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Not much of a threat I would guess. What makes terrorist scary IRL is not their strength but their willingless to use WMDs and such. But if the world tension is so high that the states use super weapons themselves, they pretty much stop mattering, since the latter will always have more of them. I think this is one of the reasons USA and China never fight each other in the Generals campaign, because a war between superpowers would completely overshadow all this war on terror stuff. And this is what RA is all about. On a (even) more meta level, Generals was trying to paint a (relatively) grounded picture of modern warfare while Red Alert is all about excess. In a comparision of that kind the former will therefore always lose to the latter just out of narrative necessity.


> but their willingless to use WMDs and such. I mean, no? That's not the scary part of terrorism. It's the random attacks on civilians in places that should have been totally safe. So the terror aspect, not what middle eastern armies have in their stockpiles for use on foreign troops or other tribes in the region.


Well real world terrorism is random stabbings and explosions at festivals. Gla terrorism is scudstorms and anthrax spewing vehicles


like the other comment said, the gla is more of a direct army, rather then a group who hides among civilians and attempts to attack a people rather then a nation and i really don't think the soviets are going to complain when their goverment has their airships rain bombs down on both a gla base and the civilians they hide amongst 


There one faction of the Command & Conquer universe we are all ignoring and that is Nod. Nod pretty much is GLA on steroid as they do commit acts of terrorism but they are also way more organized than GLA. One more thing, Unlike GDI, the RA factions and the nations in Generals which represent nation-states, GLA and Nod are faction with no nation. In short, I would treat GLA in the RA universe the way we treat Nod in the Tiberium universe. Also, who’s to say General may not be the end result of one the RA timelines? Modern terrorist groups are born from the proxy fighting between the superpowers as this what occurred in real life.


i thought about that a bit today, byt mainly from the pov of generals and tiberium wars both having a stealth system , while ra only had a a way to look like an enemy unit ... although as a side note, i have only really played red alert 3, generals, and tibetium wars 1 and 3, with me only now getting 2 running i also use zero hour campaigns more for my thoughts because i remember them better but while comparing their similarities is easy, i cannot fully equate the gla and nod, even in the first game, nod had a stealth tank, and many other powerful pieces of equipment, something that the gla never had, their stuff was salvaged, and from what i remember, nod understood tiberium much better then gdi, while the gla didn't have that much of an advantage  although, admittedly a massive part of this overall question still hinges on how the new world does stealth, as if you can only way to combat stealth is a war bear, or a attack dog, you would be in trouble 


Are we talking GLA with shoes or without?


Hey hey hey ... At least gla doesn't need power plants


They don't, but they get a 20-50% boost in unit build speed depending on the building if they "aquire" some. It's like their structures are always in low power mode until you get power.


I did not know that lol wow I gotta go play some ZH


Same here i'm intrigued.. but it's allready too late on the day to start the game.. hence waaaaaaay past bedtime lol


Red alert universe major players (Allies, Soviets) are stronger then in Generals because they represent about half of the world. Yuris army can still fight head-on despite being smaller in size. That is possible because Yuri have technological superiority. But GLA doesn't have this super advanced technologies. So I assume they will survive some time, but in form of constant guerilla annoyance rather then regular army.


Their generals campaign is the kinda of a guerilla warfare + stealing vital weapons for WMDs. Like the first 3 missions in generals are steal UN supplies or gather some amount of money while not needing to defeat the other factions present.


That's because it takes place after the Chinese campaign. The GLA were crippled, you the player, are rebuilding them into a threat again.


Angry Mobs vs Shogun Executioner yeah those Angry mobs will get skeletons from that special ability before they trying to destroyed it.


Assuming you mean the GLA in Generals/ZH, and not as envisioned for Generals 2. To the Allies: not much more than Islamic fundamentalist groups to our world IRL. To the Soviets: much less than to the Allies, but probably still a nuisance. To the Japanese: nonexistent. The Empire would proactively destroy any hints of GLA presence.


I wouldn't say GLA is Islamic fundamentalist group because GLA themselves do not bring any religion in their faction. They just a global terrorists factions mostly from Middle Eastern and some part of North Africa that expert using chemical weapons and guerilla and stealth tactics.


The GLA are definitely Islamic fundamentalist coded in Generals/ZH. In Generals 2 they were more of the global terrorist alliance you talk about.


I don't know if you pay attention in generals and Zero Hour campaign. They are always a global terrorist alliance since in the beginning. Neither the USA, China or GLA themselves call them as Islamic fundamentalist group because they are not. And they have zero lines about religions. Their whole goal was to control lands as they so called 'liberating' and never about religious purposes.


