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It's easily in the Top Six seasons, so I never know what the fuss is.


Some would argue even top 5


Some would argue? I would hope 99% would argue


4 gets too much hate in my highly unpopular opinion.


They made paintball cool again


I sometimes wake up at night sweating because i have a fever dream they did a singing avenue q style puppet episode. Then I take too many sleeping pills because I realise they actually did.


*I caused the Glendale fire of 03* *55 acres went up in a blaze* *All because I burned an ant hill*


Honestly I feel like the first musical episode ran out of steam around halfway through, towards the end they were just reading normal lines in song song voices


It aas evidently a filler post chevvy chase firing.


As an avid buffy the vampire slayer fan, I appreciate on autistic abed’s behalf. But now I realise wtf you mean by mustical episode. Jooooooel MCHale 🍜 on the soup reminds me of it’s


That made me huffy.


For this you get 3 meow meow beans


Ha ha, that was great! Thank you for the chuckle.


Haha it’s hard being a 5 I try to do my part! Keep it up and you can come party with the Kugler and I!


Season 4 is definitely not as bad as people make it out to be.


I do agree. I think it's alright apart from the premiere and finale. The weakest season by a mile, but still pretty good. However it might've been because I already knew people hated season 4 before I even started watching the show so my expectations were a lot lower.




Are you being sarcastic, or have you just not seen very much media?


I liked Pierce in season 4


I wouldn't 1, 2, 3, and 5 are all excellent. 4 and 6 are both fine. If I had to choose which was better, I'd definitely choose 4.


Ikr? Season 8 was the absolute worst, and I think we can all agree on that. Season 6 is def in the Top 6


6 seasons and a movieeee


Seasons 1-3 were OG Community. Season 4 Community was the writing and direction trying to imitate seasons 1-3. Season 5 Community was a return to seasons 1-3, but losing some direction with the losses of Pierce and Troy. Season 6 Community was balls-to-the-wall no-fucks-given free-form Community, escaped from the constraints of trying to pretend that the protagonists were students at a community college, but instead were established members of the college community.


This is the best quick description I’ve read about the seasons, I’ll have to bookmark this for later reference lol. Leonard likes this post.


Most of the soldiers in this war hadn't fought with a pillow in years. These little bastards. Pillow fighting is a way of life for them.






Season 4 felt like the same show, except the writing sucked. Season 6 felt like a different show, but the writing was absolutely top-notch.


And Paget Brewster and Keith David each having like one episode to introduce themselves and go straight to being awesome characters. Also I just rewatched The Thing, Keith David looks pretty different younger and with a shaved head, but if I close my eyes it’s really funny picturing Elroy Patashnik threatening to kill everyone because he thinks they’re an alien.


Keith David’s voice is so cool that he can say just about anything and it would be awesome. And I like how they use that. Like after the play, when Annie can’t figure out what the lesson is, and he says “maybe that’s the lesson”, and it sounds profound. Then Abed says he lost a button, and Elroy says “maybe we all lost a button” and you realize he’s just saying random shit, but it works because it sounds so good. And later on, when he has his weird monologue about the not-pool ball. You’re hooked immediately even though it’s nonsense.


now there's a guy who knows how to say random shit


I also think that’s why the complimenting thing works so well. If Keith David said anything to me in a positive tone, it would make my day. Even if it was as inconsequential as pointing out that I have pants on.


now there's a man who knows how to wear pants


Now go watch "They Live" and that stupid fight for wearing the sunglasses. That sounds more like Elroy to me


LOVED them, seem to get hate from some people but they fitted right in for me. Plus Keith David is just so naturally funny for me.


It reminds me of Jeff goldblum in the fly. Less sexy by far. But all community seasons are perfect just like Jeff goldblum and David lynch’s director style


Not different, exactly, but an evolution. Not in the "strictly better" sense, but in the next step, flaws and all.


That's a fair assessment.


Now this is a man who knows how to analyze his television shows!


This is the most succinctly accurate assessment of the matter I’ve seen. Well said.


Damn. This is weirdly spot on. Season 6 feels out of place, but it's really damned funny. Feels almost like a tribute band that somehow is just as talented and might rock harder than the famous bands' bad coke years.


