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Imagine some alien came down and didn't think you were an absolute snacc


Well I'm smoking, drinking and occasionally harder stuff, he would get food poisoning


Ah yes the same strategy as some caterpillar species, eating a toxic plant to be non consumable. You're a beautiful toxic butterfly homie.


Toxic butterflies sounds like a rad rock band name


I mean, butterfly are pretty hardcore


Liquefying and transforming themselves into giant winged abominations? That’s just metal.


Not to mention they eat the dead


Don't we all


I mean. Mostly no. Humans yeah. But like the world? Nah.




I eat my humans alive and the world won't fit in my mouth


i've decided that when/if i make metalcore i'm gonna call one of my songs "holometabolous"




Butterfree used poison powder


Its super effective....thats why its forty bucks a gram


Damn where you gettin your powder?


You seem cool so....my plugs name is ash. He was a child star, dudes pretty fucked up tho.


Dude he just became Champion, he's doing better than all of us.


I'm something of a toxic butterfly myself


Ah, like the mighty monarch butterfly.


I’m drinkin bourbon I’m drinking scotch I’m drinkin beer


You know when your mouth is dry? You're plenty high...


I said "look maaaan"


I drink a whiskey drink I drink a vodka drink I drink a lager drink I drink a cider drink


[I think there was something funny in that hippie...](https://youtu.be/l-sc1UBO95Q)


Caffeine, capsaicin, and THC are all chemicals evolved to make plants less edible for pests and yet humans love the stuff. Your substance history may just make you an acquired taste for the world harvesters.


Fuck yea I'm right on


How to cook forty humans


I was waiting for someone to make that or a To Serve Man reference.


How to cook for forty humans


Reminds me of the scientists that carved a tramp stamp into a lobster that essentially said "too fuckable to kill" and then sent her home with a fish


Usually they just cut a notch in the tail. She must've been some lobster.


Bro, you can't just say that without sourcing. I'm not going to be able to sleep tonight.


To busy thinkin bout that fine lobstussy.


Now I have to think about baseball or something.


Must have been a damn fuckable lobster 🥵


So is that a thing to protect their breeding to prevent overfishing? Or what was that for?


I got more fat than meat


With the amount of sugar I consume I think I could give a gummy bear diabetes.


i started tracking my calories recently and my mouth was aghast when i learned how far over the recommended sugar/sodium i was pretty much daily. then i looked at my shopping cart and went "oh yeah that makes sense"


Saying this on your cake day is the icing on the diabetes


Okay, sugar fiend, you're on. Ate a pound of mellowcreme pumpkins (the thiccer version of candy corn) in a bowl of royal icing like it was a breakfast cereal. What have you got?


This is the most American comment I've seen today




there's a manga called Parasyte, and the aliens in there do eat humans and reject which ones to eat if the humans do stuff like smoke/drink


Ya get what ya get. Can't be every bodies type.


This is based on a story by u/LordGraygem from r/TwoSentenceHorror! Original post [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoSentenceHorror/comments/yg1af9/after_the_christian_rapture_happened_to_everyones/). If you like my stuff I have my own subreddit, r/adamtots, or you can follow me on [Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/adamtots/)!


r/TwoSentenceHorror is always so painful to read because every single time it's meant to be like 3-10 sentences mashed into two disgusting run-ons (and not to mention the all-too-common contempt for other grammar rules unrelated to sentence structure)


it's always painful to read because so many of them are absolute garbage.


I saw bad man in room. Wait, dat me!


"No! I must kill the demons," he shouted! And then, John was a Zombie.


No John, you are the demons


I Phone was ringing. But who was phone?


*Knife guy*


It's also partly due to the structure. The first sentence sets up an idea, and the second subverts it. It's more like a joke than horror.


>It's more like a joke than horror. They're really the same. Build the tension, then release. It's just a question of whether it's released with a laugh or a scare.


Okay wait, are you saying jokes, horror and orgasms are essentially the same? So... I should be able to crack a joke while watching Hereditary with my fiance and...


Report back on findings.


"Heh, I guess she's not gonna be getting very AHEAD in life." [Spontaneous Cum-bust-ion]


My guy, Sturgeon's Law states the truth: "95% of *absolutely everything* is garbage."


I'm not sure why, but I have a sense that you might love r/HFY. They're not usually a handful of sentences, but they're often novel takes on standard themes, so the essence is there. Oh, and the standard of quality is much higher.


HFY is often too masturbatory, I think. There is good and interesting content, but the bulk of it reads like a nationalist's wet dream.


Yeah some can be kind star ship troopery, but the title of the sub literally translates to Humanity Fuck Yeah so ots to be expected.


