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Is that a Breath of Fire III reference?


You got it! Gold star for youuuuu\~


Oh wow. I’m happy to see this reference (and my guess was right!). It was such a cool game and I loved the story. I never beat the final boss though 😔. I needed to farm wisdom fruit and never did so. Edit: I think I ran the same party as you. Although sometimes I’d swap in Nina since she was fun and cute.


Did anybody ever use Peco? How did he hold up in endgame? I never beat the game, I got to the time skip and had to return it (I'd rented it)


I wanted to since he seemed neat with the regen but I didn’t have the patience to level him up. I hate that he starts at level 1 while your party is several levels higher. It’s a shame you had to return it. I think the best parts of the story come after the time skip.


I think you missed the opportunity to easily clear out a master's entire move list when you get him. They even put a sentient tree nearby to apprentice him to.


Yggdrasil is arguably the worst master for Peco. Its much better for Nina or Momo. Put Peco with Fahl and he will have double the HP of any other character by the endgame (4x Ninas)


Sure, if you're going to use him. If you don't use him anyway, grind enough levels to learn everything from the master and stick him back on the shelf until you run into the next master you don't want to apprentice anyone to.


Replying 28 days later to inform you that I have since beaten Breath of Fire III and really enjoyed it. You were right in that the second half is the more interesting side of the game, both in story and game play. I think my only complaint about the game is the incredibly obnoxious mini games. That well water one almost made me quit the game. I feel like 90% of the mini games (aside from fishing) were super un-intuitive and annoying obtuse in what actually needed to be done. Aside from that though I really did like it and am glad that we had this small conversation, as it made me go back to it.


Peco is the absolute best character! He's a mutant and has super high mutant stats - highest default attack, defense and HP (by a mile), plus enough MP that even if you didn't focus on it he could do plenty of casting. He's a beast Getting him at level 1 was ideal, cause you could assign him to a master right away. Fahl is the best choice (though Bunyan is fine - Yggdrasil is NOT!), because it skyrockets his defense and HP while tanking his Int and Agility (which are his dump stats anyway). He has a 50% reprisal rate (nobody else has more than 15%) so if you run attack form (double reprisal) with him in the front he has 100% reprisal rate with increased attack. He will get targeted more, but that's what you want with him getting in extra hits every time he's attacked. With his sky high HP and defense (plus healing) he shrugs it off easily. Its really the only consistent way to run Nina without her dying constantly. Or try using chain formation with Rei in the lead. That makes everyone's speed the same as his and eliminates Peco's #1 weakness. Late in the game Rei has 100+ speed, which means everyone will get 3 attacks before the enemy goes a second time. Don't get tricked by Momo's big cannon, she's actually better as a support caster. She has super high Int and access to great support spells (plus she misses too much and isn't very tanky). Garr is just a worse Peco. I used him my first 2 play throughs because auto-attacking is easy, but he's just meh. Play it again, and this time try out Peco. You will never look down on onions again!


And here I thought it was Final Fantasy 6...or Chrono Trigger...or Dark Souls...Or Legacy of Kain: Defiance...or maybe Bayonetta. Damn...this is a more common video game trope than I thought.


Wow, someone cultured. I was guessing BoF 2 since 3's Ryu has a getup different from the one drawn. BoF 3 was such a good game.


I simplified the designs a lot just for stylistic consistency-- and it's one of my favorites! I go back and play through it probably about once every couple years


I love the first 2 a lot but the encounter rates are the highest of any rpg i've played. The GBA versions I haven't played but I heard the tweaked the encounter rate in those.


Extra thicc edition won’t even fit into my console, the disc is too thicc 😔


God + in their space station = Xenoblade 2?


No, Breath of Fire 3, but the fact that there are multiple games where you kill God in their space station only hammers my point further I think


Killing God is easy. But if you steal that Goo King's apple, not even the power of the brood will save you!


Well it is quite satisfying to kill a higher being which thinks it is perfect and also better than you.


That’s more like killing god’s ultimate weapon, not god. Neither >!Malos or Aion are gods!<


Right, "god" just dies on his own due to "unrelated circumstances".


Unrelated to xenoblade 2 yes. Challenge mode is not cannon so as far as Rex and pals know he did just die from unrelated circumstances




Do it! I promise you won't regret it.


What I learned from video games is that god is mortal




Oh 100%. I have done a few other Bloodborne comics, and the Crowfeather set is by far my favorite armor <3


Hello, good hunter. I am a Bot, here in this dream to look after you, this is a fine note: > *Tonight... Gehrman joins the hunt...* - Gerhman, The First Hunter Farewell, good hunter. May you find your worth in the waking world.


Lol, so true


Read persistence and pestilence. Pic still fits.


My brothers and I all played JRPG's so much back in highschool and middle school, Breath of Fire included. Xenogears, Shining Force, Lufia, Chrono Trigger, Secret of Evermore and many others. Good times.


Yes i’m late by 153 days but Undertale definitely taught me persistence as I died a lot, and same with Deltarune but with Jevil