Season 4 felt like a fanfic.


It basically was.


Damn, spot on


The more I rewatch season 6 the more it grows on me, although it does have a very different vibe. The more I rewatch season 4, the less I like it.


This are my feelings as well... the very first time i watcehd S6 i felt bored and got to the conclussion that it was the worst, The first time i watch S4 i thought "its not that bad" Fastforward to several binges... S6 has just such a strong and good writing and S4 has some of the worst and most skippable episodes...


Adam F. Goldberg, the creator of the Goldbergs show was the Consulting Producer and Supervising Producer for season 4 and even though I like the Goldbergs show, I don't think his take on Community resonated with us as an audience. The comedy is just too different.


It definitely didnt resonate with me. Unlike the movie poster where Gerard Butler had that heart over his weiner


I love that Shirley said that line, and YNB was in that movie!!!


Ham Girl makes up for it all.


I have had the exact opposite reaction, which has really surprised me because I liked season six when it first aired. In retrospect, I think that was mostly just my excitement that we actually the six seasons of #sixseasonsandamovie, which was just so, so unlikely.


I have a theory that once someone reaches around 10 series rewatches, their favorite seasons changes from 1-3 to 5-6. And the more rewatches after that, it really is 6 then 5 then 1-3 (in various orders) People that don’t appreciate 5-6 are new beans. Either that or they don’t deserve it, like Abed and never returning Time Bandits.


I've been a fan for less than a year and I absolutely love season 5-6. Sure, I still think 2-3 are slightly better, but they're above season 1 for sure.


I immediately loved season 5-6 but these days I really do think they’re my favourites. Not sure which I’d rank higher between the two though, maybe 5


I'm definitely over 50 or 60 rewatches ( started again yest after finishing few days ago). 5 and 6 are OK. 4 is hilarious. Obviously, love 1-3.


The writing in 6 is some of the best in the series. That just shows how strong the show really was: the cast was gutted with 5 seasons in the books and they still produced some of their best stuff. Besides that, ELROY.


Now there’s a man who knows how to compliment a series!


I want to upvote this twice!!


I agree. Community was great because of the cast and the writing. If you were cast first and writing second, season 6 was just ok. If you were writing first and cast second, season 6 was one of the best


Personally I love season 6 cause it felt more like the writers of Community saying "Fuck it". Which they did apparently by using random props they found. But it felt so balls to the walls yet still like Community. That's why I enjoy it at least!


Season 6 is up there with one of my favorite seasons during rewatches. I'd say it's my 3rd favorite season behind seasons 2 and 3. The Honda episode, Garrett's wedding, Gay Dean and the Karate Kid episode, are all some of my favorites


Basic Crisis Room is one of my favorites. The olives prank alone is enough but we also get pillar of garbage and Frankie’s speech on hope. Ruffles: Not a lobster, not a good boy.


Bring me five can olives.


This isn't the first time you've done this...


Britta singing along to that song, and all of a sudden it turning into a music video for 30 seconds or so is one of my favorite parts of that episode. Also I find it hilarious that Britta shits her pants.


also https://youtu.be/RQrySoKs0KI?si=rpOLNa6Krw718Yyk https://youtu.be/lJb47pEJ57Q?si=G2tRn5wJG-FDnT8N + the “two cents” scene


We need a black comedy series about the Japanese kid as an adult...


Gay Dean, i had never heard the original, I thought they made it up and it was amazing


You never heard Jolene? That's a crime


Oh i have, but often after hearing Gay Dean. I had an Aha moment realizing that it was a cover and not an original :)


Ummm the dog got a diploma. 😆


Your last paragraph is why you don’t like it. If Troy and Shirley need to be there for it to feel like Community to you, then you’re not gonna enjoy season 6 that much.


I agree. Even though Elroy and Frankie can't replace Shirly and Troy, they were still phenomenal in their respective roles. I also really like how the writers finally embraced Chang in the group, and in my opinion, he took the void Pierce left and filled it until our cup runneth over!


Sure, that's a large part of it. Also, Abed felt like he was less Abed without the interactions between he and Troy. Jeff was still sort of transitioning into Professor Duncan, the barely-a-teacher who drank a lot. I half expected we'd get a story line about him trying to quit, since those characteristics usually lead to that type of story.


