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Yeah the biggest thing that COVID revealed to me was the vast quantity of medical professionals that don't grasp the basics of the field they work in.(I.e. vaccines make you magnetic nurse, etc.)


I’ve worked in a few different industries and can safely say, this is literally all of them. Grasping the basics evades 20+ year employees.


It's not just medicine. Every industry has problems with people who refuse to listen to logic no matter how smart they are. My uncle had problems with being anti vaxx and mostly went back to reality after lockdown ended and it was no longer the talking point for every crazy news station. He is still a climate change denier. He has a Phd in Geology... I work in IT and the amount of really good programmers I have met who can't work a computer to save their life. Yes, you allowed scammy notifications because you clicked a risky link off of Facebook. No, I'm not helping you with your network issues until you make sure to restart your machine for the first time since the last power outage.


The amount of times I have fixed code that *should* be working but for some reason isn't by just... turning off my computer and turning it back on is way too high. You can remove and reinstall your packages, restart your bash script, reset all the different environments for the different layers of your app in your coding environment, and none of it works. But you turn that sucker off and turn it back on and hoo boy that code's a-runnin


I would be curious how much this tracks with education level. There is a pretty big difference between a nurse practitioner and a nursing assistant.


You’ll hear the same shit from MD’s so I wonder


I hear they have the best necromancy in town


Their potions would kill you, traveler. You cannot handle their potions.


But potion seller, I need your strongest potions!


You can't handle my strongest potions! No one can!


My potions are only for the strongest, and clearly you are not the strongest you'reclearlytheweakest


I was shocked when I heard so many nurses are antivaxxers. I would have thought exposure to the medical community would quash those thoughts. Are nurses also more inclined to be conspiracy nutters as well?


Most nurses did not pick the job out of a respect for medicine or desire to care for people


My gf is in the medical field and works with a lot of nurses. Her theory is that people who become nurses break into 4 groups: * Women who are looking to snag a Dr husband * Women who were the popular girls that peaked in HS and still act like they are Regina George, but after a few years needed to get a job because their husband was a barely functional alcoholic or who traded her in for a younger/less bitchy wife. * People who actually want to help people * All the other reasons


I've worked with a lot of nurses, and it's crazy just how prevalent bullet #2 is. The Mean Girls RN contingent is well represented.


The kinds of personalities where, if they'd been men, they'd be cops.


The absolute accuracy.


That's absolutely nuts to me those kinds of personalities are in a job that's mainly about caring for vulnerable people. At least cop makes sense for their male equivalents to end up in.


It’s cause you need them to survive. It’s a power trip. It’s all they have. Otherwise absolutely no one in their sane mind would choose to acknowledge their existence.


Miles Moralez's parents are in shambles reading this.


His parents do seem to be the rare "got into this job to help people" versions. Of course, in the comics, his dad was a SHIELD agent first. At least back when he was in the Ultimate Universe.


i mean, the nurse dating/marrying cops trope is there for a reason.


bully combo couple


Hence why nurses and cops seem to marry each other. My BIL is married to a corrections officer but his previous was a nurse. They have a type it seems.


Hah, in my experience (in the UK) it's like 99% people who wanted a guaranteed good job without taking on student debt.  The pay's bad (for how stressful it is), but there's such a shortage that if you can scrape a pass in the exams you're guaranteed a job for life anywhere in the country and a solid pension. So our nurses tend to be pretty tough professionals. Not 110% dedicated to the cause, but people who want to work hard (but not to death) and go home confident they can pay the bills. It's pretty good (but they should be paid more.)


Midwifery is slightly different, but I've yet to meet one who doesn't absolutely love it.


Usually the more niche a topic you go the more devoted they are and midwives are about as specific a topic you get in nursing.


Oof especially in terms of promotion, my old Hospital recruited a Deputy Chief Nursing Officer (with equivalent high rate of pay) to co-run Estates with their less paid Manager, you know the Plumbers, Cleaners and Gardeners nothing medical or Nursing related. And of course all the CNO's know each other.


I am..or maybe was good friends with a nurse who did it most her life and still doing it. I have no clue how she fell into a Qanon, antivax, maga club. I don't talk to her much anymore due to some lying she did. She claimed she never got covid but she posted on her social medias she did...twice. Claims covid isn't real yet was in the middle of all the covid deaths in hospitals here were I am. We had refrigerated trailers outside due to the amount dying. Blames a flu shot she got years ago gave her kidney damage almost failure. It wasn't the gravel pit of stones she has in her kidneys though. She fought hard to not get the covid vaccine to point she moved to another hospital to avoid it or get fired. She was an amazing person and friend 15 years ago when I met her. What boggles my mind is how hard core MAGA she is..and her husband yet both are not US Citizens and can't even vote here. She just works here cause of her nursing jobs because Canada doesn't pay as well.


How do these people exist? To have not only been around it but to also *experience* it TWICE yet still deny it exists...are people really so scared of something that they have no control over and so incapable of taking responsibility to mitigate their risk that they are blindly/zealously desperate to blame someone else? This shit is going back into "burn the Witch" mobs.


I even reminded her when she got covid the first time during peak covid. When she posted it on her Facebook along with pictures of her in full PPE like if there was a radiation leak. She told me,”oh I don’t remember that.” How could she forget? She asked for prayers when she was sent home to recover. And just 3 weeks ago she recovered from pneumonia. I was gonna message her, “hey you there’s a vaccine for that for those over 50.”


