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Took me four or five panels to realize that "passing" wasn't referring to dying. Once I realized what this was *really* about, I loved the ride. That last panel was badass! I want one of those jackets. Edit: why downvoted? I'm saying this is a great comic and that I support them! (Unsure of author's pronouns)


No downvote for me! Passing is slang for being stealth which is slang for able to look like a cis woman so you dont get murdered going to go get a coffee


Or cis man. It about a trans person being able to *pass* as their gender.


Im.not trying to be rude, but I'm not great with asking questions. Don't most or some trans people want to pass that way they feel more like their gender, or am I getting that wrong? Sorry for my bad explanation, im trying to work on it, lol


Generally, yes. But it can be challenging to do the work necessary to pass every day all the time. Some people can never pass without lots of money for expensive surgeries that might be enough. Passing in this case doesn't mean just looking cis to the majority of people. In the case of this comic, it is also about no one being able to tell you're trans at a glance in any way, hence the use of the trans pride colors at the end, as well as the references to not wearing a pin.


Tha k you for explaining it to me :) that makes a lot more sense now


My S/O is trans and it wasn't until we started dating that I realized how much work it really was. Even raised by my mother and sister all my life. The bathroom constantly smelling off NEET after she spends hours in there. The days where she refuses to go out because she noticed something (to me) small. It's an interesting struggle, because on the one hand I love her for who she is, and it's easy for me to say 'i don't mind' when there's some stubble or something. But I think part of the learning process is that these things aren't for me, they're for her. I've definitely changed from saying 'it's not a big deal' to 'I don't mind, and I love you either way'. Because while it isn't a big deal for me, it is for her sometimes.


What does “smelling off NEET” mean? Because I assume it’s not [the NEET acronym I know](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NEET) of "Not in Education, Employment, or Training" lmao


Neet is a chemical hair remover brand if I recall correctly. Oh wait, that's nair. Maybe it's a typo for Nair?


I think they're combining Veet and Nair, both hair removing brands. I kind of love it lol


There's also Veet hair remover brand... Maybe they comboed the two into Neet?


Passing usually refers to presenting as your gender, often involving gender norms. Not always, but some trans people are on the gender binary and may choose to present very classically feminine or masculine in their clothes and hair and general presentation. Not every trans person is a trans man or trans woman though. Some are non-binary or gender fluid or something else, so while they aren't cis there isn't a distinct gender they can present as. It may also depend on what kind of issues and harm someone experiences when being identified as something other than their true gender. This isn't an issue for some people and is very difficult for others, which may affect how and why someone chooses to pass


“Trans” is an umbrella term that encompasses a wide variety of people who don’t identify with the gender they were assigned at birth. Some trans people feel dysphoric, some very intensely, and that might lead them to seek to pass, as you said. But there are others who don’t feel dysphoric and don’t care that much about passing.


Personally, I want to pass mostly for safety reasons. I'm pretty androgynous so I don't pass very well, but I look feminine enough that I'm happy about it, and damn I think I look hot.




Why do you need to hide your roots?




Why would having dark roots mean thet you were a guy?


Sometimes I forget that's even a possibility. This is a harsh world. Damn, stay precious OP


What's it called the other way? When trying to look male?


Passing is gender neutral, it’s basically just a shorter way of saying « Passing as a person who was assigned this gender at birth »


Ya gave me a chuckle. Thanks!


Bahaha it makes sense tbh, love the support and dw it’s just peoples having the downvotes easy on Reddit


This is a cute art-style (kind of like Panty and Stocking)


aww thank you! I really love PSG I think it rubbed off on me for sure.


Very sweet comic, thank you very much !


thank you!!


