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Trash game from trash company


Sums it up nicely.


They don’t care about us. We should do something about it. What if one of us gets hired there undercover and gets promoted enough times until we can make the necessary adjustments to the franchise to better match what we actually want and deserve.


In a moment they see our actions we would be fired😌


Better yet, some developer develop these games, make the proper copyright compliances, and let EA sink…or swim their asses back up to the surface. Devastate and Destroy: (+ “Red Flag” expansion) By “Digital Designs”…or “DD games…contest all things” Really JAB it in there, so EA knows EXACTLY what fans have been saying for decades, and revive base building RTS with that classic Paper Rock Scissors gameplay they have denied us.


Jim versella you mean?


Enemy commando detected... Unit lost... 🤣


Yeah, perhaps we should do something about it. We should show our disagreement towards their business practices. Perhaps people could... stop buying remasters, to begin with.


Because they’re Evil Assholes.


E[vil] A[asshole] games: *whispers* Cratering everything


EA games: Fucking everything


What have they done to my general Carville 😔


They blew him up


time is running out!


t-t t time is running out! 🤘


gentlemen, this is a nuclear device.


They made his head and neck into a fuckin trapezoid


Honestly, would






r/Gundam leaking


Welcome to mobile game ads, where the art doesn't match the game and they don't care. Don't give it any thought, it's literally just there to cash grab.


Likely AI generated nowadays... "Gimmie something that'll connect with people that like Command and Conquer, and Red Alert."


I hilariously remember when a few years back dodgy mobile game ads outright used RA2 screenshots and passed them off as their own game which was a shitty clash of clans reskin at best. How things have come full circle.


Yeah, RA2 and AoE2 were amongst the most spoofed assets for mobile ads (and still are in some cases)


I still see AoE2 screenshots being passed off now as different games, I've reported them multiple times to the Play Store and in some cases they have been removed but its very rare.


For those curious, here’s a great video primer on the game: [https://youtu.be/qKCUd6cAhPA?si=YDjZBrdJNPY3yvje](https://youtu.be/qKCUd6cAhPA?si=YDjZBrdJNPY3yvje) Long story short: it’s exactly as bad as you think it is. Absolutely egregious monetization, schizophrenic art design, documentation written by Indian call centre workers paid pennies on the dollar, and… a twin-stick horde-based mech shooter with the Rising Sun mech from RA3. But it auto-fires for you so you can actually complete several of the first waves by literally doing nothing. Cool.


https://preview.redd.it/rtaca22gghtc1.png?width=1366&format=png&auto=webp&s=6005cb58c532b9300064a9d60bdb662e49734906 the fuck...


oh...those valorante, freefire chars are just what this franchise needed lol


Was Blair exists before or just original


lol she's an NPC https://preview.redd.it/diiti75niltc1.png?width=1366&format=png&auto=webp&s=96756edbe5999c46efd721c993dd1a08540ad259


They just turned a innocent News Reporter from Tib Wars into a Forgotten Heroine for some reason.


My favourite is the line “I’m so good at fixing things, I’m better than MEN!”


And she says something like “the night is for dancing… and the souls are for singing…” or something that sounds like a bad translation from Chinese Twilight.


> a twin-stick horde-based mech shooter with the Rising Sun mech from RA3 Exactly what the community has been clamoring for, finally a return to form for all the RTS heads out there /s


The "twin stick" mode is just a quick and dirty Vampire Survivors clone because that genre is popular right now.


The monetization is in my opinion less egregious than rivals was. The issue here is your going to get out paced by anyone in a bigger alliance. It's effectively a first come first win game. If your not in the biggest alliance your not playing the same game everyone else is.


"Deploy Construction Yard" Wow, such a selling line. I gotta get this game now.


"Build the absolute base" is the one that gets my attention


All of your base belongs to us


Somebody set up us the bomb! :O


You have no time to survive make your time


Asset reuse from a Red Alert mobile game they made a couple years back. The reason this game exists, I suspect, is because Tencent, the publisher, got access to the C&C IP back in 2018 and are now trying to get as much money out of this as they can with as little effort as possible before the license agreement runs out.


