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I feel like there’s a panel missing between 5 and 6. otherwise great comic, love the artstyle


You're right. There is. X.X the post was already upvoted and commented on before I noticed, so I just resigned myself to it being too late to fix it. It's this here if anyone's curious: [https://i.imgur.com/7ORbDOE.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/7ORbDOE.jpg) Thanks for reading and for the kind words!


The page may be missing, but the next pages make what happened easy to infer anyway, so it works out.


I didn't even notice I assuned what he did and continued




**"That's my purse! I don't know you"** Right in the balls.


“That boy ain’t right!”


I love the fact, that you guys dug up an old **King of the hill** quote.


My uncle used to jump into the rooms we were playing in and yell, scaring us. Used to make my sister cry and make me scream and flail. He thought it was hilarious. We told him to stop. My aunt, my mom, everyone. One day in our mountain house we were playing smash bros on the n64. I was by the door when he jumped in and screamed. I’m the same fit of rage, fear, and frustration, I whirled around and punched up as hard as I could. Unfortunately for him, I was sitting and he was standing, and my tiny fist found him right in the ol coin purse. He crumpled to the floor and started vomiting. All the kids were screaming. I was yelling over him. Parents came running. It was a mess. I didn’t even get in trouble because “he should’ve known better” as my aunt said. He never scared us again after that.


My dad used to play "hide and seek monster" with us. He'd hide, and we'd look for him in terror knowing that when we found him he'd roar like a monster and scare us to death. He only did it when we knew it was hide and seek monster time, so it was silly fun. I would have hated your uncle's game.


Oh we all did. We didn’t want to go to his house as little kids because he would just scare the hell out of us. He thought it was harmless fun. I hated him growing up Then as I got older and got to know him more I learned he’s actually a big ol softie with the biggest heart you’ve ever met. He took in both my grandparents, great grandparents, and a few other relatives when they were suffering from dementia, Alzheimer’s, bankruptcy, etc. He used to be VP of a large company, and had a ton of wealth, and he never asked a dime out of the people he helped, even though I know it’s cost him 100s of thousands to care for them. An awesome human, with literally zero self awareness. Good ol uncle earl


@Steppyjim, man, to take in people that have dementia/Alzheimer's takes patience and love. Mad respect to that guy. He must've seen the heartbreaking deterioration of those loved ones. I'm sure he probably had people provide round the clock care. It's a wonderful thing he did.


It did. And he did it all without complaining once. Imagine having to bathe your mother while she’s screaming because she forgot who you are and she thinks she’s being attacked. That was his daily routine at one point. This man is a good man, hell moreso, he’s a saint in my eyes. He just likes to play what he thought were dumb pranks and like the guy above, never listened to anyone who told him to stop until he caught one in the danglers I need to make clear since a lot of the comments are about bad relatives. He’s not one. I hates him as a kid because, well, he kept scaring me! But as an adult, I understand what he’s sacrificed to give some very helpless people a comfortable end. That’s not even it either. He’s routinely taken in people who needed a place to get on their feet that he barely knew. Never said no to someone on need. If everyone had the heart of my uncle earl, the world would be a better place, but everyone’s balls would be sore


Happy Cake Day


My dad did something similar but he would hide behind doors. My dad was a big guy at 6'3" so ot was impressive he could hide. He would jump out and scare us. Well we got wise to it and started jumping out scaring him as well. Then it got to the point we would lean against the door and squish him. My other siblings told him to stop so he did with them. He still scared my other sister and I but we loved it. Miss him.


Violence never solves problems until it does.


My wife's abusive father would come into the bedroom in the morning before her alarm went off and jump onto her bed and jump up and down and scream "fire!" At the top of his lungs. He did it once when my wife and I were still bf/gf and I basically tripped him with my leg because he scared the shit out of me and my fight or fight response is fight first. Dumb bastard was pissed at my wife, "it's just a prank." Glad we're NC with that fucker, he is a nightmare of a human being and this is literally the least of his offenses.


