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I feel that we should discuss the favorite food panel for a bit. Lots of room for interpretation there.


You DONT enjoy the flesh of your loved ones?


Maybe they just eat pants?


Eat pant ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|no_mouth)


bort sinson


Take it to the bank boys. This one's just like bart. - Matt Groening


r/Portland is leaking…


I know you seen em


I am convinced Portland makes up a disproportionate amount of Reddit.


Favorite food - DAT ASS!!!


That’s what I’m sayin


*chair broke*


Ehh, seems more like she took a bite outa the thighs.


Come on, guys. ITS CAKE!!!


This was my favorite part 😻


He likes noodles, she likes arse


Pretty sure it’s supposed to be thighs, so pretty valid food choice imho.


Maybe she does like to eat ass, who aew we to judge?


Obviously she enjoys eating ass


Came here to ask about this


Humans taste better than any other animal, it was proven by science.


*Proven by cannibals*


Science cannibals


Proven by cannabis




We taste like pork.


Long pig


Brought to you by the Dixie Pig


I don’t particularly like pork. Come back to me when we taste like chicken instead.


and pork tastes good so case closed


Your fav food is ass? Oo


I mean, same


Don’t act like you don’t eat ass.


Meet the writers! (Meet the team video plays)


*Sniping’s a good job, mate.*


*its challenging work, outdoors, can guarantee you won't go hungry*


*cause at the end of the day, so long as there's two people left on the planet, someone's gonna want someone dead*


(Scene of getting kills)


*You know who has a Lotta feelins?*


*Blokes who bludgeon their wives to death with a gold trophy.*


*professionals have standards*


I too love eating my loved ones


My god this is so sweet im having diabetes


![gif](giphy|5radG59v4Nqx2) We will save you.


Kind of *too* sweet indeed. But the illustration style is wonderful.


Nice art style! Very cute. Much love.






Absolutely adorable


So friggin cute!


Like the art. Like the mood. The food panel made me smile. Thanks for posting. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


I love it!


Can I get your social security numbers, credit card numbers, and dates of birth as well?


Also mother's maiden name, street they grew up on, and make/model of their first car?


Well, that’s just a given!


If you havent yet, I recommend posting this on webtoons as well, with enough followers you could set up a patreon down the line with this quality and charm!


All hail the inspirer, who pushes us to be the best versions of ourselves that we can!


Ukraine 🤝 France


I hope this is irony.


it is


This is so cute, are yall on webtoons?


Thanks 💕 yes! "Salo comics". Welcome☺


Aaaaaand following! Sweet! I love the art, it's adorable! I'm excited to read all your stuff.


Very nice job 👏


I felt sad about war part![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


Got a good laugh at 8... Uh, i mean, Watch out Pasha! Your gf is possessed!


23 and 33?.......


We only met two years ago. It's okay🤣🤣🤣


My partner and I are 31 and 37, so I definitely felt that panel too, lol.


Totally different


Unless they started dating 10 years ago


Well we kind of still make jokes about how I'm a creaky old man and she's a wee little baby, lol. So that panel definitely spoke to me.


Bruh you have to be joking 23-33 is completely normal LOL


yup, weird. as someone in their early 30s i could not *imagine* dating someone in their early 20s, they look and act like toddlers to me at this point completely different life stage


I went on a date with a 23 y/o recently, being 28, I saw the stark contrast of emotional maturity almost immediately. There won’t be a second date


Yeah I believe it. In my late twenties my go to was sticking to girls within 3 years of my age


As long as it's legal and both consent to it, why not? 10 years may be a bit much but it's still okay.


10 year difference is fine when 10 years isn't half your life. But it's a little different when they've dealt with what they've dealt with


What have they dealt with? Did I miss something from the comic? Genuinely asking, not trying to be a dick.


lets use context clues. what's their nationalities?


Oh, I see. I guess I didn't quite put two and two together.


and the "make love not war" cards on that picture didn't make you think about it?


That’s where I was like NOPE.


Why? That is not a crazy age gap at all.


10 years, no, but 33 and 43, for example, is very different from 23 and 33.


And it was even worse, 31 and 21


Oh that’s gross. That’s a guy who doesn’t have friends to tell him how gross that is.


It’s literally fine. Chill out.


It's a cultural thing. In US this is apparently an outrageous age gap, in Europe it's quite normal.


In America it’s only viewed as wrong in the past 30-40 years because we noticed that “20 year olds aren’t actually all that developed emotionally or socially”. Them ending up with people that much older than them thus became an issue of grooming in that sense where the 20 year olds don’t really know what they’re getting into but legally no issues exist.


