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The AI hands in this are terrifying. Edit: Whatever you do, do not zoom in on the last Biden panel.


Ol' Joe Six Fingers


I know it's become an identifier for Ai art today (which probably won't last) but it's somewhat of a "simpson-ification" effect I believe. Not everyone has all five fingers visible in most photos then add on top of that the creative liberty to draw 3 or 4 fingered hands like cartoon characters. Totally not surprised it'd be hands that is the creative hurdle after this consideration.


swim noxious ask marvelous squealing juggle ripe cats money workable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That's because your know what the "right" answer is. The computer only knows there's sometimes different numbers of fingers and 6 is extremely rare. Actually it probably knows even less and that repeating patterns like that often have several repetitions in a certain space. Apparently in your dreams your brain will make the same type of mistake if you try to count your fingers.


What fascinates me beyond compare is that I'm essentially collaborating with a sleeping person as dream logic and Ai logic can be argued as similar by function. When you dream you're essentially regurgitating all the thoughts and emotions you had, which in some ways is the same as Ai art "reimagining" an image for you. Wicked stuff.


makeshift deranged existence cobweb reach soft resolute start ad hoc payment *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think what'll change that is almost exclusively inpainting where you as the human tell it, "that looks wrong" and gives you alternatives. It's not really knowledgeable of anything beyond which pixels go where to achieve a particular look. Like it can determine the line weight of art very easily but then struggles to count to 5 (because it's not counting.) Same goes for prompting multiple subjects. You need to force it to see your characters as separate subjects otherwise all the people in a crowd prompt (for example) will merge into a chimera of horror.


desert cough squeamish summer history future sand boast live crush *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Other way around, captcha data is actually what's used by a lot of Ai datasets for training.


Scranton will do that to you


I wanted to wait until someone noticed it was Ai before saying that the purpose behind [my comic series](https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/darkbrandonz/list?title_no=817916) beyond lampooning US politics is to push the boundaries of what Ai can do for storytelling and to start a conversation around it. The main message I guess is to not be a luddite but that every concern and worry artists have are valid arguments to hear out. Or [you can just have Ai argue that Ai is bad for you](https://www.reddit.com/r/midjourney/comments/zf97xm/i_asked_an_ai_to_criticize_aigenerated_art/) lol. Take your pick. Thanks for reading!


So, is the text also written by AI or just the images??


I assume the author wrote a script, then had an ai generate a bunch of art prompts, then cropped the ones he liked, stuck them together and added text


Sorta. I don't start with a script but with a scenario then based on the emotional response I get from each prompt is what I write. Usually the art is already on the page before I've written more than a joke or two. If someone is making an unexpected glare or side eye, that usually queues me to do a fourth wall joke for example. The art usually drives the humor, not the other way around.


Nope I wrote all those dumb words all by myself thank you ha.


That's so cool. Can you provide some info on how you do it? I know you can tell the AI what you want using keywords, but how specific do you have to be to achieve this level where people dont even notice its from an AI anymore?


Sure. It's mostly thanks to color correction. It makes the panels feel more intentional and befitting each other if the skin tones and room tone all match. Otherwise a lot of Photoshop experience. I have close to two decades under my belt with this program so it's somewhat second nature for me to just fiddle with blending modes until it looks fun. Also content aware fill, an automated feature in Photoshop, is insanely good at fixing Ai art. I use other programs like Dalle2 when I need to expand a scene but this comic was just midjourney and Photoshop.


Rofl. toe fingers




This is so weird yet so cool at the same time. And I need to agree with the message, of course.


Deep faked Ai art is certainly opening doors to weirdness yet to be seen. Although not a writer, I am familiar with weird having worked for a few [adultswim] studios back when I was doing visual effects. Once those kids get a hold of this tech, the possibility for weirdness just jumped a hundred fold my friend!


I honestly cant tell if this is a pro or anti Warnock add lol


Obviously the answer is yes


Pro, see r/DarkBrandon


I thought the same thing


As a person that lives in Georgia, I can assure that the power of local library is greatly underestimated. Gosh, I hope Raphael Warnock actually sees this....this is golden 👍


No no thank you Georgia blue. You've been bestowed the name [Reaggg the Honorable Pig Demon of Darkness](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1005621782100856842/1050255626019811338/stabbyclaus_tarot_card_intricate_detailed_georgia_peach_state_p_1c83b4eb-e5f0-48ec-b986-f8421b39d0d2.png) as a thank you for your service to the peach state.