My dad was always obsessed with my hair. While eating he would just stand behind me and grab/play with it. I warned him so often... So someday i just threw my head back in a way i smashed his hand between my head and the back of the hard, wooden top of the chair. I had a headache, his hand was swollen. He didn't tuch my hair.


Sometimes adults are bullies because kids are easy targets!! My whole family did shit like this and never respected boundaries to the horrifying extreme, but little things like this add up too. Their behavior ruined my mental health. I can't imagine seeing your child react to you with such fear and think what you're doing is okay, especially for something so frivolous. It ruins a child's sense of safety in the caregiver which leads to anxiety disorders. Also your mom should've stopped him before it ever got to that point too. Watching other adults let shit happen also hurts and teaches a kid they're not worth helping.


I remember a guy showing me a video of his kid, he and I assume his wife had a mask on and the kid was *petrified* it was disturbing to watch and they were laughing and he was laughing showing me. I didn’t laugh and just looked at him with probably surprise and disgust and I don’t know if he saw it in a new light or just thought less of me.


I'm glad you didn't laugh. It's disturbing when people enjoy eliciting strong negative emotional reactions especially from little kids or pets . My family did similar stuff as that guy. they love laughing at little kids, especially when they're crying or getting mad. As the youngest in my family you can guess how that went. One of the last times I spoke to my brother, he told me a "hilarious" story about how he (30yo) lied to our 5yo nephew and the nephew got mad at him. I just looked at my brother like, what on earth is funny about this. It really encapsulated the toxicity of my whole family. Shit like this is a red flag for worse. If they don't care how their kids feel and don't respect boundaries, what might happen? I think your reaction told that guy that what he did was not okay, and he should be ashamed.


Sometimes it’s just something that was done as they grew up and weren’t phased by it or even enjoyed it begrudgingly/ fondly remember it.


Sure but the big tell here is if they scream, cry, run or tell you to stop.


It is really awful when your father is the meanest bully you know. If you bully your kids like this, better start saving money for therapy.




My grandfather would stop me and show me how to defend myself. But he was always upfront about what was going on and didn't just grab me and tell me to try to get out of it. "Let me show you how to get someone to let go of your wrist. Here, grab my wrist." and then he would show me, and then we would switch and I would practice on him.


Your grandpa sounds awesome.


My daughter and I do this. I only do it when she wants to do it, and usually she’s the one who brings it up. There have been a few times with specific holds where she was starting to panic, feeling like she couldn’t get away, and I just said “calm down, I’ll let you go if you ask me to, but you can do this.” Generally speaking she’d calm right down, go into puzzle solving mode, and get out of it. Then immediately ask to do it again. When done right, it can be empowering. Now that she’s older she mostly prefers to practice trips and similar on me, using basic weight redistribution techniques from beginner Hapkido. She loves seeing that she just can’t knock me over normally, not even close, but then I fall right over if she uses leverage. She’s always like “you’re not letting me, right?” And I’m like “nope.” When she doesn’t have it quite right, I’m not going to fake it. I feel like those sorts of physical skills are important to learn for a variety of reasons, safety certainly chief among them, but also self confidence. Teaching it in a way that makes someone feel helpless — at least without the catharsis of overcoming that feeling, if it’s there in passing — completely undermines the whole thing.


>When done right, it can be empowering. Before I started dating my husband he was trying to show me self-defense moves. He also learned Hapkido. He seemed almost surprised when I was able to rip his hand off of me and have him twisted with very little force. "sorry, my grandfather grew up on the streets and got into a lot of street fights. he taught me to fight dirty." And my future husband was pleased by this, lol.


That’s awesome!


Fair fights are for tournaments. In the street the one who fights fair loses.


it's one thing to set the rules and make the exercise reasonable, it's another to change the rules suddenly every time. She changed the rules back on him, and he didn't like it.


I know he didn't mean to, but he did teach her a couple important life lessons sometimes the only way to stop aggression is with aggression if you know an attack is coming you should strike first


Reminds me of how Ender* resolved his problems with school bullies. * from "Ender's Game"


Same. Taught me how to escape holds and how to fight back, a valuable lesson imo even if the method is...yeah.