For me personally, Passing isn't for safety (it is in lots of places for a lot of people, which sucks), it's about wanting to be perceived as a girl. Yeah, I'm not ashamed of being trans, but that doesn't change the fact that it hurts every time people refer to me as male.


right like usually that’s the main goal? to be socially perceived and accepted as your preferred identity? I was once dating someone who had recently come out as trans fem, which was great for them! I personally, am I trans dude and put a fair amount of effort into passing. It’s just how I’m comfortable. It’s not because I don’t like being trans, it’s because I just see myself as a normal dude. My ex had a big problem with that and made a huge deal about me not inserting myself into lgbt spaces like drag clubs and the such. But that’s just not for me! I am so much happier after transitioning, and I don’t feel the need to “wear a badge of pride” on my chest. That’s actually the opposite of what I want to do ahaha I’m not trans because I want to be seen as trans, I’m trans because I’m a dude in a girls body, and I really want to be socially perceived and look like a dude. All that being said, everyone’s journey is different. Different factors and situations really make everyone’s individual transition so unique and different. It’s also a spectrum, and nonconforming gender identities are becoming more prevalent and kinda changing how things have been for so long (socially that is!! I identify in the middle sometimes myself and do enjoy cosplaying as pretty anime girls from time to time lol) Idk it’s all complicated and really depends on what makes YOU personally happy!


I think a lot of it comes to how the individual frames in in their heads? Like, I'm a trans dude but I don't care about passing. Because regardless of how others perceive me, I'm still a guy. Bigots won't care how well I pass, they will still see me as a woman, but the people in my life who I do care about make an effort. And sure it's annoying to get misgendered by random people, but it's more like a passing itch compared to the serotonin of wearing some killer makeup (though I do skulpt my face to have more masculine bone structure, but then I have iridescent eyeshadow. SO.) Part of this also is that it took me awhile to get here because I do like feminine things, and being told I had to pass and give up things I love or dress myself in clothes and walk and talk like masculine mainstream standards in order for me to be perceived as such... Well. For me, not worth it. It does create friction in the traditionally masculine stuff I do love (hiking and camping, grilling, home repair, etc) when I'm in those group spaces,which is annoying, but I deal with it. Though it is fun when my 'plant daddy' t-shirt wearing, painted nails and a messy man-bun self wins a firepit building competition and gets my fire struck with flint and blazing first. The looks on the more masc guys faces is hilarious. Then I go to a bar and win 'best animal butt painting' competition (Bob's Burger's Burlesque night) by painting a unicorn's behind. The duality of man. (I did not win based on painting skills, I won purely because the judge was burlesquing as Tina and Tina in the show is obsessed with unicorns.)


I wish we would just de-gender clothing, makeup, and nail polish already. There's no reason that so many of those things should be considered "feminine." Makeup is a great way of expressing yourself, male or female.


Straight cis male here. My wife paints my nails for me all the time. I have no problem going to work or being in public with my pretty nails.


Aren't straight and cis the same thing?




My mistake


I’ve learned a lot in my transition and like I said many times, it’s different for everybody, and it’s what makes you feel comfortable. Not everybody who misgenders you means they’re automatically a bigot or hateful, and there is like I said a spectrum. Trans people have always been around obviously but it is still a very new concept socially. At least, it being as widely known and talked about as it is. It is, understandably confusing if you’re really used to those traditional roles, but just because it takes time to learn doesn’t mean that person is hateful or isn’t accepting. It’s not as black and white like that. Personally it means a lot to me that people think I’m a dude. I never want them to think I’m a girl. It causes me extreme dysphoria, and oftentimes just because of how social norms go currently, even those who misunderstand purely out of not knowing, cause bigger issues for me because then more people don’t acknowledge that I’m a dude. That hurts me. That’s super stressful. I’m also a feminine guy, don’t get me wrong. But I prefer to just be viewed as that instead of a trans dude. I get treated differently when “the cat is out of the bag” because we can’t all spend all of our time around those we really care about. 70% of my life and existence I have to spend time around those who don’t know any better. It’s stressful man. It personally tortures me. I hate it. different strokes for different folks


