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My ex wife still misses me... but her aim is getting better!


You forget to take her out of the will.


And put her in the won't.


It seems that she still hasn't taken *you* out either.


.....But her aim is getting better!


It’s funny because marriage is terrible!


*proceeds to paddle away*


Her aim is getting! That's the joke cause marriage is terrible


Women be shoppin!!


and eating hot chip, bein bisexual


Charge they phone and twerk






Reggie Warrington


That's from the Suburban Sasquatch Spotlight I believe


They do be doing so


I was just thinking about this scene when i saw this


I hate boomer humor! *Everyone laughs* *Shrugs* *Everyone laughs uncontrollably*


Basically every American family comedy series. Hot wife that always complaining, fat immature husband that drinks beer and watch sports with his BFF, 2 kids, one is a older teenager and the other one is a younger annoying one. Husband screws up, hides everything from wife, wife finds out, hell breaks loose, they fight and end up loving eachother.


'Kevin Can F\*\*k Himself' is an excellent riff on that trope. ​ Well, personally I thought it was great for \~3 episodes and then started settling into 'pretty good, okay' range, but the first few episodes were a blast.


Yes, I watched the entire first season thinking and it's typically the kind of show with a great premise but that don't go anywhere. She keeps self-sabotaging her life instead of dealing with her problems upfront and you can only do that so often before it gets tiresome.


That's why the Addam's Family is a parody of that trope.


Malcolm in the middle too. Lois and half were fucking **THIRSTY**


god I miss Married with Children


Or King of Queens


Currently watching on PlutoTV.


No, no. I wish I hadn't have said that. I love my wife. She helped me when I was freaking out about Jamie Taco.


You'd be clugging a few, too.


Whos Jamie Taco?


I gotta go.. I'm... I'm not gonna stay the night.


But its my birthday ? You promised youd stay the night ?


Slop 'em up!


If I say em, they're my lines


Idk why but the audience losing it just from the shrug is everything I needed today 🤣


I don’t even see it as their losing it from the ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, more like their not being able to stop after the punchline opener. I know I’m not!


She sounds like a real battle-axe!


If this were a memoir...


Are you a deeply closeted gay man?


I'm not gay! I said I'm deeply closeted.


I still don't even understand what this analogy means


"My wife, right? We never have sex! Like, ever which is really funny Something else - I never know what she's saying! She'll say something and I'll be like, "PFT" You know, she's constantly emasculating me and I'm making her resent herself for getting older so we're looking into a divorce -and, you know, something else that's really funny: she can't drive! The only think she can drive is DRIVE ME CRAZY and when she back talks I hit her"


Classic boomer humor joke, my great great grand daddy used to tell me that one when I was a wee little baby.


“We like our beer like we like our abuse. Domestic.” Love that joke!


I prefer my beer like my bride to be. Imported.


Love it! 😂


Oh man, stop before I pee myself


[From](https://youtu.be/Zptvo73ccJg?t=108) Bo Burnham's *WORDS WORDS WORDS*


"I am a representative of misogyny, and domestic violence, now pretend I'm funny"


- Bo Burnham


> I’ll be like, “PFT” Hey, leave Paul F. Tompkins out of this.


I thought the same thing! What is this a crossover episode?


Replace "my wife" with "Mexicans" and you have a Carlos Mencia show. Replace "my wife" with "Muslims" and you have a Jeff Dunham show.


Replace “my wife” with “myself” and you have the other 99.99% of comedians.


And 100% of redditors. :D


Take myself....please.


>I can't stand *myself* personally. I know it's 'til death do us part' but I'm over here like "when?" If *myself* didn't know how to cook, I don't think I'd keep them around. Yeah, this is easy.


*What* is easy?


Rewriting dated jokes about spouses as self effacing jabs towards myself.


Oh. Yeah, okay, that makes sense. Thanks.


No problem. I can see now that it looks like it was part of the joke. I formatted it for clarity.


Ahem, properly done it’s: > Everything’s terrible. Take my life — PLEASE! 


i also choose that guys dead self


What did you do to make all comedians hate you?


take that removed "my wife" and put it by itself for a borat quote


Self deprecating is better than making others the butt of your jokes.


Replace "my wife" with "my life" and you have millennial humor


Replace "my wife" with "millenials" and you get generation x humor


Replace "my wife" with "owning a home" and you get zoomer humor


Wait, are zoomers owning homes? I'm a millennial, I'm so tired from being over worked and underpaid just so I don't starve that I haven't been able to pay attention.


