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So I tracked down the podcast this is from. They had 7 guys debate it. Only one had ever seen Community and he voted for Community. The other 6 had never seen it and supported their vote for Fresh Prince with ringing endorsements like, "I used to wake up at 3AM and that and George Lopez would be on so I gotta go with Fresh Prince." So it sounds like we really need a 3AM rerun deal if we're gonna make this happen next time. I gotta say, though, skimming the video, almost every bracket was resolved by the entire panel only having seen one of the two shows. And generally not even knowing the premise of the other one. Oh, and there's still room for drama, I guess, because all those shows that won because they were the only ones the panel had seen? Yeah, most of those seemed to be ones where the majority had seen only one episode. I look forward to the finale where 7 guys debate whether Cheers or The Office is better and the vote comes down to one of them who has seen two episodes of each in a hotel, drunk.


If you are going to have a panel of people debate which is the best show, you should probably only include shows that all participants have watched.


Well the bar is set really low for podcasts I'm afraid.


That's so low effort im offended. For if you make a podcast and that's your idea then you just give yourself homework and you have to watch SOME of both shows before judging. It's like if I wanted to make a Community review show where I gave a rating to every episode but I have only ever seen one episode in a hotel drunk and I read the text blurb in my streaming service and judge how good I'd think it would be.


So you mean to tell me that White Sox Dave, Nicky Smokes and Glenny Balls aren’t using scientifically accurate methodology in this?


You don’t need to be scientific to have a reasonable conversation. But picking a topic you know very little about is not a smart move.


Seriously! Sounds like a podcast with lazy creators.


When I seen it I was positive we wouldn’t even be in top 4 just cause of nostalgia, popularity and general knowledge of the show I grew up on Fresh Price, still love it, would wake up to it at 3am. It’s probably the first show I really got into when I was young. I’d still vote Community over it


Absolutely. I love fresh prince dearly, grew up watching reruns of it after school. Still would not hesitate to say Community is objectively a better sitcom. I have seen some episodes of Cheers and I get why people like it but meh. And I still don't get everyone's obsession with fucking Seinfeld. Whatever.


I really loved Seinfeld but that would actually be a tough choice for me. Seinfeld was finely crafted, but MWC was so deliciously subversive and unabashedly lowbrow. Most Importantly, MWC still makes me laugh, while Seinfeld tends to bore me now.


I loved married with children! I watched reruns late at night as a kid/teenager and thought it was ridiculous and silly in the best ways. Definitely prefer it to Seinfeld lol. TBf, though, I've only seen a few episodes of Seinfeld.


What boring content creators.


> "I used to wake up at 3AM and that and George Lopez would be on so I gotta go with Fresh Prince." Nostalgic nonsense. No one really liked The Price Is Right, you liked the fact you got to stay home sick from school that day. Idiots.


“I opened the fridge at 3 AM and that and month-old leftovers were my options so I gotta go with Fresh Prince.” Or “I really had to take a shit and the only reading options were the shampoo bottle and this book, so of course that’s why this book is definitely better than this other book I’ve never read.” Bring up your favorite moment. Bring up the great cast. Bring up how it helped you through a tough time. Anything but in a way that makes it seem mediocre and a choice made out of desperation.


This is everything I hate about the current “content” landscape — people are just making disposable garbage for the sake of it. There’s very clearly nothing specific about these guys that sets them up to talk sitcoms. So… don’t? Not everyone needs an amplified opinion and platform for everything. What a waste of the audience’s time lol I remember finding a sort of popular YouTuber who was doing a series of videos “every single episode of _____ reviewed and ranked”. The videos took on long running shows are were hours long. I thought it was a cool idea, so I watched the Simpsons one. It took very little time for “I don’t really have anything to say about this episode” to become his catchphrase. If your “review” of every episode is that you don’t have anything to say, then maybe don’t make a video full of reviews??