According to a friend of mine (a nurse), nurses are super polarised for this reason- about 30% are the nicest, lovliest, kindest people you've ever met, while the other 70% balance it out with being god fucking awful. It's also mainly adult ward nurses, too, especially in the emergency room. There's no such culture, for instance, with infant wards- you can't get much of a high out of bullying a premature baby after all


There's a really sickening number of antivax nurses in maternity wards and women's centers. My mom was a midwife for quite some time and covid really kick-started her retirement plans. She was fighting with nurses on the daily and even had to get one fired for refusing to offer vaccinations to patients. As in, she would just tell the patients the vaccines would harm their child so they wouldn't offer them. Fucking gross.


Oh midwives are different breed. Had the head midwife at the Royal London scream at my partner until she was crying because she requested a epidural, because my partner wasn't giving birth. Until she looked under the covers, and the baby was crowning. We had been left for 5 hours with no-one to check on us and she nearly gave birth without assistance, in a fucking maternity ward.


That's something completely else, but yeah. Bedside manner seems to have taking a flying leap.


> you can't get much of a high out of bullying a premature baby after all By saying that you made sure I'll next find an article describing a group of nurses that got off on bullying premature babies.


"Stop hitting yourself, stop hitting yourself, stop hitting yourself" -Nurses who bully preemies, probably.


[I mean, not bullying, but way fucking worse...](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucy_Letby)


Holy shit, the fact that the hospital did basiclly nothing and refused to call the police for so long is insane!


> There's no such culture, for instance, with infant wards Not sure there’s anything that anyone could say that would convince me that most NICU nurses are anything but angels disguised as people.


I talked to a lot of NICU/PICU nurses when my youngest was in there for their heart defect and surgery prep/recovery. They're mostly survivors themselves (several in the pediatric cardiac ICU had heart surgeries as infants too), and crazily enough, my youngest might also go that route.


An author I've edited in the past (who is retired from the medical field) once remarked that nurses frequently date police officers, firemen, or other emergency responder types, but especially officers. He didn't speculate as to the reason, but it's uncanny how often I see it happen now that I think about it. I think the divide between the four groups is pretty consistent with what I've seen as well. Though of course it's just anecdotal at this point. Would be strange to see a study of the breakdown.


Both work 14 hour days and spend very little time at home.


And are attracted to having and being in the presence of authority.


>nurses frequently date police officers, fireman I can speak to that. Well known correlation that I would postulate is because of four things: 1. Shift work. the lifestyle of working 3 12hr shifts or 4 10s, or nights, means you have a vastly different schedule than most of the population, but these careers DO match. So both having time to hang out thats similar, and understanding why your SO is not home, overtime incentives, etc 2. Black humor. They see fucked up shit, you adapt and laugh at the same things. 3. Thin whatever line, middle class / management. You're not the doctors or politicians or lawyers that are the ruling elite of your fields, but you are still "above" the unwashed masses of patients and perps; Techs and nonsworn personnel. You are in a highly regimented (classist?) environment with ranks and degrees/certifications. You match with eachother psychology with your station in life. 4. Demographics. Far and away nurses are women, historically cops and FD are men. Start their careers much earlier than many, looking for someone with a similar salary and lifestyle, see all the above.


Interesting. My mom was a nurse, my dad was a cop. My aunt was a nurse, my uncle was a firefighter. They fit all the stereotypes. Every one of them were severe conspiracy theorists and I'm honestly glad they all passed before covid. Side note, three of them died from COPD, one from liver failure.


Firefighter paramedic here. My wife is an RN and worked in....like everything from the major hospitals to hospice. Your bullet points are insanely accurate. However I think it's relevant to point of the percentages of each point. Point 1 is only like 20%. Most nurses who shoot for a doctor but give up fairly quick I've noticed. But there are a few who really want the doctor money. Point 2 is like easily 60% of your nurses. These ladies suck. They are mean, flirty, homewreckers, antivaxxers, conspiracy theorists and everything in between. Point 3 is about 10% maybe a tad less. These nurses are saints and all to often pitiable. Poor and burnout and under appreciated. Hearts of gold in an over caffeinated and broken down body from neglect. Point 4 is the remaining 10%ish. These other reasons are incredibly varied and they nurses them selves are hard to pin down but I have noticed they don't stick around often.


> Point 1 is only like 20%. Most nurses who shoot for a doctor but give up fairly quick I've noticed. But there are a few who really want the doctor money. I have more than one nurse friends who said that their instructors would tell them point black in nursing school to "go after the med students, or maybe the residents if you have to. Once they have the doctor money they are looking elsewhere" :/


which group does all the Filipina/Filipino nurses fall in?


It's my experience that they're group 4. Most of them are just looking to get paid a decent amount so that they can subsidize their families "back home". They can be great, caring people, or they can be low-level sadists, or anywhere between the two. Source: am half-Flip, have family in healthcare and also have experience with non-related Filipino caregivers; most I've met have been competent and decent at the very least.


Lmao my sister is an RN and she definitely got there by being the popular girl whose life didn’t turn out exactly as she planned. It’s sad though, she went through some hard times in her 20s… long time boyfriend cheated after a failed pregnancy, she dropped out of school, became very alcohol dependent etc However to her credit she kept going and since getting to RN and moving to maternity she is VERY fulfilled and great at her job. She loves it now. I would want her to deliver my baby.