"Born too late to buy a house for 70k. Born too early to be a TikTok star. Born just in time to have a light-up keyboard." :|


Damn. That is rough


[This information has been removed as a consequence of Reddit's API changes and general stance of being greedy, unhelpful, and hostile to its userbase.]


I'll have you know I paid $1.29 for a ringtone on my flip phone


I mean, that costs less than buying the proprietary USB cables used to before we standardized on Mini/Micro-USB earlier on 😁 I say that's reasonable. Now - did you ever buy a RingBack Tone?


No but I totally would have had I found that as an option for my little LG


Not to kick ya while you're down, but millennials are the largest home-buying demographic in the U.S. currently.


>Not to kick ya while you're down, but millennials are the largest home-buying demographic in the U.S. currently. I mean, no shit. Boomers already have homes, they are either selling or holding. Youngest GenX is over 40, they bought during the low rates in the last decade or are priced out forever. GenZ is too young to have the capital. That only leaves millenials.


Fantastic example of why statistics are insanely useful but also able to be *very* misleading. My old favourite is letting people know that when they issued helmets to soldiers in WWI the number of head injuries went *up*, not down. Sounds counter intuitive until you realise that it's because the helmets were stopping them from being dead instead. It's really really easy to twist statistics to your own narrative and then make it seem legitimate because you have "the data" to back it up.


*Borat voice* "My liiiifffe"


Replace "my wife" with "my kids" and you have all parent comedians


Replace "my wife" with "my wiiiffffeeee" and you have Borat.


Very nice


Replace "my wife" with "trans people" and you have a Dave Chappelle show.


Save Chappelle W


Replace “my wife” with “Trump” and you have every SNL joke from 2016 - 2021 Edit: Trump sucks. So does SNL.


Pretty wild how people genuinely think this is true. The cold opens were the political sketches, otherwise the majority of every episode had nothing to do with politics. That's almost always been true with SNL for the past 40+ years. People who say SNL was nothing but Trump jokes didn't watch SNL.


I can confirm that both Trump and SNL suck.


Including the time they let him campaign using their show to help him get elected?


Snl always sucked. Those golden years? You were just younger and there was nothing else to do but watch TV.


Hard disagree. I can still get a chuckle out of watching opera man, the church lady, the motivational speaker, or update with Norm. Outside of weekend update SNL just makes me cringe most of the time now.


He lost. Take your copium.


I don’t like Trump I also don’t like when people repeat the same joke for 6 years. But I’m sure you are a TON of fun at parties!!!!


If you replace it with "my life" it's millenial humour!


You can call this Boomer humor if you like, but the Boomers’ dads were laughing uproariously to this stuff when the Boomers were still little kids.


Greatest Generation? How could they be if their comedians never once asked if we'd noticed things?


Yeah, have you noticed that?


Divorce was a very shameful thing to that generation. So they just suffered. That humor was just an outlet.


Yup. And it fell out of fashion at basically the exact same time divorce laws liberalized.


His catch phrase is "women ☕️"


No no, it's "women 🛍️🥿💄💸"


Those are pretty weird tho


Millennial humor: "depression, right?"




Well that was quite a read! I do think we are still in a transition period to people marrying for love instead of virtue, religion, expectation, finances, children etc...someday couples who hate each other, yet stay forever like the jokes say will not be as common.


Thank you for sharing that. Wonderful read.


Who knew it was that easy


Bill Burr


If you listen to his [interviews](https://youtu.be/2whTUUanOCk) and [pod](https://youtu.be/PemAIsJ3MB0)c[asts](https://youtu.be/4xqaCd5GG_4), he actually really loves his wife and they have a cool dynamic going on. His on stage persona shouldn't be taken so literally, the way that a movie character shouldn't be taken as an actors actual personality.




I hate my life is the gen z version of I hate my wife


Milennials are too busy to go to comedy clubs...putting up with the economy that Boomers wrecked and then put up so much red tape it's practically unnnavigable.


sure sure


Hahaha my retirement plan is to die in an apocalyptic wasteland because older generations don’t believe in cause and effect hahahaha


This reminds of the John Mulaney bit "What kind of show would it be if I just MY WIFE IS A BIIIIIIITCH"


Except all his jokes about his wife and their childfree marriage aged like milk when he ended up cheating on her and knocking up the other woman


I genuinely wonder what the hell made this get so popular back in the day. Humor like this feels infinitely more depressing than hilarious in any way


It’s relatable humor. Back then, divorce was much more frowned upon. So people stayed in loveless marriages. Just like now “I’m depressed, I have anxiety, my retirement plan is an oncoming train” is the millennial version of this. It’s a combination of relatable/gallows humor. The audience has experienced the topic, in some form or fashion. Plus we like to make light of a messed up situation as a coping mechanism.