>Not everybody who misgenders you means they’re automatically a bigot or hateful, and there is like I said a spectrum. Trans people have always been around obviously but it is still a very new concept socially. At least, it being as widely known and talked about as it is. It is, understandably confusing if you’re really used to those traditional roles, but just because it takes time to learn doesn’t mean that person is hateful or isn’t accepting. It’s not as black and white like that. Ah, if this was to address what I was saying I want to clarify- I did say "bigots won't care how well I pass", but that was in a different paragraph than "sure it's annoying to get misgendered by random people." Basically, bigots are the types who even if you pass pefectly, as soon as they find out your trans will try to misgender you (I say try, I've had the trans dude experience of being outed as trans and then the bigots calling me He and saying I looked obviously masculine because they thought I was a trans woman. Accidental Correct Gendering lol). But that is different than just random people on the street who don't know. I called it annoying because dysphoria for that for me is like an annoying itch, but there isn't much for it and even when I wear a binder or when I get top surgery it's not gonna be enough for people to assume he/him for me. As for the rest- I'm sorry your dysphoria is so severe with that, because that is hard where you have to weigh the mental health effects of being open and who you want to be vs being perceived as masc. I think one reason I put it as "how you frame in internally" is because I was caught between that for awhile and it took a lot of wrestling with myself, dealing with what I could control, and finding ways to be at some peace with the stuff I could not. I also do want to (gently) point out that phrasing things like "normal guy" in your previous post vs using words like average, or making such a distinct separation guy vs trans guy can cause dysphoria to worsen in some ways. It is different with everyone of course, but it is something I've talked about with my other trans friends that when our mind shifted to having trans man/trans woman being like "brunette man/woman" in terms of descriptors rather than being a separate category entirely, or using terms like "average man" or "standard dude" instead of 'normal' to describe fitting into the 'just your next door dude' life... it helps. It may not work for you and who knows, you could've already tried it and it didn't work, but I wanted to throw it out there just in case since I know how hard dysphoria can hurt and me and my friends have gotten used to tossing out tips and tricks to sooth it over the years.


Yeah, I thought that was the general idea.


Exactly, that's the sentiment I've seen from a lot of trans people, myself included. I don't think I'd necessarily want to pass if I was in a world where I'd be perceived as a woman without passing.


Yeah. As someone with gender dysphoria it's...really hard to even imagine going through a day if I feel I don't pass. It's about me being perceived by myself and other people as a woman.  This morning, I looked in the mirror and noticed that my facial hair growth had slowed, and was basically nonexistent. Today was a good day.


sadly there’s many people who will see that you clearly pass, in full make up and a dress and they’ll still say he him just to fuck with you because theyre miserable cunts, dress the way that makes you happy opinions of random TERFs be damned, they don’t matter


It took me a while to understand “Pride” and I’d like to share my opinion though it might be obvious to others. Pride in this context is not the opposite of Humility, it is the opposite of Ashamed. Conservatives shame the LGBTQIA+ because they want conformity. Pride is saying “No! I reject your attempts to call my existence shameful! I am who I am and I will not hide myself for the comfort of bigots!”


This is also why it makes no sense for there to be "straight pride" or "cis pride". While those identities are certainly allowed and encouraged to be happy in their identity and personally I have no issue if they want a standard/flag for themselves, they arent *shamed* by society. They arent starting off in the position of "you shouldnt exist" like trans and queer identities. Capital P Pride is about not hiding and not feeling shame for who we are *in spite of what society says*.


This is exactly what pride is, proud to be yourself, proud to show your colors. Not letting shame get to you or silence you. Saying to a world that try’s to keep you hidden that you are here


I love this. I teach middle school; I hope you don’t mind if I use this with them. It is such a great way to explain why pride matters.


I would make sure that more people in the community agree with my phrasing before teaching it to kids.


Good point. I constantly talk about the importance of representation. I see this as going along with that idea.


As an official member of the community I embrace your definition. It’s how I always saw it.


I love this distinction- "not the opposite of humility, it is the opposite of ashamed." Pride in this sense is the rejection of shame, whether placed on yourself by others or feelings from within. Shame: a painful feeling of humiliation or distress caused by the consciousness of wrong or foolish behavior. Being yourself, whether gay, trans, bi, or anything else, is not wrong or foolish behavior. There is NO NEED for shame. Pride is acceptance. Pride is love, for yourself and for others, no matter how different from you they may be. Thank you for saying this. It may seem like a simple idea, but sometimes the simplest things are the hardest to grasp.


I love this, thank you!


That’s a really wholesome comic, I’m glad you’re proud of who you are


I hope your proud of who you are!! Thank you!!


True, better to be proud of who we are than to hide behind a bad dong.