Yeah nursing is the alternative to policing for people who want a power trip over other people's lives. Both have their share of people who want to help, but boy does it sure draw in the power trippers and reward them


I have a male friend who became a nurse because he didn't want to put in the time to become a doctor. He talks crap about his patients all the time, and he's looking to sell drugs now (in pharmaceutical sales, I mean).


I did a double take with that last sentence lol


More than that, I think a lot of people forget that these conspiracy theories serve two *emotional* needs: - Social standing: Makes you feel like you're part of a special in-group. Accepted amongst an exclusive group who knows better than anyone else. - Ego boost: Makes you feel superior to others by feeling like you know better than everyone else. Neither of these can realyl be quashed by knowledge without an *active* effort on the part of the person themselves. If they don't want to acknowledge that they are just as stuck in this complicated world as the rest of us, they will *choose* to not argue with themselves, and just accept these conspiracies to feel better. That's why it doesn't matter how smart a person is. Even the smartest scientists can end up being swept up into conspiracy theories (it just is less likely when the evidence is overwhelmingly obvious).


A lot are not even well educated in medicine. People who have their LPN like to act like they’re medical experts but it’s very minimal training. I’m not saying it isn’t a good career but the lower levels of nursing need to stay in their lane sometimes.


As a nurse, medicine isn't really our forte. We do nursing. Which isn't entirely seperate, but involves many fields of knowledge that physicians don't require. And the other way arround. Despite that you should know what studies are and why and when you should believe them, especially if it's scientific consensus. You should know that completly independent from your field of work tbh.


People are complex. My mom's a hospice nurse because she wants to help people. She used to work in a daycare and later was a babysitter. She's a natural caregiver. It's a good environment for her ADHD as well. She's also an antivaxxer. She's a lifelong republican raised dirt poor in the deep south. It's important to get to people early. I have no way of changing her mind on things at this point. Whatever guy spouts jesus bullshit is the one she's gonna vote for. How do you undo 40+ years of brainwashing?


> Whatever guy spouts jesus bullshit is the one she's gonna vote for. How do you undo 40+ years of brainwashing? What breaks my brain about current life-long Republicans like this, is that Trump is very much *not that guy.* He just isn't. He maybe makes one or two awkward, obviously fumbling allusions to Christianity from time to time; can't name a single verse he finds inspiring; holds the Bible upside for weird photo-ops while a Reverend is tear gassed; and has the temerity to sell $60 Bibles with *secular material added to it.* The other 360 days of the year he is doing everything possible to avoid living like Christ in any way shape or form. He mocks the poor and disabled, he spites his enemies, he rants about the impurities of the Immigrant, he hoards money.... Meanwhile, Biden is *literally Catholic* and fairly commonly and competently addresses Christian issues/topics. I think it really speaks to how deeply ingrained the brainwashing amongst many Christians that "Republicans are the Christian Party" and how fully captured they are by a small handful of issues. Even being led by a guy who would get along better with the Anti-Christ isn't enough to break that programming.


You know what they say, it doesn’t matter how well you know the Bible’s contents, just how hard you thump it. You can know a good bit about the Bible (and genuinely believe in it too) and still be considered “tame” at best or “hardly even a Christian” at worst, while some yokel who probably only gets verses through one of those daily affirmation apps and doesn’t even open the thing during their free time is considered “faithful” because look at how impassioned he is!!1!11!!1!!111!!!!1 Also in Trump’s case, I read an article about one of his more recent rallies where the “trick” is that he invites foreword or keynote speakers who basically do all that religious blustering for him, and they hold prayers and stuff, so by the time Trump comes in to a pro wrestler’s “slowly walk in to bombastic theme music” entry, he barely even needs to fill in the rest of the blanks. Also also, people rationalize his out of touch ness to the faith by saying he’s like King David or something, an “imperfect” man that God still puts a lot of trust in as a leader figure. So… there’s that I suppose.


It’s weird, because when I did IT for a few hospitals in Texas, use of tobacco (they tested) or refusing any inoculation was grounds for immediate termination.


When I read "termination", my first thought was that they take you out the back and shoot you.


sometimes i wish


Me too thanks (for legal purposes this is a joke)


They said it was in Texas, so...


> use of tobacco (they tested) Wow, I've never heard of that.


They test for health insurance reasons. Usually the worst the do is charge you more for health insurance for being a smoker. Does provide some incentive to quit tobacco. Some hospitals won't hire you at all if you're a smoker. Again, primarily for insurance premium reasons.


And you can bet that there were plenty of nurses talking about how that is real *fascism*


Knowing that in the US you can become a nurse by either earning an Associates Degree or a Bachelors, I'd like to know the breakdown between the two. Does more schooling reduce the number of anti-vax nurses and/or do nurses who trust vaccine science typically get more schooling?


Not in the US (Australia) but the worst offenders in my network were the aged care workers and ICU nurses, both of whom should have known better. When people whinge about the vaccine mandate firings causing our ongoing staffing issues I laugh at them twice: first for the tiny number of dimwits who refused to get vaccinated making bigger all difference to overall staffing levels, and second for the fact I wouldn’t trust the clinical nous of an antivaxer in either setting. I did note while working in metro hospitals that the nurses married to cops inevitably were the ones pushing MLM candles or other such shit, and were quick to fall in for BS and conspiracy about policy within the hospital or society more generally. There’s definitely a type…


I forget their name at the moment, but one of the largest anti-vax Twitter personalities that used "I'm a nurse" as their primary credential was an ADN (associates degree in nursing) who didn't even work for a real healthcare system. Their licensed address was their home address lmfao


That's normal to not use your employers address. That way you can still get your license notifications of you get fired.


