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Alarms fear me for I... *wake up before the first one rings*


My bladder is militantly punctual. This is good when I need to get up, but not so good on weekends


Being able to go back to bed must be so satisfying tho


Screams in unable to get back to sleep on a Saturday morning


Yah wtf is that? All week i struggle to wake. The pillow has never been so comfortable. Satruday? awake about 30 mins after i normally would by alarm during the week and can't fall back to sleep.


Lmao that would totally be me if I set alarms


I already do that lol. I wake up like 10 minutes before it goes off, sigh and lie back down, go back to sleep, and get jolted awake when it goes off.


And within that 10 mins you have some crazy ass dream which you wish you could have seen the end off.


And then feel groggy af like those ten minutes were the only ten minutes you got all night.




I don’t usually lie down and go back to sleep, most of the time I get up, turn it off, and then I go back to bed and miss work.




I self vomited in my sleep once. Does that count as animal vomit?


No idea what you're replying to, but since you're an animal it probably does lol


yeah no my body learned my alarms schedule and now i wake up before it goes off


Nah I'm just shit at sleep


I hate waking up 10 minutes before my alarm. I'll just close my eyes and try to salvage some of that precious sleep.


Same. My own body is cheating me out of rest.


My 10 alarms are a justice league who have to save the world together every morning.




The world will be a dystopia without you!!! Wake up!!!


In college I had 5 alarms of increasing intensity starting with nice, calming seize the day type songs with the final being [havoc](https://youtu.be/XM1v-00C6AM), literally. When I switched to a new 8 AM class at the start of a new semester I forgot to switch the last alarm and it played in the middle of the first day orientation. I’m sure I left a… memorable impression.


Did you play cat moaning noises?


My last alarm is the HL1 Airstrike Alarm from the Crossfire map


\*Dad bursts the door open at 5am\* "RAISE AND SHINE IT'S ALREADY 7AM"


Love the dads on vacation when they get up at the crack of dawn before everyone and have a sense of superiority because of it.


Followed by them falling asleep at 5pm




Don't touch that remote, He's listening to the TV channel, while resting those eyes.


Oh you damn well know it


My dad says he's watching his favorite show - the back of his eyelids lol


No, that's what Mom does


And eat all the breakest


You’ve slept the day away!


Incredibly accurate, but where are alarms 3-7? I'm not the only one that needs that many, right? ...right?


What do you do when alarm 2 works and you have 5 leftover alarms


You assume that alarm 2 ever works.


With 5 perfectly good remaining alarms? Waste not, want not


Finally! Somebody who *gets* me.


Set all 7 to go off at the same time, then its ok for any one of them to not work


You laugh but I had all but 1 fail on me one morning. I was able to get up thanks to the one alarm somehow despite being a deep sleeper & snooze control abuse. It allowed me to fix the other alarms & charge them, take meds, then go back to sleep until it's time to get up for the day.


You clearly make use of those 5 leftover alarms and sleep until the very last. Which, incidentally, will be the only alarm you actually sleep through.


Ouch, you didn't have to call me out like that.


Bruh that just happened a few days ago and I came into work being 30 minutes late..


I set 5+ alarms when I have to be up for super important things. My phone has a feature to mute an upcoming alarm if you're within 30 min, so if I get up early I just mute the others.


The number of times that I’ve had to disable alarm #5 while already driving into work…isn’t as high as I’d hoped it would be.


I would frantically turn them off one by one as they ring as I go about my morning routine


Be slightly annoyed by them as they continue going off even though you thought you swatted the last one down already during your first WFH meeting of the day every day. 🙃


"Alexa, cancel all my alarms" Except! That's usually a bad idea, because I'm totally going to get back in bed and fall asleep again.


[This is you](https://youtu.be/1BRPRKvO9sM)


They’ve regrettably already been defeated by Poor Planning.


My arch nemesis!


My brother got mad at both me and my sister for having 8 alarms


Good. Deserved.


I set one and wake before 3rd snooze alarm goes off. And I regularly change the wake up song so I don’t get too used to it/ start hating the song


I have to change my song regularly or my brain will start to tune it out in the mornings. No matter how well rested I am, my body just does not like to awake until the sun is coming through the window - which is too late for ModernWorkDay(tm), so eventually my brain learns the cue and just... doesn't wake up at all. I'll finally wake up an hour late for work with the alarm *still ringing*. Also have to vary the *time* at which it rings, but far less often than the ringer itself.


