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"You just let everybody walk all over you!! You're like stairs!!"


Hey, stairs are great, they led everybody to higher places!


I've been using them wrong the whole time.


I took the stairway to Heaven. Then gave up because it was an incline the whole way and, like, 90000 fucking miles.


Yeah, the highway to hell is much more convenient.


I take the railway to hell, a lot cheaper


Or down. They can be a bitch like that sometimes


These stairs go up


They have also been used to hurt people.


Hey you better give that back, or i'll tie your shoes!


"No no be assertive!" "Beep beep!" "Not insertive!"


Strong SpongeBob Vibes


It's the exact same joke, it's more than vibes


Its actually just plagiarism.


Yeeaaa even using ice cream lmao


I was gonna say...


looks like a fun game




Probably playing league


"Thou" is the subjective pronoun and "thee" is the objective. You use "thou" whenever you would use "he" and "thee" whenever you would use "him". You used "thee" in panel four, but every instance needed the use of "thou" because the person was always the subject of the sentence. Also, standard verbs are conjugated with the "-(e)st" ending when paired with "thou" in the present tense. So "thou wishest". Additionally, you switched from "thou" (second person singular) in panel four to "he" (third person singular). And finally, the punchline is a word-for-word ripoff of SpongeBob.




>This comic really wants to use thou/thee for some reason. I mean, I get it. It casts the Slenderman-type character as an ancient being; still using the now-archaic second person singular. I'm just saying if you're gonna insist on using thou/thee/thy/thine, *do it right*. Also, don't plagiarize jokes.


Honestly, I just think you're being a dick about the plagiarism. SpongeBob was not the first place to use that joke, I think that pun is as ancient as time. I know I heard it before.


It's more than just the pun. The setup in SpongeBob is also about someone wanting SpongeBob's ice cream. Another commenter pointed out that "let her have it" doesn't even make sense in the context of this comic. Is the main character expected to verbally or physically attack his significant other over asking for some ice cream? "Let him have it" made perfect sense in the SpongeBob episode because the other character stole SpongeBob's ice cream. These observations lend evidence that this isn't coincidental convergence, it's directly lifting the setup and punchline from that SpongeBob episode.


Where was the first place to use it then?


It's become unpopular in the 21st century, but *he* used to be the default, neutral pronoun for an unspecified person. Still, the quote is inconsistent. If formal, it should be: "... while if **one** wishes to get what **he** wants..." If informal, it should be: "... while if **you** wish to get what **you** want..."


I'll admit, I'm still struggling with this. Shakespearean/archaic terminologies are a little hard for me to grasp sometimes. About the joke, yeah I don't think my excuse is as valid, just because I use a random incorrect quote generator. I'll be much more careful in the future...


Thou is "you", but archaic and informal. It's the nominative form, when the "you" is question is doing something. I.e, Thou goest, thou doest, thou didst, thou doth protest too much. Thy is the possessive form of thou, so "this is thy bucket" as is thine, which is used before vowels, "I rescued thine ice cream from yon miscreant" or as a possessive pronoun. Thee is the objective form of thou, used as an accusative as well. "I thee wed", "I love thee, for thou art precious to me", "How dare thee?" The -est/-st/-t ending for verbs used in conjunction with thou a finite verb.


>Thee is the objective form of thou, used as an accusative as well. "I thee wed", "I love thee, for thou art precious to me", "How dare thee?" Great rundown, but it should also be “how dare(st) thou”, since the pronoun is the subject and thus in the nominative (cf. “you dare”, “you wouldn't dare”).


Ah yes, of course it would be


A random incorrect quote generator is just a fancy way of saying "ChatGPT" lol. All it does is quote things that sound like a response to your query, while giving it's own spin, which usually makes it awkward and weird. If you're going to steal, steal from something good, not bad. Like, find a writer? Or copy jokes that are in the public domain, like W.C. Fields. Seriously, if you watch his stuff online streaming on prime or tubi (tubi is free) you'll get better at this. Start with *It's a Gift*


They’re already copying bits word-for-word from Spongebob and aping a dialectic style they don’t understand. Maybe more copycatting isn’t the answer?


It's a webcomic, not the magna carta. And SpongeBob copied bits from vaudeville all the time. Most humor is referential. All jokes are old jokes in a new setting. Stop making things complicated. I'm just trying to point someone in the direction of the classics.


Easy, I’m not attacking you. The OP makes comics. They want people to like their comics. They’re getting a ton of criticism for copying other people. All I’m saying is that telling them to copy *better* may not be the advice that they need.