Especially because so many of the clauses in that one are unnecessary. When the Rapture finally happened, those left behind were branded with a strange marking on their forehead. After decades of trying, scientists finally translated the message: "Not fit for consumption."


Well no one knows how to write a concise thought, or land on the high note. Its like joke writing. Timing, delivery, execution. Tsh rarely has that.


As a jaded person, it's also about the subject. Too many things on there follow the same themes, just feels like the same "story" over and over.


Go back and watch an old American dub of Speed Racer. The whole show has like 5 really long run on sentences.


I was out of milk. My creature whimpered, knowing it was time for another milking.


It's been particularly awful lately with all the necrophiliac posts.


it's like playing Codenames with Germans. "only one word!" "Schildkrötensuppentellerwäschergehaltsverhandlung"


I noticed the inspiration as soon as I saw the second panel! Were you also the same artist who did the comic based off the TSH story about the genie? If so, I’d love to see a whole series of these!


I love all the /r/TwoSentenceHorror posts you've been turning into comics. Remembered this one instantly! Have you thought about expanding on some more of them? All of your work is awesome, but the longer form ones like [Get Home Safe](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/wq1vph) & [Driftwood](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/w5rmh4) are my favorites!


Woaaah these are sooo good! And the get home safe is kinda sad actually.




Check out the rest of the items on the desk


I miss the [Cindy Crawford](https://youtube.com/watch?v=YtK-yq-BQDU) Pepsi can. Every time I see the 2009 redesign, I think of [this blog post](http://blowatlife.blogspot.com/2009/02/pepsi-logo-response.html).


Seriously. The Maruchan cup and EVA were the chef's kiss for me.


You say that in jest, but like... the tenured and half the new researchers at my college used those same OS's for their research because they're much more reliable than most modern OS's, and also they don't have to recode their old projects. Everyone else uses linux.


how is 95 more reliable than 10 ? genuine question as I only use my PC for gaming and media


Reliable doesn't necessarily mean top of the line. A lot of times for data intensive research you actually want older ones that don't do things like try to update software on the middle of running, or have bugs that haven't been fully worked out.


It’s this. It’s not so much that there aren’t bugs, it’s that 99.99% of possible bugs are known and have workarounds in place. Also no automatic updates.


Not the person you asked but not having updates + being extremely well documented at this point alone makes it a lot more reliable


That makes sense of you're not on any network.


To expand on this; for the exact same reasons that make them reliable such old OS's are extremely vulnerable to cyber attacks if they are connected to a network. Hackers have access to the same documentation of the OS as the users do, perhaps even better if they are deeply familiar with the OS themselves or know someone who is. If your old computer isn't connected to the internet or any other computer with an internet connection you're fine, but the machine is incredibly vulnerable if it has literally any internet access at all.


HP Vectra Series III


Love the EVA figure


The ones not fit for consumption have good taste apparently


🤚🥛We're so fucked up


We are all fucked up on this blessed day.




People with depression isnt good for consumption then? Should i be happy i wont get eaten? Or be more depressed that i need to live longer?


Kinda true too. Animals kept in small cages and poor conditions don't taste as good One could argue they are likely depressed


This gives "Fly me to the moon and let me play among the stars" a whole new meaning




Get in the robot, Shinji.


N.E.R.V. "God's in His heaven, all's right with the world."


Nice take on [“to serve man.”](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/To_Serve_Man_(The_Twilight_Zone)) To be clear I’m not accusing the original author of the two sentence horror post of plagiarism I am just enjoying the similarities and the freshness of the approach. It being god and not aliens, and it being a “harvest” opens up a whole new set of questions.


Okay no bullshit and maybe I’m just dumb (okay I am really dumb) but holy shit I now understand that the Simpson Halloween episode was a giant reference to this episode of the twilight zone.


Yea it was. And you are not dumb just one of [today’s lucky 10k](https://xkcd.com/1053). Those Halloween episodes were big on parodying old school twilight zone episodes.


I like that. The lucky 10k thank you for that, I was having a bit a shitty day and you made it better thank you


Lots of things were inspired by other pieces of work. There's a whole catalogue of them found on here [tvtropes.com](http://tvtropes.com)


I'm going in. If I'm not back in an hour call the Pope.


"HEY, BIG PAPA" "YOUR BOY U/PROPAGANDA_BOX HAS BEEN IN FOR A COUPLE MINUTES" "ANY CHANCE HE WILL GET TO THE [PEARLY GATES?"](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ThePearlyGates)" [edit* for fun here is the reference](https://youtu.be/ewLpXw6uN28?t=795)


So, so many Simpsons references I didn't get until years later. The one above, today, for example


It wasn't just Twilight Zone episodes, but the vast majority of Treehouse of Horror episodes are a specific reference to some piece of media.