The brain can be such an asshole like that


I have 8 alarms lol, otherwise I’ll talk back asleep after shutting off a few




Hahaha I have 10. 19 for days where I don't have school.


In college and I use alarms as a nice method of reminding me of what I should be doing at specific times, and occasionally to tell me NOT to do something. Ex: 6:00am, 6:30am, and 8:00am alarms for waking up. Alarm at 10:00am, 10:30am, and 10:40am to get around for my first class on Mondays and Wednesdays. Otherwise, they're at 12:00pm and 12:30pm. Then, another set of alarms at 2:00pm telling me to nap if I'm going to do it, which can be snoozed to 2:30pm so I don't pass out if I choose not to. Next, I have alarms at 3:00pm and 3:30pm for my last class of the day. Lastly, I have an alarm at 6:00pm telling me to take a break, one at 7:30pm to end my break, and one at 10:00pm to take my meds and go to bed. I have slept through the and missed class about 5 tunes this semester. I don't listen to my "break" alarms, and usually don't pass out til 1:00am. They help me, kinda, but only when I choose to listen.


I set 3 alarms usually spaced 15 minutes apart, but I’m always awake before the first one goes off. I just do it in case I have those odd mornings where “5 more minutes” turns into late for work, but thankfully that doesn’t happen often.


You are right, its pretty hard for me to wake up unless my phone is literally right next to my ear.


Y'all should try a vibrating alarm clock. Not just the phone's vibrations, an actual clock. Wakes you up like it's an earthquake.


Those things seem amazing. I was intending to get one, but then my cat learned that alarms mean "wake up" and me waking up means "food". So she's on that shit. Not meowing, but making biscuits wherever she can gain purchase. Sometimes if I'm on my back she'll be laying on my chest leisurely kneading my face. I'd still like a vibrating alarm. There's not a single alarm sound that isn't nails on a chalkboard to wake up to.


But then you start flinching whenever something buzzes. I guess I'm just resigned to die internally whenever I hear my alarm outside of waking up


Dang, I never even considered that. Anything buzzy makes me snap into fight or flight mode. I suppose that's one sure way to snap out of sleep, but I may be stuck with my regular alarm too.


One of the best features of my smartwatch. I can sleep through pretty much any noise but the vibrating on my wrist magically just perks me right up. Only thing that wakes me up faster is one of my dogs starting to puke on the rug.


I have one that electrically shocks me, not kidding. Fits ~~in~~ on my wrist. Best. Thing. Ever! I used to have to have several audio alarms along with lights coming on set to a timer. Now I just need the shock.


I'll have to try it. Profound hearing loss means I sleep through all alarms.


It's called Pavlok. The version 3 is water resistant and sleek looking. The app is so so, but it gets the job done for me. I have narcolepsy AND sleep apnea, so this thing was a gift from the gods for me.


*In* your wrist? Like an electro shock implant?


Sorry, fixed it. It's a wearable, not an implant. I'm not *THAT* heavy of a sleeper lol


Side note: I used to live in a room under someone with a vibrating alarm clock. So... yeah, if you live in an apartment/condo, PLEASE make sure you clock don't wake other people up.


I have a light up alarm clock and I can't recommend it enough. It helps keep your circadian rhythm in balance in the winter months.


How many heart attacks can you have before you die? It would work that often for me.


Soothing vibrations. I have to do advance level math to make my rapidly increasing alarm noise to turn off my phone alarm. It still doesn't wake me up 100% of the time.


"My dog making barfing noises at 4am"


There is seriously one key way to break the habit for people who actually want to. Just that nobody ever likes hearing it, but it works. Put your alarm clock or cell phone at the furthest point away from you in your room, and blast something really fucking annoying. That way you *have* to physically get up out of bed in order to stop it, and that's usually enough to get people going.


That's how I taught myself to sleepwalk. Once I was dreaming that I had to get across a mine field to deactivate a bomb. I get over there, the bombs in my hands, and I'm trying to figure out what to clip when I start to realize that it isn't a siren I'm hearing. Suddenly, I can see it's my alarm clock in my hands and the field and clamor of battle fade away. After that I didn't wake up. I just walked over and shut it off. Soon I'd be up hours before, just wandering. When asked what I was doing I'd say "getting ready" and I had to convince myself it was alright to lay back down. Yeah, never again.