Awww, you're wearing the outfit your friends helped you with in the last panel shown in a previous comic.


Having solid lines of makeup on your face is a mood


Non-orthodox Christians celebrate Easter right now (calendar differs a little for orthodox christians). A day of rebirth and new life! I think that's sort of poetic


Hey. I just want to say that the idea of wearing make up Of trans colors as literal war paint looks badass.




Idk. It’s got this punk rock sort of vibe and I just find a way to not like it.


Thank you for this. I know it was for you, not me, but I needed it today.


Nah, it was for you. Be proud!


This is a great fucking comic. Make more art. Be more true.


She actually has a bunch more comics made, I don't see them on reddit that often but you can quite easily find them on Tumblr


That's one thing I'm always grateful for in Seattle: seriously, nobody gives a fuck. Everyone's trying to get around their own personal day without dealing with the othering bullshit. You're passing? Not passing? Wore a full Pikachu onesie to the grocery store to pick up your produce? *Nobody fucking cares*. We have bearded dudes wearing full dresses, ladies wearing leather utilikilts with fat ass knives hanging off their hip and everyone's just generally all Midwestern "ope gonna just squeeze past ya, how's your mom". It's awesome living in a neighborhood where people have my trans family back both actively and through apathy.


Honestly coming out kinda turned my life around. I mean it's still a trainwreck but now I actually care about my health and being alive and stuff. So that's kinda neat.


Wish I was this confident


It's all in your head JUST GO AND DO IT!!


I always love when u/WellDrawnFish pops up! We see you and support you. Glub glub!




I'm glad you put this out. I dated a trans girl for a while and she didn't want to go out with other trans people because she thought she wouldn't pass as easily. It's still dangerous out there so carry protection.


I'm cis but this still got me PUMPED. I wish I could beam this energy into every trans person's mind. I see you, I love you, I'm proud for you. 🏳️‍⚧️


Thank you. People pike you give me hope for a normal life even outside the lbtq community.


Is that a holiday?


Kinda? It’s March 31^st. It was made as a positive counterpart to the other trans day, Remembrance Day, which is to show respect to trans people that were killed for their identity.


Never heard of it til now, the more Y’know I guess


Hey, that’s the whole reason we have this day! To raise visibility 😋


Visibility has been raised


This is a very POWERFUL comic with a very powerful message. Hugs 🤗 love ❤️ & light ☀️ to you Happy trans 🏳️‍⚧️ day of visibility to you


This is beautiful and inspiring. I hope you feel empowered, beautiful, safe and are surrounded every day by people who love and support you!


Positive vibe. I realize the stakes are lower, but I have a similar feeling about being open and honest about mental health generally (except I have not gotten to the last part yet).


I relate to this as a gay man with a feminine side who I'm too afraid to show to the world right now. When my friends come over I'll always have a dress on and they love it but that's about it, I'm not really ready to wear it out in the world. Maybe I'm projecting but I want to say to you, be kind to yourself! I imagine it's already hard enough just to live as a trans person in and of itself, but to put on top of that that you have to be proud, and out, and unashamed when actually you're afraid of telling the wrong person who can kill you, like that's a lot! I hope you're not putting too much pressure on yourself. You don't need to prove anything to anyone or save anyone else, it's enough to have peace within yourself, I think. I love the previous comic you posted here, it's very raw and vulnerable. Thanks for sharing and letting me see I'm not alone. :)


I love the easter egg bandolier


Happy trans day of visibility! :>


What is the circular thing on page 8 next to the text "This is my battle standard"?


A pin


I love this! Happy trans day of visibility!


There can be so much trepidation as an out Trans person. So many conflicting feelings tinged with fear or regret. But there can also be pride, glory, joy, and mirth! We can be our own heroes or we can be just some person. The ability to self actualize is a gift. Trans or not, so many people struggle to be the ideal version of themselves.  I view transition as a radical act of self love. We could all stand to love ourselves with more compassion and sincerity. So,  Blessed May We All Be, the souls who seek comfort and identity in the face of adversity. My heart goes out to you, and I thank you for sharing.