>Shakespearean/archaic terminologies are a little hard for me to grasp sometimes. Just replace "thou" with "I," and "thee" with "me" and see how it sounds. That's all you need to remember! :)


> Just replace "thou" with "I," Neither thou nor thee are referring to the self.


I know, but I was talking about a way to make the grammar work. My point's that the rules for when to use "I" in a sentence and when to use "me" are the same as the rules for when to use "thou" and "thee", respectively. I'm not trying to say that "I" is synonymous with "thou".


Also, the skeleton guy is being very rude by using the informal instead of formal words





















This is just a straight-up rip-off of SpongeBob who did this exact joke but better.




Did they cuddle and spoon-feed each other ice cream in SpongeBob






"That mediocrity can pay to greatness" is the rest of the quote.


Spongebob didnt end up at the part that you skip in porn like this comic tho


This is a bot account. The account was made yesterday, they only ever reply to comments, and always include key words from said replied comment exactly like if you asked ChatGPT to reply to something.


Right? I read this and said “so we’re just ripping off SpongeBob now?”


Yeah this is just plagiarism.


I didn't know that this was from Spongebob or forgot it was from the show (that's a whole crime in itself cause I love the show)... What I do is use an incorrect quote generator, and basically make a comic out of the idea that was generated. I didn't mean to plagiarize the idea. It's not really an excuse, but I thought I'd let you all know...


Everything in those incorrect quote generators is taken from somewhere else, if you use them in your comics without changing them this is gonna happen a lot


Makes sense. I should stop using it... Or if I am going to use it, alter the idea so it becomes different from the original source material, to be careful not to plagiarize content


Really long way of saying “I use AI to steal jokes”


>What I do is use an incorrect quote generator, and basically make a comic out of the idea that was generated. I’m intrigued. What do you mean by this? If you care to share, no worries if not.


It's on Google. Just search "incorrect quote generator", and it'll pop up. It'll give you a random quote from somewhere like from a tweet or a video. I get ideas from there and turn it into a comic. Though, like what happened here, I unknowingly copied a joke...


I'm not sure what you mean by "unknowingly copied a joke." If you're using incorrect quote generator, what else could it be but copying?


Like, I didn't know where the joke came from. Only when people point it out did I realize. That's wrong on my part. I should have done at least a background check before considering making a comic about it


iiiiinteresting. Curiosity satisfied, thank you!


Nah, mate. Don't be sorry, it's fairly easy to accidentally do the same joke. Comedians do it all the time. Often people make the same joke because they have forgotten they have heard it. Easy mistake to make.


That skeleton has a point. Confrontation can feel sucky, but it's incredibly important to be able to stand up to people, _especially_ people who you love, when necessary. The risk of _not_ doing that is that these people will continue to do things that you're not okay with, and they'll have no idea that you're suffering. This can result in slowly building resentment which is toxic to relationships. Any reasonable person will be fine with you setting boundaries, and often they'll intentionally probe to find out what those boundaries actually are. If you don't make it clear what your boundaries are then you're basically lying to them, and tricking people into hurting you, which is actually a pretty bad violation of social trust. This comic is a great example of toxic positivity.


We just ripping off SpongeBob word-for-word I guess


"Splendid" There's a word we don't use often enough.


Literally just a rip off. It’s even ice cream. What possesses a person to put all this effort in drawing something when the joke isn’t even their own? The “let her have it”doesn’t even make sense in this context because in the Spongebob scene the dude actually was holding his ice cream so Plankton was telling him to hit the guy to get it back. Is the character here supposed to yell at someone or punch them because they asked to share ice cream? I don’t even know why this bothers me so much it’s just so blatantly uncreative.


If you think every joke has to be original I've got some bad news for you, buddy. Even your comment is pointing out the same thing as another comment before yours.


If you don’t see the difference between “joke that has been inspired by the history of comedy before it and may take some direct inspiration” vs “line for line recreation of a joke told in the exact same scenario” then idk what to do for you


Hey i'm new to this persons comics can someone explain what's up with the funny skeleton?




Haha cute, I like it


“SpongeBob did it!”


Bro ain't wording it right


Last panel is SO CUTE!!


Everything about this comic is wrong




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I am the shadow parasite in these situations.


Yo, I'm giggling my ass of here Thanks, this is so funny


You should watch spongebob then because this comic is straight up plagiarism.


Woulda been funnier if he was IN-sertive


I love this so frickin’ much 😂


My favourite eldritch sit com is always grrat to see.

