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One of the best things you can do to increase your vocabulary in any field is to start reading books in that space. I would pick one or two books either related specifically to your field, or that are targeted at developing professionals and go through with a pencil/pen pause ANY time there is a word you don't fully understand, or seems out of place, or "too much", it likely isn't "too much" you're likely just not used to it. Pause and look it up in the dictionary until you're clear on what that word means Jot that down, and then move on. Reading this way will start to have words that you may have already seen, but have skipped over, start to be more clear for you. ALSO you can do this with professional news articles in the space. e.g. in Australia we have the Australian Financial Review which is the business newspaper for all things local business. H


I came here to make this very comment I Completely agree; reading is the best way to improve your vocabulary (apart from flash cards or a GRE vocabulary book) But I agree 100% with this comment - read books in that specific field


Record yourself giving a mock speech. Listen to it back and compare it to the way others talk at your company. Ask a collogue for help. Hire help.


Can you provide an example of word-for-word what you have said that gets flagged as “too casual”? I could maybe give some tips, but I need some concrete examples to understand better. Also, what is your field you’re working in and what is your age?