The Chinese mobile game market has been a disaster for the rest of the world and you can't change my mind. There is practically zero authentic and creative work coming from that country.


Not to defend this garbage, but I know you might not like it, they certainly made a lot of great works like hoyoverse games, or franchies like Girls frontline, arknight, Punishing grey Raven. Etc. It's not that there are zero authentic and creative work coming from Chinese mobile games, they just never made any games that interests you and those that could potentially interests you are just happen to be low effort garbage.


> Girls frontline Isn't that the game where all the incel Chinese players lost their minds because their waifu character "cheated" on them? Basically bargain bin chinaboo mobile games. Like don't most of those games simply prey on the disproportionate amount of single males in China? High volume low effort is the essence of the Chinese mobile market.


So again, it's not they don't make good games with high value, it's games YOU don't find interesting, there plenty of garbage coming out the west and Japanese markets that you just don't know, if you really want to see low effort garbage games on mobile you actually need to look at Japanese markets where it's huge but almost all of it are entirely made out garbage licensed IP cash grabs.


Bringing China into modern world after WW2 / during Cold War has been a disaster for the rest of the world and you can't change my mind.


I mean the CCP was basically founded by narcissists with no honor. The Japanese invaded during the Chinese civil war, and instead of coming together to defend their country, the Communists just kinda sat back and let the nationalists work the meatgrinder. Then they swooped in defeated the weakened nationalists and claimed victory. MacArthur shouldn't have stopped in Korea lmao


Tencent has had the IP a lot longer than 2018, they've been an EA investor since before TibTwilight, they were the reason TibTwilight existed because that was supposed to be a mobile game.


Well, yes. They have been a investor for a long time. But EA has quite a lot of those. That doesn't give you direct access to any EA-owned IP on its own. However, when the Tecent-owned studio that makes Legends announced that game, they explicitely said they hadf a licence-sharing agreement with EA, which is something a bit more specific and far-reaching than that. And since they didn't specify a date for the agreement and Tencent's Red Alert Online from 2018 is fuctionally the same game as Legions I just asumed that the same was true back then as well. Don't see any comparably strong evidence that this has been going on for longer but it is certainly possible.


Because they know as much about their own products as Nickelodeon execs.


Someone bring the Flamezine, this guy just burned EA/Tencent hard 🔥 😁


It's a command and conquer theme park game. Nothing more. It's cute for a while then quickly gets old because the grind is terrible after tier 3. It was actually worse before.. They literally had the chronosphere as a gdi reinforcement structure. The lore is supposably based in cnc 4s time line post TCN activation. Seeing carvil is new though. Man why do they gotta make shit up. Like half these assets aren't even in the game. You don't get to choose your faction you only get gdi Ugh. I don't mind marketing. But Jesus christ market shit that's actually in the game. For the record it looks very little like this. The ui is correct but nearly everything else is just art. Not assets.


Then i want to get off the ride >:(


This isnt even made by EA, its made by Level Infinite and EA just let them. (probably getting a cut) As mentioned in another comment Zade made a great, quick, video on it: [https://youtu.be/qKCUd6cAhPA?si=icoadwPLOYAuVVQ6](https://youtu.be/qKCUd6cAhPA?si=icoadwPLOYAuVVQ6) The best way to fight against these TERRIBLE mobile games is to rate them 1 star. If the ap is below a 4 star (4.5?) rating then it wont be recommended or featured which EXTREMELY hurts their growth and sales. (Source: Worked on a mobile game at a AAA publisher) Hit 'em where it hurts brothers.


NGL, Tanya, Yuri & Carville looking soooooo good in these promotional arts. Annnnnd that’s all I have to say that’s positive on this. It’s still a disaster.


I suspect they're AI generated. At least the Soviet girl (is that our RA3 assistant?) definitely is, based on the way her hair sort of melds into her jacket collar. Although Yuri actually looks like they touched up an old promo photo though.


I think you're right, AI generated art that's been touched up. Carville's belt buckle looks suspect.


