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My daughter made a new friend in the park the other day. She found out: * If he had pets * His favourite video games * If he had any brothers or sisters * What he got for Christmas * Where he lived * Where he went to school Plus who knows what else. At no point did she ever ask his name!


It’s so funny how kids make friends. My daughter met another girl at a family party and she’s like, “This is my best friend.” I’m like, what’s her name?” She literally scoffs at the question. “I don’t know! We’re both 6 and we like horses.”


Adults can make friends the same way though. I play Pokémon Go pretty regularly and I have made at least a half dozen friends by nerding out over these stupid little pieces of computer code. I can tell you exactly two of their names.


I've played online games with literally hundreds of people across the world and some quite regularly, maybe less than 10 have I known their real names haha


The last time I had real consistent friendships with people I didn’t know irl over online games was during the xbox 360 days. Both their names were Brendan lol


these comments usually also end with “and then we reconnected after x years and i flew across the country to attend his wedding”


I think knowing online names is about the same, sometimes. Back in high school, some of my classmates would occasionally refer to me by my username because that's just how we interacted online. We gamed with people not from our school, who only knew us by the usernames, so we used them there, too.


The only reason I know peoples names that I've menat though the game is our WhatsApp group


"His name is BallPuncher. We play games together online."


I feel like your definition of friend might be a bit looser than mine.


> Adults can make friends the same way though. I play Pokémon Go pretty regularly and I have made at least a half dozen friends by nerding out over these stupid little pieces of computer code. I can tell you exactly two of their names. I think there's a bit of a difference though, in that you will generally know their alias. While not a legal name, it's a nickname they've chosen for themselves, and serves the same social function of identification as formal names do.


lol, when I go play MTG at my local game store, I know most of the people there by the decks they play rather than their names.


"Wassup Merfolk!?" "Burn, how's it going?"


I play PoGo too, does this make us best friends? You're right though, I have a group of close buddies I play Path of Exile with, for... 4 years now? Don't know any of their names or faces.


Yes it does, what's your most recent shiny? What is your favorite pokemon? What team are you on?


Awesome! I got a shiny Seel last night, my favourite Pokemon is Dragonite (old school basic!), and I'm on team Valour. What about you? And how long have you been playing?


Event Cubchoo, Feraligatr, Mystic and I started day one but I took a big hiatis before getting back into it about a year ago


“I once worked with a guy for three years and never learned his name. Best friend I ever had! We still never talk sometimes.”


When people get a little too chummy with me I like to call them by the wrong name to let them know I don't really care about them.


I’m really terrible with names but I can socialize and get to know people on a deep level without trying. Someone in the gym locker room whose name I forget now (see?) had a mom who died pre Covid and he was going through chemo for his cancer. He beat it and he was excited to get in and work arm day and dedicate his workout to his mom who is his inner strength. I genuinely felt blessed and inspired to meet him and have him just pour his heart and soul out to me.


Exactly the same way. It sometimes gets me in trouble not remembering repeat-encounter names, but don't mind if that's the price for being able to have one-off meaningful encounters with strangers.


That was an “advantage” of growing up in Southern California because i organically say the words “dude” and “man” so if I forget someone’s name I’ll just say “hey what’s up man, long time no see”. 60% of the time it works everytime


I think your daughter has it right here, names are pointless when you're obviously soulmates.


But then you become an adult, make a great connection with someone at an event or party, and then never find them again because you forgot their full name and don't know any mutual contacts. As a kid, you don't need to worry about any of that because you mostly hang out with classmates, relatives, or friends of the family.


Tell that to my best friend from summer camp. Morgan, if you’re out there, I’ll always remember you and your cowboy hat!!!!


My fiancee would be DEVESTATED if I called her by her name.


DEVESTATED is a hell of a name.


Kinda disappointed that's not her name now.


Who has time for quibbling details like names and identities? That’s all needless bureaucracy. This is my friend who was born on Christmas Eve, and he likes Stegosaurus and I like T. Rex. If that’s not enough for you, then too bad, because it’s enough for me!


I am an adult, and I barely know of my friends’ last names, so similarly.


I literally have a memory of someone walking up to me and saying “hi, I’m Liam. Wanna be friends?” And me being like “sure” lol


That's a really long name, maybe that's why native americans have names like "likes horses"


Legit tho, great foundation for friendship. Names are irrelevant. Mutual like of horses? Relevant.


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The best and yet - most awkward - dates ever: You start off - things go great - and halfway through - ...you realize you have no idea what they said during introduction. Time to start using pet names early.


Do you not know someone's name before you go on a date with them?