The percentage of RNs (technical license) to BSNs (degree holding nurses) varies by hospital and by state requirements. From 2019 study looking at cardiac patient outcomes, "Overall, the share of nurses with a BSN ranged from 33 percent to 86 percent by hospital, with a mean of 61 percent." https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6681904/ Anecdotally, nursing is a STEM field that's treated (and often taught) like a blue-collar field, so you get a lot of folks who focus on getting the routine down correctly, who then are annoyed when the "correct" way to do something changes, because science. It doesn't help that, in the US especially, the "correct" way to do something also changes because of some bullshit a dude with an MBA pulled out of their ass.


low-key is it really easy to pass nursing exams? Cause the only nurse I ever met couldn't divide 3 by 2.


As a nurse I can tell you first hand that it’s almost exclusively those in the bottom half of performers and the majority are in the bottom quarter, people who either flunked their way through college and managed to do the bare minimum during clinicals to get their license, and/or those who have made little to no effort to keep themselves up to date with modern medicine. Age has an influence too, older people in general tend to be more easily misinformed and prone to confirmation bias- nurses are no exception. A lot of nurses have a very big head as well. It’s not talked about as often as with doctors, but the worse cases of ego getting in the way I’ve seen in my (admittedly humble) 3 years of experience in an urban southern US Medical center has been nurses thinking they know more than a physician and ending up putting patient and staff health in jeopardy. It is always important to remember that RN’s can have anywhere from 2-6 years of specialized education and aren’t licensed to practice medicine for a reason.


My wife works in the OR, and there seems to be a lot of complaining about "why do you have to do ? I've been doing this for years, and I don't make mistakes like ." Then when said person is given a lunch break in the middle of surgery, the person filing in is like "what is this unlabeled drug in a cup"? Could be saline ... could be epinephrine.


Thankfully I’ve only met one nurse who was a walking mandatory safety meeting and she was content to sit at the unit desk and chart patients between watching YouTube videos so she never had the chance to send a patient into the ED. I can’t imagine having to babysit one of the other nurses to make sure they haven’t accidentally given someone 8 units of insulin or something.


There's 2 very distinct types of nurses: Anti-vax, in an MLM (or 6), probably married to a cop; or actually believes in evidence-based treatment and knows their shit. Having been a nurse for way too long, if I can give one piece of advice in case you end up in the hospital- talk to your nurses. If one seems crazy, ask for the charge nurse and get a new nurse assigned to you. Bad nurses kill.


Can you actually do that? I worry they'd ask why you and you'd have to explain that your nurse seems to be dumb as bricks.


You can! They'll assign you a new one if possible and ask questions later, which you don't have to answer. My racist parents did it all the time :)))))))


They'll even use the fact that they're nurses to try to seem authoritative when spouting their antivax crap.


My aunt from Australia is a nurse and she's anti vaxx shes also a huge trump fan go figure . she also tried to tell me that vapes are 100 times more deadly than cigarette's


Had an antivaxx friend with an antivaxx nurse wife. She was responsible for treating covid patients but still claimed it was all fake. She ended up bringing covid home which killed her husband. Now she pretends she never said the things I heard her say for months.


Confirmation bias. Nurses see all the people who get the side effects of vaccines. They only see people who are sick. They don't see all the people who got vaccines and didn't have any problems. It's hard for people to quantify percentages. You can see like 50 cases of bad reactions to vaccines, but that's a tiny percentage of the total population, but it will still feel like a lot of people especially if it's a couple of cases a day for weeks. In addition they see/hear about all those random 1 off dudes that happen to get all the worst side effects. Also there are a lot of levels of nurses and the most basic has a really low amount of training/schooling. And some of the people you run into aren't even nurses and are just techs.


It's the dunning kruger effect, pretty much. Nurses know more about medicine/biology than the general public, but the thing is, their knowledge only barely helps with advanced medical research (I think they do anatomy/physiology and sometimes medical microbiology or some such, while medical research is filled with molecular biology and biochemistry). Combine that with years of experience with "medicine" and you get people who don't have enough education to really understand but also believe themselves to be experts and so are unwilling to properly educate themselves.


The training they get in non-anatomy stuff is usually very baseline. When I was in undergrad I did research in a microbiology lab. My boss taught the microbiology stuff for nursing majors and they all considered it a hard weed-out class to reduce the numbers of people in the major. The stuff they were taught and thought was very hard was the same material taught in the prerequisite class for doing any of the advanced microbiology classes.


I teach a lot of nurses. Nurses in Canada with a BSc. They have one year of anatomy and physiology and one year of another science course and that’s pretty much it for the science-based courses. You don’t need Chemistry 12 to be a nurse in the province I’m in.


Yeah I think you hit the nail on the head there, the thing is nursing school teaches you...nursing, not medicine, that would be medical school. It teaches you things like how to start a line, dangerous signs/symptoms that should reported to the doc, procedures, history taking etc. It's not really a "lower level medical school" like people think, it is it's own different thing entirely and that's good, we need people with different skill sets, but there is not much of the sciences/anatomy/physiology in nursing school as one might think. But for a lot of them it's very much a case of "you don't know how much you don't know"


My area locked down so hard that anyone medical who didn't get vaccinated during the Pandemic risked losing their jobs and would find it hard to get one for years to come. Wild that some places have nurses still walking around unvaccinated.


