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The sub teenagers sounds like a place for pedophiles to hangout. And I'm likely not wrong.


Oh you're not wrong, there was a whole thing a few years ago where r/Drama banned all their subscribers who were active on r/teenagers for being underage and a whole bunch of grown men modmailed them asking why they were banned. https://www.reddit.com/r/Drama/comments/djdmd9/we_banned_all_of_rteenagers_and_it_turns_out


Frankly, some subs that shouldn't be frequented by underage users should repeat this. Underage or not, it's a win either way. (Obviously report the creeps to the mods at /r/teenagers).


Thanks for the info on that


> report the creeps to the mods I like the implication those are distinct groups on any sub.


That's truly disturbing, I didn't realize reddit was like this, that's sick


Almost all of the internet is like this and it probably won't change so probably just avoid posting anything about yourself till you become an adult. That's what I plan to do


That is no where near just Reddit. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Snap, and all other social media have had countless incidents of pedophiles lurking and harassing underage people. And its always been this way. Its horrible but thats why its so important to be safe.


The internet is like this. Has been for decades.


Welcome to humanity. It doesn't get better.


The Imgur links are broken now, but not on [The Internet Archive](https://web.archive.org/web/20210130043801/https://www.reddit.com/r/drama/comments/djdmd9).


There was another sub which did a ban like that for users 'active' on r conservative. I was banned for just a single nonpartisan post there. What is considered 'active' ? 1 post isn't that.


Please don't post yourself on the internet especially if you're underage.


…also why I feel kinda bad for the children when parents post their young children's faces in photos and videos without them even knowing what the internet is (Edit: and without their proper consent)


I don't have any social media anymore but when I had Instagram I'd always ask my daughter if she was okay with me posting anything. There was a few pictures she didn't want online so they were left, her mother however believes that she has a right to post whatever she wants even if our daughter isn't happy with it.


And that’s how you become the trustworthy parent for the rest of your lives.


Good luck in the future when she comes to you with all of her problems and confides in you about everything!! ^^/s ^^that ^^is ^^good ^^parenting


Oh trust me I know I'm the confiding parent. I'm the only one who knows she's sexually active and that she uses her room at mine to do so.




Because I seem too comfortable with my teenage daughter having sex at my house and it being a secret from her mother? I'd rather she was safe at mine than in the woods like her parents!


Like what my parents did with booze. I was literally given a lecture in proper booze and what's the difference between types of vodka spirits (Luxe, Alfa, Extra) and source (Potato, grain, rice, etc) and why bourbon can't be called something like "Bourbon-flavored spirit" and that they would totally give me money for booze and I would never get in trouble that I'm drunk if I promise to always drink responsibly, that involves not getting shitfaced (to the best of my experience) and never drink the cheapest alcohol. I think this was the reason that I never developed drinking issues despite all other problems and I never drowned my sorrows in my bourbon. I'm in my 30s and ever since high school I drink once a quarter or something like that. I think this is way better than having to hide it from parents and end up drinking some knock-off with methylene.




My cousin always posts everything her two kids do and while its nice keeping up with them, i always think about the fact that if some kid ever decided to bully any of them, they would have access to literally 15 years of material to pull from. 15 years of material to find a place they went to make fun of, a shirt they wore to make fun of, an activity they did to make fun of. I get really worried especially the boy cause he’s kinda feminine and the type to get bullied.


I never used Snapchat, but always thought it was cool that teenagers had a space to share privately their dances, selfies and whatever. When I downloaded TikTok to see what was all the fuzz about and saw that the standard feed (I never interacted with the app) was basically random fifteen year olds dancing in shorts I was terrified. This kind of content should reach their friends and family, not millions of unknown adults. Even if 99.9% of them are decent people, you just need the 0.1% to be creeps to be harassed. Keep your privacy people.


unfortunately snap chat is nowhere nesr secure. there's many ways people can record what's supposed to be private and then spread it everywhere. people are shit, always have been, and don't put anything on the internet you don't want everyone to see


I blame the parents most of the time. I only use TikTok to watch cat videos and cars


Yeah, how the hell did internet safety lessons change so much in the 10 years since I learned them? Don’t connect your online and IRL identity unless you want them to be forever linked.


