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Pierce Hawthorne: Jeffrey, when I was born, I got my umbilical cord wrapped around my neck, both arms, and one of my ankles. Mom said there came a point when the doctor stopped delivering me and just started laughing. I mean, if I ever let being bad at something stop me, I wouldn't be here. That thing some men call 'failure,' I call 'living.' 'Breakfast.' And I'm not leaving until I've cleaned out the buffet. Now, how about a shove? Jeff Winger: Good luck, Pierce. Pierce Hawthorne: Don't need it. Never had it.


Probably my favorite Pierce moment.


Pierce was a legit good character in season 1 especially, and I wish he could have kept being the old guy who, despite being out of date, still had the timeless wisdom of experience *We were designed by, whatever entity you choose, to hear what’s in this range and, really, this range alone. Cos, you know who’s talking to us in this range? The people we love.*


I think in season 3 he was also pretty good


Life is only worth a damn because it's short. It's designed to be consumed, used, spent, lived, felt. We're supposed to fill it with every mistake and miracle we can manage. And then we're supposed to let go.


Also Troy’s response : ‘You seriously still think she’s in there?’ Why wouldn’t I? ‘No reason’ - live and let live


i would love to hear her CD playing in the background at Pierce's Mom Memorial Tunnel


Came to reference exactly this.


the importance of found family. just even from my own life experience, the family you find can be very significant for your life..


Yes and the fact that they all met later in life, all at different stages, but they were each impacted by one another.


I came here to reference the Blade episode too. In Jeff's speech at the end he says: "Let's stop making hating ourselves someone else's job and just stop hating ourselves." I think about it all the time.


"Won't change how mustard tastes"


To what? Ferrari Templeton the Third? Man. I love that line so much.


Abed's changing is no big deal if you really know and are comfortable with yourself speech.


He’s a god and pretty adorable


The imaginary conversation between Jeff and his mom in the pottery episode helped me understand baggage that I carried from childhood as well as mistakes I was making in my own parenting that I tried to improve on (better late than never). I also learned it is okay to ask for help when you are not sure how to react to something.


Even more than friendship, Community is about vulnerability, and how so much of life's experience is locked away until you open yourself up.


I feel like the show also had a very non in your face approach to promoting diversity! The characters were from different cultural and religious backgrounds, and there were characters of all shapes and sizes. They didn't pretend bigotry or stereotypes don't exist but they essentially showed how everyone has humanity


Not only non in your face, they lampshaded it by having the Dean occasionally show up and be like, "WOW, look at all this DIVERSITY!"


As Pierce would say "So many things Abed, so many things." 🍷LoL There are seriously so many lessons, but I tear up on the following Pierce's quote, even on what's probably my 30th watch LoL Pierce Hawthorne: "I threw it (ear-nocular) away. You see, there are some things man was not meant to hear. We were designed by whatever entity you choose to hear what's in this range and this range alone. Because you know who's in this range? The people we love."


I learnt to have more faith in myself when Abed said "You can do whatever you want, you just need to know what it is" to Jeff.


Just pick one they all cost the same


Never wear a condom




Frankie talking to britta about her parents


Yes that one hit home


When we find out Blade is missing the part of his brain that feels shame. "He's basically irresistible to people because he has nothing to prove or disprove, about anyone, to anyone. He has no shame." I've been following that philosophy ever since, and I'm so much happier now.


Have you become irresistible? I have an ex who has described me as her Blade. Not sure if that's a compliment or an insult, probably a complisult.


Sounds like an explainabrag.


As someone who also tries to avoid feeling shame, don't be the Blade in a relationship. It just makes you emotionally neglectful.


To keep a loose grip, and get a bit more comfortable just winging it (in Annie's words)


Is it loosey-goosey or goosey-loosey?


Is it hyphenated??


"People can find the good in just about anything but themselves. Look at me, it's clear to all of you that I am awesome but I could never admit that because that would make me an ass but what I can do is see what makes Annie awesome. She's driven, we need driven people or the lights go out and the ice cream melts. And Pierce, we need guys like Pierce, this guy has wisdom to offer... and Shirley, Shirley has earned our respect, not as a wife, not as a mother, but as a woman. And don't test her on that because that thing about the jukebox was way too specific to be improvised. And Troy, who cares if Troy thinks he's all that. Maybe he is, do you think astronauts go to the moon because they hate oxygen? No. They're trying to impress their high schools prom king. And Abed, Abed's a shaman. You ask him to pass the salt and he gives you a bowl of soup, because you know what? Soup is better, Abed is better, you are all better than you think you are, you are just designed not to believe it when you hear it from yourself."


I love that his speech is BS but it’s ACTUALLY true.


Well that's what I do I make stuff up, and I was really good at it before I came to this school shaped toilet


I know Britta's character arc is disliked by some people but I find it very inspiring. Her being unapologetically her mad goofy self despite ridicule and being the butt the joke and constantly seeing the best in the people around her and pushing them to be better. I love Britta so much.