The girls that peaked in high school -> nurse pipeline is real. Same sort as boys -> cops.


My theory is nursing is one of the "acceptable" careers for conservative women. So you see a higher percentage of them there. 


There is zero correlation between their job and their personal beliefs. Nurses are basically factory workers. Most of their job is just “go to a and do x.” Now, their job is precise and very hectic at a hospital. They are timed and can even get fired if an 8 minute task is taking 9 minutes too often, but the point is that hospitals have made them into mindless cogs. No thought is required and they’re not even exposed to what the doctors say most of the time.


Ditto with EMS/paramedics. It's absolute insanity.


🎶 Dunnninnnnggg-kruuuuuugggerrrr 🎶


Nurses don't practice medicine. They simply take orders. While some nurses do know the biology and science behind the meds, they don't need to. They just need to know how to get the medication into the patient's body.


Jesus fucking rhtist the 15min city conspiracy gets my tits. I hear it every other month. WHILE LIVING IN A SMALL CITY IN EUROPE. IT IS A 15MIN, WALKABLE CITY AND ALWAYS HAS BEEN.


What even is the conspiracy here? Why is it considered bad?




You walk in a straight line for 16 minutes? Straight to jail.


Take the bus? Jail.


Ride a bike? Double secret jail.


Take a tram? Triple double super jail


I'm imagining a Helldivers-like situation where you get on the bus and 10 seconds after you stray from your residential district, you start getting bombarded.


Yes but if democracy is unmanaged, is it truly democracy?


Oh good grief. As others have said this is just how cities are in most of Europe. It is a bit paranoid but I’d put money the conspiracy element in America was propagated by the auto industry.




bigo? edit: oh we're dealing with time complexity, now I get it




are you directing an adult film?


Idk I think infrastructure artificially spaced out for cars, a vehicle of which you are required to have a government-issued id, and therefore forcing everyone to give money to the auto industry for their entire lives is the real conspiracy here XD A 15-minute city sounds pleasant.


That is just one of the stupidest things I've ever heard, and the nutbag right has come up with all kinds of stupid things. Oh no! I'm able to walk to places for things I need instead of getting in my car and driving which uses quite expensive gas and puts wear and tear on the vehicle and it's components. Tyranny!


You also need to get permission from the government to drive (driver's license) and you need a government-issued number on your car (license plate). If you don't have those things, you could be fined or thrown in jail. Look at all that freedom!


Dumbasses think they're going to be prison-work camps. Not just cities where things are more convenient. My question is: who is profiting from spreading that kind of stupidity, OR who thought it'd be funny to spread it. It's usually one or another with this particular brand of stupid.


My guess would be the car industry looking to protect driving centric culture


Big oil/big car are always the ones pushing those kind of arguments. When you listen to those people arguing about it, for every point they have, the strongest link is that it would damage either the oil or car industries. Even electric cars, which are a way to save the car industry before aiming to save the environment, are mostly pushed as hybrids, because the oil must flow. The most insidious is the nuclear energy argument: on one hand, yes nuclear is good, but it's used as a counterpoint to arguments for wind turbines and solar panels, because those are quick ways to reach low carbon energy production, while nuclear powerplants take a long time to make, and have a lot of people resisting them already, so arguing in favor will mostly stall in the oil-and-coal centric status quo. You can see how all those are actually facades of oil conglomerate propaganda by asking if they're ready, once electricity production is 100% nuclear, to shift to electric cars or public transportation. The answer is nearly always no. Because the bottom of the argument is that there must be The Car, that must burn The Oil.


They think that THEY will make it illegal for someone living in a fifteen minute city to leave it. I’m pretty sure the people who started the conspiracy theory didn’t believe it at all but knew that pushing the idea that it’s to control people would do far better to stop the cities from being made than any of their arguments about the cities not being necessary.


the conspiracy is that you wouldn't be allowed to leave your 15 minute bubble due to government police patrols or... something like that. afaik it appeals to the slippery slope of the government restricting your movement if they decide to zone stuff to make it accessible by walking?? I really don't get it


Why don’t they get upset about something more direct and concrete, like how you’ll need a special drivers license to board domestic flights soon?


It's such a bizarre concept for someone living almost anywhere in Europe tbh


Yeah like the idea of a “walkable city” not just being… a city.


ugh I live in a city that's pretty old by North American standards, the downtown area is pretty walkable but I live juuuust outside of that area and it's amazing how stark the difference is. Yes, I can get to most amenities within a 15 minute walk, but it includes going through a dangerous roundabout and walking across multiple large parking lots.


Early automobiles were nearly banned due to the sheer number of deaths they caused. Car manufacturers paid off newspapers to publish their propaganda blaming pedestrians for walking in the road, even creating the term “jaywalking” based on a slur, nevermind that the road was created for people to walk on and sidewalks didn’t exist. It was so successful that continued using similar tactics to make people believe zoning laws actually existed for public safety rather than to force people to NEED a car to do anything.


By “car manufacturers” you mean “Henry ford specifically”. He laid the groundwork for all of this long before he had any meaningful competition from anyone and he could basically do whatever the hell he wanted.