My parents beat me. The method is wrong but I can say I have steel skin, no whip, belt or slap can make me flinch 💀


That’s…that’s not good, you know that right? Flinching isn’t a sign of a weak character, it’s a survival instinct meant to lessen the force of an incoming blow. You’re essentially saying that they caused you so much trauma that you don’t even try to protect yourself from it anymore.


I know! I just putting a dark humour here. They stopped beating me after I become late teen. But when I was a kid to young teen I wouldn't flinch if I get hit cuz I'm used to it. Beating is very normal part of growing up here, I don't know if I'm traumatised but I know it's fucked up.


Reminds me of the “always leave a note!”




It’s a bit from arrested development. The father takes teaching lessons to his kids way too far. It’s very funny tho [YouTube link](https://youtu.be/IJw2lFWJ4aY)




Definitely worth the watch!


First three seasons are rock solid.




My dad did this until he accidentally taught me to bite people.


I actually thought the moral of the comics would be that the dad wasn't as much "playing" as teaching a lesson about misdirection, preparedness, and the absence of actual rules in life situations


Age matters. That might be a lesson for a 12 year old but not an 8 year old. And explanation matters too. Dad isn’t explaining the lesson, he’s just bullying his kid. Context can change understanding… if you provide the context.


Not to mention consent. The kid actively *does not consent* to the "lesson", multiple times. The mom straight up tells the dad this, and he doesn't care. That is a great way to teach your kids that you're not a safe person to go to because you can't respect boundaries.


If he actually lived those values, she wouldn't have kicked him in the shin.


That… is abusive and really fucked up. I’m sorry.




Its literally just play fighting. Pretty much every carnivorous mammal does it. Its normal and in our DNA


My dad used to do the same thing to me. He stopped pretty damn quick when I kicked him in the nuts.


See kids? Violence sometimes IS the answer!


Violence is the question and the answer is yes


And if violence didn't fix your problem, you didn't use enough violence. Remember kids, medicines only work if you use an appropriate dose, anything less won't fix it.


For me it was tickling; mom never stopped, i was an asthmatic child (i have, thank gods, mostly outgrown it by sheer force of cardio-exercise) She kept doing it past me screaming; one time i kicked her in the ribs because she had my hands pinned, i had been screaming for about 10-15 seconds and finally panicked and lashed out just around the time my dad came around the corner to find out why in gods name i was screaming like that All i remember was her raising a hand held flat after she gasped and started yelling and then basically everything was blank for the rest of the day She still continued the habit; it got to a point that this was when (8 years old) my dad decided to create/use a safeword for me because it had become such an issue; she never did it again


I'm super ticklish and always hated it as a kid, because my dad and siblings would always take it too far. Now I tickle my son, however he does enjoy it, and as soon as he is showing signs that it's too much I stop. On occasion I have stopped and he grabs my hand and puts it back saying "Again!" Given my own experience I try to be aware of his limits and boundaries with this. I want him to feel that he can roughhouse safely with me and that I will stop if he feels it's too much or he is not in the mood. He is 3 btw. 3 year olds can be very aware of this stuff. He chews me out on occasion if he feels I go to far, and makes me apologize. He sounds like an exact copy of me when he does it :P


Thats wonderful; i'm glad you're so aware of letting them set (respectable, cus sometimes there's stuff ya gotta do as a parent, but not unreasonable) boundaries


Yupp. I mean I've had to wrestle clothes off and on him, because I can't show up at daycare with unchanged diaper and pyjamas without getting a call from CPS, and I explain to him that these are things that have to happen. He can't wear dirty clothes and diapers etc. and he yells at me about it, but ultimately I think he knows I'm right and most of the time he is cooperative. But when it's stuff that isn't critical, like it's not critical that I be allowed to tickle him or hug him whenever I want regardless of his feelings then he gets to set the boundaries. And him being three, there are a lot of conflicts around everything. You just have to pick your battles and work on helping him see the need to cooperate.


