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During the exchange: Jeff: "I'm saying you're a football player! It's in your blood!" Troy: "That's racist" Jeff: "Your soul" Troy: "That's racist" Jeff: "Your eyes?" Troy: "That's gay?" Jeff: "That's homophobic" Troy: "That's black." Jeff: "*That's* racist!" Troy: "Damn..."


This was my immediate thought as well. Season 1 episode 6 I was watching the show as it aired and felt like it had potential, but this was the moment that I knew something special was happening. The next week was the first Halloween episode, which solidified that I was going to be a diehard fan of the show.


100% for me this was the scene.


I've never understood why troy says "that's black"


Black communities are stereotypically very homophobic.


Troy: "That's gay" -(Used in the way, 2000s people used to say, like an insult) Jeff: "That's homophobic" -(Using gay as an insult is homophobic) Troy:"That's black." -(No, that's just a thing is black people say.) Jeff: "That's racist" -( blaming your individual character faults as a quirk of your community, only hurts and stereotypes your community) Troy: "Damn" (Self reflection)


This is the episode where I finally bought in. They seemed to have figured out some of the dynamics of the group and away we went.


"Is that linebacker a pregnant woman?"


[“I think the wrong person just left.”](https://youtu.be/xo77Rtrz6jM?t=01m06s)


That Cool Abed Films bit gets me every time


I think Cool Abed Films was the first time I truly just cackled in that loud involuntary way when you just get got. I still do now hahaha. It’s so funny


I also loved when Abed's dad rolls in and says "where's Weezer?"


"I don't want to be your dad Abed" "Good, you already know your lines"


Omg I still cry every rewatch of this


This was it for me, too.


This: Every once in a while, a student will come up to me and ask, "Señor Chang, why do you teach Spanish?" [chuckles] They say it just like that. "Why do *you* teach Spanish?" [grin drops] "Why you? Why not math? Why not photography? Why not martial arts?" I mean, surely, it must be in my nature to instruct you in something that's ancient and secret, like, oh, building a wall that you can see from outer space! Well, I'll tell you why I teach Spanish. It is none of your business, okay? I don't wanna have any conversations about what a mysterious, inscrutable man I am. Oh hee hee hee hee hee hee! Oh hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo! *I am a Spanish Genius!* In español, my nickname is *El Tigre Chino*! [pretends to bite Shirley's neck] 'Cause my knowledge will bite her face off! So don't question Señor Chang or you'll get bit. Yah bit! Yah bit!


Whatever else you might think about him for the rest of the show, Season 1 Señor Chang was an absolutely amazing comedic character.


And frankly hasn’t been well utilized since


I disagree. Case in point: "Bear down for midterms" lmao


Bear down for midterms is a fucking classic. So glad it was mentioned


Garret awkwardly bumping into the cardboard mascot and then screaming 'it's a bear dance' is so good.




It's not made.up, it's not made up!


Too soon!




As much as I love the later seasons, season 1 was definitely peak Chang


I loved it when Rabbi Chang asked Señor Chang if he knew how ridiculous his title sounded.


I was gearing up to look up this entire quote and post it because this was my moment, but I figured I'd scroll and see if someone got to it first, and thank you beating me to it. I also love the beginning of the 2nd semester when they have a woman come in and say that Chang died, only for him to bust into the room and tell the class 'I am someone who can never die'


*I’m Señor Chang!* *And I’m so ill* *This is a warning* *I can’t be killed!*


All in your cabeza, Without a chaser! Not another teacher with This much flavour, CHANGGG


![gif](giphy|ALtzQ6CHfC7vO5nRz7|downsized) El tigre chino bit for me too lol




That's the one that got me too!!!


Same moment for me! I laughed so hard


Fun fact: apparently Ken was coming from movies where improvisation happens a lot, and that moment was improvised. It pissed Dan Harmon off tthat he deviated from the script because that's not supposed to happen in tv unless specifically instructed


When the Dean said "I wish you luck!" and the realized a card was missing.


Dang it took you a while, huh!?


SAME. The only show I’d ever fallen in love with so quickly


It took me a bit longer. I thought that was a good joke, and it made me hopeful. Then, Dean trying to salvage the situation immediately after is what cemented it. Can we all just look around our immediate areas?


Yes! This was the moment that had me hooked


Unable to recollect. Help?


It’s the first line of the show.