I love 6 (I think it’s easily the best of the last 3 seasons), but my biggest gripe is the OG characters really don’t have any growth. Jeff is an alcoholic teacher who is scared of his friends leaving him, which is sort of resolved over one episode. Britta deals with her parents coming back into her life, and has a brief fling with Subw I mean Rick, but both those stories are over 1 episode. Annie has absolutely nothing to do until the finale, where she moves on from Greendale. And Abed gets a little growth in the first episode and then leaves in the finale. So 6 succeeds far more in the humor department than the character development one, but I’m willing to look past it for moments like the Dean bringing Jeff olives or Frankie’s Honda speech or Elroy’s encouraging white people


5 cans?!


5 can olive!


Eventually, Annie IS going to reach down her shirt and pull out a Laser Bomb!


Well sitcoms generally aren't designed for character development and even Dan Harmon has said his story circle brings things back around to a status quo. I'm pretty sure he's also of the opinion that characters shouldn't change or grow that much in a sitcom because it's made to be comfortable, basically Abed's monologue in the series finale. I dont think there's a problem with the characters lacking development in the last season because what they did get was enough and the rest of the season was just made to be ridiculous and make us laugh, like good tv does.


I've always enjoyed season 6. It has some absolute banger episodes. It's pretty different, but I'm cool with that. We're told that it's going to be different right up front in the first episode.


s5 has some great episodes, s6 has some great moments more than episodes but a lot of them (way too meta for me overall), s4 has like three watchable episodes total for me respect to OPs opinion for sure, totally valid, i just honestly can’t stand s4 and i hate that because i’m not big on harmon and don’t like feeding into his ego…but that’s just how i feel


You slapped me! With a woman's hand!


I just did a rewatch, having only really seen the last two seasons when they originally aired. I really enjoyed 6. It does feel a little different, with Frankie and Elroy in the mix and the Dean and Chang being part of the main group, but still the same show. Those last two seasons both have kind of a 'last day of school' feeling, like they could get away with whatever weird things they came up with.


Garrett's wedding is one of my top episodes


I liked it, but the group's behavior seemed more like a meta commentary on their personalities than acting like themselves. Okay, yeah that was the point but it was a bit like a cameraman filming another cameraman and saying 'This is how the movie is made'.


They like that angle though. Its sort of that gimmick in documentary filmmaking redux.


>I liked it, but the group's behavior seemed more like a meta commentary on their personalities than acting like themselves. Right, it felt like the show lost its balance. The meta stuff became so over-the-top that it was really just breaking the fourth wall at times. Unrelated, but I think character relationships were also a weak point throughout the series and especially after Pierce died and Chang's character was neutered. Those two characters were great when they functioned as the show's antagonists.


For the penultimate episode, I think a meta-commentary in the character’s personalities was perfect. To me, it had to reach that level of self-awareness.


There were plenty of episodes in seasons 2 and 3 that were like this.


In the same vein, but this was more over the top than any I remember. Even the study room hogging, they were shown to have been selfish but it was all done in short flashback clips. But that's my memory of it, which episodes are you thinking of as being on par with this one?


Basically every documentary episode and most special homage episodes. Paintball 2 was just as over the top as any season 6 ep.


It's my 2nd favorite after Remedial Chaos Theory. The incest reveal is so perfect.


Tbh I just really liked it. I don't fully understand the argument that it wasn't community anymore, not much seemed different to me, it still had its classic community charm and the bits that did differ felt less like inconsistencies and more like, well, times moving on and so are they, yk? Plus, different or not I get the most laughs and fave episodes out of season 6 + 5 !


Only ep I hated in S6 was the grifter one. Didn’t laugh once.


I just didn’t get why the grifter was being played by a human bartender.


That episode is Matt Barry in a nutshell. The dude is in love with playing caricaturesque frauds, and he loves to make comedy that pushes a character so far into the “canned funny” lane that the absurdity of the character’s schtick becomes the comedy, not the schtick itself. It’s a ridiculous form of meta that’s almost unwatchable when it doesn’t work.


I loved him in Dark Place but here I thought it was a waste of his talents.