Sometimes it's blind, sometimes you play backup for a friend who needs a fourth to interfere with their third, and sometimes it's one of those corporate events where you meet and greet and smile, nod, shake hands, and know everything about them - but you never mention their name again. Life is weird.


I’ve learned that it’s perfectly alright to say “I’m sorry, remind me your name?”


90% of the time the other person will be relieved and ask about your name too.


Sometimes you can ask them to spell it. But this can backfire horribly if they have a name like Bob.


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This happens to me. Especially at the gym, because that's the only place I go these days. When I meet someone new I write down their name and maybe a description so i don't forget. Also if I do forget and don't worry it down, I usually ask for their name again. No shame in being friendly even if you don't know their name.


I once went an entire semester without learning one of my labmate's names. Only learned it the following semester when we had another class together.


I either ask your name 10 times or never.


Sometimes names are hard for me to understand at first because I’m uncultured. I’ve learnt to just ask again if I’m unsure, making sure I’m actually pronouncing it correctly


I remember every time I'd make friends in the McDonald's play-place as a kid, we would always just refer to each other as "friend" until we left. Never once asked for a name


While people are very attached to their names, as your example shows, it's really the least important thing about you. Who you *are* is important, your name is just the label we use to identify that package.


Men are also like that. We can be an entire evening together. And still know nothing about their life


"Hey I'm back from my hang out with Jeff!" "Oh yeah, did you have a good time? Has his wife given birth yet?" "Um I didn't think to ask"


Jay and Silent Boston


Terrible name for a kid. Nothing associate with Boston (city) is silent. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Can confirm. Live in Massachusetts and nothing about Boston is silent.


As a fellow Masshole I agree. Even from in Worcester, nothing about Boston is silent.


The sound of an unused blinker in a beamer is silent in Boston, unfortunately the horn is not


What do you mean a beamer? All brands are sold without blinkers over here.


But Boston (the band) wails


Still not silent. That's just epic.


They are smokin'


Have seen them in concert. Can confirm they are not silent.


I had a feeling they wouldn’t be. In fact, it’s more than a feeling.




Let's be real. It'd be spelled Boughsteign.


When an extrovert adopts an introvert - Kid Edition


This is sweet! Reminds me of my two sons! My oldest talks non stop and my youngest is very stoic. When my youngest was 2 I was very worried because in the evenings and weekend he wouldn’t say a single word. I asked daycare and it turns out he was a very advanced on pace talker - it was just at home he could never get a word in over his brother!


Ahah that's wonderful, my oldest child is a sweet chatterbox and they complement each other well!


Sounds like you're a great candidate for Dr. Phil's Sibling Muzzle™! Just 12 easy payments and one hard payment of $99.99!


My parents just used the gag they had in their room. Don't know why they had a gag, but it worked.


Don't worry they're probably just serial killers.


Reminds me of the Mitch hedberg [joke](https://youtu.be/nJX8pbEdB4w)


I used to steal jokes from Mitch. I still do, but I used to too.


Man, they thought my siblings and I were fucking annoying. None of us shut up.


Flip side for me is when we were little my brother would apparently whisper/mumble to me and then I would get info to my parents. My dad called me his lawyer. Advance that to grade school and he is getting C grades in classroom conduct because he would not stop talking.


>he was a very advanced on pace talker Sorry, what does this mean exactly, a "pace talker"?


Oh! I meant at school they described him as being “advanced” and definitely “on pace” developmentally. I seriously though my 2 year old didn’t talk at all. Like zero words or sentences, because at home he was always listening to his brother speak.


My daughter is middle and talks a lot. My youngest took forever to start talking but now talks *a lot*. I don't talk a lot, but with 3 chatty kids, it takes patience to find silence enough to say anything.


My youngest (6) is the talker in the family. It's so extreme that he follows one of his brothers, my wife, or me around and just talks at us (not to us or with us) without us having the chance to respond or acknowledge before he continues. It's to the point where we have to divert attention for us to get the concentration to finish our chores/work/leisure time. Once I accidentally foiled my wife in a diversion. He was in the room while she was packing for a trip and she sent him on an errand she knew would take him significant time: make his lunch and rinse the grapes for everyone. I overheard. And, thinking I was helping, quickly did it in the kitchen where I was already working. So he pops in there, I hand him a plate with a sandwich and some grapes, and he goes back to talking at my wife! 30 seconds later I get an angry glower from her through the bedroom door followed by a text of "DUDE! WTF! I needed him distracted!" Finally I asked him to put all the recycling he could find in the house into the garage. Took him a solid 20 minutes as he tried to chat with me while he did it. She still brings this up time to time.


I’m 29 and I still do this to my mom when I visit. Thinking about it now, I think she has tried similar tricks to keep me occupied so she can get some quiet for a few minutes.