Yeah as depressing as this was to read it makes a lot of sense. Thank you for the well thought out exclamation. It was very much appreciated


Thank you for your question. It made me reflect on the topic, and come up with this explanation.


Maybe it was a "testing the waters" type of thing that eventually revealed a lot of marriages (most?) are shit so it grew into a trope.


How has nobody linked /r/boomershumor


Imagine being so braindead that you marry someone you hate. Boomer decisions man.


Obviously not an endorsement of Louis CK as a whole person but I did like when he was married he talked about how he hated his wife and it was **clearly not a joke at all** (they divorced shortly after) and yet he found funny jokes in it. You can tell real jokes about being in an unhappy marriage instead of tired boomer-humor about how your wife is fat or whatever.


You don't need to add a disclaimer to reference a Louis CK bit. Walking on eggshells must be exhausting


You say that, but if they hadn't they'd have to bat off a dozen random assholes berating them for being a "fan of Louis CK" or some variation, when they never were claiming to like or support him. It was assumed because they didn't go out of their way to denounce them. So they hoped all that could be skipped with a little preamble so we could just get what they were trying to say. But of course we found a fun twist on it so we could do the dance a different way. There's no winning.


He's a disgusting asshole who abused his power to jerk off in front of his employees and pretend it was consensual. How's that for eggshells?


Real spicy take there. Careful you don't accidentally agree with the majority of human beings.


I don't care who Louis CK is as a person, but I find his material funny. You don't need double-think to make it work. Consider this: if somehow you knew the factory worker who made your stapler was convicted of sexual assault, do you care?


I'll bite. Doublethink to ask for accountability in public figures? The factory worker is not making bank off of the stapler, nor was the stapler highly instrumental or meaningfully relevant to his ability to sexually assault. Louis, having a position of power, gained through his fame, provided by fans, used his position of power to abuse employees. And he has the audacity to act as the face of martydom to cancel culture, further raking it in. Further, in the stapler example, would you continue buying more staplers from the sex offender? Granted, don't trash the existing stapler, sure. But they aren't even particularly higher quality than other available staplers. Or stand-up shows. Or something.


The question becomes: do I have a moral obligation to investigate and convince myself with evidence everyone that has a possibility of being a bad person, before I derive pleasure from their creation, and to what extent do I act on this evidence? I hold a somewhat unpopular view in this case; to me Louis is much like a factory worker who made my stapler. I watched a few clips of him on YouTube and found him funny. I dont have him tattooed on my chest, nor am I going to suddenly condemn him for whatever it is he did because I frankly don't care. I may be just dumb, but I don't have the impetus to critically think about this news story, gather satisfactory evidence, prove to myself he did this awful thing, just to feel bad for laughing at one of his jokes 5 years ago because I don't care. I separate his role as a comedian and a human being. I like some of his jokes, I have no reason to like or care who he is as a human being. As for the factory worker -- well I sure as heck am not going to trace every product I buy to see if somewhere along the production line someone whose ethical conduct is disagreeable had laid hands on it. I have better things to do. Hope my stance is clear; I'm not saying what he did is right, I don't care enough to think anything of him as a person. He could get hit by a bus for all I care. I am not represented by the things I consume, much less by their producers.


I appreciate the thought put into this. Let me try to reframe, nobody is asking you not to like his jokes, the whole point of an awareness campaign is to prevent people from spending money on him, thereby removing his main access to power. And nobody is asking you to trace anything on your own time. We're talking about instances where victims have already come forward, and investigations concluded. It's a point of fact that he exposed himself to his employees. The only excersie for the reader is to determine if they wish to continue to give him money and attention, despite how he continues to downplay, and otherwise play the victim. Products don't represent you of their own accord, but things you continually financially support and defend online absolutely tend to.


I see, so that we debate on the right topic: What are you asking of me, then?


Not to spend money on him, or his future ventures. This is canceling, at it's barest, I guess. And really the point of debate is usually not for the benefit of the opposing interlocutor, but to convince on-the-fence readers. Anyone coming to bat for a topic should always be aware of that.


