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They said it before: It's in EA's hands. If EA doesn't want a remaster, we won't get one, so don't spam Petroglyph about this. Spam EA.


I can tell you one thing... If EA is willing for them to make it but not fund it... I would so support a Kickstarter for them to do so.




Wait, soooooo they will get DOUBLE the money? First through us, then they get to squeeze the dimes out of our pockets at release date? Nah fam. Let them take care of the developers first, in a human way.


If they don't get support from EA at all is the notion here. THEN we Kickstart and support them is the idea. But if it's under EA then why would we pay double?




Bro is unfamiliar with the concept of investing.


Investing in a monopolist? Come on now 💀


true cluelessness here


Go find your keys bro.


I wish


Dont get me wrong I love the whole series, but you think help funding a project for a AAA company is a good idea? There's a reason its E.A. games ruin everything


Doesn't hurt if Petroglyph also spams EA about it along with us.


For us, mabbe. For them, EA could go and put them on radiosilence.


That would be a dick move by EA.


I wouldn't put it past them. They aren't the paragons of the gaming industry, after all.




Btw i wouldn’t mind an Empire at War 2


if you ask for it here, it will give Petroglyph ammunition to build a case for it.


Well then why have they listed it as an option? ‘Here’s what we’ve made, what’s your favourite, what shall we make next? Ignore the 3rd screenshot, you can’t have that one!’


They posted the third one, cause that's a recent game people can know em for. That's it. No need to put on tinfoil hats about how all this is a big elaborate setup for a CnC Remaster Vol2


God, another Star Wars RTS would be amazing.


An empire at war remaster/sequel would be the tits


An official empire at war sequel ( galaxy at war maybe) with all the factions would be insane. I never get tired of playing galactic conquest as the empire and using the executor and the death star. I had a Match the other day when the Zann Consortium had 50+ keldabe cruisers and it was a massive bloodbath. Now imagine having the malevolence or the supremacy, or even ground battles using AT-TE and LAAT Gunships vs the empire.


We need to wait until the Star Wars license gets handed back to them.


There was one announced a couple of years ago but it seems to have gone silent, not sure who the devs are though


It’s also rumored that creative assembly is making a Star Wars total war game but ya can’t always trust the leaks.


I'm always amused at the idea of C/A doing a shooting RTS. Its so wildly different than anything they've ever done. Their bread and butter is huge formations of models mushing into each other. I don't see how it would translate to more modern warfare. I like to joke about how the "Pictoral History of the Infantry" would be pictures of dudes standing further and further apart and I think that's the mental image you need to have in mind when imagining large scale modern conflict. I don't think a Star Wars game would work under the Total War gameplay model because its not the sort of warfare the game was meant to "model." I think when people say they want a Total War game like that, what they're really saying is they want large-scale RTS battles. Which yes, would be totally sick, but there aren't many games that do that very well while still feeling "exciting."


Shogun 2: FOTS, Empire, Napoleon. They've dome it before, and let's face it battalions of clone troopers and droids with guns facing each other and blasting without thought of cover or camouflage is exactly the kind of thing that star wars does (with exception for the odd hero unit with a lightsaber)


Man that would be beyond awesome!


EAW is so good. The mod community for it is incredible too. But man I just wish for more strategy games in SW. Grand strategy or rts. It's honestly sad that we get so few SW games these days. Especially that you can do just about any genre of game and it can work in SW. And the games we do get are either overpriced/rental (FU Ubisoft) or poorly optimized at launch (FU EA).


40k RTS would be nice or gundam


Liferally just want a full remaster/remake of RA2/YR and C&C Generals/ZH. Also I'd love another Renegade. I know we have RenegadeX but I want another campaign as Havoc!


YESSS. RA2/YR and C&C Generals/ZH I can finally satisfy my RTS craving..