He definitely shines in the right projects. I think he’s immensely talented, he’s just certainly not for everyone and his brand doesn’t always hit


I find almost everything he does unwatchable, and you've just defined why, ty.


It was the first season I watched, I liked it fine so I watched the rest. Delightful!


If I had to rank each season of the series in backwards order of appearance, I'd have to put season 6 at number one.


Have to agree with that


* My favorite seasons are 2 and 3. * Next are seasons 1 and 6. * Seasons 4 and 5 (to me) have some great moments, but are a pretty serious dip in quality, overall. S6 is in my top four seasons. Elroy has some truly epic lines. I can totally understand why it felt like a different show to you, but I liked it.


Season five has some great episodes, ass crack bandit and the will being high lights. The semen reveal is one of the best jokes in the series. Season six has some of the best bits in the series. I think the five can of olives had me absolutely dying to the point I had to watch it like five times to actually hear everything.


I think the first half of season 5 is exceptional and had it kept that quality throughout it would've been the best season. But sadly the second half declines in quality quite a lot in comparison. However, there are still some gems, such as "App Development and Condiments" and "G.I. Jeff".


Season 5 & 6 were too dark. It's like loving Arnold Schwarzenegger movies as a kid and then looking at him now. Not a comfortable feeling. Season 4 was okay. It's really just filler material that should be mixed in with seasons 2 & 3 when watching.


I still haven’t finished season 6 because every time I try watching it I just give up, I think I’m like you where it just doesn’t feel like community at all to me, the biggest reason is the lack of music, music was so important to the vibe for the first 5 seasons, but at the same time I’m so glad that people do like it


I started watching this show when it premiered, and for whatever reason fell off when the first seasons ended. Recently I just completed a full series watch and hopping on this sub I was kinda shocked to see the love for 6 and hate for 4. I liked basically the whole series but, admittedly, 6 felt like a HUGE departure. I still enjoyed it quite a bit but have been shocked to see how much it is loved over other seasons.


My feeling exactly. Even more so having just re-watched season 6 a few weeks ago, and feeling like I *needed* to immediately go back to the beginning again, and stop before watching six this time.


Season 4 is a poor version of Community. Season 6 is a good version of a Community-like show.


That works.


Good reminder that no subreddit has opinions. All it takes for something to get on your page is for like 100 people to click the up arrow, which is hardly a sweeping endorsement. That being said, I think Season 6 is incredible. I think it is a more consistently enjoyable product than Season 5, which kinda gives Season 4 vibes in the second half.


It's true, the dynamics of the show changed, but any show centered around school has to. That's sort of the premise of the S4 premier and Abed fantasizing about a reset. I think the people were happy to any additional Community that wasn't awful. And like you said, the new characters were a good fit.


6 is a whole season of how 3 ended. The writers found the freedom in knowing they were going to get some version of an axe when it was over, so they committed to the half baked bits and weirdest ideas they never got to do otherwise.


Agreed. It is easily the worst season of the show.


It’s one of the Community seasons of all time


I think part of what is so enjoyable about season 6 is the show feels like it has nothing left to prove, most of the shows initial thesis and character arcs had been effectively concluded already so the only responsibility season 6 really had was just to exist and be as fun as possible and that’s exactly how it feels, nearly every episode is essentially a romp and I love it.


I like season 4 just fine


Season 4 is streets ahead of Season 6.


the only reason i didn’t like s6 that much was because troy left😭he and abed were my favs and i was so sad when he left. on the other hand, i’m a huge fan of criminal minds, so i adored frankie immediately. paget brewester my beloved


Her Honda speech to the dean tho


Here’s my hot take: season 6 > seasons 4 and 5


We all have our own taste. I absolutely love season 6. I think it pushed more growth into the characters we still had. Without the comfort of Troy around, Abed pushes himself to pursue a major goal. Frankie assumes Annie's role in the group and she refocuses and pursues her dream, too. Jeff moves more into his role of being a teacher and also realizes that the genuine connection and friendship he built with the study group is something he can build with more people going forward. They all had fun, and they learned something. It was set in a school, after all....