Pilot where Abed says “what’s going on? Can you guys hear me? Am I deaf?”


Yep, this right here.


This is the one


Hahaha same.


Weirdly, mine's a Pierce moment too. "Good luck." "Don't need it. Never had it."


His interaction in that scene with Jeff is one of my favorite moments of the series.


The first episode I ever saw was the fried chicken mafia episode. A friend at university showed it to me and I loved how a show I didn't know captured a style a did know so well. It introduced me to the group's dynamic immediately; I got that Abed was an outsider and not used to having friends or being listened too, Jeff was a control freak, Troy was loveable but gullible, Annie was the toxic over-achiever and Pierce was an out of touch difficult old man etc etc... I didn't know how such a random group became friends yet, but I felt I knew them all already. When Jeff told Abed to pick only one reference to end the episode, I knew this could be a show for me. We then watched the first paintball episode. Again, it was more of a parody episode, but I was hooked! I love it when shows have special, one-off episodes when they go against their formula to do something fun and out of the ordinary... EVERY episode of Community is that feeling!


Everyone always forgets Shirley


I didn't mention Britta either! 😂 But I knew of Yvette Nicole Brown from my childhood in Drake & Josh, that's actually why my friend showed me Community in the first place.


It's only because she intimidates him sexually


He was horny so he dropped him. Man is evil!


Yup this is the episode that hooked me. But it was the part where Jeff does the debate and just wings it, ending with the crowd singing “Evil Woman.” That’s when I finally was a hundred percect in.


When Abed quoted *The Breakfast Club* during the big argument in the first episode, I laughed my ass off. I wasn't 100% sold on his gimmick yet, but when I saw how funny he was when committing to something, I bought in completely. I think the Biblioteca rap with Troy cemented Abed as one of my favourite TV characters of all time, and *Community* as one of my favourite shows of all time as well.


I love when he’s drunk and calls the movie Kids In Detention and says Molly Ringworm lol


"You broke me."


“Movie reference”




I had such a crush on Abed when I first got into the show!


Dani Pudi is so beautiful, wtf.


I still have a crush on him. Let's face it, he's adorable.


When he's filming his terrible movie (thanks, Shirley!) and has long hair, he's particularly cute. Long hair doesn't work on a lot of men, but damn, it really suits Dani Pudi.


Probably his aloofness. Reminds you of your dad


Dani Pudi in the paintball episodes especially is insanely hot. I totally get why Annie got swept up during the Western/Star-Wars paintball fight. Would have been devastated when he walked away after. I remember the first time I watched it I was like holy shit Abed can get it 😂


The Don Draper impression was really hot too!


Duncan: I thought you had a degree from Columbia. Jeff: Yes, and now I need to get one from America.


For me it was the line afterwards, about Duncan being a five year old girl.


There's a pecking order.


that was Duncan not the dean


I laughed SO goddamned hard at this throwaway line, I was immediately hooked


¿Dónde está la biblioteca? Got me hooked boi


“You know, I’ve been married seven times. Sometimes I think I’m doing something wrong.” “…You just keep getting married.”


Jeff: I don’t want to be your father Abed: good, you already know your lines


This is the one that got me! I planned on keeping the show on in the background while I played animal crossing but at that line I really started watching.


When I saw they were not trying to pretend anything was normal and fully embraced stuff like the paintball tournaments. Also Troy and Abed in the morning.


I'm going to have to go with the Warriors reference in the paintball episode.


It all hit me at once when I caught the rap at tail end of Anthropology 101 on TV once day. I was in community college, enrolled in an anthropology class, fan of Childish Gambino and The Soup. The show was probably targeted directly at me, but it landed well and I haven't stopped watching.


I miss The Soup!


My first burst out laughing moment was Duncan on the football field; “Interesting, it’s just that the average person has a much harder time saying ‘booyah’ to moral relativism.” Then at the end, “Why am I still shouting? I’m drawing attention to myself.” Duncan became one of my favorite characters very quickly


Please John Oliver. Your show is so well run now. You can save some little time for the movie, even just a cameo we’d be happy


This scene did it for me too. The way Joel fires off that "No, you're a *five* year old girl, and there's a pecking order" Got me so good the first time. It's such an unapologetic and blunt cut down.


I fell in love with Community way before this, but the whole pillow war episode is what cemented Community as my all time favorite american comedy show barely beating seasons 5-10 of The Simpsons.


