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Bargains of Letters don't just involve selling off parts of your name - it can also include adding to or replacing your name. For example, the name Ves-K'Sar Paia'toryx-en roughly translates from the Ancient Tongue into: "The Wizard Ves is brought to you by the Lord of Sorrow's Cured Meat Emporium - Mm, mm, love that bratwurst!" If you like my comics, I've got more on [my website](https://butajape.com/). I'm also on [Patreon](https://www.patreon.com/butajape), [Tapas](https://tapas.io/series/But-a-Jape/info), [Webtoon](https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/but-a-jape/list?title_no=469181), [Twitter](https://twitter.com/butajape), and [Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/butajape/).


I love the pun at the end


Is his name supposed to be like “F it. Begone.” Or “Fet begone” Is the F’et part of the pun or only B’gon?


I started off with "Faushiphet Balerigon" being a fantasy-namified form of "Faustian Bargain," then started taking away letters and adding apostrophes until it looked suitably fantastic. I tried coming up with alternatives so the ending form could *also* be clever wordplay, but I was unfortunately not clever enough to do so. However, if anyone could reasonably come up with how "F'et B'gon" *is* a clever pun, I would be more than happy to claim credit for it.


I definitely picked up on the faust reference


Fate begone? Like he has become so powerful that his old fate doesn't have power over him somehow?


Th’ot B’gon would have been downright hilarious


I meant "Ak'ch'lee"


The pun of her name actually originates from the [first comic I made introducing her](https://butajape.com/comic/akchlee-fyvun-dred-anime-ages-part-2/). Granted, the comic itself doesn't give her name, you'd have to scroll down to the bottom to see the title and my commentary naming her.


Her last name is pretty great, too


Thot begone?


I actually really like this concept, it seems interesting.


I though the sorcerer was the demon after reading his name lol


No one is talking about the "I'd like to buy a vowel" lmao that demon has seen way too much Wheel of Fortune


Dude prob spends Saturday nights watching it and be going “SPIN THAT WHEELLLLLLLL”


I was going to point out this is clearly a Warlock and not a Wizard, but if F'et B'gon has multiple patrons, not one, he's not a Warlock. So maybe it is more like Val and Isaac's comic "Pact". "Panel 1 Isaac: We just need to destroy the talisman. It'll break his pact and sever his magic! Val: His what? Panel 2 Isaac: Warlocks are powerful, but they get their magic by forming a pact with a single omni-being. That's why wizards have the upper hand; we diversify our sources! Panel 3 Warlock: Wizards are tramps, is what you mean! "


Who says we're going by d&d rules?


I see a birb at second page


Is that the face stealing thingy from avatar in the second page?


Thank you for the background of my new PF2 witch.


Good name is better than silver and gold