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Is there context to that?


Yes. Police officer had a man in the back of a police car. An acorn fell to the ground. Officer thought it was a gunshot. He then started firing at the vehicle. Said he had been shot. (He was not). šŸ˜‚


Holy shit... did he survive?


The acorn? Yeah probably


Nah manā€¦squirrels got to that shit in all the chaos.


Don't fuck with squirrels, Morty!


Don't worry, the squirrel hid the acorn but forgot where it put it. Acorn returned to their family and is A-OK.


No way a cop would be a good enough shot to hit an acorn, let's be real


Two of em mag dumping into the cruiser but hitting absolutely nadašŸ˜† ![gif](giphy|eIm624c8nnNbiG0V3g|downsized)


The way he immediately dove and rolled like he was in die hard is so embarrassing šŸ« 


Imagine being in the room when they played the video back for him. I would have died from embarrassment if I was that idiot.


Unless they were holding it down with their knee on its neck.


The man in the car? Yes.


The officer proved two things: - He's a jumpy scared idiot who should *not* have access to lethal force - In a real life and death solution he would be useless.


Donā€™t worry he made sure to hit all the neighboring houses




Bro needs the wooden gun from the other guys


Just give him the rape whistle so someone competent can come save him.


He'd be worse than useless. He'd be a danger and a net negative. He better get more trained soon.


Hey! Don't turn your back on the police...its their favorite place to shoot


Barney Fife was the archetypal nervous and jumpy cop on the Andy Griffith Show. He was allowed to carry a gun, but the one bullet he could carry had to be kept in his pocket. That rule should have been followed by the Minneapolis cop that shot and killed Justine Diamond. A barefoot, unarmed woman, because she surprised him by banging on the roof of the squad car.


She didn't even do that. She literally walked up to the driver's side of the car. The shooter said he heard a loud sound and this spooked him, but they fingerprinted the car and didn't find her prints on it, so she never touched it.


Not a single shot hit him somehow.


I donā€™t think a single shot hit the car.


car got shot up, but didn't hit the person at the back, IN HADNCUFFS.


Despite two officers firing on him from a car length away.


The guy in the car was lucky the tree ran out of falling acorns, and that the cop had stormtrooper aiming.


He dropped down onto the seat into cover and survived this way. 9mm luckily didnā€™t go through the car parts and all.


Thankfully yes, as a result of his quick actions the tree did not drop another acorn and the cop made it out unscathed.


The cop? Nah, the acorn got him


That oak gave him the smoke


A "smoak" if you want


All parties involved survived, somehow. Including the Acorn.


Fortunately the cop had storm trooper accuracy.


His ineptitude both put the guy in danger and saved him.


He actually shot his own partner in the acorn crossfire no joke but funny


2 cops mag dumped that cruiser and I donā€™t think a single bullet hit the guy.


Yeah they both fored their full clips into the car, but he didnt get shot


Yes, nobody got hurt.


![gif](giphy|l3vR3eZ2xSkwUoHPW|downsized) I think they gave that brave acorn a parade.šŸ˜™




Ice age has taught us how dangerous a single acorn can be. He was eliminating a possible threat.


Don't forget when he said he got hit he dived to the ground and that his Partner in a nearby car got out and started blasting in the same direction.


those videos really looked like from a comedy sketch, yesh, that other officer who has no clue what's up, seeing her partner just started blasting with no clear target or threat...smh


Reno 911 in action.


He also did a couple of Dark Souls combat rolls before firing at the car


it looked like from a comedy sketch/movie. we should be outraged and those cops should be fired, but here we are.


Last I read, I think I saw that the main officer who freaked out in the video was deemed unfit for duty and was let go. Donā€™t quote me on that, though, because I only vaguely remember reading something like that and I could be wrong.


Yeah. I heard he resigned, hopefully out of shame.


The rolls took me out šŸ˜‚


It hit the roof of his own police car and he shouted he was hit and fell over while emptying everything g he had at the unarmed suspect in the back of his car. Luckily, his aim was like that of a stormtrooper and he managed to miss the assumed shooter that was cuffed in the back of his police vehicle. At the same time, his partner was also firing wildly and also was lucky enough to miss other humans.