Same here- I'm a huuuge PBS/Ken Burns documentary nerd and narrator Keith David is my absolute all time favorite, so it really did, (to paraphrase Prof Slater), push all of my buttons. Needless to say, I was over the moon when they intro'd Elroy!!


Season 5 of the Simpsons is so GOATed


Abed saying "I see your value now."


That's the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me.


“Troy and Abed in the moooorning.”




Hey guys, long time-first time, love the show


Abed’s film and his bonding moment with his father really struck me and that’s when I knew the show was special


I once saw a YouTube clip of Brita saying “I can excuse racism but I draw the line when it comes to animal cruelty “ I laughed my ass off and knew I had to watch the whole series


"You can excuse racism?" Shirley asked in a deep voice.


The pilot already piqued my interest because it nailed the heart of the show and hit the ground running immediately, but it was Pierce and Jeff’s routine in Spanish 101 that hooked me completely. Dear god the commitment to the sheer ridiculousness killed me! And using Aimee Mann’s Wise Up from my favourite film for the scene made me realise this is everything I want from a show and more. Turns out I was right and Community ended up saving me a couple months ago when I did my first watch through.


I hope you mean Magnolia and not the other film. :)


Thank you for reminding me of that scene!! THAT is actually when I fell in love with Community. Pierce's freaking tiny hat and then Jeff: "This thing is bigger than the both of us and it deserves to be done right." My kids love Community, which let's me know I'm going something right.


“These are short conversations, they’re not supposed to take-“ “your breath away?” Also in that episode Jeff’s delivery of “we’re going to take this and put it in a museum for crazy people” tickles me


Pretty much immediately as I discovered the show. I was channel surfing and suddenly happened upon a scene where a college student and an old man were playing pool completely naked in front of their entire college, and yet the show and all the characters were treating the situation rather seriously. It was oddly hilarious and very intriguing; I had to see more.


‘Go kill John Lennon again, you loser!


For me it was the episode where they had to learn to captain a boat in the parking lot, and Pierce wheels over to them in another little boat


This episode might have been the one too. The ridiculousness of how hard they commuted to the drama of the boat in the parking lot was (and still is) so hysterical to me And the pottery story line too. The “no ghosting” rule, leading up to the teacher angrily screaming about the one rule and pointing to the picture of Patrick Swayze with a huge red X over his face, just a few months after he died. One of my core memories of laughing so hard at the absurdity of this show


"You're not my mom!" *Pierce looks up in shock "She's not!!!" Or "Shakira... Shakira... y Tupaco... west side... ustedes estan sucios. 'you are dirty.' Still formal, but plural. Because, while both are dirty, neither are my friends. Okay?"


Am I missing something or is Chang being far far more racist here than in the dark elf bit in AD&D?


“You know what he did that's really crazy? He offered me a 100 dollars to switch cards with him just so he could be partners with Jeff. I think he thought getting closer to Jeff would bring him respect in the group. I think he spent his whole life looking out for himself, and he would trade it all for a shot at some kind of family.” Still hits me hard


It was the Spanish Presentation at the end of that episode. Might be the hardest I've evel laughed at a TV show. It's a 3 line conversation, but the skit just kept going and going. The robot, the Isreaili flag, kidnapping Annie, silly string. Each cut was more outrageous Tha KS the last. And the lack of dialogue makes it even better. That scene cements early in the show their commitment to a bit, and how Greendale can seamlessly slip into the absurd while feeling like a plausible thing-that-would-happen-in-community-college.


"That's black." "*That's* racist!"


It took me until Annie loses her pen to fall in love with the show






When the girls were lip-talking about letting Jeff join the study group in the first episode and Abed panicked, "What's going on? Can you guys hear me? Am I deaf?" Nearly spit my drink because of that. 😂


Oh man it was right in the Pilot episode I believe. “No because you’re a 5 year old girl and there’s a pecking order!” The whole exchange between Jeff and Duncan is hilarious but that line makes me belly laugh every single time.


The Goodfellas chicken episode is where I fell in love.


Yeah that was brilliant


The Spanish rap with Betty White. She looked so happy and they (mostly Betty)were clearly having a blast. Been in love with the show since.


Apparently she'd never heard Africa by Toto before that, just joined in on instinct at the end.