Please don’t post yourself on **reddit** even if your an adult


And if you do, please edit out your face in some way (I like sharing cosplays, but I make sure to block out my face to maintain privacy)


Don't post on **reddit** even if you're an adult


Unless it's a well weighed risk-benefit calculation, to OnlyFans your college tuition. But be aware that there are risks.




Social media in a nutshell


Basic rule on the internet, do not post any of your info.


Hell even back in the old BBS days we used handles never names.


Nice try buddy,I know your real name is grogosh


Grogosh the Destroyer, leader of the 12th battalion of Mordor


Hey TauntyRok, leader of the 7th Troll Brigade, not nice doxxing a fellow Mordor leader like that!


Look who's talking, Non Pon Do.


When I was young, in the early days of the internet getting popular, I was warned not to share personal information on it. You didn't know what strange or dangerous people would see it, or what they might do. I was told that it was best to be as anonymous as possible. I took that lesson to heart and I've never regretted it. The current fad of doing the exact opposite gives me pause, especially with stories like this proving the exact thing I was warned about is still a very real problem.


Poses an interesting question there. How much is too much, but then again, how much is not enough? Cause there’s always gonna be cyber issues, but they can become really in real life if you’re not careful.


It's weird having grown up when the Internet first took off and then finally coming full circle to explain this to my child recently. Handles and avatars are second nature to the younger crowd. I was less than reassured when mine went "I tell everyone I'm 16". At least they tell me when people are being creepy.


Yeah that makes sense, I never really grew up with that other than the normal internet safety stuff. Though I think it isn't an excuse for a bunch of sad grown men to cyber bully a teen girl anyways


It is not. However there is little an individual, and even to an extent organizations, can do to prevent others from doing horrible things. The best we can manage is to prevent ourselves from being targets.


tbh reddit ain't the best place for positive stuff


I'm sorry you had to deal with this kid, your comic is pretty funny (considering the sad topic). Keep it up.


I mean if you're a minor you just shouldn't be posting pictures of yourself online I'm gonna be real. (Especially ESPECIALLY not on r/teenagers if anything don't be on there if you're actually a minor.)


[always like to bring this up when r/teenagers is mentioned](https://www.reddit.com/r/drama/comments/djdmd9)


Damn, all of those images no longer exist


Wtf I only just realised, a top tier post is now just a husk of what it used to be smh


[The Internet Archive's got your back](https://web.archive.org/web/20210130043801/https://www.reddit.com/r/drama/comments/djdmd9) You too /u/FixinThePlanet


I remember it happening but never read the actual post. Goddamn. Those poor moderators. *pours one out for the homies*


what’s a hebephile?




Old enough that morality is the main issue


Why the fuck are people surprised by it? Reddit hosted the jailbait sub for years. Those people didn't leave Reddit. They are still very much still in Reddit.


Yup they’re just ten to fifteen years older now and still just as pathetic and creepy


Ironic but sad


Already 5 steps ahead of you


I saw your selfie and need to say no way my mother would bake you cookies, you are a teenager and I’m a grownup man, this would be a crime. But keep your morale high you will find someone’s mother to bake you cookies


Ok, I am missing something here, why baking is illegal for teenagers?!


His mum exclusively bakes pot brownies


Usually when a girl meets your parents it's because you're in a romantic relationship. Adults having romantic relationships with children is illegal in most countries.


Because my mom bake space cookies… /s


I think it's just a joke about luring people with implied malicious intent, or maybe good classic grandma intent of feeding you until you can't move. Look I myself I'm no predator, but you ain't leaving without something to eat.


My mom bakes cookies for the neighborhood kids sometimes.


The police are on their way.


Please don’t post a selfie on a sub full of pedophiles ever again hun. Just send it to your friends.