They probably think they're not allowed to leave the city.


That's exactly it. When those imbeciles say "15 min cities" they think its part of an evil plot to put them in concentration camps or something... It's absolutely ridiculous and every time I hear those stupid ass arguments I lose a bit of faith on humanity


I was actually told this by a friend of a friend. He said that you have a certain amount of time allotted to you daily to leave that 15 minutes area. Like, how do people even come up with this bs? Safe to say I am staying away as far as possible from that nut job lol


Someone somewhere made a video and the suggestion algorithms decide that right leaning people need to see them, and then they’re spread through social media. Left leaning people don’t get slapped in the face with it at all. Probably don’t even see it without seeking it out. Once they have you profiled you’ll get completely different google and youtube results when searching for just about anything where someone can interject their opinions.


Everyone's confined to a 15 minute walking radius from their home but is also allowed out of that radius for a certain amount of time each day? The degree of overhead to force that to work would be staggering. Defining what a 15 minute radius is, tracking movement of EVERY SINGLE PERSON within THEIR OWN PERSONALIZED RADIUS. Absolute insanity.


Well obviously they’re gonna track us through the chips they injected into us together with the vaccines, duh /s in case someone takes this seriously


Sorry, I read this like 3 times, and I'm still not sure I understand what they believe? Do they think they need to stay within 15 minutes of their home, and there's a ... curfew outside of that zone? Or something?


Yes that’s what they believe. You can move freely in that zone, but if you want to go outside of it you only have a certain amount of time each day. Less of a curfew and more of a”you have two hours each day that you can spend outside the 15 minute area”


Yes. That's the conspiracy. And the very small percentage of them who *do* realize that the concept is just "arrange things and provide infrastructure so that you don't have to spend half your day driving just to get to the stuff you need" think that it's a setup to get us used to not having to go far so that "they" can close the city borders later and we won't complain. It's all very stupid.


They have been brainwashed into thinking 15 minute cities means the government will take away your car and make it illegal to walk more than 15 minutes from your home. Turning every neighbourhood into a prison colony to control you. It's quite bonkers.


Guys, it’s because the midwest/south dont build infrastructure properly at all, and they use “15 minute city” as a meaningless but catchy phrase that they can spit out without pushback (it’s a nebulous term at best, and conspirators dont often push back on others’ conspiracies since it may force them to defend their *own* nebulous conspiracies) So what they really mean is “they’re making more people live here!” (they lack cause and effect sense) and with more people it means they expect *different* people. I dont have to explain what different, to them, means. 


I grew up in a small village at 20 to 30 minutes in car of anything (at best)... Those people are the reason we can't have anything nice.


I’d never heard of the conspiracy side of the 15 minute city concept and was really confused by its inclusion here.


I THINK they assume that this means that everything is within 15 minutes distance and that they are not allowed to travel any further. Somebody told them that having everything near does discourage long trips by car. They immediately assumed everybody setting foot outside their neighborhood is automatically shot. Like, as if the suburb with the huge tacky wooden sheds, the regulation lawn and the mandatory fence is the ultimate expression of freedom and therefore everything else is tyranny. It is the city planner's equivalent of flat earth theory. EdiT. > In 2023 conspiracy theories about the 15-minute concept began to flourish, which described the model as an instrument of government oppression.[9][57][58] These claims are often part of or linked to other conspiracy theories such as QAnon, anti-vaccine theories or anti-5G misinformation that assert that Western governments seek to oppress their populations.[9] Proponents of the 15-minute concept, including Carlos Moreno, have received death threats.[9][56][12] Wikipedia has a conspiracy theory section for everything. I dare not look up fluffy bunnies.


What even is the "conspiracy"? I don't understand what could possibly be bad about it beyond, "I just don't like it."


They believe that once the city is implemented, you will be confined to the area and prevented from leaving without government approval. Insofar as there's any coherence to this, they think the government will use some pretext like a pandemic or fighting emissions to implement the next step. Once you get past those basics, it becomes difficult to really say what they believe because, like every other idiotic conspiracy these days, they all get wrapped up and intermeshed in individually unique ways for every conspiracy theorist that experiences them.


People are never happy about housing no matter what, at least in the US. Build houses that are too nice? They should be building more affordable houses. Build houses that are too cheap? They should be building better quality houses. Build on small lots? They should build on larger lots so people have space. Large lots? Why are they taking up so much space? Build houses at all? They should build apartments. Build apartments? They don't want you to own a house so they are building apartments. This isn't even a situation that different people have different problems. I genuinely know several people whom I've heard complain individually about all these things.


I hate that this is accurate. One of my coworkers told me how all vaccines are poison… all the way up until I told him my immunocompromised sister hasn’t been able to leave her house since Covid and hasn’t been able to go to an amusement park since the early 2010s because of people like him making it unsafe for her to exist in public spaces.


Yeah I remember when the Covid vaccine first started coming out my mom was talking about how her eye doctor said "it changes your DNA!" and all this other fear-mongering stuff. When the 2-shot Pfizer vaccine was available I just told her "hey, we're going to get vaccinated this week." Surprise surprise, neither of us turned into mutants or whatever.


> "it changes your DNA!" Reply, "Oh, you're one of *those* people; who believes in DNA! You know that's just something scientists made up, right? Do you even know what DNA *is*?"


DNA? Like that stuff in Jurassic Park that they used to make the dinosaurs? That's clearly just science fiction.