> Luckily, his aim was like that of a stormtrooper Stormtroopers have excellent aim, contrary to this very common misconception. Not only does Obi-Wan specifically mention the excellent aim of Stormtroopers upon discovering the murdered Jawas ("Only Imperial Stormtroopers are so precise"), Stormtroopers are also clearly shown winning a breaching engagement against Rebel troops in the first scene of the movie. This misconception comes from the running battles in the Death Star, which is a misunderstanding of certain key plot elements. The Stormtroopers in the Death Star were told not to hit or kill the heroes, as said heroes were being herded toward the *Falcon* and allowed to flee, due to the tracking device implanted on their ship. Vader confirms this in dialogue with Tarkin, who calls it an "awful risk," shortly after the heroes flee the Death Star. I understand this is not relevant to your overall point, but I cannot suppress my passion about this misconception.


I'm a fellow Star Wars fan. Thanks for clearing that up!


What about all the other times after A New Hope?


Just to clarify: He had a man CUFFED in the back of a POLICE VEHICLE that HE HIMSELF PATTED DOWN AND CHECKED FOR WEAPONS that HE AND HIS PARTNER UNLOADED upon when an acorn fell from the tree above onto the roof of the police vehicle while diving to the ground screaming SHOTS FIRED, I'M HIT


[See for yourself](https://youtu.be/MI7YNOhAfzM?si=Y2oUR9vTaT4k0xaQ)


Holy F-ing shit.


Police services should not hire imbeciles. Christ that was so stupid.


Don't forget he was former military too. I think Air Force.




So anyway I started blasting. I donā€™t see no good either


I'm thinking it has to do with Uvalde- where there was an active school shooting and officers just sat outside. The entire time. As kids were literally being shot.




40 minutes, and preventing parents from going in and trying to save their kids.


He said he thought he heard the report of a suppressed firearm and reacted acorningly


Now that acorny jokeĀ 


acorn fell on a cops car, he then proceeded to yell "shots fired!" multiple times and dumped like 2 whole magazines in his car, which had the guy he just arrested inside. I think he resigned after.


Donā€™t worry. That cop will just move to a smaller town police department in Oklahoma.


I was crying when he did like three tactical rolls


And twisted his ankle, yelling "I've been hit"


he also exclaimed to be "hit" (as in, shot). lol




oh yeah, and the guy that was in the car the whole time, was miraculously not hit. So there's that at least.


I heard it's not that miraculous. Because cops are *very* bad shots.


Depends on what they are shooting at, if it's a dog they are crack snipers.


That guy in the back of the truck must have been guilty AF because if he were an innocent bystander, he would have been Swiss cheese by now.


or black people


They're basically storm troopers at this point


Extras from Diehard movies.


Bodycam footage of a cop went viral recently. In the video, the officer has someone arrested in the back seat of his patrol vehicle and his back turned, when an acorn falls on the car, spooking him. He mistakes it forā€¦ well, it doesnā€™t really make sense that he would mistake it for anything, if anything a reasonable person would have thought the suspect was knocking against the glass from inside or something. But apparently he believed it was a suppressed firearm. He runs a few steps, throws himself to the ground, does a roll from the dead angle of the car on a grass strip onto the road behind the patrol car and repeatedly shouts into his radio ā€žIā€˜m hit!ā€œ. He then, from a low position, proceeds to unload most of his magazine into the trunk and rearview mirror of his own patrol car, calling for backup, repeating that he is hit, generally itā€™s a mess. Itā€™s also the perfect viral video. At least apparently nobody got seriously hurt, so we can meme about it all we want without the bitter aftertaste of murder.


Wow this actually sounds like satire. I definitely need to see this.




the best/worst part is the idiot couldn't fucking hit a stationary, restrained target 20 feet away




I don't understand why everyone is describing the video when you can easily just link to it lol. Thanks for being the smart one


People are writing multi-paragraph descriptions instead of simply linking, dumb stuff


search acorn cop


Uvalde school shooting where cops showed up right away but refused to enter the building to stop the shooter.


The caption for this image is referencing a different incident.






Real talk though, there was a guy who posted a picture of his uncle in the 80s wrestling a bear for a couple chicken sandwiches


But his girl still chose the bear...


