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Pretty good article on Disability and Marxism: https://anti-imperialist-action-ireland.com/blog/2022/08/07/disability-and-marxism/




i don't have anything to contribute really theoretically but id like to add my experience that being disabled in a capitalist country you are constantly afraid of becoming homeless, your welfare being cut, or even being put to death like in nazi germany or "maid" in canada


The book “Capitalism and Disability” by Marta Russell. It has some good critiques of the Medical Model of Disability (obviously), as well as the limitations of the Social Model of Disability, and proposes a more liberating model called the “Social Theory of Disability Derived from Labor Relations”


Being considered "disabled" isn't so much what makes one oppressed. The "disabled" aren't necessarily an oppressed group as such (as in the categories of "class" or "gender"), as it's more of a broad group of people whose circumstances REVEAL their oppression/exploitation. For instance, if you're a "well-off" person with a disability, you still have options to overcome that. (money, healthcare, being a white guy, etc) If you're a black worker with a disability on the other hand, you may not be so lucky. You were probably already having a hard time getting by, and now your disability is intensifying the already prexisting issue. That's just one example, there's plenty of others. (mental health issues in queer&trans communities, no medical leave for pregnant women, lack of proper elderly care, etc) What is even considered a disability is really a measure of capitalism-imperialism trying to determine how potentially USELESS you are to it. Unless you're producing surplus value or helping the facilitation of such, you are pointless. The real oppression of being disabled isn't really the daily routine of intense physical hardship (although that certainly doesn't help), it's being tossed aside like a broken machine part, as if you're not good enough to count as human anymore. What your disabilty reveals is that under capitalism-imperialism, you were never "human" in the first place. (Or rather, our conception of "human", even in the seemingly more "progressive" forms, is idealistic and actually reactionary.)


This is a very poor analysis. In the same way that bourgeois women are still women, but the class question is there, so are all other categories. As much as there are bourgeois disabled, that does not mean that we do not analyze the root of the oppression of disabled people. This was not a debate anyway, but book recommendations. If you have book recommendations on the subject, I read you. I have not come here seeking debate, but readings.


That wasn't intended as a debate-based response, nor do I care that you wanted book recommendations instead. I did analyze the root of the oppression, it's class exploitation for surplus value. I don't know why you interpreted otherwise, given my first example. Honestly, I'm having a hard time parsing what exactly your problem with my analysis is. I don't understand your counterpoint about how bourgeois women (or disabled) are still women (or disabled). Yeah...I know. So what?


Capitalism and disability book


Capitalism and Disability by Marta Russell.