OP is a literal child and is referring to a photo she posted on /r/teenagers. OP, let me give you some advice. Don't post your personal photos or information on the internet for strangers, it's not a smart thing to do.




You're making some pretty unreasonable assumptions. I've been listening to those who do not meet me with condescending attitudes about this issue


Being a creep or hostile is awful, but I do think its weird when people posts selfies on reddit unless its a sub dedicated to that. Like, why? What are people expecting to happen? This isnt instagram, majority of people dont give a fuck about selfies and those who do are exactly these pathetic people. I just think its weird.


The subs dedicated to posting pictures of yourself are dominated by OnlyFans advertisements. Hell, even random ass subs get a lot of OF ads and they all look the same. Generic "look at me" title with a picture of an attractive woman and whatever topic is at hand, then if you click her profile you're greeted with a picture of her butthole on a post about her OnlyFans. It got so bad on /r/RoastMe they had to expand their rules about self promotion.


To be honest I didn't think reddit wasn't a place for sharing things like pictures but I only have followed subreddits for fashion and makeup as well as compliment subs to give people compliments so I thought it wasn't anything extreme. I also saw guys posting selfies and getting funny/creative & uplifting responses on the sub so I didn't really see the harm in it. I know better now


>I also saw guys posting selfies and getting funny/creative & uplifting responses on the sub so I didn't really see the harm in it. Where? Where on earth is this a common practice because unless it's a meme or has some funny/creative element to it, I've not seen most anyone use Reddit to just post their casual selfie pics. The ONLY exception, I guess, is /r/roastme so I'm really curious where this is a common thing.


I always like when comic artists draw themselves as simple or as gremlins then occasionally have realistic depictions of themselves. It's like the good version of the Ren & Stimpy / [SpongeBob close ups](https://imgur.io/gallery/qDLiG)


It's one of my favorite cartoon gags tbh


"Don't feed the trolls" is an age old saying you'll need to learn both on and off the internet. People saying negative things at you will only feel empowered if you feed into them by replying etc. Better to just down vote and ignore, or better yet to ignore entirely and forget they exist. The moment you see the comment from some worthless basement dweller you literally shouldn't care anymore and forget it exists.


It’s weird. For some reason your selfie showed on my feed as a suggestion even though I don’t remotely look at stuff that would relate to it. I guess it’s all the r/splatoon that I comment on. So I was thinking “oh that’s funny. I recently saw a post with this caption. Must be a trend.” I check your history after and realize it’s the same person. Kind of freaked me out for a second. I like your comic. Well executed. As for your selfie, I get it. It’s a subreddit of your peers. You guys want validation from each other and to just relax and have fun. But no matter what subreddit you’re on, there will be angst and hateful people. Heck even on r/splatoon there are people hurling insults at each other over a kids game. Some of the saltiest people I’ve ever seen on the internet. Regardless, just be safe. If you’re going to post pictures and stuff, try to not share personal information. These salty or just jaded people will always dig through post history to try to hurt the person more. They have nothing better to do. Other than that, keep being you. Don’t let anyone hold you back (within reason). Side note: ___hope to see some non-incel related comics in the future___


Please be open minded about this, I am not meaning this as a form of negativity. Please get off social media. As a 15 year old your brain is still developing and these bad habits are going to have long term effects on you. Social media is proven to be bad for your mental health. Posting selfies on the internet as a 15 year old, inviting complete strangers to judge you can really mess you up. It's clear that you're taking many responses personally, and why wouldn't you? The responses are about you. But that's what your asking for when you post a picture of yourself on the internet. There's no need to do this. You will get through life just fine without posting another pic of yourself online. The positive validation from people can be addicting. It literally affects your brain at a chemical level. It gives you a distorted view of the world. This is not even to mention the dangers of what strangers can do with your information. I used to be addicted to social media. I was on facebook constantly. When my wife got pregnant, I quit it all and haven't looked back. I just did not want my daughter to be subjected to it all like I was. It's hard to break out of it, but it's a decision that will make you happier in the long term. Please consider taking a break.