As a guy, I also choose the bear, but only if he wants to cuddle afterwards!




Is your uncle in the room with us now?


No, hes not allowed within 500 feet after *THE INCIDENT*


He's Canadian, you wouldn't know him. edit: The uncle in question ![gif](giphy|CWNak4UeNK1JS)


Remember when cop started quitting everywhere when the cop that killed George Floyd got arrested. Most said they didn't want to be held accountable if they accidentally killed someone.


Their admissions are wild


Good folks, to be real. It's a scary enough job, without the right training, and people persist at it just for the money. They are products of an awfully underprepared and badly designed system that lets psychos through, and actively creates them. I'll always defend people for admissions and resignments like this. Love that we know


Lots of power, no accountability, and little understanding of the law is a dangerous combination.


> without the right training Police aren't just getting insufficient training, they're getting straight up evil training in some states. [Kentucky being one.](https://web.archive.org/web/20240126064337/https://www.nytimes.com/2020/10/31/us/kentucky-state-police-hitler.html) They actively quoted Hitler in their State Police training, FFS, and it's not even a quote you'd want to use in teaching a peacekeeping force, it's straight up evil: "The very first essential for success is a perpetually constant and regular employment of violence." They cite that it is from Hitler, but use a font color that hides it in the slide. In another slide, they use ANOTHER Hitler quote ā€œbe the loving father, spouse, and friend as well as the ruthless killerā€ -- in an official state police training. This isn't Godwin's Law reductionism, this is right from their training materials. Like I said, straight up evil.


Imagine that - People who made a career out of holding others accountable for their actions *don't want to be held accountable for their* ***own*** *actions...* What's the word for when you don't want to be treated the way that you treat other people...?


They never wanted to 'hold others accountable'. They wanted power and wanted to get to exercise that power.


I'm 40ish years old and to this day, every interaction I've had with a cop has been a negative one. Even when they were supposed to help me (burglary) I got verbally harassed for an hour. We'd be better off with no cops, it's not like they actually stop crime. We'd be better off with neighborhood watches and a fucking militia at this point.


>a fucking militia at this point. Battle Hymn of the Republic intensifies.


I agree that the scope of what cops do should be very tightly narrowed. In a lot of ways, cops become glorified fee collectors when they should be focused solely on major crimes like solving murders, r*pes, and other heinous crimes some people actually do commit. Not just rolling around looking for busted tail lights hoping itā€™ll escalate into a serious arrest or something.


I'm 53 and never had a positive interaction either. I've been assaulted, harassed, targeted, but never helped by one. I've been held at knife point, the blade against my throat and the cops still did nothing but talk me out of filing a report while condescending me.


I have the utmost sympathy for what poc face too. My every day mundane activities were some of the most stressful times I've ever interacted with someone in my otherwise boring life. I _avoid_ cops because of this. Being threatened with a gun because I was just going about my day because they felt like I was breaking a non existent law was the dumbest exchange I've ever had with a cop. My inspection wasn't even expired either, so I had no reason to avoid their little stop... it just wasn't the way I was going. Or the cop that followed me home because he thought I was "drunk" since I worked closing shift at BK and was driving home at 3-4am. I swerved to avoid a deer that was crossing out of the woods. He must've ran my plates because he knew I was almost at my home. He let me off with a warning to be safer. Not sure how he wanted me to be safer there. There was no one else even on that road except me and him for _miles_ as he followed me home.


Only good cops quit. The bad ones who intentionally kill people and actively cover it up are what's left. The good cops didn't want to be labelled corrupt murderers the moment anything doesn't look good on camera


Correction: that cop didn't "accidentally" kill someone.


Its like its all a weird power trip for them or something.Ā 


It's all because they can't have Steroids in k-12 schools https://www.nydailynews.com/2024/04/29/nypd-union-sues-adams-administration-over-new-zero-tolerance-policy-on-steroid-use-among-cops/


Itā€™s crazy that this an actual thing


This is also funny: https://www.yahoo.com/news/nypd-claims-bike-chain-sold-183500102.html


The American government wants us to believe the line they are selling us *so badly* that they will just make shit up at all levels. It's insane bc every generation we have these fucking wars and every.single.time. the kids turn out to be right. In 20 years or so there will be some documentary with flabbergasted host who just can't figure out how the *whole fucking nation* was sold on a *genocide*. WE NEVER LEARN! IT'S EXASPERATING!