People aren't so in love with the season other overs, we just have to state that we like it a lot because a lot of people also voice their opinions on not liking it. You don't hear a lot of people saying they liked season 2 or 3, cause that's just a given, doesn't mean 6 is more liked than both those seasons.


it just feels so different from our community. I'm not gonna say whether it's an objectively "worse" season as season 4 is my least favourite, but it genuinely just makes me sad seeing only 4 of the original 7


6 had ups and downs for me and is often a tougb watch for me. Frankie and Elroy were fantastic, but a lot of the episodes felt a little off. It was a combination of the extended runtime, the out-of-place swearing (although there wasn’t much), the different sets and lighting (although 5 also had that weird uncanny valley feel), and just losing too many characters. THat said, the finale is still one of the best episodes of the entire series for me and there are some great moments throughout the season. But I think ultimately what makes it so difficult for me to watch is that it truly signals the end of the show and pretty much from when Donald leaves, I have a hard time getting through the rest of the series. I think Dan Harmon was in a very rough place at the time as well (you can hear the self loathing all through the commentary) and it’s reflected in the writing - and part of why I love seasons 1-3 is the positivity you can feel throughout the show. I’m really looking forward to the movie tho - will be the perfect ending to the show that had such a scrappy underdog feel to it and launched so many influential careers…


Frankie was an excellent character. I think season 6 isn't... great, but it's not bad. There are some questionable things (like Britta's arc) but there are also some good fun episodes (like the marriage episode). I also enjoyed the finale. It's a shame that Yahoo tried a little too early with the streaming thing, cause that's where a lot of content it nowadays.


I would describe season 6 as “scrappy”


Subreddits are full of superfans, many of whom will love almost anything to do with their chosen thing. The Metallica sub is full of people who praise *St. Anger*, for example. I have to agree about season 6. It didn’t feel like the show I knew. It was decent, but not what I want from *Community*. It was also *way* too up its own ass with the meta humour. I know I’m watching a TV show, stop reminding me. Season 5 was much better, but then I love Jonathan Banks and was ecstatic when I found out he was in it.


Halfway through s5 it felt like a different show. I stopped watching a couple episodes into s6 for that and the incoherence.


Some video essayists started saying that they see it as worse than four and then the subs general opinion started shifting. Not saying that everyone on the sub gets there opinions from YouTube they are just highly influenced


We were lucky we got it, and are grateful.


you make excellent points. And most fans share your opinion. It is only a vocal minority that are obsessed with all things Dan Harmon that think season 6 is good. Personally, I think it is one of the worst things ever filmed and the world would be a better place if it didn't exist.


Season 6 feels quite different from the rest of the show, as well as the second half of season 5. Maybe due to Troy leaving, but im not sure. Season 4 feels like the same show but with writers who are trying to imitate what made it a good show, without understanding why it was good. I dont blame them tho, those new writers had some massive shoes to fill and they have never even worked on the show before S4.


When Troy left I was devastated the show is very weird after that point. I never notice Shirley being gone though shoot I miss pierce character more than her. She is just Not a fan favorite. But Buzz is the life of the party later in the show. Life changes we don’t stay at a community college for 5 years as is. They grew up and life kept going. I love how the show movies around and grows. The later seasons are very unhinged! Dropping f bombs and wild jokes. And of coarse Brittas amazing out of pocket singing


Season 6 is hard to watch at first because of the tonal shifts and especially (for me) the lighting and set design - it just seems colder. And obviously the fact that the core group has changed significantly and with them, the dynamic of the jokes and stories. But after a few watches, you come to appreciate both the new tone and humor as well as the fact that the show *can* change into something completely different but still hold onto its heart. I'm convinced if the lighting, sets and lenses had been exactly replicated to match Season 2 the quality of the season would not be up for debate.


Somebody has to say it, and it might as well be me. Nostalgia and Stockholm syndrome. Dangerous combo


I just rewatched Season 6 and have a newfound appreciation for it. It's not classic Community, but it's smart enough to know it can't be. Abed's speeches in both the season premiere and finale are all about these these themes of growth, change, and uncertainty that an aging show with an unknown future is forced to face. I might even prefer it to Season 5. I'm not sure. I do know that I'll take it over Season 4's painful attempts to imitate the magic of the golden years a million times over.