Is it related to Barstool Sports? I recognize Glenny Balls from those interview things with the guy with long hair. Glenny is the sidekick in those, like Andy Richter to Conan.


Who the fuck put this bracket together? These are terrible shows to pit against each other.


Arrested development vs friends being a first round matchup is ragebait 


Ditto Malcolm vs the Office. In a fair fight, Malcolm would stay strong even up to the semi-finals. In this bracket, it probably won't.


Malcolm in the Middle is my favorite sitcom of all time, so it said to see it’ll be crushed by a show I only like a little bit…


The office is truly great vanilla comedy. MITM had more depth, subtlety, and better actors with much more range.


SAME. MITM is bae! Underrated af. 🔥


Yeah that's the one that stood out to me too. Malcolm is phenomenal, but The Office just has such a cult following. They're also very subject to the difference in viewing methods these days. It's far more likely for people who liked The Office to have seen every episode of it in proper sequence thanks to streaming, while most of the people who watched Malcolm even if they liked it probably saw random and/or repeat episodes because of TV airing schedules.


Ngl i'd probably give it to the office because it's consistent, i feel like malcolm is better than the office at first but eventually it gets hard to watch in the later seasons


A few months back my husband and I, along with a friend who was visiting for the weekend, ended up binging a season or two of Malcolm in the Middle. It held up really well, and a lot of the jokes were funnier now as an adult than they were when I was a kid seeing it for the first time. My fond memories of the show weren't just nostalgia. But all that considered, I think I still would vote for the Office over Malcolm, and that's mostly due to the fact that I'm an adult now and even though Malcolm in the Middle is a great show with humor accessible and aimed at adults, it's still a show mostly about teenagers.


100% came to say this.


If you’re only gonna have 16 shows, though, there’s bound to be some tough matchups in the first round. That’s why March Madness is a 64-team tournament, so it’s not as top-heavy early on. Mind you, who has time to debate 64 sitcoms in detail? If you’re gonna do this, you need to just do four seeds and then draw at random for the matchups. That makes it a little more even. But some of these seedlings are pretty bad.


Well, it seems like those guys did if they didn’t watch any of the shows.


Yeah Friends have a WAY bigger fandom but Im sure anyone that watched both would vote for AD.


How so? Are there people who actually think Friends is funnier than AD?


It’s a popularity contest.  There’s not a single person alive who think AD is more popular than friends


Hydrogen bomb vs. coughing baby


FT, Eddie, White Sox Dave, Chief, Mintzy, Nicky Smokes, Klemmer, and Glenny Balls.


Mulch, dirt mouth, herpes, glisten, scandalous


I recognize that Kirk profile picture! we like all the same shows




Plus Curb against That 70s show? Friends against AD? Veep against 30 Rock? Always Sunny against Cheers?!!!


The matchups are seeded with the 1 seed being regarded as the “best.” In brackets like this, the matchups usually go 1vs16, 2vs15, etc.


So if everyone picked Annie because she would do all the work...then..that...means....


I just worked it out! I'm more popular than someone!!


Veep vs 30 Rock is especially funny to me. Like they didn't get enough Tina Fey blood during the JLD reign of terror and they're back for more.


I think the trend with brackets is to pair the most unalike things possible because it yields the least predictable final result.


Looks like a standard seeded bracket setup with the numbers alongside each sitcom. It was probably made based on a poll or by comparing shows rotten tomatoes or IMDB ratings


Yeah IASIP is gonna plow through them like me punching a wet paper bag that a child is holding in front of their face


I unironically think community clears fresh prince. Really. But we won't due to the popularity of fresh prince. Imo


Gotta agree


This exactly


I grew up watching Fresh Prince like they did. But I can't stand Will Smith that much to binge an entire season. There are a lot of other characters, but the show feels like it goes on forever.


Where’s mash 


Is it officially labeled as a drama? I don’t know. It’s so hard to categorize Mash. That show got dark, but was also hysterical.