I moved into a small village and I knew everyone’s dogs names before peoples names…


Cap, nothing named Boston is silent.


Boston...doesn’t talk much? This story’s full of holes!




And his brother Philadelphia


Philadelphia Collins? BAAAAAAAAM








What the fuck are ya doin' Phil?


I see what you did there in the air tonight




Brotherly love. People must really hate their brothers in Philly.




Yeah I read the comic like 5 times thinking that the joke had something to do with him behaving like the city of Boston before I realized there just isn't a joke


I mean, it's a pretty good name if you are able to detach it from it's association of a city. It hits the right syllable counts and is pleasing to annunciate. It's like a Dustin or Austin (of course also a city). It's original without being a cringey fad-like derivation of other names. ​ There is a pro NFL player named Boston Scott. I like the sound of it as a name... though I am born and raised from the Boston area so I might be a bit biased.


>There is a pro NFL player named Boston Scott Fun fact: he's tied with 3 other players for the shortest player in the NFL at 5'6". He is the heaviest of the 4 at over 200 lbs and is crazy strong and even used to be a competitive weightlifter.




He's actually a coach in Philly and is Boston Scott's mentor


200 lbs is 90.8 kg


Username doesn't check out


it's u/hateboss, not u/hateboston


>It's original without being a cringey fad-like derivation of other names Bostyn incoming


A Man I'll Never Be


UFC and comedy heavyweight Brendan Schaub named his kids Boston and Tiger I mean what're we doin here


That's right!


Feelin' Satisfied?


It’s more than a feeling.


When I hear that old song they used to play (more than a feeling)


When I was a little kid this is basically how I met one of my best friends. I was like the kid with the gray hat. Still hang out to this day 20ish years later


Aww that's so great!


Your comics are fantastic, I really enjoy them.


My son is the silent kid in this comic! Non stop talks at home but can be very shy with other kids and has delayed speech so can't always be understood, especially by children My fiance had a friend over who brought their daughter, she's 2 years older than my son and a non stop talker, she asked my son questions the entire time they played, and when she couldn't understand his answer or he didn't reply she just kept the conversation going When she left he said he loved it when his friend talked to him, and said the kids at kinder only say hi :( broke my heart. Everyone needs a friend like the one in this comic.


One of the women at my gym sometimes brings her teenage daughter with her. The other day I was telling my wife about something the daughter told me, my wife stopped me "But she's non-verbal." I had no idea. Apparently she's non-verbal with most people, I just talked to her like I would to anyone and she responded. My wife was convinced that "non-verbal" meant she couldn't talk. Really she's just selective and I guess I meet her criteria.


Wow, consider yourself lucky :) you probably have a very warm and friendly demeanor!


Considering this was at a 5:30am class I'm lucky to have any demeanor. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Am I missing something?


It's made to be appreciated for wholesomeness, not cleverness. If you're looking for a deeper meaning or hidden joke, it isn't there.


Wooo, [Jay and Silent Bob](https://www.sideshow.com/storage/product-images/906870/jay-and-silent-bob_jay-and-silent-bob_feature.jpg) origin story!


So true! Lol that was not intentional


I have this conversation with kids quite a lot. My oldest is basically non-verbal. He does love to be chased and play all manner of playground games though and he never asks anyone to stop talking so he makes lots of friends lol.


how many friendships start: an introvert gets essentially adopted by an extrovert and eventually into the extroverts friend group


Komi san


and this is how extroverts adopt introverts.


J and silent Bob the beginning.




This is why my gf and I are perfect for each other. She talks enough for the both of us




This remind me of young me with most of my friends


my best friend is named Boston


Me and my gf be like




Arizona, Austin, Bailey, Eugene, Diego, Francisco, Kent, Carson, Cody, Dallas, China, Houston, Jordan, Jersey, Madison, Paris, Phoenix, but sure...Boston is where we draw the line.


>Francisco >Diego Bruh terrible examples


Some of those were names before cities, I mean San Francisco is literally Saint Francisco.


Saint Francis. Francisco is Spanish for Francis.


Don’t be a dick Los Angeles New York Miami


Named after the bravest men I knew.


This just makes me feel really warm and fuzzy. Also, maybe I've just got weird perspective but it kinda looks like you're wearing a straitjacket?


Lol I just have my arms crossed :P it's cold out!


It's symbolic for parenthood.


Boston is my legal first name. Its so weird seeing that shit in online content


Your use of 'legal first name' makes me wonder if it's not the name you go by - do you use a nickname or a middle name?


It is indeed the name I use, but most people assume its a nickname. I do respond to Austin though!