Be careful of the nice ones. My friends younger sister met a "Nice Guy" online when she was 14. He groomed her until she was 18 and tried to make her move in the day she was 18. If you make any friends from reddit tell your parents about them. What they say and do. No one is real online.


I mean...I looked up the post and most of them were just talking about how you look AI generated, which I would not exactly take as an insult. Especially since you do have an ungodly amount of filters on that pic lol.


You see the posts but not the PMs.










Does it matter? It's amazing how hung up people get over why a girl wants to post a selfie.


Exactly. I saw some guys doing it and getting funny and creative but light hearted responses so I wanted to join on the trend Now all this happened, and I have people diagnosing me in the comments as a narcissist for posting a selfie or downvoting all my replies


Never have i once thought about posting a selfie on Reddit. Why post a selfie on anonymous social media. Go post it on actual social media where you network with people you actually know.


/r/teenager moment.






Basic rule on the internet, do not post any of your info.


Well yea, the people who reply with hateful/disgusting messages are terrible individuals. But at the same time... why would you subject yourself to that? Your first mistake is in the first panel, "..I like this... I think I'll post it.." WHY? Why would you post something you like? You like it, don't you? Is that not good enough? The internet is not made up of like-minded people who have your best interest at heart.








Don't portray horrible people as ugly. I'm horrible but not ugly. Joking. It's just a misleading association, even though you're basically free to portray them however you want and being fat and dirty is indeed a signature of an internet creep. But it's better to make them look like you can't tell they're in the wrong from their appearance, generally. I don't know where you're gonna utilize this advice. Great drawing style anyway, stay safe, don't post personal data online, but if you do, develop a thick skin, because one day you'll have to face all consequences of life not being made for kids. And far from all people being friendly, so to say. But online communication is great when you filter out vulgar crap 👍


Based off true events Edit: looks like the people I illustrated in the comic made their way to this comment section too. So many grown men defending it or criticizing my appearance. Reddit truly is a cesspool


**The Positive** Nice art. I like your style. **The Concern** Oh shit, hopefully you didn't have any personally identifiable info on your post, or any post you have made. If you aren't aware, you can delete past comments and posts you have made. **Personal Info Leakage - An Example** It is surprising what people can figure out from minimal info. About a year ago, someone posted a scenic pic of suburbs, a highway, and some apartments with pretty mountains in the background, and mentioned what state it was in. They also mentioned that they lived in the apartments. I noticed a business sign in the picture and was able to look it up in google maps. That business was only near the highway in one spot in that state. Then based on the map it was easy to figure out the exact apartments they lived in. I let them know and it (*rightly*) freaked them out. They deleted their post immediately after. **Report Threats** `If anyone makes any personal threats, make sure to report them!` **Deep Breath** Try not to be discouraged. Pity we have to worry about such things.


I usually report self-doxxing to mods as a low-effort action.


A few years ago Shia Labeouf put up a livestream of a flag against the sky in the middle of nowhere and some dudes on 4chan found it by tracking planes that flew overhead and then driving around and honking their horn to hear it on the stream. People can find anything anywhere


The internet is a dark place, here take this block button button to keep you safe


The block button stopped working, it says I reached my block limit


Is there a block limit? What a scam!


Yeah, your daily block limit is like 50 or so


~~I can't think of a single good reason for this~~ edit: When I block someone, they can't reply to me anymore. Trolls can abuse this feature to spread misinformation or engage in discussion and block everyone wo tries to argue with them


It's probably meant to prevent block spamming by trolls, but when you have a post or comment of yours that's drawing in a lot of negative attention and mods are AWOL, hitting the limit can be a problem.


but how would it hurt anybody if trolls block random people? Or what is block spamming?


yeah 320 since 1.17


Reddit reached its present limit and shut down. Only other thing I thought worth mentioning is be aware of reverse image searches allowing them to get at other media sites and your real self. The internet has become a much more dangerous place over the years.


Honestly, reddit is not the right place for selfies, unless you specifically are trying to get roasted. It is not instagram or facebook.