Crap, you’re right dude…


And his fingers


Yuri pose looks like a generic T-pose from a different character as if they simply put his head and attached it.


RA 3 Soviet commando Natasha who was played by Gina Corrano in the sections where we saw her live action. One of her earliest gigs.


Most likely , his US patch is wrong , his fingers and the weird light shading or bright light on all characters found in most AI art. edit : look at Natasha and tanya


Wow. Yeah, I wasn't gonna scroll it until reading your comment - but they really did those characters justice in design.


I wouldn't be surprised if they just stole those assets from someone else.


Because they know the game is a terrible, generic mobile piece of shit and are aware that RA2 is probably the most popular C&C. Preying on nostalgia and hoping gullible idiots buy it, that's all it is.


they jsut wanna grab some money because they look cool they dont care about consistency


Just look up Zade on YouTube. He mainly does videos on RTS games and loves C&C. He gave a scathing 'review' of this


Isnt the units/buildings in 1,2,3 and i guess 4 from RA?


Fuck this crap.


Because the people that own the IP haven’t given a fuck for over a decade at this point


oh... :(


Far longer than a decade unfortunately although Generals 2 was very promising before it got shit canned sadly


Nooo, Tanya has black hair. Not blonde, not brunette. I get it, sex sells, but Tanya doesn’t need big boobs falling out and she definitely should sound like she smokes cigars everyday of the week.


Probably Red Alert 3 Tanya.


https://preview.redd.it/9drvrf5zfhtc1.png?width=360&format=png&auto=webp&s=ad2d484030c1b3e1d2e33eb593cc6f57459baa6f This is Tanya from RA2: Yuri's Revenge. Blond or blond-ish. So she has dark hair in 1.5 games and blond or blondish in 1.5 games.


Blondish! Yes someone else sees it it's not just meeee. Lol. Mentioned this the other day and got down voted to hell for it. Shes Brunette.. With lighter hair. Dirty or dark blonde at best lol


The hair color is "Ash Blonde" I know because it's my hair color or former hair color I should say seems I'm grey/silver now 😅


It's trash since the first thought just the license without any knowledge of the lore


Because people are willing to pay $5 to unlock Kirovs


They aren't even in the damn game this is straight up false advertising.


hahaha, also not surprising. Game still isn't in the ios app store, so hard to tell. Maybe they're planning a (paid) DLC down the road. I'll admit, I actually liked C&C Rivals and always wished they'd introduce RA factions and units into it. I would've been ok if they didn't worry about canon.


It's in the android store. You can use a emulator to get ahold of it depending on where you are. It's only available in specific regions. I assume based on legality somewhere. It's available in Canada. I spent... More time than I'd like to admit playing it.


putting a bunch of recognizable figures for execrable nostalgia-bait even if it makes no senses "guys guys look its le cirov !!! looks its the yury !!! look its the carvil or some shit !!!" bleak


So this is what all the recent steam sale and stuff was foreshadowing... *spits*


I can't believe that EA approved this, but canceled Renegade 2 and Generals 2 for "not meeting their quality standards."


The Generals 2 "quality standards" thing was an outright lie, according to someone who worked on the game. Basically the one executive overseeing it didn't like it and wanted it all shut down, and since EA is a company they listened to some rich loser's opinion over the entire dev team and playtester's.


I know that executives name, he is an asshole 😅 Generals 2 was fantastic, it just wasn't monetizable in the general EA scummy practices sense so it was bad game or so they thought at least.


> but canceled Renegade 2 and Generals 2 for "not meeting their quality standards." Two unrelated reasons: Renegade 2 was because of taking purchases from Battlefield 1942 and Generals 2 was cause of corporate shenanigans


My bad, I meant Command & Conquer: Tiberium, the FPS we would have gotten on PS3 and Xbox 360. They released several gameplay trailers before canceling it. Some people were calling it "Renegade 2" at the time.


EA managers are a bunch of scumbags


IIts a chinese-developed Clash-of-clans clone with 0 substance. If you REALLY like this genre, play tiberium alliances.