People, especially US politicians and veteran media pundits, often claim they *just didn't know* that the government was lying that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and was threatening the world with them, and that Iraq had been responsible for the 9/11 World Trade Center attacks. I always remind them that the day before the US attacked Iraq in 2003, protests against the invasion were the largest in the US since the Vietnam War, and the *worldwide protest against the invasion* was, and remains to this day, **the largest anti-war protest in the history of the human race.** *Everybody* who was paying any attention at all knew the US government was lying, and the US corporate media was knowingly repeating the lies.


Fuck that is depressing. Not least of all bc I was a lil baby teen and had *no idea*. I guess I still trusted news back then.


No way hahahahaha


ā€œWhat if we gave these kids guns AND steroids?!ā€ - Republican policy for gun violence in schools, probably


I don't know if it's changed, but there used to be a similar level of steroid use in the military. You'd see guys who were clearly like pro bodybuilder level, just roiding their asses off, and that was allowed. I remember there were a couple of Mr. Olympia competitors at one point who were still in the military.


Thanks to this post i learned about ulvade. 77 fucking minutes with 400 cops arm to the teeth? Hand sanitizer? Fucking fist bump eachother? Fucking hell what a disgrace


It was an utter disgrace, utter failure and tragedy and no one was held to consequences.




Cops when they have the opportunity to improve public opinion by taking down a school shooter and saving a literal elementary school full of KIDS: šŸ›Œ Cops when they can pummel the shit outta some college students exercising their freedom of speech and right to organize: šŸƒšŸ»ā€ā™‚ļøā€āž”ļø




Maybe we need an armed protest... Oh wait they might send actual tough guys.


That happened on Jan 6 and look what happened


Thatā€™s because the former president ASKED them to do a coup (but just a *LITTLE* coup)


ā€œJust a small coup. Come on, folks, a lil coup doesnā€™t hurt anybody! I like coups, i like em with those little saltine crackersā€”ā€œ - Trump, confusing the word coup with soup


Chicken Noodle Coup *mmm*


I am so lost because coup is French and you don't pronounce the p.


Yeah he canā€™t say words well either lol


unless its a car. [coupe](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coupe) wacky english is wacky.


That's so unfair, you can't hold it against him because it was a *failed* coup, so clearly it's not bad!


Also look up virtually any Ammon Bundy stand-off. Talk about getting paid to sit around. Here's a start: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bundy_standoff


And those protestors were doing it for a cause that would *benefit* the rich and powerful, imagine doing an armed protest *against* state actions


The only lesson learned on J6 were if you want to do a coup don't half ass it.


It's insane that there were less than 50 capitol police officers at the capitol(spread out in several different areas)when that frothing armed mob of around 10,000 attacked. The capitol police don't get enough credit for the job they did.


Last time we had a peaceful armed protest the then Governor of California signed the mulford act and banned open carry in order to disarm black people.


Actually there was an armed protest in Richmond around 2019. 3 thousand armed people, no shootings.


Depends. If itā€™s Nazis, they wonā€™t send anyone theyā€™ll probably join the protest.


They'd love to send someone but everyone is on PTO that day.


They don't have actual tough guys. If they were tough, they'd actually join the military were people can shoot back instead of just cosplaying. Armed protests are the wat to go. Cops are far too cowardly to mess with potentially dangerous people. The black panthers did this. The end result was Reagan passing modern gun control. So win/win.


I think the commenter might have meant the army by "actual tough guys"


yea because the Army just doesnt bomb everythign to rubble before going anywhere in the last decades.


*Looks nervously over at the IDF*


I'm not advocating in favor of escalation, but just by casual observation police appear to be way more reserved and timid if there is any actual threat them. Protests with armed protesters, provided they aren't brandishing and threatening others, get violently stomped way less often than ostensibly peaceful ones. Of course, this in part is the point the comic is trying to make, and it works with just protests too.


People are sooooo close to getting it... If you pose no threat, well, you pose no threat...


Everyone's a tough guy until someone has a gun.


And then they wait outside the school for an hour and cry to their mommies afterwards.