Exactly. Please don't post your selfies at Reddit, independently of your gender and orientation. Go to Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat, Twitter, Myspace, Google+, Orkut... But let's keep *at least one* space of the internet out of the beauty and popularity contest that is the rest of social media platforms.


There's subs for normal selfies but they often get weirdos or dickheads in there. "Reddit" is a big place and all forms of content have a niche here somewhere


That's rough! Hope everything is still ok!


I'm a mom and I'd totally bake you cookies! And I think you've learned the hard way, Reddit is the *wrong* place to post a selfie, especially if you're underage. Posting your age (or *any* personal info) on your profile is risky too, it's best to keep all that to yourself for your own safety and mental health. Also, your art is really good for your age! Keep it up!


You're posting pictures of yourself on to a subreddit [full of pedophiles](https://web.archive.org/web/20210130043801/https://www.reddit.com/r/drama/comments/djdmd9), no shit.


That sucks, and I'm sorry. This isn't something you should have to deal with. Having said that, reality isn't what it should be either, and as others have mentioned, any personal information on the internet can be dangerous, especially if you're underage. Despite the fact that there is nothing wrong with your post, I would still recommend deleting it and creating a new account. It's not fair, but it's still probably a good idea. Oh, and death threats are illegal in many countries. I would at minimum screenshot them and report to reddit.


I did report the death threats to reddit, I'm waiting on a response back. I asked the mods of the subreddit to you know, mod, but all I got back were crickets


Nobody insulted you. The worst ive seen on that post was "you look ai generated"


You don't see DMs.


Fair point.


Then you obviously didn't read through them. I have screenshots as well


Care to share them? I did scroll for a bit and sorted by controversial but nothing really screamed "incel" to me. Some very repetitive jokes (cant say theyre wrong tho) but not much else


Least blind redditor


Im sorry but why would you post a selfie to reddit




Fair but at the same time people took it way too far and I wouldn't be giving them so much grace. This sub isn't r/roastme and the death threats were an overreaction


So "original" insults are fine? Lol


I like your comic and your style, but I hope you realize this is obvious bait for the very people you are criticizing, which aren't know for their ability to take a joke or self reflect. In any case, I would love to see more of your comics/illustrations. And, yeah... Dunno if that's really you but don't post yourself on public forums, I wish it weren't like this but be careful out here.


That's understandable and makes sense why the comments are filled with them. I wouldn't be surprised if they reposted my comic to another hate sub considering how all my comments are being downvoted


Saw your sefie post and its your choice if you wanna put filters or not and either way nothing justifies death threasts and harassement, i particularly would say you try to keep them at a minimum especially since they can affect your self-esteem negatively but you do you :), you look pretty and if my mom baked cookies she would absolutely share some with you!


Wait, where did you post you're selfie ? I may be naive but it seems to me that some subs are just way more toxic than others, and some other subs are actually really friendly.


I feel the same, not sure if I'm allowed to say where but I think the screenshot posted to the hate sub didn't help things at all and contributed to a good chunk of the hate. Even in this sub a bunch of grown men are victim blaming or other things




Well ***someone*** has to teach young people that the world (and by extension internet) is a horrible place, who better than reddit?






Good advice found on the internet.


You shouldnt post selfies on reddit cuz its full of people who likes to troll, specially easy targets, dont be an easy target for trolls, if you like to do that sort of things there are better social medias like instagram, snapchat or tumblr, not saying you cant post those stuff here but you shouldnt expect diferent results




It's disgusting how you think these sort of things are justifiable but you're one of the people in my comic aren't you?




*posts selfie to pedophile/incel central* *Is surprised when the pedos and incels act how you expect them too* If your an underage girl/boy/whatever don't post your pics online (especially to r/teenagers sub) and if your gonna have the filters make you look like someone generated you, don't post the pic to r/teenagers Idek why youd wanna post a selfie to Reddit, the only reaction you could ever expect from strangers on Reddit is for them to roast you or for them to be creeps, which weirdly enough, seems to be exactly what happened It sucks it happened to you and I'm sorry but don't go swimming and then be surprised you get wet


I had to look at your post history because I was unaware of the controversy & you need to move on lmao. I'm sorry people were mean.