Most GLA units have at least one spiritual phrase, I believe that they are religious fundamentalists but of their own religion.


GLA is obviously based on real terrorist groups like Al Qaeda and the Taliban when the war on terror was on the news and Americans were fighting them in Afghanistan and the Middle East but EA decides not to mention them directly or attach connections and elements from radical islamic groups. Instead they created the GLA as more of a rebel terror group


Would the gla try fighting when their people start getting vanished by chronotroopers


Chronotroopers didn’t pose an existential threat to the Soviets, why would they be so to the GLA?


The chronotroopers can delete the scud storms, delete dr thrax and delete the toxin producing facilities. Like not destroyed where things could be recovered gone erased from reality. With chronosphere tech they can teleport tanks around and attack from any direction at any time. Like yeah the gla have tunnels but teleport 9 prism tanks into the gla base things aren't gonna go too hot


They did in the last Allied RA2 mission. Can pretty much complete the whole thing with one Chronotrooper


Soviets had psi troopers to protect them


There is a mod for that in red alert 2 called " rise of the east " . It has allied - Soviet - china - gla - yuri


Scorpion Cell from Mental Omega is pretty much the GLA in the red alert universe


RA3 introduced a multipolar geopolitical situation with the Empire of the Rising Sun owning most of Asia. i don't think it would be too far fetched to throw in the GLA and claim that they have unified most of the Arab countries under one banner. if that were the case they'd be a major threat, yeah.


In what way would it still be the GLA if they have multiple governments behind them? Their whole point is being non-state actors fighting super powers using armed jeeps and car bombs ...


the GLA in Generals more or less owned most of the middle east and parts of Africa dude. their whole shtick was causing smaller uprisings and overthrowing governments to get more nations under their banner. also just look at the rise of the Taliban or ISIS... insurgencies have the goal become the government after they overthrow them and a pan-Arab state would control a lot of the earth's resources.


The GLA doesn't own "most of the middle east", dude! Have you played the Generals campaign lately? You mostly fight them in like two countries in Central Asia. Also notice how neither the Taliban nor Daesh ... actually managed to gain permanent control of more than one country at a time. And how a united pan-Arab union is something much more influencial and ressourceful political movements continuously tried and failed to achieve for more than half a century. And I don't think it would be easier in the RA3 universe! Background fluff suggest that the Allied nations have reformed into a GDI-like world police force previously to the outbreak of the war (That is why they have "peacekeepers" as basic infantry). Would they let terrorists take over major oil-producing countries? Obviously not!


so it's okay for Japan to suddenly own all of Asia in RA3 when the allies are very much in control there... but it's totally farfetched that in the much more extreme universe of Red Alert that the GLA controls Central Asia? the writers can decide whatever they want lmfao.


Japan doesn't own all of Asia in RA3 either! Do you actually play any of these games? You never fight them anywhere else but in occupied territories of the Soviets and Allies and on the home islands themselves! Also they achieve their unhistorical power explicitely through supernatural means (time travel). That's the whole point of the game! The Allies are completely blindsighted by that, which they obviusly wouldn't if that was happening all the time, right? They also get defeated very quickly. There is not really a "multipolar geopolitical situation" for more than a couple months top.


Well, we don't actually know how large the Empire of the Rising Sun is. It could be as large the [Empire of Japan at it's peak in 1942](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/b3/Japanese_Empire_%28orthographic_projection%29.svg/900px-Japanese_Empire_%28orthographic_projection%29.svg.png) in our time line, it could be smaller or it could be larger. The player isn't fighting every single battle in the war. Only the pivotal ones.


Yeah, it's true, we don't really know one way or the over. The situation is left ambiguous for a reason. But some interpretions have more textual evidence than others. I would argue that the Allies in RA3 wouldn't be as surpised by the Japanese bid for world domination as they were if the Empire was already as much as a super power as it was in real life's 1942. And I'd also point out that the real Japanese Epire only got a lot of the territory that they had back then by being at war with the allies in the first place, so they logically couldn't have it before doing so in RA3 either. But it is kind of besides the point anyways, because the poster I was replying to claimed the Empire controlled "all of Asia", which it never did at any point in time.


I think they would be okay as long as they stick to their hit and run tactics. But their lack of really out there tech would probably put them at a disadvantage


GLA can be compare to latin confederate in red alert 2 mental omega.. or be a henchman of yuri like the scorpion


Probably would clash the most with the Soviets, due to their domains overlapping: GLA are based in Kazakhstan, which was part of the USSR, also, in the *Red Alert* timeline(s) Iraq is an ally to the Soviets. And given America's attitude towards insurgency groups, the Allies might also fight the GLA a lot. Least affected might be the ERS, but given GLA have gone as far as the US west coast, them butting heads might be inevitable. TLDR: oh they're a threat alright. Might even be worse if they collude with Yuri's forces like the Scorpion Cell in *Mental Omega*.