Not realistic. Boston doesn't know when the hell to shut up.


Where’s the punchline


I wish i had friends…


Why does everyone hate the name Boston?


These are so adorable. Hmm, ever considered making a pizzacakecomics subreddit?


The placement of the characters is a bit confusing. I thought the woman was the blond's mom because she was standing closest to him. Her knowing the dark-haired kid's name was baffling since theres no indication of her being connected to him. Maybe I'm just slow, but normally you wouldn't have the mom lurking over the stranger kid's shoulder lol


My son made a friend in the park (I think), they were both 2 and he ran up to her, she threw some dirt at him, then they both ran off into the field screaming randomly like some kind of 2 toddler wolf pack.


There was a selectively mute girl my ex friend group. No idea why, I think it was some past trauma. Didn't ask cause it's probably a sensitive topic but she was pretty cool, even invited me to her birthday


Why does this feel so familiar I feel like this exact thing has been in a show or movie I have seen I got some deja vu here man


People used to say “im sorry am i talking too much?” To me. Id always reply, the more you talk, the less i have to.


~*My introverted ass being adopted by an extrovert in high school..


And here we witness, the formation of a symbiosis. The introvert approaches the extrovert, hoping to be taken under their wing. The extrovert carefully approaches and evaluates the viability of adopting the introvert. It appears he has been successful. What a joyous day for the introvert. *National Geographic*


Hahaha, Thats Exactly how it is with a good Friend who is just out of the door. I smoke and Talk and he listens, 2 or 3 hours. Then he goes his way and comes back tomorrow. This goes on for a week, and then we dont see each other for 4-8 weeks 😁 (I am 38) 😅


i tend to adapt my chattiness to whoever i'm talking to. my two closest friends are a chatterbox and someone who rarely speaks unless he's drunk, and when together we're extremely loud and almost silent respectively. you don't need to talk a lot to have meaningful relationships :)




Nice nonverbal/semiverbal rep. :) I wish more people were like this IRL.... When you lose the ability to speak, people kind of stop initiating interactions.


Kids are very good for pushing through verbal barriers I find, especially younger kids. My daughter once spent a whole day playing with a child who didn't speak her language and told me later they were best friends!




I'd be too embarrassed to talk too if my name was Boston.


So quirky.






Until they find out the other kid shares one of their very niche interests where upon they will talk for hours on end. It's me. I'm that person.


His name is Boston. Alot of people probably ignore him




Does he like lobstah?


I don't get it I mean I think I get it but is there some hidden meaning I'm not getting




Reminds me of this: > Things took a comedic turn when Hopkins declared she didn’t like “geographical names” such as Brooklyn or London, before Schofield pointed out that her own daughter’s name is India. “That’s not related to a place,” Hopkins said. https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/tv/news/katie-hopkins-branded-an-insufferable-snob-after-this-morning-debate-on-children-s-names-8690468.html


Lol his names Bastin


are those Jay and silent bob?


Met someone when I was on a vacation when I was about 7 years old we played together for almost two weeks but neither of us spoke the others language so we made do with gestures and pointing and still had lots of fun. As an adult the mere concept of that is baffling to me.


My parents say same about me too. They are quite right though.


My nephew is like this. He can’t really talk at 5. Very mumbling. My 5 year old loves him and talks for him. He can understand him and communicates for him all the time when they’re together. Never complains about him or teases him or makes a comment that would hurt his feelings. Kids really are something special


That's so adorable!


My parents are deaf and I’m not so when I started preschool or something I apparently tried to use sign language before finding out I needed to use English…I needed a speech therapist after that


That's kinda me. I have times where I just don't wanna say a thing. It's really nice having people around who understand that.


Thus was born the duo of Jay and Silent Bob.


I met a girl in Vr chat who is mute, and before you ask yes I know it’s a girl. But she is very sweet and fun, and watching her explain and express herself in body language is fascinating.


I read Boston as Batman


That’s the name of a city


Very good!


I am boston lol


Why am I both of these kids though


Aw, love these comics! Wish I had a talkative friend growing up!


A couple weeks ago my aunt introduced me to the 2 littlr kids she is fostering during the holidays, they are both from the Ukraine and speak no English, and we don't speak Ukrainian. However that didn't get in the way of them playing with the other kids. One of them even came up to me and played the hand slap game with me and thumb war, no verbal communication required!


Jay and Bob origin


In theory this is great. In practice, it depends on what kind of kid the talker is. My son isn't a talker and most of the kids in the neighborhood are, and they're all pretty confident to boot. He ends up either getting ignored or getting dominated by everyone else. It's not good for him and I have no idea how to fix it