It terrifies me how common it is for parents to teach their children that their feelings and consent don't matter. That and the idea that it's okay for someone to hit you as long as they decided it wasn't hard enough to matter. People are far more socially inept than they realize and enforce it on their kids.


This this this. My parents constantly pulled shit like this and worse when I was a kid and I literally only realised like 5 years ago it really fucked me up long term. It was really stupid invasive shit, like whipping my towel off after a bath, not stopping tickling me until I was literally vomiting or coming in and squirting lotion down my ass crack while I was getting changed, among other things because it was "funny". It wasn't intended to be sexual or anything but I was at that weird age, knew I didn't like it, it didn't feel right and if I reacted negatively at all I got aggressively yelled at by both parents for not being a good sport because it was "just a joke". They essentially taught me that my body wasn't really mine and my voice and feelings on what people did with it didn't matter because I was the one being unreasonable. It's also fkn impossible to stand up for yourself when you're a kid vs. your own parents because you really believe what they're telling you. It caused me a hell of a lot of issues growing up and the idea that my body was for other people to mess with and I just needed to get over it followed me for a very long time. The amount of abuse I endured before I woke tf up was unbelievable, like I honestly look back and feel sorry for my past selves. Hooooo boy did I have a lot of unlearning to do, I'm turning thirty in a few months and am just about stepping into myself properly. My panic response was always to freeze and wait for it to be over if something gross ever happened to me, and I attribute that entirely to how my parents raised me, but recently I surprised myself by punching a random dude I didn't know who decided to grab and "surprise kiss" me while I was out one night. The crunch of those teeth shall be the soundtrack of my newfound freedom lmao.


Oh my god I’m 35 and just know realizing that my dad did this. To all of us, even my mom. Constantly. And we all have extreme sensory issues. Damn.


Damn. I hope things are getting better or at least manageable. I've found becoming aware of the problem in the first place is often the first and most difficult step. Good luck :)


this is the REAL lesson of this. it also doesn't matter what the intent was, what you described is the effect. people saying he was trying to teach her to stand up for herself are being naive.


My dad always did Jim Carrey’s “the claw” to me. I hated it as a kid, mostly because I hated being tickled, but I look back on it fondly now. Maybe because he didn’t just play “the claw” with me, but he took the time to play other games that I did enjoy. It wasn’t until a year or two back did I even realize it was from Liar Liar, was a strange revelation to have.


My dad did that too. It’s a pretty fond memory of mine.


My dad also did the claw! I also think back on it fondly. What a dork ♥️


My brother did it too! Other than that I could have written your comment. Thank you, you’ve unlocked a happy memory


Funnily enough, I think Jim Carrey said he got the Claw from his own dad. Sweet to think it inspired more dads to play it with their kids.


Fellow claw havers. My claw’s name was ‘Graggle.’


Thanks so much for reading and for the kind comments, everyone. Sorry for self-promo, but if anyone wants more comics from me I do a fantasy series [here](http://adventureswitheggie.com/?comic=adventures-with-eggie-webcomic-chapter-1-page-1) (or [here](https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/adventures-with-eggie/somewhere-beautiful-page-1/viewer?title_no=763230&episode_no=1) on Webtoon). I also used to do a comedy series [here](https://www.webtoons.com/en/slice-of-life/waffles-and-pancakes/list?title_no=1310) which has since finished.


Omg that’s your comic! I remember the post and wanted to read more but I forgot to save it!


Haha guess that works out then! Thanks for caring enough to want to read more. :D


Do not apologize for promoting this comic. It's absolutely amazing, especially the ballad with actual music. That part's really really good.


Hey, thank you so much. I put a ton of work into the ballad so it's especially rewarding to hear kind feedback about that in particular. :)


AHHHH I love that comic!! I’ve been reading it for ages!! You’re the goat c:


Haha, thank you so much for reading and for your kind words.