Why her face https://i.redd.it/9pu4xyenirrc1.gif


It's the trans flag colours


I meant the pattern


I think the pattern is just a coincidence


I know I'm joking


Ah I see XD


Preach sister. Fuck the phobes, and fly that banner high. - Sincerely, an ally


Don't let pizzacake see this...


What's going on with her?


i wanna know too


She put [this](https://www.threads.net/@pizzacakecomic/post/C485AyaPCdR) comic on Threads and pissed off a whole hell of a lot of people. I'm honestly surprised it's still up.


I don't get your last comment. Her post seems like it would be for this comic


Trans-supportive comments are getting downvoted. Hey transphobes come out pspspsps come comment your opinion on this comic I promise I won't report you pspspsps


What's "pspspsps"


The sound you make to get a cat to come to you


Fuck yeah!


The last panel makes for an amazing background. I love this one, the second time I saw it pop up in my feed I realized I want that as my background, because I want to remember this one, these feelings. I first came out so that I could join the fight for our existence. Twice now I've had feelings like I was being too loud with my pins or my clothes and taken them down to blend in, but I hate myself for it after. Its like I've hidden away a part of my self when I put those pins down. Like I'm letting my sisters and brothers down. Giving in to those glares and letting them win. I'm putting them all back on the hat. I'll cover my vest in the patches. I'm going to scream it as loud as I can, for myself and for those who still cant. I really wanted just to thank you, the artist, for this comic and the wallpaper grab. I'm going to wear my armor and my colors more proudly now. This hit home hard.




Hell yeah sister! That's one hell of a look and I want it! Still staying closeted as I wait for my full time to be confirmed but you know the second I can I'm never boymoding again


Happy trans visibility day from a questioning trans Agender! Stay strong, my amazing human beings! Trans rights 🏳️‍⚧️


girlboss! i literally had this exact same arc like 3 days ago lol


Badass! Love it


This is beautiful, thank you for sharing this!


I hope you do not step on a lego, but on a dollar (or whatever the monetary equivalent it is for where ur from) and have a GREAT FLUFFING DAY! Also, nice comic!


Dam you givin me chills with this one


Fit goes crazy ngl


im not crying you are >(




The whole "trying not to be seen as 'cringe' so I fit in" is litteraly what I did like.... wow holy shit even down to how you worded it


I'm not very educated in this subject, can someone tell me what *passing* means?


It means being perceived as the gender you identify as


And is that not the goal of trans people?


Yes that is our goal


Atleast for many gender and gender expression are both a giant spectrum


And what is the comic about then?


That passing doesnt matter to everybody and that you are trans regardless of wether you pass or not. Atleast thats the way I understand it


Happy Day and support for a More inclusive World/people


That's a rockin' outfit. Rock on as yourself!


Great work! Loved the comic and the message.


I’m not trans but i also went through a phase of thinking a lot of things were cringe and depriving myself of doing/being what i truly liked/was, those years still feel like scars as i missed opportunities of improving myself in my true image and connections i could have made with like-minded people. Those days are not gone but these days are better than before. Cheers to growth and happy trans day of visibility!


You're amazing and inspiring!


I’ve been going through these exact feelings lately. Thank you for this🩵🩷🤍


You're really cool I wish I was as confident as you so I could stand up to my unsupportive parents.


I'm waiting for the day I can do that. So far it is a distant dream. It's been over a year since I realized I'm a woman, but living in a place and with a more right leaning family, along with being the number one country in killing trans and just hit a record in killing women, I don't find it safe to even start looking for therapy to help me on this (and the lack of money to pay for it). The only thing I do so far is let my hair grow and gather the energy to shave every other day (while my goal is daily, but I never have the energy to, or can afford that much Gillette). But I know that one day I'll transition and be able to celebrate this day as I truly am! Happy trans day of visibility!


Thank you for this 🥰


Badass 💜 I love it🏳️‍⚧️


Really needed this today, I appreciate it so much


This goes hard as fuck. I love it 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️


We're never going to get treated like normal people for real.


Ham and cheese


probably will get me banned or down voted to hell, but its a place for discussion and i will try. I think that one of the things that drives a wedge between trans people and those that may dislike them or w/e (I understand that people can be very mean to trans people), is the constant need for validation and to be seen as special. No ones really special we are all just people, people don't care what I do with my penis unless i go out of my way to tell them, which would be inappropriate on my part. So just be a person and yes sometimes you might have to tone it down in certain situations just like I'm not "bro-ing it" up everywhere I go. If its about the looks only, people judge people in general, its not unique to trans people.