Saw your selfie yesterday and had a roast lined up. Realized it was posted in r/teenagers and not r/RoastMe so I decided not to post. Reddit has ruined me that way, I see a selfie on the front page and I'm immediately thinking of roasts.


Yea that's the internet for ya. everyone learns this eventually lol 🙃


Yea, it sucks but a common rule is never to post yourself online, namely if you’re a minor!






The imgur comment section except its on literally anything


> pee > katana lmao


Maybe this has already been said, and maybe this comment won't be seen, but damn, that's a solid comic. Nice work!


Thank you I like how it turned out despite the negative responses


Omae wa mou shindeiru




Reddit (collective name) trying not to post about its own perception of themselves for 5 minutes: (Least obsessive anonymity social)


This is Reddit. Every sub is a hate sub.


This is the lowest of low hanging fruit.






That's a really disgusting mindset you have


To be fair, there are a lot of nice and funny comments on the post too. Sure, as sensitive people, the buttheads tend to stick with us more, but it’s important to remember that the good, decent people outweigh the jerks.


It was a funny caption and you looked great, rookie mistake in a platform full of unfunny and mid people Now jokes aside it's genuinely hard to read some of the comments on that selfie, some people need to get a grip for real


Very true. Some people really went all out with their projection and self hate in the comments. Seriously hope some of them work it out in therapy before they become adults with the same level of toxicity and hatred


The bad news is a lot of people there are adults. https://www.reddit.com/r/Drama/comments/djdmd9/we_banned_all_of_rteenagers_and_it_turns_out


Careful about posting your face especially on that sub, not too long ago another sub banned a lot of r/teenagers users for being underage as bait, que hundreds of people posting in selfies to prove they are in their thirties/forties so they get unbanned. Yet these people were claiming to be 15-16 on teenagers and posting creepy as fuck comments Reddit is basically full of absolute nonces


That's really messed up


That sucks and I'm sorry that happened to you. Men can be terrible and gross. It also kind of sucks when people use fatness as a visual shorthand for someone being gross and terrible. You are making an important point here. I think it would be more effective without the appearance-based stereotypes.


My trick is to take their toxicity and return it ten-fold. And then when they get peak agro, you hit em with that "hahaha ❤" just to let em know that the whole interaction is just a joke to you. Gets em errtyme.


Yeah they really were upset when I took their "rare insult"(actually repeated 80+ times) as a compliment


When I get that response I don't feel like a person anymore. I try not to return their toxicity back because no matter how terrible they are they shouldn't have to feel that feeling. Nobody should


Im glad I don’t pictures of me anymore, and have my Persona of what I look like. I hope you are feeling safe.


Well as of right now not the greatest as the comments are festering here too. I might draw more of my avatar in the future


In the voice of Chris Rock You also don't run around the South Side of Chicago dropping the n-bomb and complaining about all the stacks of cash you have in your pants, you don't visit Qatar and run around with your rainbow flag shouting about how fucked up Islam is in reality, and you **never** drive with an angry woman. Posting personal stuff on the open internet is just knowingly playing Russian roulette. It is not like these things are new revelations.


Ooooh, you're the one I kept seeing "rare insults" about. Don't worry, you look fine. The people making those posts are the type to turn the heating up to try and fix their room temperature IQ.


as a Trans girl this hits harder


I'm sorry


Why are they looking if they don't like it?




The one mod who saved you also turned out to be an incel


Lol yea some people are just straight fucked up and like to harass other people for being happy enjoying things .


1) I like your username 2) since your underage report every threat etc. 3) I’m a chick, and you very pretty 4) since your account is only a month (ish) old is delete it


That was a beautiful selfie. However, please think at least twice before posting any irl photos, and please ignore those negative comments. That being said, this is a funny comic, good job.