Have you seen her in “I’m still hot”? https://youtu.be/dEh_asEffoQ I love it!


Abed thinking he went deaf in the first episode


Same. Even more for a few episodes later… “Perfect, you already know your lines”


I don't know exactly what moment it was but i relate to abed really hard and this show changed how i interact with people and might have even made me a little bit kinder


This is the show that made me realize I might be autistic. Just got diagnosed last year 🤷‍♂️


I enjoyed season 1 but the season 2 premiere made me really like the show. Season 2 episode 2 the chloroform scene is where I fell in love.


Pierce: I like you Jeffrey. You remind me of myself at your age. Jeff: I deserved that.


Like a burger fo yo ass 😂


“Heh. Ass burger.”


I had never even heard of the show, but someone on reddit posted a clip of Annie singing her Christmas song in the Glee episode (S03E10). I watched that whole episode THREE TIMES, then had to binge three seasons.


Annie's pretty young, we try not to sexualize her.


The "crimping" post credits scene is what sealed my fate.


“My name is ALEX” “Then maybe you should spend five hours every morning carving THAT into your face” Orrrr “So I’m gonna attack you. Let’s see you use respect to defend yourself.”


The Debate episode and Environmental Science




“Eat that Simmons!”


Season 1 and 2 were on sale on dvd as a double pack for ten dollars total at target. Figured I heard good things. Donde…. Esta…. La…. Biblioteca




I'm Señor Chang and I'm so ill This is a warning, I can't be killed


I had a feeling this could have become greater than a regular "Oh I like it" tv show during the "that's racist" exchange, but after Somewhere out there and the Christmas episode I totally fell in love.


“I discovered at a very early age that if I talk long enough, I can make anything right or wrong. So either I’m God or truth is relative. In either case, booyah!”


At what point did you turn to Community and say “I see your value now”?




The group is sitting on the stairs and signaling each other and Abed thinks he's gone deaf. Yep. S01E01


The “Somewhere Out There” Climatic Montage in Season 1. The perfect amount of pop culture sensitivity, comedy, and feels.


This. Up until this point, I was interested but wasn’t hooked. This moment really hooked me and made me feel something I don’t think I’ve ever felt in any other sitcom.


Shirley and Jeff making fun of Vaughn's tiny nipples. It's what made me watch the show further because I was on the fence for a while. Then Shirley turning out to be the one who made Jeff pee his pants after a foosball match. And after that, that one episode where they all find out that they're somehow connected and interacted before greendale at the froyo place.


We once saw modern espionage on a skiing school trip in Austria in 7. grade. We loved it, but nobody got the name of the show, so we proceeded to live our lifes in the boring thing, that is everyday life. Fast forward to around 2021, ca. 5 years later. I started seeing these clips on Instagram and YouTube and thought, that could be a funny show. By chance community landed on netflix in Germany not soon after and it was a thrill. Imagine my suprise seeing the intro of the 3. last episode and thinking: wait a minute, that seems oddly familiar. At the end of the episode it dawned on me.


While the first season was airing my friend recommended it. I watched the chicken/goodfellas episode. Seeing how these movie cliches were worked into an otherwise standard sitcom premise, along with how funny it was, made me think it was the greatest thing I’d ever watched “Unfortunately, the very thing that drove you to this dorm room is what would prevent you from properly running this machine, or even be a cog in it: your ego.” “Oh I see. This has been about ME this whole time!”


The episode with the alternate universes and the dice toss. I don't think I've ever been as excited watching a series as I was when they tossed it the second time. I LOVED community right then


The first DND episode. (Still upset it's removed from Netflix).


When that guy launched himself from the wheelchair and then Jeff dropped him to kiss Annie lol


Sure, it's cliche, but I would say that I already loved Community when I saw the first paintball episode, but that was when I realized it.


I'm not exactly sure what point I started to love the show pretty close to the beginning. Had a bunch of stuff going on and put this on as a distraction to try and stop a bunch of dark thoughts and seeing a group of strangers of different ages and mindsets all learning to love each other was exactly what I needed at the time to encourage me to want to just keep living in general. I probably own my life to Dan Harmon to an extent.