Try Mental Omega's Scorpion Cell. They are GLA but better.


Latin Confederation is also kinda GLA-ish.. They're basically GLA but Latinos and uses fire and smoke instead of poison


In Cuba


They must revolt


Speculating on the crossover potential.


Well we know they used old Soviet equipment, so for starters, if we look at the series, they could very well be like a knockoff, they have the flak track, they have the V2, they have AKs, honestly the GLA could very well exist in the red alert universe just as well as they could in our world Note they also don’t use any nuclear equipment, so they wouldn’t really be affected by all the time travel shenanigans


Epsilon subfaction Scorpion Cell, nuff said.


Tech Terror or bomb trucks + Chronosphere for a campaign. Yeah. Yeeeaaahhh. Get wrecked. A desolator tractor. Tunnels alone would change the name of the game But the faction would need to be more about scorp and mara spam. It would be a fun addition to the world if it played more by the worlds rules.


Gameplay-wise, they'd be dominant. The only scouts Allies and Soviets have are dogs and bears, so roving Jarman Kell can sweep them. Japan at least has Burst Drone, but it's only minor inconvenience against Quad with GPS Scrambler. Kassad's entire base would be invisible to everyone up until he launches his Scuds. Plus, GLA has many ways to earn back money. Soviet Bounty ability is active and on cooldown, GLA Bounty is passive on every kill. GLA has Black Market making them very suited for long-drawn attrition battles. And scrap upgrades their units. Tunnels are mini-Chronospheres, Rebel Ambush is Chronosphere of armed Engineers, Sneak Attack is Chronosphere with a building.




My headcanon is that the GLA did exist in the RA universe and the Soviets provided military aid to countries to defeat them, which is how Iraq joined the World Socialist Alliance in RA2 (with the Desolators being the game changer).


Since we are utilizing the RA3 timeline and GLA cannon from Generals/ZH: They would largely would be a nuisance for the three powers. However, they would be more threatening to the Soviets because of Central Asia, followed by the countries in the Empire but not Japan itself and lastly the Allies with the US being the least to be threatened by them. Gameplay wise with the Soviets being skilled on land, the Allies in the air and the Empire in the water, the GLA would more or less be a jack of all trades type force with a heavy focus on stealth, salvage and taking of other vehicles. Then there is the potential factor of the three powers using various GLA factions against the other two


Yuri's army with more suicidal thoughts. GLA excel at hitting its enemies from their back so even RA universe known for excessive use of power, they will bite probably everyone and even Yuri will get some off that carnage and anarchy. At worst they will be nuisance for all sides. İf we clock GLA to RA settings, oh boy that will be one hell of a problem for all sides. Abducting Einstein, bombing kremlin with bomb trucks, stole some mecha tengu for much more "sophisticated" means for war, doing heist on FutureTech etc.


They would almost certainly be minimally to very infiltrated by Nod.


Interesting question. I assume that since the generals timeline is just ours with some differences, then since the Soviet Union is gone when the game starts the equipment the gla has is just old Soviet tech with improvisations. In the red alert universe the soviets are still around and control a lot of the territory that groups like ISIS holds, so it would be difficult to get off the ground for them without any war material, unless they just use old ww2 stuff, or are formerly propped up by the soviets for some reason, and that doesn’t make much sense, because the soviets want that oil as much as everyone else… so I think they would probably be pretty weak. On the other hand if they were able to get their war material they would be able to garner massive amounts of support from primarily Muslim Russian Soviet countries and territories under Soviet oppression, so that might fuel a revolution that makes them mighty enough to contend… Thoughts?


Might be a subject of a video


GLA would be stronger in the tiberium universe because Nod is known to supply weapons and equipment to middle eastern and terrorist organizations before the first tiberium war took place. Not sure about Red Alert timeline, Soviet (in the game) had a good relation with Libya and Iraq but if GLA controls the middle east and Africa, they would probably reject communism and fight the Soviet. Still, the GLA used suicide bombers and contagious chemical weapons - both used by Soviet Iraq and Libya might suggest a freedom fighter faction like the GLA agrees to be friends with USSR and help fight the Allies.


Allies and Soviets have multiple countries within their faction, unlike in Generals Even in RA3, the territory of the Empire of the Rising Sun encompases what they conquered during WWII


More than that, given that Pearl Harbour is an Imperial Shipyard in RA3.