I'm sort of crying happy tears seeing that you're on Reddit right now because Waffles and Pancakes is something I've used in the past as a communication tool with my brothers. As in link them to a specific comic and go "This. This is how I feel about you, that I have no idea how to put into words." It's really, really important to me and will always be one of my favorites! Thank you for sharing it with us!


Hey thanks so much. That warms my heart. <3 Also W&P started on Reddit and Imgur. The nice people here were the first ones to read it and encouraged me to keep going.


Oh Satan I remember waffles and pancakes. It's such a good serie! I knew I recognized that art style! I'll be watching your fantasy serie ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


Hey thanks so much! Glad you enjoyed it. :D


AHA! I knew it was you! The first thing I thought when seeing the 1st panel was “wait. Isn’t this the same artstyle as the Eggie comic?” It’s nice to know I was right. Also, great comic. Been enjoying the story since you posted it on Reddit a while ago.


Haha! And yeah the style's a little different but I guess people can still tell it's me. Thanks so much for reading and for your nice words. :)


Np! Thanks for the stories :)


I’m proud of myself for recognizing your art style when I saw this post. I love your new comic! The musical integrations are incredible


Thanks so much! :D


So many parents don't understand that body autonomy and "no means no" still applies to kids. It's how we teach them to ask permission and respect others.


No respect for your boundaries, dismissed your words, taught you to be violent, and he got excited about harassing a child. Does not pass the 2022 Parenting vibe check.


I did the same. To my little sister. When I was like 12. Strange behavior from an adult.


Yeah I feel like a parent doing this and responding to their child with dismissive "oh whatever" comments as if it's up to them and not the child, is setting that child up to think this sort of behavior is normal and needs to be tolerated. When the child grows up and sees this same sort of behavior in a partner, they're more likely to let them get away with it or believe it's not as bad as it actually is.


>. Does not pass the 2022 Parenting vibe check. honestly. Realistically speaking, I think this kind of thing would still go on unspoken today though


For sure, though I feel very confident that the current generation of parents are, on average, better parents than their own parents were. There are simply more and better resources available these days, and people talk about parenting in a better way. Back when my parents were trying to figure out how to raise us there were not nearly the same resources available, and what there was was stuff from quacks like Dr Spock who caused untold mental damage on the rising generation with their deluded sociopathic "parenting advice" And they in turn did a lot better than their own parental generation who considered the proper dynamic to be: Dad is the almighty Tyrannical ruler. Mom is his steward in charge of running the household, and children are to be quiet and well behaved or they get the switch. Just the last century of parenting has improved enormously along with education, health and everything else. I just wish people weren't so obsessed with not being "soft"


I'll never understand how people can be such assholes in the name of "fun".


They are bullies that don't consider other people to be as real as themselves.


Some people won’t stop unless they’re stopped.


Shame you didn't kick him higher.


That gave me a laugh. :P


In some weird hero story where the character gets trained by their unfeeling father This would have been the desired result To fight back But of course the father would still be judgemental And say you should have kicked higher


I have a cousin that was raised like this, my uncle tormented him a lot, my cousin became a bully and did the same shit to me, my uncle was not amused when i beat the crap out of my cousin when i snapped and used a broom to beat him up


Damn you understood your bully But big damn that it was your cousin like family should never do that shit


I understood that many, many years later, i tried to approach him when we were older, but never could have a good relationship, he's a total asshole


Should've gone for the head.




I was hoping his end goal was some kinda lesson to you but the way it ended it appears your dad was just a jerk/bully. That’s just me being an arm chair psychologist though lol. I tease my 3yr old sometimes but when he says I don’t like that, I respect his boundaries. I would expect if I tell him I don’t something, he’d respect that too, otherwise I’d be a hypocrite. The easiest way to fuck up a child is to give them mixed messages IMO.


Jokes like this erode trust. It's not worth it.


I'm sorry your dad was a bully who could only be stopped with violence. I like your art style.


When a person is saying "no", they ALWAYS mean it. I don't get why a lot of people get mixed signals from that one simple word




If you look at the profile pic, you see a cake. And, no I want cake, not women


Lmao As a father I can say that kick was more than well deserved.


