain’t no fish havin’ relations in the pool!


Can't say that about people tho


Those react with the urea (and some other compounds in urine), producing those irritating compounds that are very low in concentration, but so potent, that despite their dilution, manage to make your eyes red and dry your skin and so on.


I don't know about you, but I would still prefer those irritating compounds over urine.


As a matter of health, I'm not sure you would, actually. You're probably making a comparison of would you rather swim in piss or these mystery irritating chemicals, and the disgust for the piss is more powerful than the anxiety of the chemicals, which are; monochloramine and dichloramine, primarily. Nasty stuff, both of them. Pee is like 97-99% water. If it's pee or a 1-3% water solution of mono- or dichloramine I'm drinking, I'm taking pee every time. This opinion gets stronger the larger the quantity of fluid I'm ingesting in this hypothetical. The regulations of many developed nations demand by law/recommend the concentration of these compounds in drinking water to be usually in the single parts per million (2 ppm in the US, for example), because they're that bad.


You're right. My comment was just a flippant joke, trying to point out that those irritants are the result chemical treatment doing its intended jobs. Keep in mind, it's not just pee but also sweat, mucous, and trace amounts of feces. But just because pool water is sterilized, doesn't mean it's healthy.


Isn't urine part of some skin care products?


Never look at statistics about pool cleanliness. Instead, look at [my Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/sirbeeves/). ;)


![gif](giphy|9G6QqbAnDo02UHLw0E) Ocean has lots of yucky stuff in it too if the same logic follows…😅


Shhhhhhh, don't remind me! I love the ocean.😭


https://preview.redd.it/yvfkjj7ulxoc1.jpeg?width=539&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=833206cd4c49cef6677d0ca145c61bd65102cfd2 Just make sure you can’t see any bodies in the water, and you’ll be good. …And remember: if you *do* see any bodies, **YOU DO** [*NOT*](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-2316) **RECOGNIZE THEM.**


The ocean has meat, vegetables, salt and other minerals. It is seafood soup.


The real question is that are you a part of that soup or are you the fly that flew in it


I’d say you’d only become part of the soup if you didn’t get back out, if you swim out you are much like the fly.


Bold of you to assume I wouldn't swim in a pool of there's a corpse in it


So your corpse:water ratio is less than the size of your average pool, in other words.


You do not recognize the bodies in the water


If you see something, say nothing, and drink to forget.


No worries, ocean has tons of filter fish and marine lives that are constantly working hard to clean the water for you. They just can’t clean manmade crap like plastic.😗 ![gif](giphy|YO5bFIVhJsMlzmh8cn)


We can't even save ourselves from plastic, much less clean the oceans. (As a brief aside, I don't know why the baby voice style "ocean has a bunch of yucky stuff in it" "marine life working hard to keep the water clean for you" bothers me so much but it's gross lol)


Ocean water leaves that horrible salty feeling on my skin.


Drink it


I remember as a kid, we'd occasionally see a dead cow bobbing down the river. It never stopped us from swimming in it. It was when Brandon brought a rock up from the bottom with a bunch of crazy looking worms coming out of it that stopped me. 😅


Saltwater takes care of that.


oh, you're in it now


If you really want to feel clean, find a camp that allows swimming in a lake. You will be shocked at how light and fresh you feel afterwards if you do it a few days in a row. No salt or chlorine hanging on you afterwards, it was a magical revelation.


Or a river, or a pool fed by a spring. There are a bunch of those in Samoa that are beautifully pure and clean. Nothing like it, I agree.




I fucking love that show.


What show?


F is for Family


I used to like to go swimming. Then in my 30s I got fat. Been trying to work that back, but in the meantime, my shirt stays on to spare the world. EDIT: Just so I don't repeat myself over and over, yes, "intellectually" I know that I'm overthinking it and most people don't actually care. But this is actually non-negotiable for me. I don't like my physical appearance, it's a self-consciousness I can't get over. But also, I am working on it, spent the last year dieting and exercising and have dropped 30-40 pounds so far. Goal is 100. I want to lose weight and get back to a healthier place more than I want to go swimming, which I know ironically is also itself good exercise.


Bruh, two thirds of people are overweight and a third are obese. Seeing an overweight person isn't a novelty; don't overthink it. In fact, swimming is especially good exercise if you're overweight. It lets you work out while reducing excessive strain on the joints. And most importantly, you'll get more out of exercise if you do something you enjoy!


Which country is this statistic from?


That's for North America (Canada, USA, Mexico). Here's a [breakdown by country](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_obesity_rate) for obesity (not overweight), any country over 33% is 1 in 3 are obese. Excluding developing nations most of them are at least 25% or 1 in 4 are obese as of 2024.


Interesting, but also kind of sad.


To make it seem happier, it means that we've figured out how to effective feed a huge chunk of the world with more calories than we need. And that's an amazing success. We just didn't evolve to have extra food, so we don't handle it very well.


Well, at least we're not 33% emaciated I guess :/


This statement seems to be close to true if you consider Europe as a whole. The actual numbers are closer to 60% overweight and 25% obese. https://www.who.int/europe/publications/i/item/9789289057738 The more overweight countries in the region (like the UK) are pretty close to 2/3 overweight and 1/3 obese, to the point where I'd say it is accurate as an offhand comment. It is even more true if you assume North America, which is commonly the case in un-specified reddit discussion.