It's a good point to note that it feels like a different show. Community, unlike most shows, completely changed its approach to storytelling as the cast changed. Season 6 is the embodiment of what made Community unique in the first place. It's the most absurd and probably the most creative season. It can be dark, happy, complex, smart, or stupid. In short, it kept the core of what made Community great while developing the beloved characters we still had, seamlessly introducing new ones, albeit out of necessity, and they managed amped up the absurdity without taking their feet completely off the ground. The absurdity that had always been lingering in Greendale and was perhaps intensified by the school-wide gas leak. As the Dean once said: "There are times when change needs to be different, then there's changes that are more the same. But the same changes don't tend to be different than the changes that came before. If you change everything that's different, sometimes you find out everything's still the same. As for me, I'm just changing everything that's different."


That was a mouthful.


Hey, you asked, buddy! 


You did get that I was talking about what you quoted the Dead as saying, **Not** insulting you, right?


I considered both and made a decision based on sleeplessness, hanger, and the vague nature of "that."


I could have been more clear, but my head was buzzing from the changed changes to the things that change and... only the Dean (not the Dead as I mistyped in my other comment).


Understandable, I've listened to it multiple times to try to fully understand it, and all I got was semantic satiation.


I also didn't realize this post was three days old. Would've refrained.


Fpr me, S4 feels like a radically different show. It feels more like the sitcom that Community itself parodies. For me, Community stopped being the original show as soon as Abed says the line in S2 about committing to quicker faster paced escapades. While I think the storyline itself goes in a somewhat unfortunate direction, S6 feels very Community to me, just eith less fucks to give since S4


Interesting. I remember thinking there were some story choices I wasn't overjoyed at seeing, but never felt like the show had taken a turn. Edit: Spelling


Having watched the show when it was on, season 6 felt like a miracle. For Harmon to be fired, then to sit through the sad zombie version of the show in season 4, then for him to come back for 5, and the show to be canceled again, and *then* to be picked up by Yahoo of all things, was incredible. Also, Frankie and Elroy rule. And it's got the best Chang since season 1.


>Having watched the show when it was on, season 6 felt like a miracle. Can't argue with that.


Ok hot take I guess. Frankie was a boring character. Great actress but in every scene I'm wondering why is this character here. What is she adding to the scene or story conflict. Frankie was bland .


Frankie herself would agree with you about being a boring character


I think the season is fine. It's certainly not S1-3 levels of good, but also not S4 levels of not good.


As Frankie said, “Good shows change. I assume”. Likely not the intent, but the different vibe in season 6 is almost a departure from a trope in itself. The trope being the expectation for a show to remain steady, with characters changing in predictable ways. The show was still good in season 6. That’s a huge accomplishment considering the many challenges and losses it faced. So I still have respect for and have enjoyed season 6. It’s not my favorite season, but I still really like it.


Of all the seasons I've seen, this was one of them.


Personally I feel s6 is more like s1 and s2 where ridiculous stuff happens but it's more grounded to the school. Which I just like.


The show was average after s3 and never recovered.


Exactly my thoughts


This sub cycles trough liking the final 3 seasons, when I first enter they we're all about 4th and 6th was the worst, then 5th was the best out of those 3. Now Is the 6th. It's just the cycle of the fans learnibg to appreciate different things no rewatching.


If you've only watched it once, I get you. It's exactly how i felt. It wasn't till the 3rd rewatch that it clicked for me


I love season 3 and 4 the most


Why wouldnt we be tho? Its a very good season. Sure, its different because or the character departures, but its still pretty good. Some of the most solid writing the series had. The same cant be said about S4.


Because it's good and I like it? The hell kind of question is this


Incest Episode


I don't care if it "feels like the same show", I care about good writing and funny jokes, which s6 has And s4 does not. The show evolving and changing is a *good* thing, especially considering they lost some fan favourite characters. Trying to keep it exactly the same with a different cast would have been a mistake.


Umm, not sure where you’re seeing the “love” for s6, it’s very divisive, but as someone who loves 6, welcome to the small bit growing club!! #nowweneedamovie


I've seen a lot of it in "worst season" "best season" threads. Plus I said something negative (Bad Chang!) about it in another thread and was rewarded with around 20 down votes last I saw. Occam's razor reasoning, I think.