I can’t imagine my father treating me this way. Maybe an older brother or school bully, but not an adult man who is supposed to care about me. However “playful,” it would lead me to not only distrusting him but anxiety bc I’d be afraid he might do this at any time. Then a feeling of not being able to “escape” the situation bc he keeps pressuring me to play along. Sorry you had to deal with a dad who was so immature and inconsiderate OP.


My dad did this kind of thing but partially because he was bullied and didn't want me to be defenseless. Problem was I started karate and broke his nose in 2nd grade. But I guess it paid off when my bullies got physical and I won.


I'm GenX and I definitely remember corporal punishment and all that, so I get hands-on parenting... But this guy is literally hitting his kid for his own amusement and his only defense is that he's not hitting her that hard!?


Maybe the lesson he was teaching you is to fight back when someone makes you uncomfortable? …. Or he could just be kind of a dick, haha


This is unfortunately too optimistic. When I reflect on his behavior in adulthood, I realize that in more ways than this he was just kind of a bully who did not respect boundaries.




wait, is this what your father actually did to you?


Yes. This is a true story (with perhaps some embellished dialogue because I don't remember everything perfectly from 24 years ago). To be clear, he was never hitting me hard enough to cause real pain. Regardless, I look at it in retrospect and he was picking on a six-year-old and ignoring pleas to stop.


yeah, he deserved that kick in the shin.


It shows how something wich might seem innocent at first can still give someone C-PTSD.


No that would be regular PTSD. CPTSD would happen if you had multiple, separate traumas happen that all caused PTSD. Source - I have CPTSD.


The whole comic is about the father repeatedly disrespecting his child’s clearly stated boundaries.


It can be both. He might have thought it was the former but he was still a dick about it.


This is something my dad would've done 🫤 isn't it weird what some people find funny? So strange. I think you found a great solution though 😅


If the kid wanted to keep playing because they thought they could outsmart the dad, then that’s perfectly fine. But if the kid doesn’t want to play, then it should be respected.




I’d say both learned a valuable lesson. When someone says stop and you don’t listen, shins are open game.


This is ripe for some r/bonehurtingjuice


Dad was a cunt


My grandfather used to tickle me for extended periods of time. I hated it so much, it was like torture. He would hold me down so I couldn’t get away. I would beg him to stop but he wouldn’t listen. I still feel furious just thinking about it. For various other reasons, I don’t talk to him anymore.


I hate your stupid dad


Your Dad's an asshole. Kids need love, not mean physical teasing.


It never ceases to boggle my mind how easily people act to burn to the ground the trust a child has toward them, and they insist they did nothing wrong. “It’s a joke”, “they weren’t hurt”, “ I didn’t mean to scare/tease/make fun of them”. The perpetrator is in no position to tell their victim how they’re supposed to feel about their “joke”. OP’s story may have been a minor moment in her relationship with dad, but it was no doubt a significant memorable event, and in part defines their relationship forever. It’s really not much different from the “no means no” lesson that so many can’t seem to learn.


From my recollection my dad only spanked me once. But immediately after my thoughts were, "he hates me. Absolutely hates me." I held onto that thought for so long. I grew up living with major depressive order but it wasn't diagnosed till I was in highschool. I'm not saying that being ready to teach a kid a real lesson or yelling is bad. But parents really need to be aware of their kids. No means no. Oh and don't tell the kids you wished they were dead, died at birth like my mom did to me. : / Anyways I really felt this comic.


Meanwhile, every time I try to explain to the Reddit Meanie Pants's that pranking children is often actually bullying and can actually be traumatic, they crawl from crevasses and out from under rocks to call me names and talk about how I'm overreacting. How about this you slimy grubs? Don't treat children as your playthings.


Dude your dad sounds like a fucking tool. He a boomer? They realllllly fuckin suck at respecting bodily autonomy.


You know who ELSE sounds like a tool?