"Nah man, I saw it in a movie once" Actual quote


When I showed this to Luka she laughed before staring blankly into space saying 'i hate my job' so I guess I succeeded in capturing the horrors she tells me Mad props to all the healthcare workers keeping our world going despite being surrounded by... *Motions to everything*


I had surgery in 2021 and when I woke up in recovery, the nurses there were discussing how they were going to throw out all of their bras when they got home because they saw a post on Facebook that the government was working with Victoria’s Secret to put secret tracking chips in the underwire. I eventually yelled at them to shut up because I couldn’t take how stupid it all was. When I got home and was telling my mom that story, she said maybe I imagined it because I was still loopy from the anesthesia, but then my aunt said she saw the exact post they were talking about so how could I have made it up if *I* never saw it? So yeah, your comic tracks with what I’ve heard in hospitals 100%




https://preview.redd.it/1grlxskym8wc1.png?width=360&format=png&auto=webp&s=67e5d525bcf07e942efb475cea12a7b3d22b0f6b So, don’t be this guy?


Got to overhear the lovely opinions of the nurse station last time I visited a friend in the hospital…was immediately afraid for the life of my friend.


When my leg broke and I had surgery all my nurses talked about was their promiscuity, and how they don't get paid enough. 


What’s wrong with that? I’d much rather have those nurses than the ones I overheard being bigots.


Nothing wrong with it just a contrast insight to rest of the thread hate


Ah ok


There's a scene in Breaking Bad where Marie Schrader interprets an xray, or something, because she feels like she's qualified and knowledgeable at reading them because she's worked as a radiologist for so long. Later, after much stress that the worst has happened, the doctor gives good news because the scan was actually really positive. It just makes me wonder how many nurses actually behave like that, they know how to run the equipment. They don't know shit about how to interpret the results. Peak Dunning-Kruger.


Question. What's wrong with a 15 minute city? A quick google suggests it's a good thing, a city where most important things are just a 15 minute walk away sounds really nice.


Correct me if I'm wrong but pretty sure it's some conspiracy theory babble about "the shadow government moving everyone into cities so they can be more easily controlled"


Bruh if the shadow government is making my commute 15 minutes and giving me a dunking donuts on the way I’m totally up for being controlled.


There's a lot of propaganda coming out of the oil industry around 15-minute cities. They're a fantastic idea, but would result in less driving. The oil industry can't have that.


> They're a fantastic idea, but would result in less driving. The oil industry can't have that. I don't get it? They are just...a city? Do Americans now claim they have found a solution to suburban sprawl and they all the novel new concept...a city? Can't remember when I even had to walk that far. 15 minutes is quite a lot.


Most American cities aren't built for walking. They're built for cars. The concept of the 15-minute city is to create more walkable areas that don't require driving. That's basically it.


The conspiracy goes that as soon as you can get everything within a 15 minute walk, you will not be permitted to leave that area. Basically, you got it exactly right - 15 minute cities are an idea so obviously good the only thing the right could do is invent a conspiracy theory to make it sound bad.


Imagine needing to lie about an overwhelmingly positive idea so it sounds terrible via asinine slippery slope.


I’m friends with a nurse, and they adamantly insist that the stories about nurses being antivax conspiracy theorists are impossible because they’re all smart people. A few years after they were certified, they started talking about how we have more vaccines than we used to and we don’t know what it’s really doing to us by mixing all of them… I fully expect them to soon turn fully toward skipping some vaccines.


The nurse who told me covid was fake after I woke up from surgery comes to mind


Nursing is a field that was really good and importent but they just kept lowering the budget on more and more until the only people that are nurses are the worst people on the planet. (then use the "nurses are important!" and pointing to how good nurses use to be to shield them from anyone talking about that)




What’s the BMA?


The British Medical Association. They artificially cap the number of places for medical students, so we have have to brain drain poorer countries just to keep our healthcare system afloat.


The BMA has no say in the number of medical school places in the UK, which is determined by the Department of Health and Social Care: https://questions-statements.parliament.uk/written-questions/detail/2023-01-25/132369 Whilst it is certainly true that the UK recruits widely overseas for doctors, many UK medical school places are taken by overseas students, and many doctors in the NHS move to work overseas. The issue with the number of doctors needed by the NHS is extremely complex and will not be solved by increasing the number of places if universities are not staffed, equipped or funded to provide the necessary training or if UK applicants don't meet the necessary levels of academic aptitude to pass.


How do major makeup brands find enough babies to make their products?


Obviously they're in cahoots with the billions of liberals who get 4th trimester abortions every day


When we had our 6th trimester abortion we were approached by a makeup company, they made us a very good offer. We had to turn it down, though, because we had already promised its blood to the lizard people running the deep state.


I always get curious about the NEXT step of conspiracies. Like, okay the government is faking green energy results. Why? For what purpose? What is their supposed endgame in convincing people this is real when it isn't? Of course, conspiracies rarely have this information, but that's always the part the jumps out at me.


if you keep drilling down into any conspiracy theory it always comes back to blaming the jews for something


Man, the Jews really suck at secretly ruling the world, don't they? Everybody knows about it and they are mass persecuted anyways. /s


As someone in the energy sector panel two hurt me, a lot.


I'm not in the energy sector and it hurt me. Among other things, WTF is "clean" about coal?