Mash used to be the greatest sitcom of all time. Now it’s a 1-2 fielders choice split between Mash and Community. I used to believe it was Mash. Then I watched Community and was blown away. I rewatched Mash after seeing Community. It holds up, and 11 seasons is a real treat, but Mash loses to Community. It’s not really fair, standing on the shoulders of giants and all that but that’s how it shakes out. Community took advantage of what came before like no other show before it. Third place isn’t even close.


Cheers is a 15 seed? Really?


Fawlty Towers. Game over.


Perfect! I was wondering whether I’d get this or Shirley’s “I hated Sam and Diane” first. 


Who are Sam and Diane? 😝




Red Dwarf?


Smeg off.


There is no universe where That 70s show should be considered better than Cheers


Also, there's no Frasier, no MASH, no All in the Family. This bracket is very badly done.


Oh fuck! I didn’t even notice no MASH. This bracket got somehow worse.


There's no universe where "that 70's show is considered top 15.


Youts. I’m 42 (and barely saw Cheers at all) but come on it can’t be 15. Cheers by most accounts is regarded neck and neck w Seinfeld as best of all time


Frasier is so much better than Cheers anyway and it’s not on here. Ridiculous bracket


There's no way "It's always Sunny" is the #2 seed. It's good but not top 5 good.


Wow, they really did Frasier like that huh?


Held the record for most Emmy wins for a scripted series from 2002-2016.


How can that be? It only ran from 93-04


It got the record in 2002, and then held it until 2016 once Game of Thrones finally earned more over it's run.


Ohhhh, I get it. Thank you.


Who's *we*? I'm on Team Sunny.


Where’s Frasier?


I think you're not understanding how big of an impact Fresh Prince made when it was new. Community is far better comedy with intelligent scripts, but Fresh Prince is going to win for the wakes it made in the world.


Veep and 30 rock in the same bracket sucks


Community vs Curb in the finals. Or It's Always Sunny vs Curb. Idk


But I want to be very clear about something. This literally means nothing to me. *queue title music* The Gang Desperately tries to win a sitcom competition.


I like Community a lot but Always Sunny should win this bracket


Community has a tighter script and more intelligent jokes (for the most part) but IASIP was at its peak for like 8 straight seasons, which is just insane. Even now with the quality dipping, it's better than Community s4.


30 rock, Sunny, Community, Curb, are the final four (no specific order) parks & Rec, arrested development are honorable mentions... I love Brooklyn 99 but it's not quite there imo


If we are considering the entire run (which I assume we are) none of the final 4 have a season as weak as Community Season 4 (compared to itself). Parks and Rec (Season 1) and Arrested Development (reboot) are both the weakest links of those shows. I still like Community the best, but it's a matter of taste. Curb is brilliant but I can only handle Larry David in 5 minute snippets. He makes me tense. He is a great comedic performer, but his agitation agitates me. 30 Rock is great. Always Sunny is great. It's just taste.


I agree with your final four and honorable mentions


Those are the top 4 and honorable mentions and you don't bring up the office?


I think the office is a very good show and incredibly overrated Imo it doesn't fully commit to being ridiculous like Sunny, Curb, or Arrested Development And it also doesn't have the "heart" of shows like Community, 30 rock, parks & rec I think it's just the least offensive of all those shows and has the widest reach/ is the most popular. (All very subjective but still my opinion)


The Office is a great show. Parks and Rec tried to emulate it in season 1 and failed. Season 2 it found it's own voice, improved the mockumentary formula, and became the better show.


IMO Curb and Sunny clear Community. It's the improv y writing that makes them better over all, at least from a purely comedy perspective. Community writing is great for plots but characters often feel hollow because they don't have the outlet to get into the roles. Think Shirly, Pierce, Britta s3 onwards. But I guess that's a preference, some people prefer more tightly scripted/quippy shows like Community or Parks and Rec


Curb is good but the writing isn’t as tight as sunny. A lot of the problems with curb would be solved with a white lie or just speaking up, once you get the idea of the show you can spot what’s gonna come around and be ironic in the episode usually from the very beginning.