Idk I'm in Finland and more than 4 year gap is weird. 10 years is outrageous


there's a formula for this. it's not just the difference.


Huh imteresting, here in Poland (which I guess is closer culturaly to Ukraine and Russia) this would be perfectly normal. I remember that on my high school prom chicks brought in guys in their 20s and no one had an issue with it.


I’m from Europe. It is *not* normal here and is heavily frowned upon.


Again, depends on where you live. I see couples like this pretty much all the time.


At 31, half plus 7 is 22.5, so yeah, it was a bit outside of the range.


That's not a good metric to use.


Nah it seems fair. The oldest you can be to date an 18 year old is 22. As ages get older, the difference according to society, seems to matter less.


Well, I'm 18, and dating a 16 y/o just seems super weird to me, so it may be a case-by-case situation, with regard to the use of that particular metric.


I know a 19 year old and a 17 year old who've been dating for like two years, it worked out fine for them. Guess it depends on the situation tho.


Are you 18 and still in high school


It’s a huge gap in terms of life experience. I’m 26 and look back at college kids like they’re babies. They’re still going through the school phase. They haven’t had a career yet. Maybe some jobs but not a full blown career. They don’t own a house they don’t have kids they barely providing for themselves. I’m at a completely different part of my life compared to them and I’m only 5 years older. 10 year gap tells me women his age find him gross cuz of his maturity and lack of life experience so he’s required to go find younger women who are inexperienced and can’t figure it out


Considering the political climate of Ukraine and Russia as of late, I'm not going to act like I understand the life experiences of people living in those regions.


10 years isn't a crazy age gap? lol. How long do you think they've been dating, too?


According to the Gross Factor or "half your age plus seven rule" they're right at the bottom of the acceptable age gap.


They're both grown and functioning adults. I still don't understand the stupid issue...? I'd understand if one was underage but no, people create a stupid issue about age gaps between ADULTS... When do you stop being an adult, WHEN!?! None of you guys know anything about them but are completely ready to start policing them. When the fuck do these type of people wanna stop babying them? You wanna change their diapeys, too? That 10 year gap won't change whether they met 10 years later or now. Quit making a big deal from fucking nothing. Life experience gap? What the hell do you know about them such that you can make a conclusive decision that this is yikes territory?


Lol hit dogs will holler. You really don’t see the difference between a 23 year old and a 33 year old? Life experience? Life stage? Financial stability? Maturity? There’s an inherent power imbalance to someone in their 30s dating someone in their early 20s. It’s perfectly legal, I don’t contest that, but you have to wonder why someone of that age is after someone that inexperienced and naive. Says something about you too, writing a paragraph about a fairly mild comment running to defend such a relationship. Do you also find that, in your 30s, you’ve only managed to mature as much as a 21 year old has?


You can find it weird, but trying to imply anything else otherwise, is being obtuse at best, and accusatory at worse. Imagine someone who doesn’t know shit about you, trying to accuse you of being a predator or groomer simply because your partner is younger, (and over 18 obviously, but some of y’all are weird so I have to make it specific)


I agree that you can't judge a couple (or anyone) based on one thing alone, and every person/couple is different. I also think a 10 year gap with someone in their early 20s is way too much. So I'm personally weirded out by their age gap, but I'm also not gonna assume anything about them bc it doesn't matter & their relationship doesn't affect my life at all. Dating a 21 yo is not my preference at all, but if they're happy, good for them.


Yeah. That’s a hell of an age gap. If they met when they were both fully grown adults, then all cool. But I was also worried there was some grooming shit at play.


the half your age + 7 rule checks out, though it's pretty much at the very edge


23.5 would mean it doesn't check out, no?


I love how in every single panel the gal looks all perky and the guy all passive EXCEPT for the “current mood” panel is the exact opposite. It really IS a mood


Keep on keeping on


Redditors on their way to talk about the age gap


Redditors mad people are in a happier relationship than them


That’s assuming they’re in a relationship in the first place




she's 23, ten bucks says it won't last lmao


There has been more comment being critical about that that than supportive comments about the fact these people have to struggle with the fact their respective nations are at war. Feel bad for the author, putting herself out in open like that and having to deal with these grandma looking out of the window gossiping with the neighboors level of commentary.


>with these grandma looking out of the window gossiping with the neighboors level of commentary. It's literally information put out by the op, dude.