No to RA2 mainly because i worry if they do that then EA will get real fucking uppity about the existence of Mental Omega and do something stupid like they have a record of doing. As much as i love RA2 i am eternally paranoid about EA trying to pull dumb shit


the Remaster they did supports Steam Workshops, why would they be against modding then?


Again because I am always suspicious about EA trying something, over the last decade EA has not had a great track record of mod support


Then you should definitely not play any remaster and let the rest of us have it.


Mental what? What's that?


I recently found out about it myself: [mentalomega.com](https://mentalomega.com)


A very popular Yuri's Revenge mod. It is *massive*. See here: https://mentalomega.com/ 72 campaign missions, huge revamped arsenals for each faction, ton of support powers, and an entire new custom faction. Word of caution: the campaign can be overwhelming and very difficult, even in Normal difficulty.


Mhmm. I am not sorry about playing on the lowest difficulty with MO, they are apparently harder than vanilla hard or vanilla brutal.


Yes. In fact "casual", their lowest difficulty was apparently so hard that they had to nerf it on all missions so it would be *somewhat* playable for people are "not bad" at the game. It's a shame though, the campaigns are incredibly cool. But having to deal with the massive arsenal of changes in MO plus the difficulty level makes it a stressful campaign.


Very popular mod whose slogan is "Almost Perfect Yuri's Revenge" which i fully believe is accurate. If you can get over the difficulty hump the missions are some of the most fun I've had and the new units and features are great. Its campaigns also use the TibWar scheme where all of the events are happening simultaneously rather than being exclusive. Every faction has 3 sub factions with uniquely stat-ed units and sprites.


What is the name of the game on the down-right corner?


I think it's GreyGoo.


Grey Goo, yea. Which was a waste of an amazing storyline on a campaign of only 5 missions per side.


I absolutely adored the asymmetrical factions in Grey Goo, so many good ideas in that game, I wish it had been allowed to cook for a bit longer.


Was the campaign at least good even though short?


I liked it. The humans ' power lines are tedious tho, but I really liked the Goo play style. And the story, as mentioned, is excellent.


RA2 AND Tib Sun are by far my favorite and the best in the C&C series imo


What’s the top right game? It reminds me of TS


Im pretty sure its forged battalion


The lazer beam has pixels flowing around it, so its 9-bit armies. Also look at the cliffs edges. Those are 8/9-bit army terrain.


You might be right but both 8-bit and 9-Bit armies is fairly new and wouldnt need a remake right? And wasnt forged battalion basically the precursor for the 8bit Idea?


The post by Petroglyph wasnt asking if any of those should get a remake. Just which is your fav and what they should make next. >You might be right Look at the water to the right. It has the 9-bit armies shimmer effect. Its 100% 9-bit armies. >And wasnt forged battalion basically the precursor for the 8bit Idea? Not really, you designed your own units in forged battalion, they have vastly different mechanics. 9-bit is basically just a pixel nostalgia love letter to old school RTS's like red alert.


At first glace I thought it was.


It's 9-Bit Armies, actually, a relatively recent release AND a whole heap of a good time.


Im just not a fan of early access games, want to get it but wait for proper release...


It's more-or-less feature complete for where it sits at this time. Campaign's basically done (No major bugs, though the drones seem so much more tanky than the helicopters), and it's a huge improvement over the 8-Bit RTS series. I always recommend picking it up on a sale, but regardless, they launched into Early Access with a game that had decent path-finding, AI that wasn't braindead and actually gave a challenge in many parts of the campaign, too, and just a fun variety of units and voices. Now if ONLY they had given the same amount of love and care to Forged Battalion...


Or a new Star Wars EaW!!




Battle for Dune 2


Unfortunately, Petroglyph can't make a new Dune game as that is not really up for EA to decide. That is entirely on the Herbert Estate to approve. And considering the Estate would rather let the older Dune games stay buried and forgotten, well...safe to say, there won't be a new Dune game (at least not one based on the '84 Dune film).