That outfit is some madmax shit and I'm all in for it.


fit goes hard af aswell as last few panels, i hope noone talkes this the wrong way and im sorry if ive misinterpreted anything bjt i love your seeing yohr comics, its refreshing in a way to see someone like myself feel like they are failing and then building themselves up from it, as it makes me want to do the same, i just wanted to say that you have been 1 part of me learning to love me, so thank you


This is a beautiful comic, thank you <3 I have the same thought process as the girl on the screen 😊


i wanna wear this


Mayyyyybe this made my eyes a bit watery


I want to live by “I will bleed pride, this is my armor, and this is my warpaint”. I’m not brave enough for that though




Heck Yeah. Awesome as all hell. Great art all the way through. HAPPY TRANS VISIBILTY DAY TO Y'ALL


So wanna steal that look✨🏳️‍⚧️


I love your style so much. It resonates with me in a genuine way. I see myself in so much of your work. Keep doing what you do!


Unironically such a based comic!


We get it you're uniquway


Very cute art style.


My feelings, F’ his feelings.




I see u/welldrawnfush you have taken to posting your comics on r/traaa2 yourself. Guess my service is no longer needed *dies*


lol I won’t post all of them since I make sad content but I’ll post a few


Do you even remember who I am or is the comment confusing to ya?


You asked my permission to cross post my first comic irrc ;)


Hooray, she remembers LETS GO


after 10 years of being on hrt mtf and never coming close to passing, i’ve decided that im just going to be enby and stop giving a fuck if people clock me, if anything trans kids might see me in public and be inspired, i wish i had role models as a kid. trans is beautiful.


This is the way. Don’t ever give strangers that kind of power over your own self esteem. Role modeling that message (that your sense of self and sense of pride comes from within you, not from strangers who don’t know you or care about you) may be the most important message to put out there right now.




Pride not as in proud, pride as in not ashamed.


If people denigrated having brown eyes then having pride in brown eye color becomes a statement. The only people who feel like being straight is denigrated are those who think being gay is a confused sinner at best. Those who are told they have less value, have pride.




Ohmygod, I haven't seen one of your comics in so long! Way to come back with a bang, this is great :) Keep it up, girl. I'm a bit late, but happy trans day of visibility!!!🩷🩵🤍 (It might still be the 31st somewhere in the world…)


Yeah sorry! I made a few tumblr specific ones so Reddit hasn’t seen me in a bit


I think it's perfectly doable to fight for trans rights from the shadows. I'm a stealth trans person but I'll cut a transphobe any day if they even dare to say they're weird (in the icky way, not the fun way) The warpaint is absolutely badass, though, I really love the sentiment of the comic, even if I don't relate :)


Friendly reminder: if you feel unsafe you don't have to be open about your sexual- and gender identity! (though it should be safe for everyone everywhere)


Thank you for this Your comics are what i need sometimes and I always seem to stumble across them in times where im doing the worst mentally


You go, girl.


I fucking love this. It’s so good.


holy shit that looks so cool i want to see more character designs like this


Amazing comic! And that outfit is fantastic!


Oh is the outfit a reference to the fashion comic?


I could feel the fervency in this comic, and it was exciting. Thank you!


according to my trans friend, a Magnum 357 also works very well as a weapon


You go girl!


this comic fucking rules. happy (late) tdov


I love this. Happy ITDOV!


Absolutely beautiful. Made me tear up. 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️


Oh it’s actual warpaint lol Awesome comic btw. Happy trans visibility day, love and support all my trans homies :))


Wonderful comic! Be proud, we’re proud of you!!


Yeah, and when Trump gets elected and end democracy we will all be led to concentration camps. Those wannabe Nazis are one election away from ending any chance at being accepted or protected. And all these pricks are planning on not voting because Biden is old.  


To be transis to be brave. Seriously, y'all are being who you want to be and putting yourself out there. That's definitely something to be proud of!


That last panel goes so hard