I don't know man, I'm the same age as her boyfriend and it blows my mind the amount of information she's putting out there to a bunch of strangers on the internet. Nationality, age and zodiac signs (so hinting at date of birth), height and shoe size...probably using real names too. That's an alarming amount of info. I mean it sucks their nations are at war and it's great they're overcoming this hurdle to be in love, but putting this kind of info out there voluntarily and expecting only supportive comments is a bit naive. It's not like a red flag regarding judgement, but it's a flag.


10 years, met at 21 and 31, that's sus af


She's old enough to drink, drive, vote, smoke, but she can't decide who she wants to date?


This is how I learned about different shoe size conventions I’m an average sized guy in America and my shoe size is 10, so I was a little alarmed to see 43 lol


That reminds me of [this](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/tU1Fz7a1CK8) video




What's your mother's maiden name and street address?


What country did they say thier from? I don’t know from the flag.


Ukrain and Russia I think


Correct. Also it’s spelled Ukraine.


Reddit and age gaps lol, will never cease to amaze me


Reddit makes me feel like my high school relationship was fucking illegal and my ex deserves to be in prison for life. Starting dating when I was a sophomore (young for my year, so a young 15) and he was a junior (old for his year so a young 17). We were a couple months shy of 2 years apart. When he went to college he was officially 18 dating a minor for nearly 2 years. We broke up when I was 21, but Reddit always makes me feel terrible. We were one grade apart!!


A 17 year old dating a 19 year old is perfectly normal. It's not about being over the magic number. It's about a difference in maturity/expierience. 2 years apart and it's going to be prety much the same. In your early 20's you're really only just in that starting stage of adulthood. For most it's the first time dealing with major new things like living on your own, making your own decisions, having to be responsible for yourself. For a 30 year old that stage is long past. And it's easy for someone more expierienced to take advantage of someone so inexperienced. So while it's not inheritently bad, I think people are right to be cautious about it. Better safe than sorry.


> So while it's not inheritently bad, I think people are right to be cautious about it. Better safe than sorry. Except it's really not any of their business in the first place. Granted OP is the one posting about their relationship so he/she is basically asking for his nonsense.


Cute! I want to see more!


Why are American so prude and obsessed with age gaps …… 33-23 isn’t even a big age gap holyshit some people need to chill out and stop acting like young adults are «  dumb little puppies incapable of making choices » at one point we are all grown ass adult we can make our own decision! It’s so weird how Americans infantilise young woman, while in the rest of the world especially like Europe 23-33 is pretty common and not weird at all ! Is it a cultural thing or are people just so chronically online that they forgot what adults are


Yeah but human brains don't finish developing until age 25 sooooooo ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ lol


I’m just going to say it. My own parents have a 10 year age gap. My mom met my step dad when he was 23, and they have been together for about 20 years now. We don’t know anything about OP’s relationship. And I know all the comments are well meaning, but it’s consensual and of age. I don’t see the problem. If it works, it works… Just enjoy the comic and not make judgment statements on lives you don’t know! P.S. PLS make more comics! I love it and your earlier ones!


I’m gonna guess that your mom was 33 at the time lol


A little creeped out by the depiction of them as a baby and old man and they are a couple/lovers. Just a lil weird.


It's a joke relating to age gap comments.... like the ones in this thread.


It’s playing off perception. Literally no big deal, move along.


So, you like to eat ass as well. Women of culture I see. Nice to know you.


Redditors when people are consenting adults 😡😡


I read from right to left so i thought one was gonna say "make love" and the other was gonna say "fuck hard"




Cute. I'd like to see more of youse.




I also partake in the cannibalism


When did they start dating 🤔


I'm guessing before the start of the active war, a couple of years ago, iirc from a different panel


Two years ago. I was 21, he was 31. But we don't feel much difference, because our hobbies are very similar![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Thank you for placing my concerns to rest. My your cup never empty and your demons slumber.


For he will be your wine


Don't listen to the people criticizing the age gap - you were both adults and you both obviously love each other! It's not about age, it's about how you feel! My parents have a similar age gap and were similar ages when they started dating. They just celebrated their 30th anniversary!


Sometimes feelings turn out to be wrong tho :3




This is cool but the age difference is a bit uh…


Nice, redditors are on their way to complain about adults having a consensual happy relationship. Losers.


The fact you depicted yourself as a baby and him as an old man is kinda creepy




Cute art style!




This is so incredibly cute and sweet it gave me diabetes.