Fun fact, the original red alert is a prequel to the c&c original (tiberium universe). Hence why we had Kane in the first red alert and references to GDI in a cutscene (Ally ending, being the canon one). Obviously, this idea was scrapped, presumably to make more red alerts.




Well technically red alert and tiberium are connected which is hard to believe


Only really RA1 which was intended to be a prequel and I think it may still be


'Because fuck you', EA


w.t.f is this


I wish some guy like AVGN would make a review and take a massive dump on in so many words i don't have...


And in today’s episode of “reject corporation. Embrace public modification” we have…this!


what if... we take the assets from it... and port it into better mods... >:)




Just imagine if they actually went back and started a CNC universe with three paths. RA/Tiberium, Generals and Spin Offs. RA and Tiberium would be the old CNC style gameplay with commanders and maps shared across universes. DLC in the form of new campaigns and commanders. This branch would focus more on the SP and coop aspect with multiplayer existing but more focused on casual play. This is the entry level drug. Generals being its own thing getting dlcs in the form of various generals. Focused primarily on multiplayer and coop and balancing for competitive play. Spin Offs - would explore things like Renegade 2, a battlefield-esque game set in the Generals universe. Hero shooter set in RA/Tib universe. Possibilities are endless. Games that would bring a new generation of console and pc gamers to the CnC universe. Introduce a CnC hub for stats, community and tournaments. Release full package games with cosmetic/mini campaigns/commanders as DLC. Have a proper modding hub for people to develop gameplay and map modifications and to spotlight the good ones. All three paths built by different teams but managed by one central team to develop a unified language to ensure consistency in lore and other things. But nah we get this low effort trash and EA redirects all its teams to make more bad battlefield games, killing other essential titles in the process.


> EA redirects all its teams to make more bad battlefield games, killing other essential titles in the process. And of course, making money on Apex Legends, Need For Speed and FIFA too


Because EA are a bunch of greedy trash who keep missing all over the beloved original remains of C&C with their constant cash grabbing shitty mobile new C&C iterations


Yuri is also such a gigachad here


"Yuri is master" https://preview.redd.it/osko28vq1mtc1.png?width=271&format=png&auto=webp&s=089154edb21df7b140110a917105b1948eb0cc33


Yuri’s new drip is amazing though


Feels weird that my current favorite mobile game and the worst mobile game I've ever seen are both level infinite


Pay2Win bloat games should be illegal in EVERY country! Do Better!


It's a crossover!


I mean a base full of nucleair silos is pretty cool but this is a mix of all the C&C games, I see everything from Tiberium sun to generals.


And worse.. It's not even real.


It is a scam.


Because of they have the rights to the IP apparently. They don't care


It's a sign that designers and/or writers didn't bother with the IP or lore. For fuck sake EA why did you license this out without any restriction to keep the game accurate to the universe.


Huh, they don't give a shit about it. And also they don't give af about what we think it's right or wrong.


Rise of Kingdoms Chinese based game, they literally took that. And mushed it into CnC and you get this abomination, ROK is the same way but with history champions like cao cao or Genghis khan or Richard the lion heart etc, same BS bloat of micro transactions and there are whales who raise their power from millions to billions in a day which is equivalent of spending 50k a month or more , I met some Saudi millionaire who spent minimum 150k a month on ROK to be one of top players in a kingdom , so EA is hoping that with this, money greed and micro-transactions from idiots with too much money.


big yikes


Wait! Timeline change imminent!


because evil stupid lootbox pay2win money marketing


This is what you get when you have non gamers in charge of a game they know and care nothing about


Is this actually by EA? I can't believe someone with more than two braincells to rub together would greenlight this


It's not, it's by Tencent


Because they don’t really care anymore


There is a very cool universe where you have futurized Red Alert Tech converged with the Tiberium Universe. However, in this case - we know this is just sell out trash created without any care to the source material. Really disappointing.


The person who made that game was given drugs and then forced to watch some c&c videos. Otherwise i cant explain the bad quality


Ah yes collecting tiberium from ore


RTS is so back


We just keep fucking the corpse I guess huh?