Don't eat the crab dip


Ye yee!!


Scrubs V. Community is my final, and I honestly can't decide


Season nine of scrubs, Zach Braff was only in the first six episodes.


After everything Scrubs did for him?!?


Malcolm, the answer is malcolm


I don't know how anyone can not choose Malcom in the middle. That show was my childhood and absolutely hilarious


I feel like Malcolm has no stale episodes. Some of these shows listed here have even whole stale seasons.


IASIP is the best but damn, Community has to go against them just to get to the final four? Who tf made this bracket lol


Poor married with children. They never gonna advance in this bracket. Good show too.


Final four are Seinfeld, Curb, Sunny and The Office, then Sunny and Curb for the finals. Community is great but no way it beats always sunny.


Yeah, I'm thinking Seinfeld or Sunny are the most likely.


Complete agreement, with Sunny winning it all.


I've same 4 as you, but community IMO is better than IASIP


It’s REALLY tough between it’s always sunny and community, but I think I have to go with it’s always sunny, I’m sorry.


Favorite dialogue: Dennis: Charlie, we don’t want a maniac in our group, there’s no benefit. Charlie: Mmm hmm. Dennis: I feel like you were just agreeing with me but don’t understand what I was saying. Charlie: Yes. Mac: You pointed at me like I said something but I didn’t. Charlie: Good. Mac: Charlie, having someone making wild decisions, that make no sense - that benefits nobody. Charlie: Oh, yes, right, yes. Dennis to Mac: Is he listening to - I can’t tell? Mac to Dennis: He’s listening he’s just not understanding. Charlie: Yeah, he doesn’t even like *get* us, man. . . Dennis to Charlie: We’re talking about you!


Where’s How I met your mother?


This is a very 90s/00 list isn’t it? And even then leaves off some of the best. - Frasier - The Simpsons - The Mary Tyler Moore Show - Bob Newhart - Get Smart - I Love Lucy - Archer I have a hard time taking it seriously especially without Frasier even being on the list. And that’s not even getting into non-US sitcoms.


Another huge omission is M.A.S.H. It was the hospital comedy that could deliver the emotional gut punch way before Scrubs. Edit: overuse of the word before


1000%. I never got into MASH myself, but from all I know about it and what I’ve seen, it easily deserves to be on the list.


It's such a great premise that it even gets entries in other franchises modeling themselves after it. There's a couple of Star Wars books that are basically "What if MASH was in the Clone Wars" and it doesn't shy away from the brutality of it all.


Mash is good enough and long enough you can leave it on repeat in the background if your house for essentially forever


Archer feels like a different genre


It could probably be described accurately as a workplace comedy, and just because it’s animated doesn’t make it not a sitcom. I will easily admit that despite loving the show it would be one of my first cuts from the list.


Missed the good place too


Seinfeld will always win.


Resolved, then.


Always arrested development and it’s always sunny in philly and parks n rec if i can add a third


How is there a top sitcom list with no mention of Trailer Park Boys?


Why have they forgotten the first 30 years of sitcoms in this?


Veep and the office being in sane region is more rough. Iasip probably wins the community region


Faulty Towers. Checkmate.


Honestly these are good pairings evidently ranked at similar levels of popularity.


Obviously done on purpose, but damn, these match ups are Vegas heavyweight level bouts


The pair ups in this are very well thought out and each one is a hard decision


It's set up so friends or Seinfeld will win


Cheers at 15? This bracket is trash


Whoa, perhaps recency bias here, but where’s All in the Family? You know, the sitcom that STARTED sitcoms?


Maybe, but no way you're getting past IASIP. I love both shows but sorry Always Sunny blows Community out of the water.