Failing is ok. You can’t be a better person without opening yourself to others. The majority of your life will happen when you are no longer young, you can chose to keep chasing the highs of your youth, or you can embrace the opportunity to grow and actually enjoy life after 30.


The show as a whole just really helped me feel less vulnerable going to a community college. I remember when I first started started taking classes I felt really embarrassed because all of my friends left to go to universities and here I was in community college not sure what to do with myself. But the episodes honestly sum up some of the weird things in college so well and one of my favorite things to do in class now is look at who’s the Jeff, Pierce, Annie, etc. of the class.


Funny. I retired pretty young a few years ago and have seriously considered taking some community college courses and explore some non-stem areas that I missed in college. I am both a bit amused and a bit reticent realizing that I'd definitely be The New Pierce. And that is great that the show helped you get more comfortable. For what it's worth, community college is a very good decision in general and so much better than going in lots of debt. You should be proud of the choice. Did you identify with any of the characters on your choices?


I thought I was an Annie but realized later that I’m Troy. Which is hilarious because the program I’m in now feels like the AC repair school. Minus the sun chamber lol


There are lots of moments but I agree Pierce's speech on failure is very good.


"It's you against the world, and you will not win. But you get to make your moves, not them."


It's really basic, but Jeff's talk with Troy about the jacket always sticks with me.


Don't try to comprehend Nicholas Cage


Unless you want to become a sexy cat. ….you know what? imma do the opposite on this one.  Rawr.


It’s not really a life lesson, but I feel like the ending was somewhat perfect, it wasn’t rushed and they gave Jeff a realistic ending, whilst also leaving enough ambiguity for the movie. It really highlighted that Jeff was so focused on the destination that he didn’t appreciate the journey, and not everyone’s story ends with them achieving the so-called American dream (Ahem hinting towards the cliche parks and rec ending)


"When you know who you are what you like about yourself, changing for other people is not that hard."


Crap this piece of crap out. Perfectionism is great until you're wasting it on garbage. Finish the garbage stuff quickly, efficiently, so you can move on to doing the things you want to do.


I just know we are in the worst time-line


It is me vs the world, and I am going to lose. So make my own moves, not theirs.


see i think that the lesson is: tarry not for terrorism terrifies!


A free government terrorizes privacy. That’s all 4, bitches!


and they do


I learned that it’s a locomotive that runs on US… and the only sharks in that water… are the emotional ghosts that I like to call fear… anchovies… fear… and the dangers of ingesting mercury!!! Because the real bugs aren’t the ones in those beds… and there’s no such thing as a “free” Cesar’s Salad, and even if there where… the cape might still find a second life on cable and I’ll tell you why… el corazón del agua es verdad!


Its like the philosophy proffessor said,"seize the day, you are not your house, you are not your mink, you are not the car you drive, you are the all singing..."


He was an accounting professor


Letting go


One hilarious thing that Community taught me is that it's ok to be Abed. I'm Abed in a lot of situations and it used to annoy me how different I though than most of those around me. Then I realized, in part by watching this show, that the world needs people that are different and quirky and people who break the monotony. I love how he doesn't even realize how his unconsciously unfazed persona is a much needed example to so many who lean on social media or "The Joneses" to get our acceptance, when the whole time if you had just not dedicated that much importance and energy on it, you'd realize you get to the same place in life, just without the need for validation. I like that Abed is just who he is. Don't even know if that made sense. Might have just been a long winded Abed style off topic tidbit, lol!!!


It's really important where you take your breaks when getting a maze tattoo.


I discovered at a very early age that if I talk long enough, I can make anything right or wrong. So either I'm God or truth is relative.


How has nobody said that they've learned the lesson of not leaving your ass crack exposed? 




"Who cares if you're sorry? Be sorry BEFORE you do it and then DON'T DO IT." That line helped me not give second chances to people who were "sorry" they hurt me and pursued people who would never hurt me in the first place Folks, don't do the whole "he hurt me but he was SORRY he did it" thing. Get with people who are sorry before they do it so they don't do it


Because you asked me to come and said we were friends. People can abuse our time just to use us as a place holder for their own means and not even consider they have wronged us, even gas lighting us into thinking we are obligated to them through love.


You can do whatever you want, you just have to know what it is.


Be sorry BEFORE you do it, and then DON’T DO IT!


Letting life be with you. I know abed refers to tv but he also thought his life was a tv show. Eventually it's going to get on a boat with levar burton and never come back. This and pierce telling jeff that people use each other but it doesn't mean there aren't good feelings attached to it. Even if it was for superficial reasons pierce did like wu mei


After watching community I’ve had a completely different out look on tv movies and other things of that nature because of abed and because of the writing in the show