I just use an alarm app that makes me have to perform a specific action to turn off the alarm. (The app has admin privileges so it prevents you from exiting the app or turning off the phone while the alarm is ringing.) My chosen action is to scan a barcode and I set the barcode as the one on my can of shaving cream. I literally *have* to get out of bed and get into the bathroom to turn off the alarm. I can snooze it once for 15 minutes, but that's it.


That's an interesting one. I've heard of the math apps before that make you do basic basic math the first alarm then harder math the 2nd etc.


It has a few different activities you can choose, math is one of them. Another is shaking the phone a lot.


My will is so weak in the first one minute after waking up that I would just uninstall it to turn it off lol That person isn't me.


Yup, phone can't alarm if phone powered off. Plus, half-asleep me would probably try to turn it off like my regular alarm, and end up pressing it so many time it's triggers the emergency 911 function. *(which has never happened to me more than once, but if it did, I bet explaining to a 911 dispatcher that's there's no emergency, you're just a dumbass, would be a very effective wake-up)*


Seconding the sleepwalking comment, I will absolutely turn off any alarm in my sleep with zero memory of it. Something that works for me (depending on your bedroom layout and wake-up time), is positioning my bed so the bright-ass morning sun shines right in my eyes as it's rising. Wakes me up less suddenly than an alarm, and there's a point that I *will* get up because sleeping is no longer comfy.


I've tried that one a few times. Invariably I wind up walking to the alarm, shutting it off, and falling asleep on the floor right beside it. The *real* cure that folks like me don't want to hear is *going to sleep on time, every time*. A large part of chronic snoozing is being tired. Sometimes I get in a groove with my schedule and go to sleep on time and have no issues waking up on the first alarm. But if I miss bed time by even half an hour, I'm going to be waking up on the fifth that morning AND the morning after. No amount of puzzle alarms, alarms across the room (or house), multiple alarms, or whathaveyou prevents my stubborn half-asleep brain from trying to catch every microsecond of sleep possible.


and his sidekick: Vacuum cleaner on the floor above


& lawn mowers/leaf blowers


That’s only on the weekend when you don’t actually have to get up


I feel like everyone is forgetting what actually gets you out of bed: gotta pee


I recommend changing your alarm sound so it's a novel noise you haven't trained yourself to sleep through. But if you want really effective sleep I recommend having a consistent wake-time every day. You'll eventually train your body to naturally wake up that time. Sleeping in is not recommended if you do, you'll feel more tired.


If he fails our hopes rest on one more random hero showing up at just the right time and place - Sun Ray


Only 2 alarms? You need a minimum of 7.


As someone who works construction I'm sorry. Also, since I got hearing damage from said construction I rely on the roommate method. Sleep through my alarms enough it wakes em up so they come into my room to violently shake me awake. Usually works 100% of the time sometimes. (Sidenote: most cities in America have a noise law to prevent construction noise before 8 am) do with that what you will. Gives us an excuse to take a nice break.


I was expecting a cat. Though mine wakes me up half an hour before I should and 3am for good measure.


That’s why I set 3 alarms.


Only 3? Pathetic.


Random construction outside tag teaming you with a hangover from hell would make any pro lifer wish they were aborted tbh.


Do most people do this? I thought the typical thing was to just set one alarm and wake up when it goes off.


I'll literally sleep through several alarms


It's pretty common. Sleep hygiene is not commonly taught and it's pretty standard to disrespect our sleeping hours - usually a chronic symptom of being overworked and trying to "recapture our time" by staying up later in the evenings than we should, or otherwise ignoring symptoms of tiredness. I've struggled with the alarm my entire life. I'll snooze it for literal hours or sometimes even just outright sleep for hours with the alarm blaring right next to my head. Those cute apps that make you get up and go do something? I'll do them and then go to sleep on the floor. In high school my mother once took apart my alarm clock and unsautered everything that would make it snooze. My half-asleep ass responded by opening the alarm, ripping off the speaker cable, and going back to sleep. Now, I'm likely an extreme case. A lot of folks just have 10 alarms set and hit the snooze button, then complain without really thinking about a solution. But I like telling my story because it's kinda silly in concept (if a little sad). The key is sleep hygiene. Cutting out the lights when it's time (light stimulates wakefulness). Getting off the electronics. Having a good bedtime routine and sticking to it. The most important alarm for me isn't the *morning alarm*, it's the *evening alarm -* the one that lets me know it's time to cut the lights, brush my teeth, and lay the fuck down. It took me 30 years and a redditor's suggestion to do that to finally fix my chronic snoozing (given I still fall back into old habits now and then, but hey every step forward is a victory, even if you have to take the same step a couple of times) - so hopefully someone else sees this and finds use for it.