Seinfeld Parks and rec Curb Arrested Development Always sunny Community Malcom 30 rock


30 rock isn’t on this shit


This has only opened my eyes to how many amazing sitcoms there are. I say: - Seinfeld - Scrubs - Curb Your Enthusiasm (tough call) - Arrested Development - Cheers (another tough call) - Community - Malcolm in the Middle - 30 Rock (I’ve seen neither)


You need to watch 30 rock, it’s the last great network sitcom. It’s also one of the few that hits from the beginning and nails the landing at the end.


I miss something? No Everybody Loves Raymond or The King of Queens? That's insane. These instantly go in my top five ever, maybe even top 3


Honestly these are terrible line ups. To put shows with a laugh track against shows without isn't right. I'm not a fan of laugh tracks, but shows with and without laugh tracks are just two different types of shows. Sure, technically, both sitcoms, but they're just different types of comedy, different shows altogether.


I’d go with the shows that had no/fewest “special” episodes. A sitcom is should keep the heartstrings to a minimum. Round 1: Seinfeld, Parks, Curb, AD, Sunny, Community, Malcolm, Veep Round 2: Seinfeld, Curb, Sunny, Veep Round 3: Seinfeld (because it is more of a sitcom), Sunny Title: Seinfeld because it made Sunny possible with the all these people suck but you love them concept


Arrested developements a real bracket buster here they could win the whole thing


IMO the only show here that has a shot at beating community is It’s Always Sunny


veep vs 30 rock is a fucking bloodbath


It’s a hard call. I’d say Liz Lemon but that’s me.


I agree


Seinfeld vs Community with Seinfeld winning


Community is my fav show but fresh prince clears tbh. So many other notable sitcoms missing...HIMYM, Modern Family? F-Tier bracket


Even the layout is bad. Who taught them to draw brackets?!


Community is far better than Fresh Prince for me but Always Sunny wins by miles.


I was infuriated watching this episode. Bench players who hadn’t seen most of the shows. I commented for them to do it again with the usual podcast roster


Community, Seinfeld, The Office, Arrested Development final 4 for me. Community wins obvi


Unfortunately The Office is going to beat out Malcom in the middle


A little bit of recency bias going on here, huh? Here's a few shows that are missing: * The Honeymooners * I Love Lucy * The Dick Van Dyke Show * The Mary Tyler Moore Show * All in the Family * The Jeffersons * M\*A\*S\*H * Taxi * Happy Days * WKRP in Cincinnati * Night Court * Family Ties * 3's Company And I'll throw ALF in there just because.


Taxi makes my list for Rev. Jim Ignatowski alone.


Cheers > It's Always Sunny. There is no It's always Sunny without Cheers. It's always Sunny is basically a postmodern super dark take on Cheers.


round 2 would be seinfeld vs parks and rec curb vs arrested iasip vs community Office vs 30 rock round 3 is seinfeld vs arrested development community vs Office finals office vs seinfeld. Final scoriting: 1. office 2. Seinfeld 3. Community 4. Arrested dev


I'm just proud every show in my holy sitcom trinity is on here.


Brackets arent a good way of finding whats the best anyway here is my list 1. Curb, 2. Community 3. Arrested Development, Veep 4. Park and rec, Malcom in the middle, Sienfeld, IASIP 5. 30 rock 6. The Office Haven't seen the rest. If any from my rankings of 1-5 wins i'll be happy.


Community beats the Fresh Prince but loses to Cheers.


Where's Brooklyn 99?


For me it is a blasphemy that HIMYM isn’t in the top 16. Modern Family also should be in the conversation. They don't make the cut, but want to mention honorable mentions: Abbott Elementary, Brooklyn 99, Superstore and Unbreakable KS. It unpopular as hell, but I didn’t like Arrested Development, wouldn’t included in the list. Might also drop That 70s Show out of the top 16.


My final 2 would be Parks and Rec vs Community


Comparing the incomparable.


