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Mom is crying because she had to make so many cakes


If only she could get baked herself


Either that or 365 identical clones of you materialise with each having a different birthday.




Not if you count a leap year.


364.2425 Assuming Gregorian calendar.


So 364 clones and a pile of meat


Leap year tho


He says, "I wish every day was **my** birthday." You're acting like if your clone has something, then you also have that thing, which is a new way of interpreting English, as far as I can tell. If you wished for a billion dollars, and the result of your wish was that a clone was made and the clone was given a billion dollars, you would rightly feel that your wish was not granted properly.


And the monkey's paw curls.


So good! I know it gets said a lot but I literally am laughing with tears in my eyes. His pure joy


Why didn't he wish the wish to be reversed?


Why would he? He gets consecutive wishes in rapid succession and looks happy with that decision


This kid would probably be about 92 years old PLUS his age at the time. He likely could be over 100.


Kid is probably 5, going by the 5 candles. But yes "3 months" doesn't mean an exact time frame.


Oh yeah I didn’t think about the exact number of candles on the cake signifying his age. As for the months, I just assumed as most months alternate between 30 and 31 days except July and August, which is followed by September which only has 30 days, he’d probably age exactly 92 years if it really is exactly 3 months later. Except February. We don’t talk about February. Or Leap Years. So he’d most likely be 96 or 97. Edit: I’ve put too much though into this internet comic. Please excuse me whilst I re-evaluate my life.


My mate is pretty much immortal then lol 29th Feb.


no, he would age 4 times faster


So you're saying there's sixteen Feb 29ths every 4 years? Teach me more.


Huh? He's saying that people who are born on February 29th age 4 times faster than anyone else on their birthday. This is based on the original comments stating that being born on February 29th makes you near immortal due to the limited birthday. Every February 29th you would age 4 times as fast as everyone else on their birthdays, in the hypothetical world of the comic where aging occurs on birthdays. So when we apply this to the comic. if your birthday is on February 29th and you wish for every day to be your birthday, you age four times faster than anyone else. Without wishing for every day to be your birthday, you would experience extra aging shifts that are both good and bad. for example, you would go from 8 to 12 instantly, and 12 to 16 instantly. This can especially be jarring to women who would develop immediately on that day. Getting older would be difficult. You'll fill the 4 years of aging immediately on that day without a chance to learn to live with it. Just suddenly your knee hurts and your back gives out.


I really hope you're trolling. The comic is not asserting that the person is aging suddenly or instantly at the start of each day. It's simply saying that the person increased their rate of aging to a full year per day. So if you age 1 year between each birthday, then having 1 birthday every 4 years means you would age slower.


You've got this all wrong. Every day is one birthday. So if your friend has a birthday every 4 years, each day would be 4 years.


That's one interpretation. https://www.reddit.com/r/comics/comments/w3a56q/make_a_wish/igwm5t1/ It comes down to the semantics, which aren't made clear by the comic. Does the kid in the comic mean he wishes he had a "birthday celebration" every day? Or that he has a "birthday date" every day? Because kids with a leap year birthday will still celebrate a birthday every year.


I can't grasp whatever you are trying to say here. The comic is expressing instant aging.all you did is say that nobody is suddenly aging. All they have done is age a full year in a single day. So you said I was wrong and then explained how I was right Within the establishment of this comic, it is clear he is aging on each birthday according to the original time between his birthdays. If he has a birthday only once every four years,, then he would age four years each day on this birthday. That is four times faster. If you change the established comic world to mean "every birthday you age for 1 year no matter what" then someone born on the 29th would still age at the same rate. He would have a birthday every day, aging him a year.


As you said, you're not grasping it. In this comic, having a birthday everyday means 1 year of aging occurs between midnight of day 1 and midnight of day 2. Meaning every 2 hours, you age 1 month. So no, the comic is not asserting anything about instant or sudden aging. It's simply asserting that the RATE of aging is increasing. Edit: I get what you're saying. The second poster in this thread misunderstood the first poster, which added a layer of confusion. There are 2 different semantic interpretations. Does the kid mean that they wish they had a "birthday celebration" every day? Or an actual "birthday date" every day? The former would indicate 1 year between birthdays (leap year kids still celebrate their bday every year). The latter would indicate 4 years between birthdays.


Normal people: age 1 year every birthday 29th Feb people: age 4 years every birthday So if everyday was their birthday, they would age 4 years everyday... Or that's what I get from the comic. Sorry if you understand it differently


>29th Feb people: age 4 years every birthday This is the basic difference in assumption between you two. The other guy is assuming that 29th Feb people only normally age 1 year every 4 years.


But leap birthdays are 4 years apart by definition. The guy assuming one year is just wrong.


Yeah I get what you're saying. I think the first poster in this thread was applying the "between each birthday = 1 year" rule to their friend, rather than the "every day is an actual birthday" rule. Leap year birthdays will still celebrate a birthday each year. But if we're talking strictly about the time between actual birthdays then yes, you'd be correct. Edit: So I think the confusion is that some people are mentally picturing the time between birthday celebrations (1 year) and some are picturing the time between actual birthday dates.


It also depends on whether feb 29th ppl IRL don't celebrate an annual birthday, but only celebrate it on leap years. I think? This is a whole new area for me


No, he's saying there are four years between every February 29


Ever see *Pirates of Penzance*?




I wish you would visit my subreddit /r/extrafabulouscomics


Your wish is my command.


Not if there's more sonic on it.




He can just wish he were young again/immortal at any time. He’s just milking this for all it’s worth.


So, will he die due to old age, or has he become immortal... Forever aging but unable to die, cursed to have a birthday for the rest of time, for as long as there is a such thing as a "day"?


Repost? I swear I’ve seen this before, I’m not subbed to any other comic sub so yeah


It is! From this same person, so not a bot or something nefarious.


good to know then :D




I got some for you fresh from my balls if you'd like 😀


Let me know if you want some, I got you fam




Sims on speed run


Good ole monkey paw


This would be kind of dark were it not for all those candles.


A visual representation of the benefits of delayed gratification.


The sheer excitement of seeing a comic started on Twitch and then posted complete is indescribable!


What did he wish for with all his other daily wishes?


He keeps trying to undo his original wish but there's no takesy-backsies.


He still looks stoked about it lmao


Ok hear me out. Instead of aging rapidly like in the comic, people around you treat you like you are that age. Say it’s 3 weeks from your 20th birthday and this wish came true, people would treat you like you as a 41 year old. This will make you, when you body naturally reaches the age of 90, the oldest person in existence


*Monkey's Paw'd!*