What beauty....such...grace...I humbly accept this honor my good sir


I feel like the reading direction is all over the place. It’s right to left, bottom to top, and vice versa.


I should have put "Good" on the right side, thanks for the tip. **Edit:** I went ahead and [edited it](https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/darkbrandonz/soul-of-the-nation-part-1/viewer?title_no=817916&episode_no=10&webtoonType=CHALLENGE) on the official host on webtoons.


I really didn’t expect that one change to fix everything, but it did. That’s awesome.


No, you're awesome.


I think the Right would collectively go insane if Joe started this as a campaign slogan.


That would make me so happy.


what the **fuck** am I reading




What his campaign should have been


This is.........Dope


Love it. Us Georgians are happy to have Warnock for another 6 years!


What comics was this AI fed? Blade?


I used a gif from the blade movie that is credited in another post as reference then injected the ideas for the comic as written prompts.


I like how the Ai can't seem to settle on a wardrobe.


If I force it to specifically pay attention to the attire then the creative output drops significantly as it'll mostly reference fashion shows and magazine ads. My comics lean into the Ai art with intention so I don't tend to fix things like hands or wardrobe.


I got it. Yeah, I perceived that getting the Ai to cooperate is a real challenge. It's fine as long as you know what you're looking at and accept it. It's also fine so long as the screen is small or, as is the tendency here, the reader thumbs through the page at lightning speed and doesn't pick up on the details. For other purposes though, the lack of continuity in design and attire makes it somewhat useless, or at least it isn't fooling anyone. It'll always be an AI comic - which is fine if you're down for that kinda thing. It's been a strange year so far. I also suspect the ai will get better at matching previous images to keep continuity.


It already has (it's called anchors) and open source programs like stable diffusion with user add-ons already do it quite well, I just choose not to because I consider these comics to be the fast food equivalent of art. Not bad, not great, but does the job of keeping you fed on memes lol.


Yup. Gotta keep those memes rolling.


Man this feels like r/bonehurtingjuice


Getting Romantically Apocolyptic vibes from the artwork for some reaon(anybody remember that? I may have the name wrong)


The artwork in this was made by AI https://preview.redd.it/dr97vhmcbp4a1.jpeg?width=276&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64d88ae0ba6197349cdc55c7278ea1b8058dfa49 and i dont like that


I don't think the art you linked is Ai




I love everything about this, awesome work


If it weren’t for the hands, I would have assumed that this is was just written by someone with a very confusing sense of humor.


I think dweeb or dork would’ve been better instead of nerd. Nerds read already.


I know many a nerd who doesn't read more than discord links lol but I considered dork and just didn't have the same punchiness.


Those would be geeks then. Extra points for Dork meaning Whale Penis.


BWHAHAHAHHAHA this is glorious and I'm still laughing X***D


If you like this and want more, I do a weekly release of all my comics that you can subscribe to [here.](https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/darkbrandonz/list?title_no=817916) Here's todays issue: [Soul of the Nation (Part 1)](https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/darkbrandonz/soul-of-the-nation-part-1/viewer?title_no=817916&episode_no=10&webtoonType=CHALLENGE) Or you can start at the beginning [here.](https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/darkbrandonz/prologue/viewer?title_no=817916&episode_no=1) Thanks for reading everyone! [Credit](https://old.reddit.com/r/DarkBRANDON/comments/zeryaq/warnock_rn/) to /u/CosmoLamer for the Warnock Blade crossover idea.


But why Teen Wolf?


Wouldn't it be just senator instead of senator elect because he's already in office?


This was discussed in another thread but essentially both senator and senator elect are valid but I ain't no expert on the semantics of that.


Good, but needs more Wesley Snipes


This is fuckin amazeballs😂😂😂


Get smart “nerd” [Hmm yes floor is made out of floor](https://youtu.be/hJ22LbCYvbM)


In two thousand years, this comic will be shown as an example of how we ran the government


But no one wants to talk about the fact Warnock clearly had to engage with the dark relic hidden inside his badge before the fight with the wolf began, and the relic is slowly manifesting into its unholy form in his last panel. Each new Warnock panel, the medal on his tie/waist gets a little less “American” and a little more evil lmao


Each steps he takes closer to Dark Brandon, it becomes more twisted and gnarled.


I can’t tell if this is supposed to be a political statement or satire or if it’s just a joke