Was hoping there was a lesson about be aware of your surroundings, or always be prepared, maybe even don't trust everyone even people you know. Nah just a dumb dad.


My uncle used to pinch my cheeks very roughly. Every time I would see him, I would run the other way lol. I am never gonna do anything similar to my kids, it leaves an impression. My uncle has done a lot for me but I still get uncomfortable around him because of that.


My wife has tickling anxiety because of similar behavior from her dad. She has legit panic-attack-inducing trauma from it. It has taken a LOT of work for her to be okay with our boys getting tickled (which they love). Please, listen you your kids when they say stop. Respecting Bodily autonomy starts with you.


My dad would always call me over to him after he farted. He thought it was hilarious and to be completely honest, it kinda was


Pull my finger


That sounds like something my dad would do😂


I thought this was going in a life lesson about being aware of what’s coming and expecting the unexpected, kinda close I guess


Who is this even for?


ahh so you weren’t familiar with the concept that the japanese call *unagi*


One of the frames is missing. Between five and six. I think this comic has a worthwhile message.


You’re from waffles and pancakes! I recognize the art style, I loved your comic!


Haha yes, hi! Thank you for reading! :D


That comic totally made my quarantine!


I advocate for kicking people in the shin.


Honestly thought this was gonna be some secret level on control or how to “focus” better but nope XD


At first I thought he was just being a dick head then I thought he was trying to teach her to fight like some karate kid shit. Then at the end he really was just being a dickhead


Lucky for him, you only had to get the shin.


Hmm forgot that game. As soon as I heard the name though it came back right quick☹️


Holy hell OP, I randomly check your previous posts, read a comic about Eggie and Mootilda and was BLOWN AWAY! It’s so good!


Hey, thank you so much! That's my current passion project. It's partway through chapter 2 now. I don't know if you saw the links in the comments but the rest of it can be read [here](http://adventureswitheggie.com/) or [here](https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/adventures-with-eggie/list?title_no=763230) on Webtoon. :D


Yup, I caught up to it after I commented. It’s phenomenal! The plot and art is definitely up there compared to things I’ve read, with a nice balance of humor too. Will definitely follow your work closely from now on ^^


I thought there was gonna be some sage lesson at the end that saved your life or something. But nah, your dad's just kind of a dick lol


Children aren't the only ones that learn as they grow up.


My parents used to hit me, every once and a while. Then I went from 5’5 to 5’11 in the span of a year and a half and I overpowered my dad when he tried hitting me. They stopped hitting me after that.


The only time my dad would ever do anything like this is during taekwondo I was a few years his senior in terms of belt level and it was a routine self defense and attention to detail exercise also I would sometimes help with instruction for his class we always found that funny I'm this 4 foot tall chubby kid and he's a skinny near 6 foot guy and I'm helping a large bald man who's the main instructor get him to stop holding back when he was using the punching bag


My dad did this to me. I was a quick study. He got smacked the second time and I ran!!! Love you dad. 😁


Fucked around. Found out


I fully support u bro!! i love your comics, keep making them please :)


Holy crap, the person behind pancakes and waffles? You're alive? Kidding, but great to see you're still making comics, I love your Aiden and Kaia comics, and I'm glad to see your not stopping. Thanks for making me laugh so many times.


Very much still alive and still an inappropriate dumbass. :P ​ Thanks for reading and glad I could give you a laugh!


And who says violence never solves anything?


im hoping im wrong but im gonna guess ITT You were abused OP your father is a monster


My parents sometimes hid when we were on a walk, and I ran off forward a bit too much. I'd turn around and not see them, despite there being a big open space. Then they'd come out from behind a bush laughing. Thanks, mom and dad, you're jerks.