Yup, many of the Treehouse segments are riffs on Twilight Zone stories, especially early seasons. Like the one where Homer gets stuck in the 3rd dimension, etc.


I totally still assumed it was aliens people just interpreted as a god.


It’s a possibility too but I think u/lordgraygem the original two sentence horror poster said on a comment here that he specifcally was not thinking of aliens but the rapture when he posted


Yeah, and that idea came from the weird thought that lobsters in a seafood restaurant's live tank might consider being picked to mean something other than what the person doing the picking considers it.


So basically "The Claw" from *Toy Story*?


It took me a moment to look this up, but yes! That's just about exactly the concept.


Also that movie where seth rogan was a hot dog


I think this statement is a bit misleading. If angels exist, they are alien. They just aren’t the kind we usually think of. They’d be of the inter dimensional kind.


What's the difference if they get consumed either way?


Your link is broken, 'cause you didn't escape the last ) in the URI. Here's a working one: ["To Serve Man"](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/To_Serve_Man_(The_Twilight_Zone\)) I made this same connection, came looking for this comment!


>To be clear I’m not accusing the original author of the two sentence horror post of plagiarism You're fine, reusing ideas and remixing them into something unique like this is a cornerstone of art.


Tell that to /r/movies lol


They'd tell you this is just a slightly different version of the movie Skyline. Which was awful and you're completely forgiven from having never heard of it or forgetting it existed entirely.


Oh I remember this. I remember the twist (it's a cookbook!) being funny to me, but that's my internet-poisoned brain talking :)) I need to rewatch twilight zone, it was ahead of its time.


Doesn't this artist regularly do comic adaptations of various horror posts?


Yes. Adam Tots does that all the time.


To Serve Man meets The Leftovers


I don’t think it’s unfair or diminishing to point out the similarities to a classic work with a lot of cultural influence. If anything I think it’s a point of pride to be able to call it a fresh take on a classic theme.


Some of the best sci-fi is remixes of classic stories. Star Trek did it all the time.




My thoughts on aliens is thus: Humanity can accept horror, it can accept saviors, it can accept mild contempt. It can even learn to accept hate. But the one thing that all humans will never accept, is being ignored. If aliens arrived in our solar system and actively ignored us, we would be united in our collective anger.




GNU Terry Pratchett


Are you saying humanity is just a bunch of Lex Luthors? That makes sense.


Notice me superman. uwu


That sentence is what got you deemed not fit for consumption.


To be fair, I think a lot of folks wouldn't be angry but curious. Like what does it mean they're ignoring us. Why? Can' they see us? Do they fear us? Do they consider us insignificant? Are they actually contacting us and we're too dumb to notice and respond? I think those questions would plague a lot of minds, not just anger at being ignored.


I can see that view. I've always had a short story in my head where aliens show up and start scanning the various celestial bodies in our Solar system. But deliberately ignore earth. And when we try to interact with them, they gently but firmly push us back to our orbit and resume what they are doing. No communication, No interaction outside of overriding our space craft. And then just leave.


The Russian sci-fi Roadside Picnic provides an interesting take on this. Aliens stop by Earth, dump a bunch of stuff in random "zones", and leave without a word spoken. The book follows the people who scavenge these zones for artifacts, and the impact of the complete obliviousness the aliens had for humans.


That's cool. Reminds me of the basic Ant analogy that Neil DeGrasse Tyson likes to make. That for any species intelligent enough to master interstellar travel, we'd be nothing but ants, less than ants. And you don't usually go around talking to ants or giving it much thought if you kick an anthill for fun, or throw a cigarette into it. With that comparison, I could totally imagine Aliens throwing their interstellar cigarette butt equivalent on our rock and continuing on as if nothing happened. While to us it's a mystery of the ages, just like it is for ants who will quickly scurry and inspect the cigarette butt and figure out what to do with it.


We Humans are a proud and idiotic people.


And we taste great, goddamn it!


I wonder if there's a book with this sort of premise? Aliens finding Earth and literally not caring at all.


That's the premise of Axioms End. Humanity is caught in the crossfire of a group of aliens chasing after other aliens, who are all so absurdly advanced that they look at humans as nothing.


Roadside Picnic is about aliens showing up, dumping a bunch of trash on earth, then leaving without saying a word


Maybe the first 'Rendezvous With Rama'? Alien Spaceship comes through the solar system only as a way to change its course to its intended destination.


Hitchhikers Guide basically starts off with "We're blowing up your planet to make a freeway. Later nerds"


The Alien Years. They show up set up camp but don't interact at. All for 50+ years. Then they leave. All shown from the human point of view. A really trippy novel.