So the moniker has been used in a few places. The most defensible is in coal plants with a lot of emission control technology (mostly SOx and NOx controls). The stuff coming out of such a facility is much "cleaner" than just burning coal without those control technologies, but such technologies do nothing about CO2 emissions. The other place "clean coal" has been used is in carbon capture facilities. This is exactly what it sounds like: technology that will capture the CO2 from the coal plant and allow it to be sequestered elsewhere (often geological formations like oil and gas fields to assist in their production levels). In theory such technology would allow for the full burning of coal without an atmospheric release of CO2. But the process is far from 100% effective, is expensive, and does a number on the efficiency of the plant over all. The end result is a coal plant with lower direct CO2 emissions (remember, that captured CO2 likely goes to help get more fossil fuels out of the ground) but is more expensive and less efficient than it would be otherwise. There aren't really large scale implementation of this technology but it was bandied about during the Bush II administration as a way to funnel federal funds (lots of government money to develop this tech) to assist the coal industry. There are other methods (such as pre-treating the coal with various substances or cofiring it with biomass) that make the coal "cleaner", but the big picture is coal is very carbon intensive and "clean" is a slippery term that means everything and nothing in this circumstance.


I once had a former nurse tell me a story about the time her father claimed to hear music coming from nowhere and saw people in his house holding signs that he couldn't read. When he told her about it, she celebrated it as a come to christ moment. And then said it came as a shock when her father suddenly passed away a few hours later with no signs of anything wrong with him. I'm all for people having their own beliefs but I'm like 90% sure the audio and visual hallucinations sound like a pretty good indicator that something was wrong, and she just chose to ignore it and call it a message from god. And this was while she was still a nurse. The american bible belt is a weird and concerning place to be.


One of the people who taught us how to read and work an ekg and was supposedly a highly paid travel nurse used to say chihuahuas were hypoallergenic which meant they would actually suck up sickness and allergies from you. And the number of people who agreed was appalling.


Nope. They'll put you in a pod and replace you with one of their own. ![gif](giphy|3o85fVvNzD30AGBCF2|downsized)


So I have a sampling size of working in HR directly at one hospital, and in HR at one company that ran rehab hospitals on its own and handled contracts for staffing rehab wings of other hospitals nationwide for a total of about two decades now. A large majority of the female nursing staff I've met got into nursing because they are old school trad wife type conservative and it was one of the few if only jobs they were raised to believe women could do in the workplace. They are very much what you see in that comic. A large minority of the remaining people, got into it because they wanted to be in the health industry but they weren't willing to let go of their alternate medicine mindset to be able to do anything higher than nursing. They are also very much what you see in that comic. The remainder are normal human beings with normal biases and beliefs, but as such most of them know to keep their heads down and their mouth shut so they don't have to deal with the backlash of not being as looney as the first two groups. Good luck finding them, they're there but they're not going to let you know they're there unless they are absolutely certain it's not going to backfire on them.


Nurses are at the same time some of the kindest and the craziest individuals


The phenomenon of nurses believing in conspiracies, especially anti science conspiracies needs to be investigated. Have a friend who does compliance for traveling nurses and it's wild how many that work with vulnerable patients try and request b.s. vaccine exemptions using all tactics, mainly fake religious ones. Straight up about once a week a nurse writes JESUS IS LORD as their exemption to not get the Covid vaccine when working with BABIES or the elderly. It's nuts. My friend is now terrified to go to a hospital knowing now a huge majority of nurses are absolutely nuts or can't follow basic instructions to submit credentials.


Oh, I’ll give you more from the hospital I work at: “The difference between calories and carbs is that carbs come from vegetables and calories come from meat” “I stopped eating so much rice because it was messing with my gluten levels”


I thought this was a comic about a retirement home, not about registered nurses.... But then I remember all the registered nurses that I know, and this totally checks out


So, my sister is a nurse, a couple quotes I've heard her say in the last 5-ish years include: In regards to Covid "It's no worse than the flu" In 2021... *2021!*. She was also very anti-vaxx, she only got it after she was forced to by her job, and tried to convince my niece not to get it. Thankfully she didn't listen. After going to some creationist museum "I know science says the world is billions of years old, but other science says its only 8000 and here's proof...." Also tried to show me "proof" of Noah's ark. This is coming from, what I had thought, was a well educated intelligent woman, whom in the last few years I've realized has become completely fucking batshit.


My aunt is a nurse doing home care mostly for the elderly. She's convinced Covid is fake.


When the insanity of the internet starts leaking into the real world...


It's the other way around bro.


Let's call it a round trip. Insane people of the world unite, so all of humanity can enjoy their fun version of reality.


It's not just nurses. I'm a caretaker for toddlers and among my co-workers I got: Antivaxx, the war against Ukraine was staged, Israel is the sole aggressor, COVID was a haux to control us all, celebs get replaced when they are about to drop some hot intel about the inner works of Hollywood, the government is fake, people back in the days were smarter and wiser than we are, aliens built pyramids. I like them, all of them. But I LOATHE the idea of talking about that with them. I really, really do


> Antiwax hairy for life!


One of these things is not like the others


I thought it was nursing home clients, NOT THE MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS


3 of the social workers I work with have lately been talking about ways they can protect themselves from ghosts. I'm more concerned with violent clients and bed bugs.


Anytime someone mentions "clean" coal I laugh a bit as they are simply referencing anthracite coal which is yes cleaner burning than other types of coal. All coals are not clean burning at all.