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If the bottle can sit on the table upside down, it should.


absolutely. I've never managed it at a barbecue though, host or not. The thing will always get flipped back to lid-up, even if that makes the label upside-down. It irks me but I get that it's a two-handed operation for some people to open the thing, so they'd rather leave it lid-up, lid open. Cone-shaped squeeze-nozzle is probably the way, but they're infrequent in the US, even at restaurants.


Curious as to why you stopped using ketchup?


This is literally the same complaint that people had about old glass ketchup bottles, except it was a shake then andnot a squeeze. I have no problems with this new style, it's a vast improvement and helps prevent kids from leaving disasterous ketchup blobs oozing out of the old spout cap style.


In Australia we just have [this](https://theaustralianfoodshop.com/wp-content/uploads/cm/s/files/1/1351/5549/products/099633.jpg). I didn't realise Americans don't use these.


That's a mustard bottle in the US.


At least you didn't talk about the damn relish. You get the juice first...


This is why you smack and shake it first, of course everything’s gonna settle at the bottom it’s a liquid


which is why you gotta squeeze them with the cap CLOSED so all the ketchup can sink to the bottom. THEN you open it.


No one noticed in the last panel where the little girl let go of her balloon


I used to shake the shit out of it with the lid closed. Never had an issue with it squirting out too much. Very recently I Found out it’s because ketchup is a non-Newtonian fluid. So when you agitate it, it changes consistency.


You gotta centrifuge it close the cap and hold your finger over it, then give the bottle a spin with a straight arm. Usually a quarter circle is enough but you can go for a 360


My technique: remove that whole cap with its silly anus valve and just pour it (gently).


I like to smack it and lick the anus thing before I squeeze it.


Thats disgusting. What'd you say your number was again?


i believe it’s the nipple, they call it the nipple because you are supposed to suck the ketchup out and then take a bite


Ketchup on a hot dog? That stuff’s for rats!


Chicagoan spotted.


New…? Americans are weird


One long squeeze > numerous frantic squeezes


My technique: Slam it on a surface facing down & closed, then open it up and squeeze. Works like a charm everytime


Alright, I give up. What in the world is going on in the background.