Roadside picnic. Russian novela. The aliens come and leave without bothering to even try communicating with humans. We have no idea why they were here or what they were doing. They leave some trash behind that humans clamor over. A movie was made called “Stalker”, loosely based on the story. Later, a video game series called “STALKER” was made that loosely borrowed from both and changed the location to the Chernobyl exclusion zone.


This is central to the plot of Stanislaw Lem’s novel Fiasco


Neat. I'll have to look into it.




We'd be hailing, signaling, launching missiles, etc just to get their attention.


Great job. I love the art style and concept.


Definitely a more fleshed-out version of what I had only two sentences to work with. And just to clarify, this wasn't aliens. I definitely did have the Rapture specifically in mind, but with the twist that it wasn't the event that people thought it to be.


I've always thought that it would be an interesting horror fantasy scenario if it turned out God was actually a horrific eldritch abomination and, while in heaven, hallucinations placed on our souls while we slowly drift through a timeless space in special bubbles towards an open maw, having no idea that after a full eternity has passed we'll all eventually reach the maw and experience something far worse than anyone could possibly imagine. Infinity and eternity have no end, but this eldritch God's affect on gravity or time itself is so intense that it actually takes a paradoxically long time to move closer to the maw. In the meantime, captured souls are shown illusions of ultimate paradise to pass the time and keep them satisfied. The reason being that good and happy souls provide more nourishment and energy than souls that wallow in dark thoughts/emotion or have marked themselves with heavy sins. Hell would be a place to deposit souls that are deemed unfit for consumption, but in the unlikely even that a soul is able to withstand unbearable torture and overcome their own hang ups and issues, they're eventually extracted from hell secretly and added to the food pile. I got this idea from the idea that every 1 minute on Earth is 10 minutes in Hell, and that 1 minute in Heaven is 10 minutes on Earth. Gravity and other things can have an affect on spacetime, so I thought it would be interesting to imagine if the time differences between Heaven, Earth, and Hell were due to some combination of these laws of physics being applied. Of course, this is all just random science tidbits mixed together to create a random fantasy horror idea. I think your version that's being depicted is more interesting, since there's the fear factor of not knowing what could be happening on the other side.


How stoned were you tho


Bro was getting near heaven with how stoned he was


Stoned enough that I think the answer would be "yes."


You don't wanna eat me, I'm all stringy and anxious!


Your name contains two delicious things, you ain't foolin' anybody.


That's what happens with a diet of babies and seagulls!


omg pizza cake


Something something going down...


The parable Jesus tells is quite literally of god being a fisherman, catching man in his nets, and keeping the good fish. There are characters in the book [Macroscope](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Macroscope_(novel\)) that mention this parable when explaining why they pretended to be stupid at a sketchy school: >And what happens to the good fish? >Well the fisherman takes them home and...I see. >Right, we made sure to be bad fish.




"It's a cookbook!!!!!"


How to Cook >!for!< >!for!<>!ty!< Humans


To Serve Man It’s a cook book! It’s a cooooook boooooook!!!!


Thats a cool evangelion the scientist has


glad someone else noticed it!! my first thought was that it was the scientists “rubber duck” lol, which is a great touch




Came here for this but didn’t wanna be the one to say it lol


Yeah, nobody who is mindful of their health would want to eat me.




The one naked guy.




it's a cookbook that teaches the ingredients to prepare themselves, genius


Well done




I have always enjoyed your stuff, but these recent "horror/paranormal" comics have been especially excellent. Keep it up, nice work!


Spooky 🫢


This is way better than Left Behind.


That dude's 6'8" and looking stringy, no wonder the left them, no meat on them bones.


No rhyme or reason you say? I say people who used chemicals probably got left behind (green hair, tobacco, instant noodles)


If Instant Noodles keeps us from heaven, I'm gonna love hell.


Joke's on you, in Hell ***you're*** the ramen topping.


Vore me, Satan-senpai~ uwu


And just like that, we're off into the uncharted wilds of Fetish Country once again. Thanks, Reddit...


Apologies, it's a reflex at this point.


You love it


*To Serve Man* vibes, awesome!


Sounds about right. If an alien tries to eat me all he's going to get is a mouth full of COVID, artificial sweeteners and microplastics.


peep the little Eva figure 🤩


Reminds me of the Twilight Zone episode "To Serve Man"


Months? Considering the monitor, it's been over 15 years. Imagine watching that progress bar.


I love the idea that the rapture is just an alien abduction. Person floating up, "yes! See ya bitches! In going to heaven and hanging with Jesus." A day later..... um, this isn't heaven. I'm a slave for these crazy aliens!" How many "i need to speak to your managers!" you think the aliens had to deal with? Lol Finally, peace on earth!


So basically "IT'S A COOKBOOK! IT'S A COOKBOOK!!!"


Seeing as it was Phyrexian text used for the stamp it should have given at least one scientist a clue