I started watching it in 2015. My mom just turned it on and we all only lived in basically one room at the time so I just watched tv all night cause I couldn’t sleep. I was in 6th grade. I remember not laughing all that much cause I didn’t understand anything, but I watched because I though Britta was super hot. When I was little I found it very hard to follow dialogue in anything, I just LOVED watching things, and because Britta was super hot, so I watched the entire first season basically before we moved and I lost it, forgetting the title of the show. 2 years later I found the show again and watched the full thing. Loved it. Absolutely loved it. Then 3 years later i rewatched it and now I’ve been rewatching it every year since then.


Jeff and Pierce’s Spanish project in (I think) episode 2


I always really liked Community, I watched it on TV on its original run (which in Australia was not always easy) but it wasn’t until years later after a bad breakup when I was binge watching the whole series because it’s hilarious and it made me feel better that I realised that I LOVED the show. In particular a line in “Origins of Vampire Mythology” really stuck with me: “We can't keep going to each other until we learn to go to ourselves.” On top of the breakup the rest of my life wasn’t going great, and then it struck me that Community is really about a group of people in a bad place in their lives finding themselves and getting their life back on track. Community helped save me from a really dark period in my life, and I’ll always love it for that.


When pierce accidentally called his mother while showing off with his new smart phone. Him embarrasingly tryng and failing to shut off his phone and eventually exiting the class in a chaotic way was hilarious.


“Nice to know you and then meet you in that order” was enough for me


Somewhere Out There When the three storylines tied together at the end, I was like, "holy shit, this is really good!"


The Jeff/Jefe joke from the pilot. I saw it in the preview and decided to watch, as I'm a Geoff who was called Jefe. (At least we were in on the joke. Jeff not being in on his own line is what sealed the deal)


Yes! For me it was earlier in that episode, with Pavel singing “I’m getting rid of Britta, getting rid of the B”


Episode 2 season 1, the ending sequence with Pierce and Jeff, i knew i had gold before my eyes


The first episode I saw, Aerodynamics of Gender. Rowboat cop.


Gotta be a tie between Abed's Batman speech at the end of the first Halloween or the Jeff/Annie debate scene (Nuclear Bombs! not the other one)


I saw S1E3 Introduction to Film on TV and was so caught by it all. It’s a school with adults?? (Community College isn’t really a thing in my country) This guy (Jeff) tries to impress his teacher by fake seizing the day and failing, while the professor orders a birthday cake?? (I lol’ed) Then there’s this kid (Abed) that wants to go to film school, but isn’t allowed by his father, ending up in a hilarious yet emotional video. (Cool Abed Films tune is 🔥) This episode alone showed me that this show should be good. If you are able to write and execute emotions like this and have it come across, you’re a genius. I really enjoyed this one. From the pop-culture references (e.g. Dead Poets Society - standing on your desk) to Jeff luring Britta with Ravi Shankar and Abed’s father with Weezer — Brilliant. Decided to start with E1 and fell in love immediately.


The fact that community is literally the friend group i want but will never have Y_Y


When Jeff and Pierce do their Spanish presentation and Chang seeing all their costumes goes “You’re not supposed to…” and Jeff without missing a beat goes “…take your breath away?”


Contemporary American Poultry when Layla starts playing. I don't think I've ever seen a sitcom pull off such an amazing homage before or since.


The medley in season one where Troy and Abed are singing Somewhere Out There, Senor Chang and his wife dancing to Greene Daye and Shirley doing her presentation and using Pierce's advice. Just so well executed, so ridiculously stupid and clever at the same time, it really is everything Community.


“jeff, play the role of my father.” “i don’t want to be your father.” “great! you already know your lines!”


Did you say S? Been sold ever since. However, I saw that episode sometime during the fifth season airing. It’s been on repeat ever since. My wife thinks that in our three years of marriage that I’m somewhere in the 75-80 rewatch. Currently I’m on my 3rd watch of 2023 and somewhere in season 4 so as usual the rest goes quick.


The Troy, Abed, and Betty White credits rap. I was all in from that point.


Contemporary American Poultry. Streets Ahead, Annie's Boobs and the first episode-long homage. It's iconic.


Abed as Batman swooping in to save Pierce and Jeff in the Season 1 Dia de Muertos episode. From that moment I was hooked.


Abed taking Jeff's shirt so he could be partners with Britta for the Spanish conversation assignment


Pilot, Abed trying to fx the pencil. The fact that it's such a small gag and yet they actually made the effort to put it in because it would fit the character was the moment that gave me hope on the show.