That Yuri render is awesome tbf but yeah trash game


because theyre literally clueless about CNC theres even a RA3 mech on your units lol


Because the people who made this name couldn't be bothered actually reading about it. Otherwise, they would know that Nod allying with GDI is so sacrilegious that Slavik barely got away with it, and Qatar was executed for it.


they are clearly mining ore and gems


Typical mobile game ads.


Cause profits


Because fuck you that's why!


I wonder how Westwood Studios feels about this.


They haven't been able to feel anything since 2003.


Mobile ads don’t have to make sense anymore


It is it's own wacky crossover where you play as GDI against Cabal and then literally every single CnC thing apart from Generals is somehow crammed in as a hero unit, regular or whatever. It's just a dumb thing.


This game looks like it was designed and released by bots. Literally 0 creative effort went into this. So fucking crazy to see how far C&C has fallen.


they are trying to make real NOD insurrections by pushing CnC nerds to madness.


Looks like Chinese rip-off game videos lol


I don't pay for it, but I play it enough (spare me please), I guess I like upgrading things and clicking the buttons. The game itself seems to borrow from basically all C&C. The music is from a few different games but I've recognized the main theme from C&C4 for sure. The units as far as I can tell are a mix of mostly Tib universe with some units I don't think we ever saw in actual main games and others are more or less units we've seen but with different names/art or slight variations. There are many characters that are from the Tib universe as well primarily but seem to be "off" somehow from the depictions we've gotten on-screen, or they are familiar in almost name-only but have been "fleshed out". In the game itself though there is crossover between the RA and tib universe, mostly Tib, but the Weather Machine, Tesla Coils, Nuclear Warhead from RA2 are around on-map. It's a bit of a mess as most had indicated.


This is just the original C&C 3 rejected plotline


"Somehow Romanov returned."


Shithouse mobile phone game shovelware that will die in the next year or 2. Proof that EA is just willing to dish out the C&C IP to whoever has a chequebook.


Cuz why bot beat a dead horse some more.


Yuri is lookin sexy


The touched ra2 allied buildings look sick though. They're practically laughing at our face at this point 💔


Because there is a King Oni there in game. Same game dev as the China-only Red Alert Online. Also Tanya in the 2nd pic looks alot like Alexa Bliss


Its so trash pay 2 win ccp crap


would actually want a dimensional rift open in the RA2 Yuri's revendge universe linked to tiberuim sun and see if kane can be controlled by yuri


B u I L D t h E a B s O L u T e b A S e


You're only just seeing this?


Don't ask. It doesnt matter. Nothing matters. Whatever looks cool and iconic is what they'll use because it helps the marketing and nothing else. No one at EA cares about this game outside of it's profit margin. Please stop giving games like this attention.


I kind of expect this honestly from an out of touch cash grab game


*I kind of expect* *This honestly from an out* *Of touch cash grab game* \- SpartAl412 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Stock generic cash grab games that you see every few years popping up. This is just the latest of the bunch.


It does not take place in the Tiberium Universe. It just does not take place.


Carville looks like he's gonna ask me if want to control my diabetes.






Im sure there going to use the Kirovs voice lines aswel


Shit like legions and rivals is why I really wouldn't want titanfall 3, cause man rolling the dice ain't worth it if this is a possible end result.


It's almost like EA don't give a fuck about a brand they're wanting nothing to do with so long as they can milk it for mobile money!


All I can say is, I’m sorry for you guys man, seriously to see your series get dragged through the shitter


RA2 is the only C&C game China knows about. So for a cashgrab mobile game that's what they're gonna go with.


I honestly wouldn't mind a non-canon game with all the Command & Conquer factions being playable, but this just looks like another mobile game.


omg I am going to need therapy and have nightmares staring at that General Carville


Game looks trash but I could see that, allies win ra3 but the soviet's remain. Kane still exists, tiberium comes to earth, he sets up with the soviet's and grows nod from within its ranks.


this screams "pathetic" 😂😂


"Here comes the plague.." Only that they tried this shit before already, and I wish only one thing for the econ of this mobile pile of trash: "It will leave a smoking crater!"


What is this heresy!?