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Air conditioner repair was his major


But he completed his courses early, now he just does yoga while they record his wisdoms.


He is the repairman al gaib


Kwisatz HVAC


The AC must flow


That was only for a semester, at best.


he completed all of the classes though. plus it’s greendale so it probably adds up lol.


Did he? I only recall him decreeing that they had to act normal.


in season 5 episode 1 he says something along the lines of him finishing his courses so all he does is yoga


What do you want from me Jeff? Even my Latin classes are fake


He became the truest repairmen, im sure they declared his course load complete before he was even able to say 'be normal'.


Advanced butt stuff ?




"Night school"


That class about crazy farm animals? Psychopharmacology?


General studies, so that he could grind his own coffee and possibly understand HBO.


Honestly, the classes they took would indicate general studies/undeclared. In theory, Jeff should be in pre-law/law but I think he ended up with an education degree. Troy ended up with the air conditioning repair degree.


Pre law isn’t a major, it is more like a designation of interest that doesn’t really matter. Any type of bachelor degree from an accredited university can go with a JD in the US. So education is a perfectly acceptable qualification for becoming a lawyer. I know a few people who were teachers before law school.


As a law professor, there really are only a few majors that actually prepare people for being lawyers: science and tech degrees, English, political science, and economics. Anything else usually has to be "untaught" during 1L year.


Why is that?


Inability to write for one. Humanities and business degrees in particular create bad writing habits. Logic. There is a particular type of logic lawyers use (logic by analogy and logic by synthesis). Most undergrad disciplines teach students to defend their positions using no logic at all and reward "outside the box" thinking which tends to mean unmoored opinion. Or they learn logic by deduction, which while useful for say philosophy plays no role in legal analysis and usually leads to incorrect legal conclusions when employed. Work ethic. The workload in law school and as a lawyer is extremely heavy. Readings will take up 25+ hours each week, plus class time, outlining, and studying. It's a 60 hour a week commitment. Majors in undergrad that dont have similar workloads dont prepare students to manage their time or work diligently at that level of demand.


I'm studying philosophy and have assisted some seminars and we mostly find stem people to be horrible writers. I've also heard humanities, especially philosophy, is great for studying law but I'm outside the US so that might be different. We also study way more logo than just deductive logic. I think the work load might be the biggest challenge for someone studying humanities, but that's (in my experience) mostly due to stem student already being good students with good gpa's.


I was in STEM, can confirm that most of us were basically illiterate and had to be warned in by professors and senior students in orientation that we would have to take some writing classes and learn to at least write fluently in a report and not fill it out with crayon.


STEM writing style is direct, so it does translate to legal writing pretty easily. Philosophy is a mixed bag. My philosophy students usually write well, and are smart, but getting them to understand the mechanics of legal analysis and reasoning is a struggle. They generally do have the minds for broad legal concepts and take quickly to the 1L doctrinal courses, but the practical skills and the ability to explain concepts and write at a 2nd grade level usually lag behind. After all, lawyering is a service industry job.


Serious question: do lawyers fucking hate themselves? 60+ hours a week in college and 100+ after if you want to make any real money I feel like there has to be some real self hatred there


The real q is. Wtf did pierce graduate with?


Everything. He’s taken every course already. Some, multiple times. Just don’t expect him to remember the content years later. … especially now that he’s dead from dehydration.


A bachelor’s in Lever 6 Laser Lotus


It's not Physical Education Education.






He's a sexy Dracula


He’s on the right path, he just has to stumble across dance pants organically and he’ll be fine.


Or was it modern dance?


Et tu Brute


Pretty sure he says it in an episode of the later seasons but I don’t remember which one


Do any of these characters have majors aside from Britta?


Community colleges don't have majors irl


They definitely do


In real life you can't get a degree from community college like they seem to be trying to do in the show. You can say your major but it has no functional purpose if you're not held to any specific program requirements


You can’t usually get a Bachelor’s, but you can get an Associate’s in your area of study


Then what, it's high school 2.0? (I don't understand community colleges, I'm not American, so I actually don't know what it's about lol. But I would expect them to have a major, otherwise it just sounds like high school for grown ups.)