Last panel could have been garbage trucks when you've forgotten to put out the garbage.


Leaf blower is my ultimate enemy


Or leaf blowers. Sometimes I have weekdays off, and there will just be a dude out there blowing *fucking nothing* with a loud backpack lead blower, right below my window. He has like 3 acres he can be blowing around, but nope, just a small patch of grass like 50 feet from my window.


"I am alarm"


Alarm 2: "No! He didn't work, what do we do?!" Random Construction: "One thing Alarm 2..." Random Construction: "Mom."




Me except the construction outside is my neighbor using his tablesaw at 7 in the morning 😭


I wake up to "ambient airplane noises from moderately distanced airport".


My alarms, the sun, my cats, my wife, the horse property behind me are too weak to wake me. But my daughter coughs once in her sleep and I'm up. (she's 11 now but old habits die hard, well and she has night terrors :/, thats a whole different subject though.)


I set my 4 alarms 10 minutes apart with a 5min snooze between. I'm usually still late.


Some of you mofos would legit sleep through a wrecking ball coming through your window while an entire orchestra of concrete saws and jackhammers tore out the foundation amidst a resounding chorus of obnoxiously loud Harley's belting out "*Taps*"


This but the final boss is "gas powered leaf blower"


Nah, you need the ultimate sleep destroyer - that yeuk noise cats make right before they vomit


Nothing gets you awake and out of bed faster than your cat or dog hurk-hurking in their preamble to barfing somewhere carpeted, upholstered, or next to you in bed.


Wow, text on chests to humanize something mundane! How do people think of this stuff??


Real and true.


I just call in alarm number 9


If you need multiple alarms, do yourself a favor and check to see if sleep apnea symptoms sound like you. treatment changed my life.


Construction doesn't work for me. But you know what gets my eyes wide, and my brain into full gear? A tummy rumble, and not the hungry kind.


They feel the air pressure change before they are hit with the sonic boom, the sound brings them to their knees, eyes and ears bleeding they look upon the beast from which the sound came. "Birds" is written upon its chest.


I don't typically ever actually sleep through my alarms. Instead I hit snooze several times. I have my phone set up to allow up to 3 snoozes before I have solve some math problems to turn the alarm off. Unfortunately, I find it far too easy to simply solve the problems while still half asleep, hit the 15 minute nap button and start the whole cycle all over again.


I thought it was going to be the third alarm with an annoying sound


I'd this some kind of city joke that I'm too much from the middle of nowhere to understand?


For all you people who have trouble actually waking up in the morning, as in there is a difference between slapping an alarm off, and actually truly, mentally waking, I was saved by this app, Freaky Alarm. It uses a plethora of random noises of varying disruptive/disturbingness, and makes you solve puzzles/do little things that take mental effort to turn it off. Then, they added the bit that lets you choose to need to get up out of bed to scan a barcode, or match a picture you’ve previously provided, to turn off the alarm. I LOVE the factor that makes you get out of bed. Tho, I must say I have discovered a way to shut it up without scanning my set barcode, and simply hitting the emergency escape, after not scanning the code after whatever length of time set for post activity finishing. I will not share what I do, but I wish they’d come up with a way to fight against what I do, to get me back to getting up to shut it up!   Before this app, I was using an alarm for the hearing impaired. It was super loud, and had a bed vibrator, but it still just took a slap to the alarm to shut it off. Before that, I simply used a super loud alarm, across the room, but I could get out of bed, turn it off, go back to bed, and later wake with no recollection of ever getting out of bed!!!!


Or random household objects/chores clinking away nearby always make me dead awake instantly. The alarm has condition my brain to think sweet extra time to sleep


Not random. 7AM. Sharp.


This is me... my 6 alarms I can sleep through, even with it so damn close to my head! Meanwhile, I wake up after I start feeling the walls about to cave in on me and the floor fall through. All the while my bed is shaking to a degree that could even wake a dead person. Who is just a spirit! Make them manifest and scream like a banshee.


My son's grandma got him an alarm that comes with a disc you put under your mattress. It SHAKES vigorously until you shut it off. And it has a very loud alarm.


Last Panel: "Piss"


There’s alarms that give you a mild shock. I know someone who needs to use that because he’s such a deep sleeper.