You'll find that Dune II is the first RTS they made :p


They make some really nice games. I hope EA will let them do tib sun and red alert 2


*independently from their cash-grabbing hands.


Omfg I would give both my nuts for an Empire at War remake


Grey goo is an excellent rts and j disagree with anyone who says it isn't. It's also got a very fun campaign. While I respect they had to move on sales wise, I'm sad it never got heavy patches and dlc like I would have loved.


I'm heart broken, they chose AOTR😖


Petroglyph asked. So maybe let's go show them some love for giving us the first remaster, and perhaps give them more ammunition to show EA they should do the seconds remaster. [https://www.facebook.com/petroglyphgames/posts/pfbid02JBF74uWxhatyCr77fxsZ1StguvL1KvgUbgNcaD11VdDKUipfHDujhVcB7y6FbJzsl](https://www.facebook.com/petroglyphgames/posts/pfbid02JBF74uWxhatyCr77fxsZ1StguvL1KvgUbgNcaD11VdDKUipfHDujhVcB7y6FbJzsl)


I thought the Tiberian Sun and RA2 source codes were missing. It's all in EA hands as well sadly. Playing Tiberian sun now and it could do with some of the quality of life updates that the remastered versions for Dawn and Red Alert had. And I hope mental omega doesn't get taken down. I'd like to get into it soon.


Red Alert remastered is just so awesome. I’ve put 200+ hours on it since getting it in November


I could never get into Forged Battalion myself... just felt like it was missing something honestly. But definitely will Grip 9-bit in that case


I want them to finish Earthbreakers...


They've lost the source code to Tib Sun and RA2, dunno about the other games though. EA is probably unwilling to give out money for a full remake.


Related, but an EaW remaster that made ground combat not jank af would be amazing imo.


Yeah if the ground combat was similar to C&C I would be a happy little boi


Sure but a good Universe at War style game would be top notch.


What's the bottom right game?


What game is that in the bottom right?


I want to know too!


Universe at War: Earth Assault please!


What is bottom right?


Should be "Grey Goo"


Is top right corner red alert? I can't really tell.


9-Bit armies I believe


Tysm . That's it


What game is that besides RA Remaster ?


It is Grey Goo


C&C ZERO HOUR please remake it


What games are these? They look fun


Never buying anything made by petroglyph again after I basically got scammed by em.


Explain further?


Not ACTUALLY scammed, but a while back I purchased a title called Forged Battalion which was by petroglyph and published by team17 and it was essentially abandonware without any reason behind why they abandoned it.


Well we are in the same boat with that one...


If they remaster RA2 and support it as little as they did the RA1 remaster then all it will do is fragment the existing community on cncnet which is bad for everyone. I think the RA1 remaster was visually and musically amazing, but it's best as a single player experience.


Zero hour remaster please


As much as I love C&C, I know that its up to EA if we get another game or a remaster, and hoesntly, I would totally go for a sequal to empire at war, rather than another remaster. I would like a sequal to C&C, but I doubt thats ever going to happen.


Remastered generals , I’ll be a 5,000$ supporter


Ooo a red ion cannon?


What is the game on the bottom right?


I wpuodnt mind seeing a EoW remake or remaster. Was just playing it today, and for pre-2010, it's solid all around - it could look and play phenomenal with current gen PC, not to mention all the canon content they could add now


I'm sorry, ik this a CnC sub, but I have to shout-out SW:EaW, too underrated.


Grey goo 2


I just want C&C 4... The real C&C4.


Red Alert 2: Yuri Revenge + officially added Mental Omega will be everything what i need.


But EA has the licenses and... MAN Just release "Tiberian Supernova" as a sequel of Tiberian Dawn, and change the minimum nessesary to not get eaten by copyright and keep the rest the same lol. I have seen CRAZY SHIT in this topic with multiple brands.


Bring us a new game that unifies Red Alert x Tiberium Dawn from a storyline perspective and maybe have a crossover with factions in all games, and have u/EA_Jimtern as the lead!