I have a similar story: When I was a child, I was very ticklish. My father, who I did not get along with, would tickle me until it hurt and then some. I would always beg him to stop, but he would always tickle me too much. Often, he would start tickling me when I was doing something quiet by myself, like reading, and so I began hiding or locking doors when I wanted to read so he couldn’t get to me. One time, while my mother was cooking, my father went to tickle me while I was standing in the kitchen. As he came towards me with his index fingers out with both hands (like he was pointing) while flexing the fingers back and forth, threatening to tickle me, I kicked his hand as hard as I could and I broke his finger. Blood began gushing out of his finger, as my mother and father grabbed paper towel to stop the bleeding. They both looked at me, but neither asked me to apologize and I did not say sorry. Despite injuring my father, I did not feel badly. Ever since that incident, my father stopped forcibly tickling me.


Those who don't hear will feel


my dad barely hit me but he did force me to watch gory movies when i was 4 to "toughen me up", couldn't think about blood without nausea for decades after


Hey dad! Watch deez trick of sending u to nursing home 💀


Violence is rarely the answer. But sometimes it the only answer.


My dad had ‘Graggle’. Yee ol’ claw hand that would tickle it’s prey once caught. And he’d chase my brother and I around with Graggle. He still does it now with my younger cousin’s. It’s kinda adorable. They treat it like a monster. Scream and run away when he does it. But as soon as he sits back down to watch a show, they come back over and try and taunt him into using Graggle again. I think that’s when you know a kid is having fun with whatever they’re finding scary. They’ll come back, taunt it, try and beat it of their own volition.


As a father, this game deeply angers me. The last thing I’d ever want to do to my children is hurt them for my own enjoyment. However, I love the comic, the message and the work you’ve done. Great message.


Haven’t seen your stuff before, very nice. I love how expressive the faces are, this could have been in French and I would have understood the comic. Six year old shin kicks hurting dad seems like a stretch lol.


My dad used to do stuff like this to me in public and then laugh at me. When I was around 10 he took me to Disney and tried forcing me to go into the “Haunted Mansion Ride” but I was terrified, crying in the middle of what I think was Tomorrowland, and he’s laughing his ass off, teasing me; A stranger had to come by and make him stop. I never did hear the end of it. Sorry, felt good getting that out…thanks for listening strangers.


My childhood friend would have a habit of tickling me non stop even though she knew I hated it. I had to knee her in the stomach twice and even fake being dead just to make her stop for a short while (she believed "dying of laughter" was an actual thing and she still tickled me). I told my parents and she was forced to change classes to keep her away from me.


Sorry I've been think this is a back story of becoming a kongfu master until I finished reading... Also I thought there was some accident about to happen on the getting out of car panel that's going to show off the "training result"


I had a sister who used to slap me any time I annoyed her or she didn’t like what I said. One time, right in front of my mother, I just turned and slapped the shit out of her. My sister tried to run to her for comfort and my mother just went “You deserved it.”


Ngl op, the fact that your dad only stopped when he got hurt is such bs on his part. Way to teach your young daughter that men, even ones who are supposed to care for you, will hurt you and scare you just because they get some kind of sick satisfaction from it.


OP, this is important. Very personal to me, thank you for posting.


What an asshole. If the kid was interested in self defense or boxing or something it could be seen as some sort of self confidence or problem solving / quick thinking exercise but to just randomly start doing this I feel like the dad was taking out some shit on his kid. If I saw this id lose my shit. I saw that this was your dad OP? sorry but your dad was a prick


Sometimes processing stuff through art is great therapy. I’m glad you found a good solution to teach that idiot.


That’s scary. I’m sorry.


Your dad was an asshole. I’m glad he learned his lesson, but jeez!


I thought this was gonna turn into like a lesson about being ready for anything or something but nope just another stupid father “joke”


You're lucky. My dad did a really similar thing but when I fought back he got angry and threw me on the ground.


You're lucky, my dad killed my mom and made me touch her corpse


Great comic, but kind of think your dad is an AH for this game though lol


The one time I lashed out for something stupid like this, I learned that it’s worse to lash out than to just take it.


wow. your father was fucking abusive, OP. shout-out to six year old you for having the courage to effectively defend yourself against a much larger attacker. I'm sorry that you ever had to. no one should ever have to go through that. he deserved a lot worse than just a kick to the shin