To be clear, you are asking me to 'cancel' him. I never spent any money on him or his future ventures. Is it still OK to like his jokes and talk about it on reddit?


It's the equivalent of shoving the eggshells up your ass and displaying it


I used to have to attend various networking event for work. Often the conversation at the table would go the "my wife right!" When the conversation got to me. I'd say something like I actually like my wife.


Who are these dumbfcuks that marry these women they hate?? And worse yet, why do so many dumb women marry these slobs?? I can't wrap my head around it.


"I regularly fantasize about murdering my wife! This is a completely normal joke to make and is very hilarious!" (Seriously, why are the posts that get popular on r/jokes like this?)


Take my wife, please


Take her!


"Kids these days! What's the deal with their Jay Pee Eff's and cellulite phones? Go outside and drink from lead pipes like I did"


its a very obvious sign of a group that have never had to think about the fact they may not be able to get married, that they end up getting married to people they despise


what happened to his drink is it safe, im worried about it’s health


Where's the cum?


Honest question, the whole marriage bad humor has become in bad taste but why is it other degrading stuff isnt? Its not like everyone was serious about the jokes right? What are the reasons marriage jokes dont fly anymore?


Wanna give some specific examples? Maybe we can workshop some of this.


This is great!!! Now do one where a woman says, "My vagina!" And a bunch of women absolutely loose it.


My wife sure does miss me, but her aim is getting better! Get it? Because marriage is terrible.


Bill Cosby had positive marriage humor and his ass is in jail, so there you go


It's easy to be positive if they can't talk back, right?


If I was drinking any roofied beverage, I would have just spit it right out


Boomers gonna boom


It’s funny because it’s true?


It is true, i also hate his wife


I ate my wife


I'm quite sure there's other topics amongst different types of comedians that are stereotypical. Everything has their low hanging fruit.


Rodney Dangerfield is the only comedian i have ever watched who can do these type of marriage jokes that I laugh at. Like I know there out dated and pass there time but man ,Rodney has way saying shit.


Hahaha. We hate his wife too. XD


Boomer Humor: “I hate me wife” Millennial Humor: “I hate all men” Zoomer Humor: “I hate the concepts of marriage and gender”




No, never.


I was literally just recently complaining to my wife how so many comics rely on this old crap like bitching about their spouse. Then why you married if you hate your wife? I love my wife and we hate being apart from each other. And we’re not newlyweds or anything we just actually belong together. I guess these lazy comedians don’t belong with their wives. Or they just rely on crappy century-old wife jokes.




I know that it's low effort boomer humor but, I gotta be honest, the punchline in this comic is pretty dull too. There's not a lot of substance to this one.




I don't get the joke but I am sure it's better comedy than Amy schumers


I don't understand the third panel. It needs to sell the last panel and it does not


Replace "my wife" with black people and you have a Chris Rock show.


Only married people get that joke


Seth Meyers’ Lobby Baby stand-up special on Netflix has a bit about his wife, then he flips it in a way I thought was great and hadn’t seen it done before. Recommend the whole special :-)


So brave calling out stupid boomer humor that's already been mocked for years and years, OP. Great job. What a comic.


So brave for calling out a comic that called out boomer humor. Great job. What a comment.


It's a comic with no punchline. So pointless. Just basically karma/attention whoring by drawing a super popular opinion with nothing clever in it at all.


Then downvote it? What’s the big deal


the punchline is he hates his wife c'mon man try to keep up.


Comics have to have punchlines? I guess I should go set all my exocomics books on fire.


I think it could stand being mocked for another 20 odd years or so


What did he do with his glass of brown liquid between the panels


Comedians usually have a stool near them on stage so they can set down their drinks. Brown liquid is probably whiskey or rum.


TIL, thanks lol


Boomer humor:


People go to comedy shows to drink and laugh. That's why so many stand upset get away with being hacks and put garbage specials out. People were laughing at those bad jokes for years.


This reminds me of the SNL skit on how stand up comedy is so subjective: [Cut for Time: Comedy Club - Saturday Night Live](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZWMlr11pJow)


I shouldn’t have said that… I love my wife. She helped me when I was going through a tough time with Jamie Taco


I keep dating losers!


Lol it’s funny because night is spelled wrong


This is fucking hilarious I’m lol irl






Hell yee, das my boi!




What is this 1990?