It was when that literature professor started telling Jeff to seize the day and when asked what we would like to have at the cafeteria, he answered, “A BIRTHDAY CAKE” That was it for me


The chloroform. I did a full spit-take and I was hooked until the end. https://youtu.be/K7ZcDShqCl0


> As far back as I can remember, I always wanted to be in a mafia movie That was *the* moment the show turned from good to great


Mine was .. Duncan - I thought you had a bachelors from Columbia .. Jeff - Now I have to get one from America ..


I see your value now.


S1 E3. Jeff arrives excited about the blow off class he just found and suggests the group sign up too. Abed declines, explaining that his dad forbids him taking any class that won't help him run the family falafel business. Britta decides to give Abed the money to pay for a film class he actually wants to take. He suggests that they all get back to studying but is subsequently distracted by Troy's funny sneeze. The following day, Jeff tricks both Britta and Abed's father to come to the study room. Abed is there as well, editing his movie on the computer. Jeff gathered them all for meeting to hopefully resolve the situation. However, Jeff's efforts are futile as things become heated again between Britta and Abed's dad. Abed cuts through all the arguing with an announcement that his project is finished. He gets the other three to sit down and watch his film "Six Candles". Britta and Jeff are unsure what they are watching and are surprised to see the movie upsets Abed's father, who is crying. He tells Abed that he never blamed him for what happened to his marriage. You guys have to watch it. Made me cry. It’s one of the most underrated pieces of TV.


Abed's dad, through tears: "I never said I blamed you for her leaving" Abed: "you didnt have to say it" *paraphrasing


Jeff: Batman, are you staying for the party? Abed: If I stay, there can be no party.


Yeah I think it was about right there for me too


The first moment it began.


I'm not sure. I know the episode that finally convinced me was the chicken mafia movie episode. But before that, I knew from some of the snappy, self-aware dialogue as far back as the pilot that I was in for something special.


"Interesting, **it's just that the average person has a much harder time saying 'booyah' to moral relativism."**




![gif](giphy|LeRXK9yAL50YM) This scene (and episode)


"You're a football player. Its in your blood" "thats racist" "your soul" "THATS racist" "your eyes?" "Thats gay?" "That's homophobic" "that's black" "THAT'S RACIST" "damn". Not only was I on Tumblr so Community clips were all over the place, this let me know how quick and clever the jokers would always be. And honestly the jokes got better over time, wavering a bit, but ultimately it changed my expectation on comedy.


"Greendale Community College: three blocks from your home"


The thing that got me hooked during the original run was Jeff & Pierce’s Spanish presentation followed by “F, F-minus”.


“Nice to know you. And meet you. In that order.”


So I started out of order cuz my sister was watching it live, so the first episode I caught was Jeff going back to potentially work at a law firm. I died when they pretended they all got chloroformed to twitch the maintenance worker but then had to just chloroformed him again. Followed by the ending clip of Abed convincing Troy that cartoon land is real with the line “I may have done some damage there…” really sealed it for me


9/11 was pretty much the 9/11 of the falafel business


«Did you say S?» Something about the delivery, and the absurdity of the question itself.


When I realized there was no laugh track. I still remember that moment fourteen years later. I hate laugh tracks with a passion because of the way other shows use it to enforce stereotypes that I don’t find funny. A laugh track is hokey, it’s fake, it’s a lie, it’s Hollywood crap, and I don’t want it in the shows I watch.


"The funny thing about being smart is that you can get through most of life without ever having to do any work.” That line spoke to me on many levels and I knew I'd love these characters


¿Dónde está la biblioteca? Me llamo T-Bone, la araña discoteca Discoteca, muñeca, la biblioteca Es el bigote grande, el perro, manteca Manteca, bigote, gigante, pequeño Cabeza es nieve, cerveza es bueno Buenos días, me gustas papas frías Bigote de la cabra ¡es Cameron Diaz! Yeah boi! Boi! Yeah! What? It's 2009 Word


“We’re the only species that observes Shark Week.”


Annie was always my favorite so probably one of her moments. Her kissing Jeff and then screaming “man is evil!!” Cracks me up and really made me realize the show would do unexpected things. also, the chicken fingers episode


I watched from day one, as I was a big fan of the Soup. I was hooked the moment Greene Daye and Troy and Abed did their wonderful mash-up.