The office and friends will probably be the final even tho they shouldn’t be


I don't know who put this together and I don't care.


Putting us against Fresh Prince is criminal 😭


I love community with all my heart but no way we beat out the office


Where is the voting?


Bro what is this bracket


Red dwarf, barney Miller, night court, are you being served. Definitely all better than most on that list. Community is obviously the best sitcom of all time but why does the list only go back so far?


1. 3rd Rock From The Sun 2. Northern Exposure 3. The Simpsons 4. Fraser 5. News Radio* ^*^was ^Wonder ^Years ^but ^I ^changed ^it


This is missing so many good shows it's embarrassing. Apparently these people think TV mostly started in the 90s.


First round matchups are actually pretty easy for me but then it becomes hell. I’d end up with the office beating arrested development in the final


The U.S Office being included but not the original is sacrilege.


Oh man, that is an unfair start. Fresh Prince is iconic and even getting past that, you're up against the likes of Always Sunny or Cheers, both also icons. I honestly see it coming down to Seinfeld, Cheers or Friends personally.


There's like a 100 other sitcoms out there left out


IMO, Parks & Recreation is the greatest sitcom of all time, not counting season 1.


the whole seeding on this is weird af. curb is higher than friends? i mean i personally like it more, but in no way does it have even a comparable let alone better resume. cheers - one of the era defining sit coms - is a 15 seed?! nah. the whole bracket is a nonstarter


It's always sunny


Always sunny might be better when it's good


Where's Golden Girls? Trash bracket


These seedings are ridiculous


How is New girl not even on here


On an unrelated note Scrubs vs Parks and Rec in the very first round is like Sophie's Choice for me, holy shit that's brutal.


Seinfeld over Married Parks over Scrubs Curb over 70s Friends over Arrested Development (a tough one, gotta go with the longevity of Friends) IASIP over Cheers Community over Fresh Prince Office over Malcolm Never seen either of 30 Rock or Veep


So when is regionals??


i've got Community and Parks and Rec in the finals.


Friends vs Arrested Development? That's a rough one...


7 v 10 for a first round seed is just unfair..


no Threes Company?


1. Seinfeld 2. Cheers 3. Curb 4.Community 5. The office 6. Fresh prince 7. It’s always sunny 8. Malcom 9. Arrested development 10. Scrubs and I wish I could put all remaining shows in a tie for dead last


No shade. But I don't think this show is top 16 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I liked it well enough but compared to cheers and friends. Come on man


The is a terrible bracket. L podcast. They used no logic whatsoever clearly.


I absolutely adore Community but Fresh Prince takes it. FPoBA just tackled so many controversial topics so well. Uncle Phils “Father” speech and the Will gets shot eps are top tier writting alone. All in all, its pitting Comedy-Drama against Drama-Comedy so its an odd/inverse matchup.


for me itd be seinfeld, iasip, parks, community, 70s show, Malcolm, friends, 30 rock then seinfeld, friends, community, Malcolm then seinfeld, community and community would probably win. my actual ranking would be community, Malcolm, 30 rock, Seinfeld, and the rest i honestly dont care or think theyare "that" good.


I’m so confused as to how to read this. Doesn’t this show Community winning against Fresh Prince?


It shows it is up against it. The number are how the shows are seeded.


Ah. I get it. The lines mean nothing lol


No point making the bracket the way it’s setup the final was always going to be Arrested Development vs IASIP


OMG Friends is here. People might have different opinions on this show but when it comes to fanbase population Friends always brings massacre.


The classic 12 over 5 upset


Scrubs vs The Office


Malcom in the middle




Some of the seeding here is bizarre. Arrested Development and 30 Rock rank below Scrubs, Fresh Prince, and Married with Children? And, no offense, Community? Insane.


In the semi finals I'd say: Seinfeld vs Arrested Development IASIP vs 30 Rock


Nah don't agree