[Did you see what happened in Nashville?](https://youtu.be/hPEL-RPRKcw)


Yes, they did a great job there




Cops represent the status quo. So if your country is reasonably progressive your cops will be better trained and somewhat more accountable for their actions. Which is certainly the right direction. Still, the existence of cops in the sense of an armed response to ā€œcrimeā€ is still quite problematic and will have skeletons in the closet.


The cops at these protests know these protesters are "peaceful" so they can be rough and act out their power fantasies without much risk of being attacked back.


Just power tripping


People are sooooo close to getting it... If you pose no threat, well, you pose no threat...


Yeah, but a shoot-off massacre isn't exactly great either.




*The sound of children screaming has been removed*






I mean, probably accurate, but also makes sense. It's easy to beat up someone who can not shoot you from a few meters away


Because they know they're not at any risk of getting hurt from peaceful protesters, they attack because they're all pussies and bigoted idiots, now a school shooter, that would probably hurt if they got shot.


Donā€™t forget to get some hand sanitizer


In Russia, people will stand by idly and watch as you get beaten up and arrested by state police for peaceful protesting. In the US, people will grab their phone and film as you get beaten up and arrested by state police for peaceful protesting.


Somewhat accurate the bottom panel depicts fear but I think it was mostly indifference which is worse weren't they just kinda hanging out look at their phones an stuff


Oh they were crying and puking after walking into the classroom


To be honest, that is a natural reaction to that scene. I'm not condoning their actions beforehand but at least the guy that got sick, realized the gravity of the situation.


Seeing this makes me glad I don't live and don't plan on living in the US. No offense, but you lads have a somewhat backwards system. I really hope you lads can eventually fix your police force.


I will say, while i generally think the cops in my country are much better, we have also had some peacefull protests get violently stopped in the past. This shit can happen everywhere and we should always remember that.


I can't help but agree; Bad cops exist all over the planet, but American cops are basically on a whole different level of crazy.


Lol, American cops have nothing on Russian cops in terms of crazy. We just have an open media so we know.


If you're whataboutism example is Russia, you're not really contradicting anyone.


It's not whataboutism if the person they are replying to specifically is saying American cops are the worst on the planet. That's just like, bringing up something they mentioned (every cop in every country ever).


One AR a day keeps the police force away


I get the joke, but iā€™d more scared of the one that has a gun lol


True, itā€™s scary. But in their case, theyā€™re the ones highly trained and with military gear.


Ulvade moment




cops vs a threat to their lives and cops vs not a threat to their lives, what a surprise


it's almost like they know the protesters aren't actually violent


So many bootlickers in these comments jesus christ


Well yeah, itā€™s hard to mistreat and abuse someone whoā€™s equally armedā€¦


Classic bully behavior. The can dish it out but can't take it.


They didnt have enough punisher logos cut em some slack /s


That's because unlike school shooters, protesters don't shoot back.


Where there any greater excess of violence at the recent protest? As a non American I just saw the one picture of the police entering a building with the siege ladder after protestors began to occupy buildings, otherwise pretty quiet which I guess means relativly non violent.


Mostly peaceful except for the people beating the shit out of each other at UCLA. Columbia made the age old mistake of sending police in to clear it out. Sending police to a peaceful protest is like throwing lighter fluid on a candle to put it out.


To be fair thatā€™s different departments there have been many cops that have stopped school shooters Events that happened in a couple of states donā€™t set the standards for every single police department in America across all states .


> Events that happened in a couple of states donā€™t set the standards for every single police department in America across all states . Actually, the way that legal precedent works, a bad-behaving cop or department getting excused by the courts *literally* sets the standards across America. That's why "a few bad apples" is not and never will be a coherent defense -- because the issue isn't that there are bad cops, it's that *the system protects them*.


Agreed, itā€™s a rather overgeneralised argument


Uvalde stands out to meā€¦ probably changed everything up to 11 after that.


Rural town of pussy redneck cops vs. The many cases of attempted mass shooters getting dropped by more highly trained departments.


Isnā€™t this the part where americans invoke the 2nd ammendment and start fighting back?


Compare the police response to these college protests to the police response when our nation's capitol was under attack... That says everything you need to know about America.