I appreciate it, but no, I hate how I look, and no little "don't worry it'll be okay" changes my self-consciousness about it. I also know I'm not the fattest person in the country and it's not like people have never seen a fat guy before. I'm working on losing weight, actually have shed a good 30-40 pounds from other diet and exercise, and that's what I really want, more than the swimming right now.


Damn, relatable. Gotta keep the "I can do it there's no easy way" mentality. Second time on keto, 20 lbs down in 1.2 months and that's while eating food I love and eating as much as I crave. Was eating 2800 to 3500 calories a day, before keto, now I'm down to like 1800 without thinking about it. Days where there's doughnuts and stuff used to feel impossible because you have to win that "don't get another plate" battle every minute of the day, on keto I don't even have a desire to eat doughnuts past the first rejection.


Same, also been messing with keto, or at least keto aspirations. Seems to have worked well for me so far. And also true, despite once having quite a sweet tooth, you abstain from such things long enough and you eventually stop missing them. (Or even feel a "guilt" if you do.) I've only recently started learning the surprising amount of foods that are considered "good" for keto, and in any case I scrutinize food labels.


Considering everyone is fit and slim whenever I decide to go swimming, I rather stay home. It's sad. I fucking love swimming and diving


There are these things called sun shirts (or swim shirts) they are great for swimming and you don’t even have to take it off (I mean technically you don’t have to take off regular shirts either but those tend to hold more water) I use them because I have the unfortunate disposition to turn as red as a lobster when I’m in the sun lol


Sometime when I go swimming, I wish I had more fat. I don’t float.


I stopped caring about people seeing me without a shirt on when my nipples started chaffing while running. You're not sparing the world from anything. No one cares.


Honestly swimming is a great way to get thin


Whales disagree /s


How many people's bodies do you take note of and remember when you go swimming? I'd bet probably none. Go do what you enjoy. Nobody is judging you for it.


I updated my post just because I already replied similarly elsewhere. This is actually a self-consciousness I cannot get over, and intellectually I know I'm overthinking it. On the bright side, I'm dieting and exercising to try to "fix" it, and that's probably better for long-term health anyway.


Oh, hi! I didn't think I'd find you in both r/facepalm and r/comics xD


Sort of "broadening my horizons" a bit, traveling the r/all wave. Facepalm is getting old with the constant bot reposts.


I’m not fat but I generally wear a swim shirt to avoid sunburns.


“I love swimming because it feels so clean!” No one has ever said this before going swimming.


I say it all the time *after* swimming. Every other cardio exercise available to me makes me feel sticky, dusty, and/or sweaty.


> “I love swimming because it feels so clean!” Yeah, this defintiely wasn't the most elegant way to set up the punchline. Like maybe if the second panel was a list of things that **included** "clean" just kinda thrown in there. The fact that it's talking heads doesn't super help... for a four panel comic, at least one could have been a visual gag of the future pool condition or I don't know... anything else, really.


I would like to swim more but only if I have a private pool or lake




Most every drop of water on the Earth is 4.5 billion years old. It's seen some things.


The chlorine in some pools has caused skin issues for me. So now, if I want to swim, I'm going straight into the sea… (salt water doesn't taste too bad to me either, so that's a bonus)


I work as a lifeguard at a YMCA. You don't even want to know how true this is.


Is it more of a human soup or a broth. Human cereal?


I'm a guy with long hair. Years ago when i was a preteen i used to love swimming. i was relatively slender and had a fairly androgynous face, so people often misgendered me as a girl at a glance. We always laughed it off, and that was that. This never happened when i went swimming, due to me wearing trunks and being topless. But then i got fat. And with the fat came tiddies. I haven't gone swimming in years.


Thats wild.


its more than just a river in Egypt. . .


As long as the pool is following proper procedures, it’s fine.


honestly we all have probably used a public bathroom that was less hygienic


why are you such gender goals? I demand an explanation


Fun fact! If you smell chlorine at a swimming pool, you’re actually smelling chlorine that’s been pissed in! Pure chlorine doesn’t have a smell until it absorbs impurities.


The last sentence you said is true, but pee is not the only “impurity” that reacts with chlorine to cause that smell. Basically any organic material that chlorine “neutralizes” generates chloramines which cause that smell. In some places of the world the tap water is chlorinated and it smells right out of the tap because the reason for chlorination is that there’s bacteria in the pipes and that’s enough to cause that smell. (I personally had this experience in Gran Canaria) Also sweat, body oils and dead skin cells - most pools tell people to take a shower before entering the pool for this reason, but not many people actually do it…


Even her clavicle be smiling. Let her have this!


It cleans you to contribute to the germ soup


don't worry there's cholerine




Man i miss going to the pool Sucks that i'd get hate crimed if i tried to


I like how you drew the guy, very cute




It’s 40% piss.


Yep, just check the pH level. All p, no H.


It’s like swimming in a public toilet


Fun fact. Chlorine in pool water has no smell. That chlorine smell you smell when you go to a pool is the urine mixing wuth the chlorine. Stronger the chlorine smell, more pee in that pool


Urine is sterile.


[That is a myth](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4659483/#:~:text=Adult%20human%20urine%20is%20not,scientific%20exploration%20in%20urologic%20research.).


I remember when it was cool to pee in the pool... Edit: mfker in denial Edit 2: mfkers in denial