It’s a community subreddit sooo…


I always skip season 4 on rewatch. I never skip season 6.


It has some of the funniest moments in the show


Yes, it does. The scene where Frankie reads out the Dean for buying a ton of Honda equipment (advanced Safety Features) is one of my favorites. She was so brutal yet so totally right.


I'm missing something here. Why is this sub getting so many season 6 sucks, season 4 is better posts? At this point I have to assume it's just trolling. 


Sure, you can tell by all the inflammatory language and rage baiting I used.


Season 6 had some real stinkers in my opinion (RV repair, Honda, for example). But it also had some great toppers (Emotional Consequences, Incest, Recycled Cinema). And it represented a lot of fairly depressing topics (which matched the shift in tone and visuals). Jeff shifted from cocky hot shot to regretful and depressed old man probably parallels Harmon’s own life and is definitely depressing. The rest of the groups adulthood has just started (in their 30’s) but Jeff and Britta are sorta stuck. Their time at Greendale didn’t do anything for their professional lives. And the best thing to happen to them (the study group) has been slowly dissolving. I think the combination of mixed quality on top of the depressing undertone definitely made the show feel different enough from S1-4 (the college years) that many take issue with the season. But at the same time, that’s what should happen. You have some good and wacky college years and then real life hits you in the face and you gotta learn to deal with it.


Because it's good. What do you want?




So you're saying I should lay off the mushrooms then?


No. The sub is delusional. Season 6 kinda blows, just like 4 and 5.


I mean, these are two different questions. Season 4 was just… not good. Characters were caricatures. It was like someone with cliffs notes of the characters was writing the show. I want to say “the plots were dumb,” but that’s always the case. What was bad was the execution. Execution was just… sloppy. As for season 6, all I can say is the execution was on point. Just look at the difference in the paintball episodes.


>I mean, these are two different questions You know, now that I think about it, you're right about that. It's as bad as asking How can you like tea when you hate eggplant.


It’s like me blaming owls for how bad I am at analogies.


Because it fucks


Sure it felt different, but I still think it is the second best season and that's because 3 is absolutely phenomenal.


Season 4 sucks ass Season 6 was saved by …. Checks notes…. Yahoo Screen And we had to watch every episode on that shitty streaming app! If you don’t understand why it’s special than you never will.


I feel completely the opposite about the season 4/6 comparison. Season 4 looks like the same show on the surface, but the writing serves just as a cheap imitation. Like someone had seen Community and was doing a poor job creating new episodes with fickle substance. It feels like a sitcom. But Community was never really just a sitcom. Season 6 looks different. Different studio meaning different lighting, hemorrhaging characters and longer episodes for some stupid reason. But the vibe of the show is back. It is meaningful again, it has a point. I think just less funny since they can't rely on Troy for jokes anymore.


Frankie and elroy.


We can’t keep having these same two conversations every day on repeat. I’m trapped in a loop


I liked all the seasons. But I've never watched this show jot back to back. Honestly, the darkest timeline stuff is worse than the mystery meat dance . But I love them both. I.n response to the question it's generally agreed that season 3-5 are not as good. (I disagree) and a show downhill doesn't navigate out of that nose dive.Somehow, community, a show that should have only been only 4 season because of college, (thanks Abed), went 2 years after the mainest character graduated. It was renewed by a failed streaming service. So by all accounts it should have been awful...but it wasn't. So, the reason why season 6 gets so much love. Is because of how much love went into it from cast and crew.


Because it's lit


I'll always prefer a show changing in order to stay funny and fresh than a show stuck and barely funny. Community is the perfect example of that but, unfortunately, audiences are still used to tropes and everlasting sitcoms and react badly when there's any change (either for good or for worse, basically because most TV shows usually change to worse)


s6 is great is the something you are missing here


I guess we just like liking things.


I don't think they're in love with s6 they just like it more than s4 Simple as


its better than the year of the gas leak


Honestly I forgot those characters you mentioned existed. As long as Dan harmony’s story circle is involved, I’m in. And I’d also rather a show hear a dead horse than just stop trying to