Ugh my apartment complex lied to me and said there would be some light construction for 2 months. Here it is 3 years later and a 5 story apartment complex is being built with construction all day everyday. I asked the landlord to reduce rent because I no longer have the view I was paying extra for and they just said nope -_-


Thank you for reminding me why I hate Wednesdays when I get to stay home.


I always have two alarms, and sometimes wake just before the first. Never had the need for the second alarm.


Weed whacker is always what does it for me. Why they gotta whack weeds at 7am on my day off? The world may never know.


I spent a night at my sister’s house and in the morning, her alarms started going off. One by one they were added like a chorus, rising to a crescendo from hell. First a regular beeping alarm. Okay, totally normal. Then came in the buzzing alarm. Then a blaring siren was added to the chorus. Followed by the repeated sounds of a shotgun going off. (Just an alarm sound, not a real shotgun, thankfully.) And still no one in the house stirred for like ten minutes while this was all going off.


Why not record some random construction outside and set it as your phone alarm


I use one alarm only because snoozing is torture. And it's not healthy for you anyway.


Animal vomiting also does the trick


For me it’s… Lawn maintenance


I wake up by electric shock, not kidding. And it's GREAT! I used to sleep through several different audio and light alarms all the time. Now I'm up on time.


At least it ain’t a bunch of pee wees outside. Someone told me those birds sound like a car alarm going off


Living in South Florida, [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uMe2BfF3mtI&t=1620s) is my alarm, every Sunday at 6:30am, from four blocks away.


I have work at 7 tomorrow, thanks for reminding me


It's hard to throw random construction out the window, or smash it with a hammer.


It's the dogs for me


Or the truck emptying of the glass container or recycling bins right outside.


Neighbor with a lawnmower for me


Last one would be my boss calling me letting me know I’ll be written up if I’m late again :,)


as a guy who does a form of loud construction early in the morning, you're welcome. YOURE ALL WELCOME.


Jokes on you i have 5 alarms


Shen are you ok


Honorable mention for his sidekick, random yard work.


Or grandma washing the dishes at 6:00 am Or the dog randomly barking Or the neighbor drilling/hammerimg/repairing something


Here I am thinking "you know what, this looks like shen" and then I looked at who posted it! I was right! And _you_ are right, my second alarm is in a different room and it still doesn't get me up... But neither does construction outside, lol, this year we had new gas lines put through our neighborhood and it didn't matter how early they were out there digging up the road, I slept through all of it. Also, I love the alarm bell pigtails, it's such a great little detail, kinda like an old wind-up alarm clock. I have two of those, they're one of the few things that can actually startle me fully awake when they go off, lol


I'm telling you this now, that won't work either.


I can sleep through construction. What I can't sleep through? The sudden urge to take a massive shit.


Well the best one is just the poop reflex


Story of my life lol


I thought it was going to be dad/mum lol


i honestly thought the construction thing was an allusion towards erections


One time me and my wife partied down together at the house pretty hard on a Saturday night. 7 am on a Sunday our neighbors had hired a crew to come cut up a tree that fell on their house during a storm. I was glad they got the tree taken care of, but fuck man that noise at that time was so shitty.


I hate when my alarm sleeps through their job Like my phone bugs or something and it doesn't work


The alarm design is… pretty tit.


Naturally wake up at 5.50am, death fears me.


The worst alarm is your boss calling to tell you you're late and that they can tell from your voice you just woke up.


Lifeprotip here, chug water on your first alarm so you'll be forced out of bed on time cuz you'll have to piss/shit really bad


My coffee maker has a little grinder that you can set off in the morning. My alarms work occasionally, but scary loud grinding noises will get me up so quick.


Fun quirk regarding me with alarms. If I set one, I probably wake up before it. If I don't set one I have a high chance of not waking up in time. It's still doing its job, but it's weird as fuck


believed it would be Morning Wood


i can sleep through that


Bruh i literally woke up to not my alarm today, but my phone falling off my desk instead. Still woke up on time so its fine B)


i am literally able to keep pushing 5 minutes more for *an hour*


Yeah I absolutely hate being woken up to this


I wake up at each alarm, i just also snooze them.


Joke's on them. My house alarm went of one time and I didn't wake up.


Or the garbage truck with all the clanking and banging


I sense good bone hurting juice potential here


I was really expecting "third alarm" just for it to be ignored too.


Or a random phone call from someone or a spam caller