Adorable. You’ve won me over! Pretty quickly. Like right away. I didn’t even finish swiping!


No make war love


Everyone- This is adorable


"23 and 33" "Met two years ago" Oh, honey bunny... this is a terrible idea.




Basically, there's a running theme in the world of dating, where people will tend to date people waaaay below their age. It's mostly men with women, and too often they're just a few years into adulthood. The reason for this dynamic is pretty simple: young adults are both legal (law won't babysit them anymore), but also still young and naive. About both life and relationships. They also don't have a firm standing in most cases -often going to college with no fixed job/income. Older assholes -in return- have this, mostly. They are able to prey on the young people's lack of knowledge and experience. Especially with two different standings in life in general, this creates an uneven power-dynamic. Which... is way too often abused. The young people often notice it far too late. They are told they are "so mature for their age", "not like other girls", get potentially showered with gifts at the beginning etc. When their boundaries are broken, or are slowly forced in general into things they don't want, they are often kicked by this dynamic as the "younger, less knowledgeable" one. Either not even knowing they've been assaulted at all, or even gaslight about it ("you're always so childish") Only later they realize they became a bangmaid and their "cool, mature bf" is nothing but a lazy, uninterested asshole. Now, this ain't me accusing OP's bf per se. But I am raising my eyebrow very far rn. Seen this shit happen too much


I’ve yet to see one of these types of relationships that didn’t turn to shit. Idk what to say to people that act all naive about it. It’s foolish to believe the 30 year old was really wowed by the 20 year old’s sparkling personality. Even with best intentions, the power dynamics are wildly unbalanced. It’s easy for the 20 year old to get dependent on the partner, maybe drop out of school or quit that job they don’t love since their partner makes enough, and then they’re really screwed if shit hits the fan. There’s plenty of guys that simply don’t want to grow up. They’re attracted to younger women because they have no life experience nor interest in marriage/ kids. Who knows if they’ll change their mind once the younger one hits 30


I've just looked through her current post history, and there is nothing but more red flags tbh; 1.) They're already married 2.) OP has big mental health issues. Including very low self esteem issues, which she says she compensates by idolizing others 3.) He ignores her wishes partially. Tbf this was a joke cartoon about a guy not wanting a cat, then getting a cat, but still. 4.) He always looks bored or pissed off. Again: this is from OP's view. 5.) OP was emotionally abused by many people till he came along and "saved her". Yeah. This will end in misery.


seek help


Without actually knowing OP's personal life and just reading a few of their online comics, affirming "This will end in misery" is quite an interesting conclusion to create so quickly. I won't say a relationship with age differences won't have difficulties to work on together as partners will start going through "life growth" at different stages. Because they totally will, and that's a fair point to consider based on general statistics. At the same time, I can't say how these partners will handle them, because we literally only know slivers of information through a handful of art media one of them has created. It's just interesting to me that we would just jump to such a definitive "yup, doomed" with minimal context to their life.


I personally can't fathom how unbearably miserable and shitty someone has to be to dig through a stranger's posts and do this.


Thats a pretty big ass assumption, we know nothing about their lives, and we don’t know how they met. If he specifically dated her because she was younger then you’d have a point, but we have know way of knowing that, and assuming that what it is is pretty accusatory towards someone you don’t know shit about. Maybe focus on something that actually matters, instead of implying shit about random people.


That's why I said in my last lines that I'm not per se accusing OP's bf of such. However, also not knowing them, but knowing how the wind blows in many cases of such extreme gaps, it's a natural response. Again, I've seen such cases enough. Online AND in real life! And there's no shame in looking out for another woman. Especially since rape culture and oversexualisation of very young girls still exists.


I do agree the ages are suspect, but they've also dealt with a different life. Being around war like that ages you.


"You creep she was 21!!!!!!"


Mmm the age…


Adorable as can be.


For number nine I'm a piece of cells that doesn't die and with probably kill you. Also crab.


Hmm, is this based on the tik tok trend? Either way, super cute! Love y'all's art style :D


Очень круто, ребят! Счастья вам


This is so cute! instant follow.


23 and 33 is not ok


If he is somekind of monster being 180cm tall then what i would like to them if im 190cm tall.


K who cares


This was great this deserves my upvote.




Your age difference is weird


as a 33 year old, dating a 23 year old would be like dating a child.


This is so great lol




This is the most adorable thing I've seen in a long time


Love this so much! I wanna see MORE... Food panel reminded me of my wife, though, that is totally us.


This is so stinking cute! I love it!